WAS LoTW Account Information

Jan 9, 2009 11:25 ET
Bill Moore, NC1L

Some users may have noticed that their WAS totals have changed or have
completely gone away. On Jan 1, 2009 LoTW refreshed all WAS accounts to
accommodate the new Triple Play award. Your Triple Play record is shown as a
sub award in your WAS account just as band and mode sub-awards are shown.

If your account had no QSO rules then the system had no way of applying your
QSO credits.

This is easily fixed by adding a rule to your WAS account. All WAS accounts
must have at least one rule.

To add a rule to your WAS account simply access your WAS account then select
'MODIFY ACCOUNT'. Follow these steps to complete the process:

Click 'Add Rule To QSO Set'

Next, select the type of rule you want to apply. Drop the box down, make
your selection then click 'Add Rule'

(Next it may ask you here to select a callsign if you have more than one
account. If so, select the callsign you want to change).

If there is only one callsign in the account the next screen will say 'Save
Account Changes'

Click this and your account should be OK now.

Note, if you feed more than one WAS account for different locations you must
do this for each account.

Some accounts are very simple and will only require a callsign rule. Other
accounts may be more complex requiring multiple rules to accommodate your
operations. WAS accounts can be configured to automatically select those of
your QSOs that both qualify for a WAS award and also match a set of rules
you specify. A QSO Set is a list of rules that define QSOs that will be
matched. Your account can include more than one QSO Set if needed to
encompass all of your QSOs that are eligible for the awards.

The rules that make up a QSO Set each compare the value of a field related
to the QSO. The fields that may be used for this comparison are the call
sign you used to make the QSO, the QSO date, and several geographical
fields. At least one rule must be included in a QSO Set in order to match
any QSOs. If more than one rule is present in the QSO Set, you may choose
whether the QSOs must match all of the specified rules or any of the
specified rules.

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L
ARRL Awards Manager

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