Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?......and QRM.....

2008-12-30 Thread DAVE WHITE
Hi all

On the QRM front, I've noticed a huge increase in RF noise from items
like Christmas lights this year.  Someone a couple of street away put
some twinkling LED lights in his garden, purchased from Tesco (a large
supermarket chain here in the UK).  These fill 160 and 80m with a
rasping noise over S9 and fill 20m with the same s9plus noise beaming
in that direction.  Clearly the wire to the lamps works like an
antenna, transmitting diode hash and rubbish from the switched mode
supply.  Needless to say, they're cheap Chinese trash from the Ping
Pong Poo Electrics Company (or whoever).  

Electrical gear that is sold in the EU is supposed to be tested and CE marked 
as compliant with standards, but enforcement of this is non-existent.  Even big 
companies like BT (British Temecom) falsely and fraudulently stamp "CE" on 
their home networking devices which are staggeringly non-compliant with RFI 

Anyway, this next bit is hilarious.  I got this reply to my message laughing at 
IBM, presumably from someone on the DX-CHAT group.

It's anonymous and comes from a non-existent email address.  I wonder if this 
is the mindset of the spineless little people who cause deliberate and 
anonymous QRM to dxpeditions:




You arrogant bastard...

P.S.  I've worked in IT for 45 years, and fired dozens of arrogant a- 
like you.

(bad language deleted by me)

I just love it when the reptiles come out from under their stones, don't you?  
Wouldn't you have thought he'd at least have the courage to put his name?  Now 
you know who was probably sending a carrier and dits all day over BS7H.  

Happy New Year and Good DX to you all!


--- On Mon, 29/12/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?
Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 11:05 PM

Oh, so "notching" is a new development, eh?  Well it probably is if you're a 
dullard who works for a bunch of buffoons like IBM!

Maybe if Ray Blair talked the the ham radio operators (who amazingly still have 
clout) he'd find that we amazingly still have more knowledge and intelligence 
than monkeys in blue suits like him


Dave G0OIL

(PS I work in IT.  It's always my pleasure to fire IBM consultants off site.  
And EDS.  And Accenture. And Tata...)

--- On Mon, 29/12/08, Ron Notarius W3WN  wrote:
From: Ron Notarius W3WN 
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by
Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 7:59 PM

Nice little article on Infoworld's site today, about the 10 most under-reported 
tech stories of 2008.

Of interest to us is #6:  BPL is Back from the Dead  (see

Of note in the article is this paragraph:  
"And another recent innovation, called notching, lets the chips switch 
frequencies when meeting interference. This upgrade should quiet the fears of 
ham radio operators (who amazingly enough have still have significant clout) 
and others that BPL will cause problems for various radio services, says Ray 
Blair, IBM's head of advanced networking. "

"Who amazingly enough have still have significant clout" ???

Never mind the bad English (don't they employ editors anymore?  or proof 
readers?).  I'm not sure if we
 should take that as an insult or a compliment.  What do you think?


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?......and QRM.....

2008-12-30 Thread DAVE WHITE
Actually it wasn't the BT Homeplug that was way off compliance. I think that 
was borderline dodgy when tested by the RSGB - so my mistake there (sorry about 
that, BT!).  I shouldn't insult BT because I get a great broadband service from 
them! There were however some "home networking" devices that used the mains 
wiring to transmit a pseudo ethernet network around the home.  They plugged 
into the 13 Amp mains supply and had an RJ45 connector to plug into a 
computer.  One of the big outlets sold them and although they were CE marked 
there was a huge amount of shortwave and medium wave QRM from them.

If anyone in the UK has still got problems with these, I can look through 
correspondence and try to find details.  It turned out that the importer had 
just stuck "CE" labels on so they could sell them here.  I'm damned if I can 
remember the name now.  It must be RF brain damage!!! :-)

Fortunately there's not much sign of BPL here since most areas now have wired 
broadband via phone lines or cable and we don't have the huge distances to 
bridge like you chaps in the USA.  Most of the home networking via mains cables 
died a death since ISPs now give free wireless hubs as part of the contract and 
most PCs - and all laptops - on sale now have wireless connectivity.  I'm 
old-fashioned and prefer Cat5 wired installations.

There's talk of replacing the last few miles of copper with fibre to domestic 
installations (which will help those of us who put RF into neighbours' phones) 
but I think given the financial climate this will probably have to wait.  

I still can't think who was selling those home networking devices that were 
fraudulently CE marked.  Can anyone else in UK remember?  It was a big name 
retailer.  Damn.  I think I'm reaching the "memory buffer overflow" stage of 



--- On Tue, 30/12/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?..and QRM.
Date: Tuesday, 30 December, 2008, 10:24 AM

Hi all

On the QRM front, I've noticed a huge increase in RF noise from items
like Christmas lights this year.  Someone a couple of street away put
some twinkling LED lights in his garden, purchased from Tesco (a large
supermarket chain here in the UK).  These fill 160 and 80m with a
rasping noise over S9 and fill 20m with the same s9plus noise beaming
in that direction.  Clearly the wire to the lamps works like an
antenna, transmitting diode hash and rubbish from the switched mode
supply.  Needless to say, they're cheap Chinese trash from the Ping
Pong Poo Electrics Company (or whoever).  

Electrical gear that is sold in the EU is supposed to be tested and CE marked 
as compliant with standards, but enforcement of this is non-existent.  Even big 
companies like BT (British Temecom) falsely and fraudulently stamp "CE" on 
their home networking devices which are staggeringly non-compliant with RFI 

Anyway, this next bit is hilarious.  I got this reply to my message laughing at 
IBM, presumably from someone on the DX-CHAT group.

It's anonymous and comes from a non-existent email address.  I wonder if this 
is the mindset of the spineless little people who cause deliberate and 
anonymous QRM to dxpeditions:




You arrogant bastard...

P.S.  I've worked in IT for 45 years, and fired dozens of arrogant a- 
like you.

(bad language deleted by me)

I just love it when the reptiles come out from under their stones, don't you?  
Wouldn't you have thought he'd at least have the courage to put his name?  Now 
you know who was probably sending a carrier and dits all day over BS7H.  

Happy New Year and Good DX to you all!


--- On Mon, 29/12/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?
Date: Monday, 29 December,
 2008, 11:05 PM

Oh, so "notching" is a new development, eh?  Well it probably is if you're a 
dullard who works for a bunch of buffoons like IBM!

Maybe if Ray Blair talked the the ham radio operators (who amazingly still have 
clout) he'd find that we amazingly still have more knowledge and intelligence 
than monkeys in blue suits like him


Dave G0OIL

(PS I work in IT.  It's always my pleasure to fire IBM consultants off site.  
And EDS.  And Accenture. And Tata...)

--- On Mon, 29/12/08, Ron
 Notarius W3WN  wrote:
From: Ron Notarius W3WN 
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by
Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 7:59 PM

Nice little article on Infoworld's site today, about the 10 most under-repo

Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?......and QRM.....

2008-12-30 Thread Zack Widup
I still contend that IBM and others have no real RF engineers working for
them. None of them seem to understand radio-frequency interference or
near-channel effects on things such as noise floor.

We studied all of that when I was in college in 1974 studying RF
engineering. It's not new data, just neglected. And of course means extra
cost to limit the RF noise.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 12/30/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
>  Hi all
> On the QRM front, I've noticed a huge increase in RF noise from items like
> Christmas lights this year.  Someone a couple of street away put some
> twinkling LED lights in his garden, purchased from Tesco (a large
> supermarket chain here in the UK).  These fill 160 and 80m with a rasping
> noise over S9 and fill 20m with the same s9plus noise beaming in that
> direction.  Clearly the wire to the lamps works like an antenna,
> transmitting diode hash and rubbish from the switched mode supply.  Needless
> to say, they're cheap Chinese trash from the Ping Pong Poo Electrics Company
> (or whoever).
> Electrical gear that is sold in the EU is supposed to be tested and CE
> marked as compliant with standards, but enforcement of this is
> non-existent.  Even big companies like BT (British Temecom) falsely and
> fraudulently stamp "CE" on their home networking devices which are
> staggeringly non-compliant with RFI standards.
> Anyway, this next bit is hilarious.  I got this reply to my message
> laughing at IBM, presumably from someone on the DX-CHAT group.
> It's anonymous and comes from a non-existent email address.  I wonder if
> this is the mindset of the spineless little people who cause deliberate and
> anonymous QRM to dxpeditions:
>  From:
>  "" 
> You arrogant bastard...
> P.S.  I've worked in IT for 45 years, and fired dozens of arrogant
> a- like you.
> (bad language deleted by me)
> I just love it when the reptiles come out from under their stones, don't
> you?  Wouldn't you have thought he'd at least have the courage to put his
> name?  Now you know who was probably sending a carrier and dits all day over
> BS7H.
> Happy New Year and Good DX to you all!
> OILy
> --- On *Mon, 29/12/08, DAVE WHITE * wrote:
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?
> To:,
> Cc:
> Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 11:05 PM
> Oh, so "notching" is a new development, eh?  Well it probably is if you're
> a dullard who works for a bunch of buffoons like IBM!
> Maybe if Ray Blair talked the the ham radio operators (who amazingly still
> have clout) he'd find that we amazingly still have more knowledge and
> intelligence than monkeys in blue suits like him
> cheers
> Dave G0OIL
> (PS I work in IT.  It's always my pleasure to fire IBM consultants off
> site.  And EDS.  And Accenture. And Tata...)
> --- On *Mon, 29/12/08, Ron Notarius W3WN * wrote:
> From: Ron Notarius W3WN 
> Subject: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 7:59 PM
> Nice little article on Infoworld's site today, about the 10 most
> under-reported tech stories of 2008.
> Of interest to us is #6: BPL is Back from the Dead (see
> Of note in the article is this paragraph:
> "And another recent innovation, called notching, lets the chips switch
> frequencies when meeting interference. This upgrade should quiet the fears
> of ham radio operators (who amazingly enough have still have significant
> clout) and others that BPL will cause problems for various radio services,
> says Ray Blair, IBM's head of advanced networking. "
> "Who amazingly enough have still have significant clout" ???
> Never mind the bad English (don't they employ editors anymore? or proof
> readers?). I'm not 

Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?......and QRM.....

2008-12-30 Thread DAVE WHITE
Hi Zack

Sadly I fear that you're correct in every respect.  In line with the old maxim 
"In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king" experience shows that 
people who are 99 percent ignorant but talk a good game market themselves as 
experts to those who are 100 percent ignorant.  And of course the latter 
believe them.  Not everyone in this world acts with honesty and integrity, let 
alone with knowledge.


Dave G0OIL

--- On Tue, 30/12/08, Zack Widup  wrote:
From: Zack Widup 
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?..and QRM.
Date: Tuesday, 30 December, 2008, 3:33 PM

I still contend that IBM and others have no real RF engineers working
for them. None of them seem to understand radio-frequency interference
or near-channel effects on things such as noise floor.  

We studied all of that when I was in college in 1974 studying RF
engineering. It's not new data, just neglected. And of course means
extra cost to limit the RF noise.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 12/30/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:

Hi all

On the QRM front, I've noticed a huge increase in RF noise from items
like Christmas lights this year.  Someone a couple of street away put
some twinkling LED lights in his garden, purchased from Tesco (a large
supermarket chain here in the UK).  These fill 160 and 80m with a
rasping noise over S9 and fill 20m with the same s9plus noise beaming
in that direction.  Clearly the wire to the lamps works like an
antenna, transmitting diode hash and rubbish from the switched mode
supply.  Needless to say, they're cheap Chinese trash from the Ping
Pong Poo Electrics Company (or whoever).  

gear that is sold in the EU is supposed to be tested and CE marked as
compliant with standards, but enforcement of this is
non-existent.  Even big companies like BT (British Temecom)
falsely and fraudulently stamp "CE" on their home networking devices
which are staggeringly non-compliant with RFI standards.

this next bit is hilarious.  I got this reply to my message
laughing at IBM, presumably from someone on the DX-CHAT group.

anonymous and comes from a non-existent email address.  I wonder
if this is the mindset of the spineless little people who cause
deliberate and anonymous QRM to dxpeditions:




You arrogant bastard...

P.S.  I've worked in IT for 45 years, and fired dozens of arrogant a- 
like you.

(bad language deleted by me)

just love it when the reptiles come out from under their stones, don't
you?  Wouldn't you have thought he'd at least have the courage to
put his name?  Now you know who was probably sending a carrier and
dits all day over BS7H.  

Happy New Year and Good DX to you all!


--- On Mon, 29/12/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:


Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?

Date: Monday, 29 December,
 2008, 11:05 PM

so "notching" is a new development, eh?  Well it probably is if
you're a dullard who works for a bunch of buffoons like IBM!

Maybe if Ray Blair talked the the ham radio operators (who amazingly still have 
clout) he'd find that we amazingly still have more knowledge and intelligence 
than monkeys in blue suits like him


Dave G0OIL

I work in IT.  It's always my pleasure to fire IBM consultants off
site.  And EDS.  And Accenture. And Tata...)

--- On Mon, 29/12/08, Ron
 Notarius W3WN  wrote:

From: Ron Notarius W3WN 
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by

Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 7:59 PM

Nice little article on Infoworld's site today, about the 10 most under-reported 
tech stories of 2008.

Of interest to us is #6:  BPL is Back from the Dead  (see

Of note in the article is this paragraph:  
another recent innovation, called notching, lets the chips switch
frequencies when meeting interference. This upgrade should quiet the
fears of ham radio operators (who amazingly enough have still have
significant clout) and others that BPL will cause problems for various
radio services, says Ray Blair, IBM's head of advanced networking. "

"Who amazingly enough have still have significant clout" ???

Never mind the bad English (don't they employ editors anymore?  or proof 
readers?).  I'm not sure if we
 should take that as an insult or a compliment.  What do you think?


To unsubscribe or subscribe to this list.  Please send a message to 

In the 

Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?......and QRM.....

2008-12-30 Thread Zack Widup
Oh yeah.  In Latin, the phrase is "inter caecos regnat luscus."

73, Zack W9SZ

On 12/30/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
> Hi Zack
> Sadly I fear that you're correct in every respect.  In line with the old
> maxim "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king" experience shows
> that people who are 99 percent ignorant but talk a good game market
> themselves as experts to those who are 100 percent ignorant.  And of course
> the latter believe them.  Not everyone in this world acts with honesty and
> integrity, let alone with knowledge.
> cheers
> Dave G0OIL
> --- On *Tue, 30/12/08, Zack Widup * wrote:
> From: Zack Widup 
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?..and QRM.
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, 30 December, 2008, 3:33 PM
> I still contend that IBM and others have no real RF engineers working for
> them. None of them seem to understand radio-frequency interference or
> near-channel effects on things such as noise floor.
> We studied all of that when I was in college in 1974 studying RF
> engineering. It's not new data, just neglected. And of course means extra
> cost to limit the RF noise.
> 73, Zack W9SZ
> On 12/30/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
>>  Hi all
>> On the QRM front, I've noticed a huge increase in RF noise from items like
>> Christmas lights this year.  Someone a couple of street away put some
>> twinkling LED lights in his garden, purchased from Tesco (a large
>> supermarket chain here in the UK).  These fill 160 and 80m with a rasping
>> noise over S9 and fill 20m with the same s9plus noise beaming in that
>> direction.  Clearly the wire to the lamps works like an antenna,
>> transmitting diode hash and rubbish from the switched mode supply.  Needless
>> to say, they're cheap Chinese trash from the Ping Pong Poo Electrics Company
>> (or whoever).
>> Electrical gear that is sold in the EU is supposed to be tested and CE
>> marked as compliant with standards, but enforcement of this is
>> non-existent.  Even big companies like BT (British Temecom) falsely and
>> fraudulently stamp "CE" on their home networking devices which are
>> staggeringly non-compliant with RFI standards.
>> Anyway, this next bit is hilarious.  I got this reply to my message
>> laughing at IBM, presumably from someone on the DX-CHAT group.
>> It's anonymous and comes from a non-existent email address.  I wonder if
>> this is the mindset of the spineless little people who cause deliberate and
>> anonymous QRM to dxpeditions:
>>  From:
>>  "" 
>> <**http%3A//>
>> You arrogant bastard...
>> P.S.  I've worked in IT for 45 years, and fired dozens of arrogant
>> a- like you.
>> (bad language deleted by me)
>> I just love it when the reptiles come out from under their stones, don't
>> you?  Wouldn't you have thought he'd at least have the courage to put his
>> name?  Now you know who was probably sending a carrier and dits all day over
>> BS7H.
>> Happy New Year and Good DX to you all!
>> OILy
>> --- On *Mon, 29/12/08, DAVE WHITE * wrote:
>> From: DAVE WHITE 
>> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?
>> To:,
>> Cc:
>> Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 11:05 PM
>> Oh, so "notching" is a new development, eh?  Well it probably is if you're
>> a dullard w