[May not be the best forum to post this, but couldn't think of a better one.]

>From the ARRL Logbook of the World web site:

Jan 1, 2009: ARRL's New Triple Play Worked All States Award --

   1. The Triple Play WAS (Worked All States) Award is available to
all amateurs worldwide who must use Logbook of the World (LoTW) to
confirm QSOs with each of the 50 states on voice, CW, and digital
modes. The Triple Play WAS Award is a serial-numbered award starting
with # 1, as determined by the time stamp of the electronic
application submitted via LoTW. Awards issued will be tracked and
presented on the ARRL Website.

   2. Two-way communications must be established on amateur bands with
each state on each mode. There is no minimum signal report required.
Any or all bands (except 60 Meters) may be used for the Triple Play
WAS. The District of Columbia may be counted for Maryland.

   3. Contacts must be made from the same location, or from locations
no two of which are more than 50 miles apart. Club station applicants,
please include clearly the club name and callsign of the club station
(or trustee).

   4. Contacts must be made after 0000Z on January 1, 2009 to be
considered for this award. LoTW will be programmed to automatically
use this criterion. Contacts must be confirmed via LoTW. Written
confirmations will not be accepted.

   5. There are no endorsements for the Triple Play WAS Award.

   6. Contacts made through "repeater" devices or any other power
relay method cannot be used for WAS confirmation. A separate WAS is
available for Satellite contacts. All stations contacted must be "land
stations." Contact with ships, anchored or otherwise, and aircraft,
cannot be counted. EXCEPTION: Permanently docked exhibition ships,
such as the Queen Mary and other historic ships will be considered
land based.

   7. A US applicant must be an ARRL member to participate in the WAS
program. DX stations are exempt from this requirement.

   8. Attempts to falsify data, logs, or other application operations
may be grounds for disqualification. The decision of the ARRL Awards
Committee in such cases is final.

   9. Please follow the instructions presented on the LoTW website.
The cost of the Triple Play WAS award is $12 for a certificate
delivered to a U.S. address, or $13 delivered to an address outside
U.S.A. Per-QSO fees associated with using LoTW credits as normal will
be charged via the online application.

Read more about the award in QST and see the certificate.

If you have previously set-up a WAS award account on your user page,
you do not need to do anything else. There is a new Triple Play Award
counter and link in your WAS award area if you have confirmed any
state in LoTW after January 1.

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