[DX-News] 425 DX News #671

2004-03-12 Thread Mauro Pregliasco
  13 March 2004  No 671
 *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !
 >>> 425 DX NEWS TROPHY <<<

The ST0RY expedition to Sudan (March-April  2003) has been  voted the 425  DX
News DXpedition of  the Year for  2003. Full results  of this  survey can  be
found at http://www.425dxn.org/trophy_2003/
>>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<<

The 425 DX News monthly edition (February issue),edited by Maurizio Bertolino
(I1-21171/IZ1CRR), is now  available for  free downloading  in either.pdf  or
.doc formats at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/. In this issue you can  find a
report  with  pictures  on XF1K's  operations  from  Parajos Island (NA-166);
a  large  number  of  pictures  about  FK/AC4LN (Belep, OC-079),  V63MB (Mog,
OC-078), H44VV (Nggela, OC-158), P29VVB (Karkar, OC-258),  II0RAI,  OA4/F6BUM
(SA-010), TO4E and Z38M, as well as the usual features and much more.
3B9- Robert, 3B9FR will join the 3B9C team as a full member, taking  time
 off work to be a part  of the upcoming all-band all-mode  DXpedition
 [425DXN 661], which is due to start around 20 UTC on 19 March.  Full
 details on  the operation  can be  found  on the  expedition's  most
 comprehensive  web   site  at   http://www.fsdxa.com/3b9c  (shorcut
 www.3b9c.com). See also 3B9C Trophies,  3B9C Video, Contacting  3B9C
 and QSL 3B9C in the "Good To Know" section below.
4U_un  - 4U1UN plans to  be active on  12 March.  Activity will  be on  10-80
 metres, depending on  propagation, primarily CW,  with some SSB  and
 PSK, and possible QRV on 60m (SSB) late in the afternoon (NY  time).
 The operators will be Theo, PB7CW and Henry, KT1J (PA0AFN). The  QSL
 route given for this activity is via HB9BOU (direct or bureau). [TNX
5H - Eric, SM1TDE  will  be active  as  5H3/SM1TDE from  Dar  Es  Salaam,
 Tanzania on 4-18 April. He  plans to operate  barefoot mainly CW  on
 the WARC bands, with some RTTY and  a little SSB on the other  bands
 as well. There might be a side trip to Zanzibar (AF-032) during  the
 second week. QSL via SM1TDE, direct or bureau. [TNX SM1TDE]
9G - Rob, PA3DEW and Vincent, PA3FQX are  currently active as 9G1AA  from
 Dormaa Hospital in Ghana. Look for  them around 17 UTC on +/-  14140
 kHz. QSL via PA3ERA, direct or bureau. [TNX PA3AWW]
C6 - Joe/W8GEX, Wayne/K8LEE,  Mike/K9AJ and  Phil/W9IXX will  operate  as
 C6DX from Double Headed Shot Cay  (NA-219), Bahamas on 25-29  March.
 They plan  to operate  on all  bands and  modes  with at  least  two
 stations and to be QRV also during  the CQ WPX SSB Contest. QSL  via
 K9AJ.Thewebpagefor theoperationis at
 http://www.wb8xx.com/c6dx2004.htm. This most  wanted IOTA group  was
 activated only  once  back  in  October  2000  by  W5BOS/C6A,  whose
 operation was cut short by bad weather. [TNX The Daily DX]
DL - Look for  Andy, DL4OK/p  will be  active from  Staberhuk  Lighthouse
 (ARLHS FED-226) on Fehmarn Island (EU-128)  on 18-25 March. He  will
 operate  on  10-80  metres  CW  and   SSB.  QSL  via  bureau.   [TNX
EI - Eleven special  event  stations  (EI25CY,  EI25ES,  EI25HA,  EI25LY,
 EI25ML, EI25OK, EI25OM, EI25SL, EI25SP, EI25YL and IRTS's HQ station
 as EI25EU) will be activated  from Ireland on  1-2 May to  celebrate
 the enlargement of the European Union to 25 members. The Irish Radio
 Transmitters Society (IRTS)  is issuing an  award for amateurs  (and
 for SWLs on a heard basis) who work these stations; full information
 will be published  in the next  issue of the  425 DX News  Magazine.
HB0- HA5AUC (Pista), HA5BWW (Ed), HA5OJ (Pisti)  and HA7PC (Karcsi)  will
 operate as HB0/homecall/P from  Masescha (1350m asl),  Liechtenstein
 on 1-8 April. They will be active with two stations on 160-

[DX-News] Woody Island, OC-170

2004-03-12 Thread Alek Petkovic
Further to my last posting regarding the trip to Woody Island, OC-170 by 
the VK6DX Chasers Club  commencing 20 March, I would like to announce that 
the callsign to be used will be VK6EWI.

This is the same call as was used during the last activation of the island 
by the group.

Also, a seventh member has joined the operating team. He is Richard, VK6TT.

Look for us on or near the standard IOTA frequencies on 40 thru 10 metres.

73, Alek.
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[DX-News] ARLP011 Propagation de K7RA

2004-03-12 Thread W1AW
ARLP011 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 11  ARLP011
>From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  March 12, 2004
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP011 Propagation de K7RA

As expected, conditions weren't bad last weekend for the ARRL
International DX Phone Contest.  Solar flux and sunspot numbers
didn't rise, but geomagnetic indices stayed stable.  Average daily
sunspot numbers dropped from the week before (February 26 to March
3) by nearly 24 points, and average daily solar flux was about the
same, down by slightly more than two points.

On March 9, the earth passed into a solar wind, and geomagnetic
indices rose.  For March 9-11 the planetary A index was 21, 40 and
26, the mid-latitude Fredericksburg A index was 11, 36 and 17, and
the high latitude (Alaskan) College A index was 42, 47 and 61.

This meant that at mid latitudes HF bands were probably usable on
March 9 and 11 (but not on the 10th) but in Alaska, the bands
probably sounded dead.  This was no doubt the case for KB7MBI and
AL7FS over the past few days.  Alan Dujenski, KB7MBI near Seattle
and Jim Larsen, AL7FS in Anchorage have been comparing QRP logs and
are frustrated by the lousy propagation of late in Alaska.  Alan
wrote to ask about Alaskan propagation, and commented that his
friend Jim often hears nothing on HF frequencies.

This propagation, or lack of it, is normal for Alaska, at least when
geomagnetic conditions are active or stormy.  Those magnetic lines
of force converge toward the poles, and all that energy gets
concentrated, yielding polar cap absorption.  The convergence and
concentration was intense enough this week that aurora was visible
down into northern parts of the "lower 48" states.

Over the next few days geomagnetic conditions should settle down.
The predicted planetary A index for March 12-15 is 20, 15, 10 and 8.
Solar flux should drop down to around 100 by the beginning of the
week (Monday, March 15).  We are moving toward spring propagation
conditions, with the vernal equinox about a week from now.

Currently a large sunspot, number 570 is moving into the center of
the visible solar disk, directly facing the earth.  It is a possible
source of flares.  A holographic image of the sun's far side shows a
modest sunspot group, which may visit us before the end of the

For more information concerning propagation and an explanation of
the numbers used in this bulletin see the Propagation page on the
ARRL Web site at http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/propagation.html.

Sunspot numbers for March 4 through 10 were 53, 55, 61, 53, 55, 40
and 56 with a mean of 53.3.  10.7 cm flux was 97.5, 106.7, 104.5,
106.1, 107.8, 108.7 and 112.6, with a mean of 106.3.  Estimated
planetary A indices were 7, 8, 5, 6, 6, 21 and 40, with a mean of


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