[DX-NEWS] VP6DX logs

2008-02-15 Thread Jean-Michel Duthilleul

The logs up to 2008-02-15 06:14:19 are on line


Best wishes

Jean-Michel F6AJA

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[DX-NEWS] (Fwd) [NJDXA-L] DX Info

2008-02-15 Thread Steve Adell - KF2TI
From the NJDXA DX webpage

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 15 Feb 2008 06:21:01 -0500
From:   Bill Hellman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[NJDXA-L] DX Info
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From:   YUICHI YAMAMOTO a class=moz-txt-link-rfc2396E href=mailto:[EMAIL 

Ducie - VP6DX:

Online ogs at: : 

ZL - New Zealand, Lord Howe and Australia:

ON5AX and ON3AX, will sign ZL/ON5AX from Feb 19 to 27th, VK9ALH from Lord 
Howe,between March 23 to 30 and VK4/ON5AX Australia, between Apr 2nd to èth.
HF in CW, SSB and PSK31.
QSL vía ON5AX or ON3AX.



Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 01:07:03 +0900

I'll go to KH0(Saipan Is.) from 17 Feb. 2008 to 21 Feb. 2008. By
7K3BKY as AI4GN/AH0. 
Partially participate ARRLDX CW on Sunday. 
73, Yu 7K3BKY.


Contest:   ARRL DX CW Contest (Feb 16-17, 2008)
Submitter's callsign: K2WR
Submitter's e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Contest callsign:   GJ2A
DXCC entity:  Jersey
Operation class:SOABHP
CQ zone:14
QSL route:   K2WR
Operators:   K2WR

Notes: also QRV prob. no earlier than Thurs. as MJ0AWR (QSL 
also K2WR)

Tks Bill, NG3K: 

--- End of forwarded message ---

Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
To subscribe/unsubscribe, please send request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and allow a 
few hours for acknowledgement

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data


2008-02-15 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C

News #16- 2008 Feb 15
Directly from Ducie Island:

ARRL DX CW contest starts soon. VP6DX will participate in a limited fashion:

* On the CW contest bands 160, 80, 40, 20 15 and 10, we probably will not
be at the normal frequencies. Operators will pick a frequency based on band
conditions. Each operator will make his own decisions about split vs simplex
operation, depending on the situation at the time.

* We will answer ALL callers (USA/VE and others), and send our contest
exchange and log the exchanges received from contest participants.

* We won't be chasing multipliers and will not be able to handle pass
requests. If another band is open at all, we should have a signal there. Quick
QSYs to check non-open bands are time-consuming (manual filter and antenna
changes) and not a good use of our time on the island.

Meanwhile, other radios will be on non-contest bands and band segments; e.g.,
20m SSB or 30m RTTY. These non-contest segment operations will continue as they
have the last few days: split operations, with priority to difficult
propagation paths.

We anticipate no 20m RTTY or 40m SSB during the contest.

The contest ends at Feb 17/2359z and it will be late afternoon (4pm) here. 40m
will be just opening to Europe, and the low bands will open during the next
three hours.

Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
To subscribe/unsubscribe, please send request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and allow a 
few hours for acknowledgement

[DX-NEWS] ARLP007 Propagation de K7RA

2008-02-15 Thread jjreisert
ARLP007 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 7  ARLP007
From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  February 15, 2008
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP007 Propagation de K7RA

No sunspots appeared this week.  Solar flux was about the same as
last week.  The 45-day outlook for solar flux and planetary A index
from NOAA and the Air Force (see
http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpmenu/forecasts/45DF.html) on February 10
was predicting a flat solar flux of 70.  Then the following day this
was revised to show 72 for February 12-18, then 70 after that.  On
February 12 this changed to show 72 solar flux for February 13
through the rest of the 45 days.

February 10-13 we saw increased geomagnetic activity due to another
solar wind stream.  The planetary A index, calculated from a number
of mostly higher latitude magnetometers, was 18, 17, 11 and 12 over
those four days.  Alaska's college A index, measured near Fairbanks,
was 42, 31, 22 and 26, illustrating the increased geomagnetic
activity toward the poles in response to space weather.  Here at
mid-latitudes, where many of us live, the A index (measured in
Virginia) was 13, 16, 6 and 10.  That magnetometer is near 38.3
degrees north latitude, which is a little south and of course way
east of the Boulder site (at 40.1 degrees north latitude), where we
get the K and A index reported on WWV.

Jon Jones, N0JK of Wichita, Kansas reports some February E-skip
openings on 6 meters.  He writes, Es tend to become scarce in
February, and March has the lowest occurrence of Es of any month.
On February 2 he worked XE2YWB in Central Mexico (DL82) at 2237z on
50.125 MHz with S7 signals.  The next day he worked K4EU in Virginia
via E-skip on 10 meters.  K4EU reported working stations throughout
the Midwest that day.

Ed Swynar, VE3CUI of Newcastle, Ontario took issue with a statement
in last week's bulletin about the absence of sunspots being great
for 160 meters.  He comments, Such mythology could not be further
from the truth this year. The band has been MOST unremarkable this
season, to say the least, and it continues to languish away in the
doldrums. I thought that perhaps it was something at fault at my
end, however, many subscribers to W4ZV's Topband Reflector seem to
be of the same opinion.

Readers have sent similar reports about both 160 and 75 meters over
the past year.  It seems that low geomagnetic and sunspot activity
should be good for the lower frequencies, but perhaps it is not
always the case.

Over the past week many, many emails arrived from readers with a
link to an article in a daily business publication claiming that we
are on the verge of another Maunder Minimum, a decades-long period
of little or no sunspot activity that occurred roughly between the
years 1640 to 1710.  The article appeared with no byline, and it
quoted Dr. Kenneth Tapping, of the Herzberg Institute of
Astrophysics in Penticton, British Columbia.  This is the
observatory that supplies our daily solar flux values.  But I
thought the quotes sounded a little strange, and not like Ken.  Some
readers also felt this way.  As one wrote, The article didn't quite
ring true, and I have a fairly broad scientific reading list.

I sent an email to Ken, who responded that this has been a difficult
week for him.  A few weeks ago he received a phone call from a woman
who engaged him in a long discussion involving possibilities
ranging from likely to not likely.  He wrote that the article
promotes something that is untrue, and in no way do I support the
conclusions she assigned to me.

I think we can relax about any possible upcoming 70-year period of a
quiet Sun.  We cannot say that it could not happen, but in fact
there is nothing unusual about the current solar cycle minimum, and
really no known method of predicting such a period.

This weekend is the ARRL International DX CW Contest.  The
geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet.

Last weekend I watched an interesting DVD from the local library, a
1994 documentary titled Picture of Light.  This has some nice
time-lapse long-exposure moving images of Aurora, taken in
Churchill, Manitoba, on Hudson Bay above 58 degrees north latitude.

If you would like to make a comment or have a tip for our readers,
email the author at, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For more information concerning radio propagation, see the ARRL
Technical Information Service web page at,
http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/propagation.html.  For a detailed
explanation of the numbers used in this bulletin see,
http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/k9la-prop.html.  An archive of past
propagation bulletins is at, http://www.arrl.org/w1aw/prop/.
Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve
overseas locations are at, http://www.arrl.org/qst/propcharts/.

Sunspot numbers for February 7 through 13 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and
0 with a mean of 0.  10.7 cm flux was 70.8, 70.9, 72.2, 72.6, 72.1,
72.1, and 70.5 with a mean of 71.6.  Estimated 

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #876 [Calendar]

2008-02-15 Thread jjreisert

 425 DX NEWS   

425 DX News is available in the following languages:
English * Italian * Japanese * Portuguese * Russian * Spanish

16 February 2008 A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 876
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ***   CALENDAR  ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH 
 Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW


till  16/02  FS/SP3IPB and FS/SQ3WN: St. Martin (NA-105)875
till  16/02  FS/SP6IXF and FS/SP7VC: St. Martin (NA-105)875
till  16/02  FT5XR: Kerguelen (AF-048)  875
till  17/02  AB2ST/KH2, KB3LTB/KH2, KG6WTW/KH2: Guam (OC-026)   871
till  17/02  PA/DK5TX: Goeree Overflakkee (EU-146)  875
till  17/02  S21ZDT: Bangladesh 874
till  18/02  VE4GV/6Y5: Jamaica (NA-097)873
till  18/02  CT3/DK7YY and CT3/DL5AXX: Madeira (AF-014) 875
till  18/02  CT3/DL5LYM and CT3/DL8WAA: Madeira (AF-014)875
till  18/02  H7/K9GY: Nicaragua 875
till  18/02  HB0/DJ2MX, HB0/DJ4MZ, HB0/DJ5MW: Liechtenstein 873
till  18/02  HB0/DK4YJ, HB0/DK9TN, HB0/N0MX: Liechtenstein  873
till  18/02  PZ5WW, PZ5DD, PZ5TX, PZ5AY: Suriname   874
till  18/02  WA2USA/4 and K4D: Dauphin Island (NA-213)  874
till  18/02  VP2V/AK0M: British Virgin Islands (NA-023) 875
till  19/02  EA8/SP2JMB: Canary Islands (AF-004)874
till  19/02  J79WI, J79IU, J79KM: Dominica (NA-101) 873
till  19/02  J79PN, J79PC, J7DX: Dominica (NA-101)  873
till  19/02  JD1BMM: Minami-Torishima (OC-073)  873
till  19/02  NP2/N2TTA: US Virgin Islands (NA-106)  875
till  19/02  PJ4/W9RE and PJ4/N5OT: Bonaire (SA-006)875
till  19/02  PJ4/W4OC and PJ4/N4GG: Bonaire (SA-006)875
till  19/02  PT7/HA9RT: Brazil  875
till  19/02  V31TB and V31WO: Belize873
till  20/02  CE0Y/K0HML: Easter Island (SA-001) 875
till  20/02  KP2/K3CT and KP2/K3TEJ: US Virgin Islands (NA-106) 875
till  21/02  E51WWA: Mauke (OC-083), South Cooks873
till  22/02  FS/F5IYJ  PJ7/F5IYJ: St. Martin/St. Maarten (NA-105)  873
till  23/02  CN2XW: Morocco 869
till  25/02  V63ZM, V63TR, V63OC: Pohnpei Island (OC-010)   876
till  26/02  T32OU and T32YA: Christmas Island (OC-024) 875
till  27/02  VU2BMS: India  875
till  28/02  JD1BLY, JD1BMO, JD1BMP: Ogasawara (AS-031) 871
till  28/02  VP6DX: Ducie Island (OC-182)   875
till  28/02  VP8DIF: South Georgia (AN-007) 859
till  29/02  ES90: special callsigns (Estonia)  874
till  29/02  V31YN and V31GW: Belize874
till  February   OJ1ABOA: Aboa Station (Antarctica) 866
till  03/03  J79XBI: Dominica (NA-101)  872
till  06/03  C56YK and C56JC: Gambia873
till  10/03  DP0GVN: Neumayer Base (Antarctica) 872
till  11/03  S21YV: Bangladesh  872
till  14/03  3B8/G4FKH: Mauritius   873
till  14/03  II9CAR: special event station  869
till  15/03  TT8PK: Chad873
till  31/03  J20MB: Djibouti870
till  31/03  LZ130LO: special callsign  867
till  15/04  6W2SC: Senegal 871
till  15/04  J5UAP: Guinea-Bissau   871
till  23/04  UN/4J9M: Kazakhstan876
till  April  VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006)   866
till  April  ZD7X: St. Helena (AF-022)  869
till  07/05  VP5/WA1UKN: Grand Turk (NA-003)874
till  MayV73RY: Kwajalein (OC-028)  869
till  15/05  YI9MI: Iraq863
till  30/06  VR10: special