[DX-NEWS] IRCS for sale

2009-02-27 Thread Steven WheatleyKU9C
I have 2 batches of IRCs for sale:

Each batch consists of 25 current vintage, stamped correctly:  $50 shipped to 

Contact me via email for availability

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[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #930

2009-02-27 Thread jjreisert

 425 DX NEWS   


28 February 2009  A.R.I. DX Bulletin
   No 930
 *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5N - Bodo, DL3OCH (KT3Q) will be working in Nigeria from 5  March  until
 24 July. He plans to operate EME and on the HF  bands  (160  metres
 included) probably as  5N/KT3Q.  Hopefully  he  will  also  go  and
 operate from IOTA group AF-076. QSL via DL3OCH. [TNX The Daily DX]
C6 - Harry, W6DXO will be active as W6DXO/C6A from South  Andros  Island
 (NA-001), Bahamas on 1-7 March. It will  be  a  part  time  holiday
 style operation with a focus on 12,  17  and  30  metres.  QSL  via
DU - Ed/4F1OZ, Roland/DU1KGJ, Jairus/DV1ERS and Frank/VE7DP plan  to  be
 active from Cujo Island (OC-120) from 4 UTC on 6 March to 2 UTC  on
 the 9th. They will operate CW and SSB on 40, 30, 20 and 17  metres.
 Callsign and QSL route TBA. [TNX VE7DP]
FP - Eric, KV1J will be active again as  FP/KV1J  from  Miquelon  Island
 (NA-032) on 4-9 March. He plans to operate SSB, CW, RTTY and  PSK31
 on 80-6 metres, and to participate  in  the  ARRL  SSB  DX  Contest
 (SOAB). QSL via KV1J, direct or bureau. He will upload his  log  to
 LoTW.Thewebpagefortheactivity  isat
FR - Stephane, F5UOW will be  active  holiday  style  as  FR/F5UOW  from
 Boucan Canot, Reunion  Island  (AF-016)  on  8-22  March.  He  will
 operate mainly CW on 20 metres. [TNX F6AJA]
JA - Ken, JS3OMH has been active as JS3OMH/6  from  the  Tokara  Islands
 (AS-049) since 25 February. He first operated  from  Takara  Island
 and has now moved to Kodakara island until 28 February. He  is  QRV
 during his spare time on 40 metres CW  and  SSB  and  on  AO-51  FM
 Satellite. QSL via bureau. [TNX JR3TVH]
J7 - John, G3LZQ will be active holiday style  as  J79WR  from  Dominica
 (NA-101) between 5 and 25 March. He plans  to  concentrate  on  160
 and 80 metres,  and  to  participate  in  the  Commonwealth  (BERU)
 Contest on 14-15 March. QSL via G3LZQ. [TNX The Daily DX]
KG4- Dan, W0CN (KG4CN)has had to postpone his  trip  to  Guantanamo  Bay
 [425DXN 929]. The new dates are 10-20 April (to be confirmed).
PY0F   - Bill, W9VA and Jim, K9PPY will be active as PS0F from  Fernando  de
 Noronha (SA-003) on 3-19 March, including a M/S entry in  the  ARRL
 DX SSB Contest. A special e-mail address  (p...@aol.com)  has  been
 set up; they will monitor it  before/during  their  stay  and  will
 consider email input in planning their operating schedule. QSL  via
TT - Frank, F4BQO will be active  again  as  TT8CF  from  Chad  from  27
 February to 1 July. He plans to  operate  CW  and  SSB  on  the  HF
 bands. QSL direct to F4BQO. [TNX F8REF]
V6 - Mike, KM9D (V63MY)  and  Jan,  KF4TUG  (V63TO)  have  left  Nukuoro
 (OC-259)  and  are  now  lying  to  anchor  atTouhouIsland,
 Kapingamarangi Atoll (OC-163).
V8 - Special event station V85NBD25 is active until 12 UTC on  10  March
 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Brunei as an  independent  and
 sovereign nation. Information on the relevant award  can  be  found
 on  the  Brunei  Darussalam  Amateur  Radio  Association's  website
 (http://www.bdara.net/). QSL via qrz.com [TNX The Daily DX]
V8 - Kanzi Takemasa, JA4ENL will be active as V85NL from Brunei  on  6-9
 March. He expects to operate mostly CW on all bands. [TNX K1XN]
VK - John, VK6HZ (VK6ARI) will be active  holiday  style  from  Rottnest
 Island (OC-164) between 3 and 9 March. QSL via VK6NE.  A  logsearch
 will ve available at http://www.vk6hz.com [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VP8- John, G3VPW  will  be  QRV  as  VP8KF  from  the  Falkland  Islands
 (SA-002) on 5-31  March.  He  will  be  staying  with  the  McLeods
 (VP8LP/VP8AIB); the first two weeks  he  will  be  working  at  the
 Stanley Ionospheric Observatory,  the  further  ten  days  are  for
 some DXing. He plans to operate CW and SSB on 10, 20, 15, 40  and
 80 metres, with  a  focus  on  the  contests  (ARRL  DX  SSB,  RSGB
 Commonwealth, CQ WW WPX SSB). QSL via home call. [TNX G3VPW]
XE - Bernardo, XE2HWB will be active as XE2HWB/XF1 from  

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #930 [Calendar]

2009-02-27 Thread jjreisert

 425 DX NEWS   


28 February 2009  A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 930
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ***   CALENDAR  ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH 
 Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW


till  28/02  6V7P and 6V7O: Senegal 929
till  28/02  CF, CG, CH, CI: special prefixes (Canada)  921
till  28/02  FM/F5IRO: Martinique (NA-107)  906
till  28/02  JS3OMH/6: Tokara Islands (AS-049)  930
till  28/02  TU8/F4EYS: Ivory Coast 917
till  01/03  EG3LB: special event station   929
till  01/03  EM50KFF: special callsign (Ukraine)928
till  01/03  PX6B and PY6KW/p: Boipeba Island (SA-080)  928
till  01/03  TP60CE: Council of Europe (France) 929
till  02/03  T27A and T27OU: Tuvalu 927
till  02/03  TU/F8ENY: Ivory Coast  928
till  03/03  GB5OBH: special callsign (England) 926
till  03/03  V31YN/p: NA-180924
till  03/03  ZP6/SP9MRO: Paraguay   925
till  04/03  J37BO and J38A: Grenada928
till  04/03  J37BO, J37RO, J38A: Grenada928
till  05/03  FH/G3SWH: Mayotte (AF-027) 929
till  06/03  9G1AA: Ghana   927
till  06/03  S79JF: Praslin Island (AF-024), Seychelles 922
till  07/03  FT5WP(/mm): Crozet 926
till  07/03  VK0BP: Davis Base (Antarctica) 912
till  07/03  VP2MPL and VP2MPR: Montserrat (NA-103) 929
till  07/03  ZF2UL: Cayman Islands (NA-016) 930
till  08/03  C56/GW0ETF: The Gambia 929
till  10/03  OR3AX and OR4AX: Antarctic cruise  927
till  10/03  V85NBD25: special event station (Brunei)   930
till  12/03  V25TK: Antigua (NA-100)927
till  12/03  V5/DJ4SO: Namibia  927
till  16/03  SV9/DJ7RJ: Crete (EU-015)  925
till  17/03  CE9XX, FT5YJ and VP8DLM: Antarctic adventure   928
till  22/03  7Q7AH: Malawi  929
till  31/03  6W2SC: Senegal 915
till  31/03  IY1GM: special callsign923
till  31/03  J5UAP: Guinea-Bissau   915
till  31/03  N2OB/150 and N2OB/LH: special event operation  923
till  01/04  C6ANM: Nassau (NA-001), Bahamas922
till  01/04  J79XBI: Dominica (NA-101)  924
till  28/04  H44MS: Solomon Islands 923
till  April  OD5/IV3YIM: Lebanon915
till  April  VK2LNX and VK2FSNJ: Maatsuyker Island (OC-233) 909
till  April  VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006)   921
till  April  ZS8T: Marion Island (AF-021)   925
till  June   5X4X: Uganda   923
till  June   AP2AHSF: Pakistan  929
till  02/07  TT8CF: Chad930
till  31/08  LY1000: special prefix 924
till  31/08  VR2/F4BKV: Hong Kong Island (AS-006)   908
till  September  LZ8WHST and LZ17ARDF: special event stations   924
till  30/11  FT5WO: Crozet Islands (AF-008) 916
till  November   HF0APAS: South Shetlands (AN-010)  921
till  November   OD5/W5YFN: Lebanon 915
till  31/12  9A48IFATCA: special event station  926
till  31/12  GB250RB: special event call (Scotland) 925
till  31/12  GB40WAB: special callsign  922
till  31/12  HE8 and HB8: special prefixes (Switzerland)921
till  31/12  IA3GM: special callsign927
till  31/12  II2RAI: special callsign   924
till  31/12  

[DX-NEWS] ARLP009 Propagation de K7RA

2009-02-27 Thread jjreisert
ARLP009 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 9  ARLP009
From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  February 27, 2009
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP009 Propagation de K7RA

Excitement mounted a few days ago when new Cycle-24 sunspot 1013
emerged, but two days later it was fading away, similar to other
recent sunspot appearances.  The sunspot number for February 24-26
was 12, 14 and 12.  Today's number will likely be 0.

In a few weeks is the Vernal Equinox -- the first day of Spring in
the Northern Hemisphere -- on March 20, 2009 at 1144z.  Areas north
and south of the equator will be bathed in an equal amount of Sun,
and this is always a good time for HF propagation.

Using one of the popular propagation programs to predict a path from
California to Australia using an average sunspot number of 12, on 15
meters on January 20, there was a good chance of an opening from
2130-0100z, with an excellent chance within that period, at
2330-0030z.  On March 20 using the same numbers, the chances of
propagation look excellent from 2200-0230z, with the band perhaps
opening at 2130z and shutting down at 0330z.  This gives us an
illustration of propagation changing with the season.

Another example would be Dallas to Brazil.  On January 20 on 20
meters the band would probably be open from 1800-2300z, with signals
gradually increasing about 12 dB over that period.  On March 20 a
likely 20 meter opening would be from 1830-0230z, with signals
increasing 16 dB over that period, and rising faster as well.

Geomagnetic activity has been very quiet for a long time now, and
this is expected to continue.  NOAA and the U.S. Air Force predict a
planetary A index of 5 over the next two weeks, with minor
exceptions.  On March 3 the A index may rise to 8.  Geophysical
Institute Prague predicts quiet conditions February 28 through March
2, quiet to unsettled March 3-4, then back to quiet on March 5.

The predicted quiet conditions should be good for the CQ 160-Meter
SSB DX Contest this weekend.

Mike Schaffer, KA4JAW lives in West Central Florida, and enjoys
observing sporadic-E propagation on broadcast television.  His local
Channel 2 station, WEDU, ceased analog transmissions recently,
eliminating co-channel interference with Channel 3.  On Sunday,
February 22 just after 2300z Mike noticed a wrestling match on
Channel 3, and shortly after a logo appeared for TGV, a broadcaster
in Guatemala City (see http://www.canal3.com.gt/).  The station is
over 1,000 miles away.

Joaquin Montoya, EA2CCG in Spain reported good conditions over the
past few days during the brief sunspot appearance.  On February 25,
2100-2130z he worked a number of states in the Western United States
including one in Montana while he was mobile on 20 meters.  He could
hear K5D, and earlier that day he worked K5D on 17 meters and 6V7P
in Senegal as well.

An Alaskan newspaper this week ran a story about subdued aurora due
to low solar activity.  See it at,
http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/interior/story/700194.html and note
their confusing comment about the Sun having an 11 year positive
cycle following an 11 year negative cycle.  Perhaps they refer to
the switch in magnetic polarity in individual sunspots.

If you would like to make a comment or have a tip for our readers,
email the author at, k...@arrl.net.

For more information concerning radio propagation, see the ARRL
Technical Information Service web page at,
http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/propagation.html.  For a detailed
explanation of the numbers used in this bulletin, see
http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/k9la-prop.html.  An archive of past
propagation bulletins is at http://www.arrl.org/w1aw/prop/.

Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve
overseas locations are at http://www.arrl.org/qst/propcharts/.

Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of this
bulletin are at http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html#email.

Sunspot numbers for February 19 through 25 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12,
and 14 with a mean of 3.7.  10.7 cm flux was 68.9, 69.2, 70.6, 70.3,
70.8, 71, and 70.7 with a mean of 70.2.  Estimated planetary A
indices were 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6 and 3 with a mean of 3.4.  Estimated
mid-latitude A indices were 0, 3, 2, 3, 3, 6 and 2 with a mean of


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[DX-NEWS] New US stamps set for rate increase in May

2009-02-27 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, jjreis...@alum.mit.edu, http://www.ad1c.us

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