2007 DXCC Honor Roll List

Jul 13, 2008 17:13 ET
Bill Moore, NC1L

Upon receiving the August issue of QST it was discovered that some Honor Roll 
members were incorrectly listed, mostly from numbers from their previous 
submission, while a couple were not listed at all.

We apologize for this and as soon as we have a handle on those who were not 
properly listed a correction will be published in QST later in the year. (Issue 
to be determined once we have all the information).

If you notice an incorrect listing please send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
to be placed on the list for the corrected listing.

Please remember that the period for this listing is from January 1 through 
December 31, 2007 only, the prior period of April 1 through March 31 has been 

73 es DX
Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager

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