2011-12-21 Thread Ryan Jairam
Are you sure they did it?

Their webpage says this:

Donors and Sponsors will receive LoTW CFMs after the DXped ends.

Maybe they changed their minds afterwards but the initial expectation
was that LoTW was a perk of donating.

It is apparent that some don't realize the massive costs of a major
DXpedition. It's not simply two guys taking a boat with a rig and a
wire antenna. Some of these operations cost tens or even hundreds of
thousands of dollars.

And with that cost, there must be a means of recouping some of it.

I have no problem with tossing a few bucks in the tip jar if I get a new one.

Bureau is and likely will always be free. Many of them upload to LoTW
after 1-2 years after the expedition ends anyway.

But to expect everyone to spend tens or hundreds of thousands and then
not expect to recoup some of those costs is just silly.

Ryan, N2RJ

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 11:50 AM, wrote:

 That's not the point at all Rag.  And don't change the subject.

 The subject being: Why was the log not uploaded to LOTW immediately ??

 The Russians at TX7M did it- very commendable IMHO

 73  and Merry Christmas

 Rag  la5he – Enhanced email for the mobile individual based on Microsoft®
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Ryan A. Jairam

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2011-12-21 Thread Fred Souto Maior

Yes John I agree with your and Ryan's point. Those guys put a lot of 
work and time

planning a DXpedition. Then as you properly said, they continue by exposing
themselves to personal safety and health risks. Then they keep in front 
of the
rig for many hours, to give a new entity to a lot of people around the 

Then they have to be exposing themselves again on the trip back home. And
finally, the hard work to answer thousand of qsls.
And what we have to do after a few hours of confortable work to make the 
qso ?
Just send the qsl and WAIT for the answer. Or send the log to LOTW and 
WAIT for
the match and credit. And follow THEIR instructions. If at the end of 
the qsl work
they have some extra money, it's nice. They will use it for future 

I don't know anybody that made money with Dxpeditions. But I know a lot of
nice guys that always put  his money on their expeditions and never see 
back. And we should always say thanks to them.  They help to keep our 
hobby alive.
Now we have some guys that did nothing to help the dxpeditions, saying 
they must

do this, they must do that  that's ridiculous ...
As we use to say here IF YOU CAN'T HELP, DON'T DISTURB.

Fred - PY7ZZ

Em 21/12/2011 19:56, escreveu:

Gentlemen, I hope I didn't light this flame a week or so with my 
request for info re ST0R and LOTW.  My apologies if I am guilty.

This worn out thread needs to be buried. Please read what Ryan said in 
his email (below) as he is right on the mark. Most DXpeditions are not 
going to instantly put their logs on LOTW and shouldn't be expected to 
do so.  They have substantial costs to try and recover, and we should 
help them do it or DXpeditions are going to disappear.

 I doubt very much that anyone is making money by doing a DXpedition, 
and are frequently exposing themselves to personal safety and health 
risks. Be kind and considerate to the guys who take these risks to put 
a QSO in your log.

John Owens -  N7TK

Celebrating over 50 Years in Ham Radio
No. 1 Honor Roll

Are you sure they did it?

Their webpage says this:

Donors and Sponsors will receive LoTW CFMs after the DXped ends.

Maybe they changed their minds afterwards but the initial expectation
was that LoTW was a perk of donating.

It is apparent that some don't realize the massive costs of a major
DXpedition. It's not simply two guys taking a boat with a rig and a
wire antenna. Some of these operations cost tens or even hundreds of
thousands of dollars.

And with that cost, there must be a means of recouping some of it.

I have no problem with tossing a few bucks in the tip jar if I get a 
new one.

Bureau is and likely will always be free. Many of them upload to LoTW
after 1-2 years after the expedition ends anyway.

But to expect everyone to spend tens or hundreds of thousands and then
not expect to recoup some of those costs is just silly.

Ryan, N2RJ

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2011-12-19 Thread

My thanks to the many people who responded to my request for info re ST0R
QSL's and LOTW credits. I appreciate your responses and info. 
John Owens - N7TK 
Celebrating over 50 Years in Ham Radio 
No. 1 Honor Roll 

It seems like some DXpeditions are turned into cashcows !

First we contribute individually or via our DX-club, then have to pay again
for confirmation !  I never thought this was going to be a business!

73  merry Xmas

Rag  LA5HE  ( since 1953 ) - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

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2011-12-19 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN

That's not the point at all Rag.  And don't change the subject.


The issue you raised is not whether or not an electronic confirmation system
should be used.  It was, by implication, that DXpeditions in general, and
ST0R in particular, are using the QSL confirmation as a cashcow to raise
money.  And other related implications that are more than a bit unsavory and
not worthy of further discussion.


Since instead of replying to my earlier comments, you are changing the
subject. I'd venture to say that you actually don't have any facts to back
these earlier statements of yours up, you just want to stir things up.


If you want to do so, this is not the proper reflector for that purpose.  So
perchance you should take your argument elsewhere.


I don't think anything more needs to be said on the subject.





From: ragnar otterstad [] 
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 6:37 PM
Subject: Vedr: [DX-CHAT] ST0R-LOTW


No need to print cards.  just immediately upload to LOTW  IMHO


73  rag


where we are located riverside.


Ubi Morsum verba tacent

Fra: Ron Notarius W3WN
Sendt: Mandag, 19. desember 2011 23.53




I'm looking at the ST0R web site right now, and under QSL Information (see ) they make NO mention
whatsoever of ANY donation needed for a LotW upload.


They ask for an SAE and enough IRC's to cover the return postage, nothing
unreasonable, and also explicitly state that they will also return cards via
the bureau if you choose not to include sufficient return postage / IRC's.


Now if you want to get picky, they also state on that page that donors who
contribute above a certain $ amount can email the manager directly with
their QSO information for a card.  Are they giving special consideration to
those who donate?  You can make that argument.  You can also argue that
that's a courtesy to those who donate, a perk. not a demand for funds.


But that is hardly a cash cow, and they still have to print and mail the


So your argument is invalid.


Now if you're complaining about a different DXpedition, cite facts and don't
tie it to an ST0R thread.  It implies that they are doing something that the
facts show they are not.  


And if you really feel the need to libel this group, do it elsewhere.


From: ragnar otterstad [] 
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 5:41 PM
To: ;
Subject: Vedr: [DX-CHAT] ST0R-LOTW


With respect:


When you are asked to make a contribution to have your QSOs uploaded to
LOTW, what do you call that ?


73  Rag





Fra: Ron Notarius W3WN 
Sendt: Mandag, 19. desember 2011 22.04

Not this old canard again.

Nobody has to pay for a confirmation. 

Yes, I know there are individual cases where this has happened, that is not
an absolute statement. But NONE of these recent big DXpeditions have, so far
as I know, demanded renumeration in return for a confirmation.

Have they asked? Yes. Well, there are expenses. But no one has demanded
reimbursement, and in most cases, at best a DXpedition breaks even on
postage and printing costs for QSL cards.

If you don't want or need your card back quickly, wait on the bureau. Thus
it has been, thus it shall be.

73, ron w3wn

On 12/19/11, wrote:

My thanks to the many people who responded to my request for info re ST0R
QSL's and LOTW credits. I appreciate your responses and info. 
John Owens - N7TK 
Celebrating over 50 Years in Ham Radio 
No. 1 Honor Roll 

It seems like some DXpeditions are turned into cashcows !

First we contribute individually or via our DX-club, then have to pay again
for confirmation ! I never thought this was going to be a business!

73 merry Xmas

Rag LA5HE ( since 1953 ) - MicrosoftR Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

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2011-12-14 Thread JIM Abercrombie
I sent $5.00 to manager and got cards and LOTW confirmed quickly. 
Jim N4JA
  - Original Message - 
  To: WWDXC 
  Cc: DX Chat 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 2:46 PM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] ST0R  LOTW

  Did anyone who QSL'd direct with an IRC to ST0R get their physical card in 
the mail and also a LOTW mathchup???

  John Owens -  N7TK

  Celebrating over 50 Years in Ham Radio
  No. 1 Honor Roll

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2011-12-14 Thread Ned Buck
I received my ST0R card in the mail on Nov 12, but no match on LoTW as yet.  I 
notice they are still uploading files almost every day.


Ned W4KS

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2011-12-14 Thread Carl Lump
Likewise - received QSL direct by mail a couple weeks ago but no LoTW
upload as of today.

Carl, K2CJ

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Ned Buck wrote:


 I received my ST0R card in the mail on Nov 12, but no match on LoTW as yet.
 I notice they are still uploading files almost every day.**

 ** **

 Ned W4KS

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2011-12-14 Thread Elsie Gerry

I receive my ST0R LoTW confirmation on 23 Oct.

Gerry VE6LB

From: Ned Buck 
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 2:23 PM
Cc: DX Chat 
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] ST0R  LOTW

I received my ST0R card in the mail on Nov 12, but no match on LoTW as yet.  I 
notice they are still uploading files almost every day.


Ned W4KS

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