[DX-CHAT] Sunrise/Sunset Times

2003-03-15 Thread W0YG Charlie Summers
Quite some time ago, there was a disk, I thought either in the Handbook, an
Antenna Compendium or another book published by the ARRL, that had some
programs that were started by typing MENU.  This was back on the old DOS
machines.  One neat program that I am looking for was a sunrise/sunset table
for anywhere in the world, any day/month of the year.  Another neat program
was a coil calculating program that figured the inductance of a coil based
on wire size, number of turns and coil diameter.

Anybody have an idea where this set of programs was?  In a Handbook?  If so,
which one.  In an Antenna Compendium?  If so, which one.  I am madly trying
to find these two program but too many computer upgrades have hidden them
from me alas forever.

Thanks and 73,

Charlie, W0YG..

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Sunrise/Sunset Times

2003-03-15 Thread John Warren
Charlie W0YG wrote:

One neat program that I am looking for was a sunrise/sunset table
for anywhere in the world, any day/month of the year.
I'm sure that's on-line somewhere, and also accessible via DX 
cluster, but I use a treasured, dog-eared copy of The ARRL Operating 
Manual, 3rd edition (1987?). It gives the data at 2-week intervals. 
Easy to interpolate to get it closer, either by date or 
geographically. It's just about the most valuable tool I know for 
low-band DXing. Don't think later editions kept it though? Too bad.

73, John, NT5C.
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[DX-CHAT] sunrise/sunset times

2003-03-15 Thread kennyC
I have a small dos program written by on4un, which contains many ham
programs. figuring fomulas stubs and wire etc etc but including greyline and
sunset/sunrise times. I'd be happy to email it to all who want it. i use it
for years now and its 1/2 meg in length. drop me an e mail.

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