[DX-NEWS] ICPO Bulletin (April 02 - 10, 2009)

2009-04-02 Thread VA3RJ News
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (April 02 - 10, 2009)
Islands, Castles  Portable Operations
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)

02/04/2009:  Richard, G3RWL will be active as 8P6DR from Barbados (NA-021, 
WLOTA 0999) from April 2-24th. He will operate holiday style on 160-10 meters 
using CW and digital modes. Better not to expect him on the bands on 8 April, 
as it will be his wedding day! QSL via home call, direct or Bureau (e-mail 
requests for bureau cards can be sent to (g3rwl at amsat.org). [425 DX News]

02/04/2009:  John/VE8EV, Wally/VE8DW and Gerry/VE8GER will be active from 
Ellice Island (NA-192), April 2-5th, using the callsign VX8X. QRV 40, 20, and 
15 meter SSB/CW; 24 hours per day non-stop operation. Expect to see them on CW, 
but most of the focus will be on 20 meter SSB on 14.260 MHz. QSL via the 
information at QRZ.com under VX8X. [rsgbiota.org]

03/04/2009:  Toshiyuki, JP1PZE will be active April 3-7th as K7XF/KH0 from 
Saipan (OC-086). He plans to be QRV on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL 
via JP1PZE, direct or Bureau. [425 DX News]

03/04/2009:  Members of the Aegean DX Group will be operate from Samos Island 
(EU-049, GIOTA SAS-006, MIA MG-099, WLOTA 4163), as SX8P (Pythagoras) between 
April 3-12th. Activity is to celebrate the 2500th anniversary and honor the 
memory of Great Ancient Samian Philosopher and Mathematician Pythagoras. For 
more information, see QRZ.com. Operations will mainly be on SSB and the Digital 
modes. On SSB, 14260, 18124, 7090, 3780 kHz (+/- 5 kHz), and if bands are open, 
check 21260, 24950, 28460, 50150 kHz (+/- 5 kHz). Look for them on BPSK31 and 
RTTY on 20/40/80 meters, and if the bands are open 15/10m. There will also be 
activity on the AO-51 Satellite. Operators mentioned are: Vassilis/SV8CYV, 
Alexandros/SV8CYR, Kostandinos/SV8IIR, Ilias/SV8FMY and George/SV8IJZ. QSL via 
SV8CYV, direct by the Bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

03/04/2009:  Wim, XU7TZG (ex-ON6TZ) will activate Koh Russei [aka Bamboo] 
(AS-133), Kingdom of Cambodia, from April 3-6th. Koh in Cambodian means island. 
QRV all HF bands using on CW, SSB and PSK31. QSL direct only via ON7PP (SAE+2 
US $). [UBA HF News]

04/04/2009:  Gianni, I1UWF will be active as 3A/I1UWF from Monaco on April 4th, 
starting around 1300 UTC. He plans to be QRV on 17 and 12 meters running 100 
watts into a vertical antenna. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau.. [425 DX 

04/04/2009:  François/F5JNE along with Claude/F5MCC will be active April 4th as 
F5JNE/p from the castle of La Tasse (DFCF 77-174), located in the city of Diant 
(CP 77940), in the canton [county] of Lorrez le Bocage (DDCF 77-16), Department 
Deux-Sèvres/79, Province Poitou-Charentes (DPF 19). As usual starting around 
0600 UTC, 80/40m, CW/SSB. QSL via Bureau and SWL cards welcome. [F5NQL]

04/04/2009:  Wade, KU4OJ will activate Savage Island (Not IOTA, USi GA-038, 
Bryan county) inside Fort McAllister State Park, near Savannah, Georgia. QRV 
mornings and evenings (or whenever he can get the best propagation!) on or near 
14.260 and 7.225 MHz. QSL direct to home call w/SASE. DX can QSL via home call 
either direct or by the Bureau. [USi]

04/04/2009:  There will be a series of Lighthouse activations by TCSWAT from 
the historical lighthouses around Istanbul / Republic of Turkiye. The dates, 
locations and callsigns are as follows: April 4-5th Fenerbahçe Lighthouse TUR 
021 / TC2FLH. Stations contacting four or more of the lighthouses will recieve 
Istanbul Lighthouses On The Air Award. Details will be later announced on the 
website: ta0u.com/  and nbsp;tcswat.tripod.com/ The lighthouse TCSWAT team will 
be: Urcun/TA0U, Leonardo/TA1FR, Mert/TA1ST, evfik/TA1HZ, Erhan/TA2DJ, 
Bekir/TA2RX, Mehmet/TB1J and Onur/TB2MYE. QSL direct to TA1HZ (QRZ.com). 

04/04/2009:  Haru, JA1XGI (W8XGI) will be active April 4-11th from Christmas 
Island (OC-002) as JA1XGI/VK9. QRV all bands, focus on low bands, using CW and 
digital modes. QSL to JA1XGI, Bureau or direct. [NG3K]

05/04/2009:  Tor/DJ4MG (5P4MG) and Ela/DL1TM (OZ7TM) will be active April 
5-16th from Vendsyssel-Thy / Nordjylland (EU-171, DIA NJ-001). QRV 160, 80, 40, 
20, 17 and 15 meter SSB; also PSK31 on 20/40m. QSL 5P4MG via DJ4MG, direct or 
bureau. QSL OZ7TM via DL1TM, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

05/04/2009:  Grandi Island, Goa, India (AS-177) is one of the new IOTA yet to 
activate and is going to be activated from April 5th-7th. The team consists 
with Sara/VU3RSB, Frank/DL4KQ, Jose/VU2JOS, Yamini/VU2YAM and Manju/VU2SMS.The 
setup would be one CW and one SSB Station with Vertical and Dipoles. QSL Via 
W3HNK for South and North America and DL4KQ for Rest of the world. Further info 
at: www.mdxc.org/at9rs [PlanetHam.org]

05/04/2009:  The Amateur Radio Club UBA-LGE Liege (ON5VL) will activate the 
Castle of Wegimont (LG-075) as ON5VL/p on April 5th (0700-1200 UTC), 40 meters 
only. QSL via the Bureau to ON5VL, or direct to 

[DX-NEWS] ARLD013 DX news

2009-04-02 Thread jjreisert
ARLD013 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 13  ARLD013
From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  April 2, 2009
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD013 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, the OPDX Bulletin, DXNL, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, Contest
Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.
Thanks to all.

MAURITIUS, 3B8.  Mart, DL6UAA is QRV as 3B8MM until April 15.  He is
generally active on 20 meters around 1400z.  QSL to home call.

RODRIGUES ISLAND, 3B9.  Piotr, SP2JMR and Slavo, SP2JMB are QRV as
3B9/home calls until April 8.  Activity is on all bands using CW and
SSB.  QSL to home calls.

BARBADOS, 8P.  Richard, G3RWL is QRV as 8P6DR until April 24.
Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW and digital modes.  QSL via
operator's instructions.

MALTA, 9H.  Augusto, HB9TZA will be QRV as 9H3JR from April 4 to 14.
Activity will be on the HF bands, including 6 meters, in his spare
time.  QSL to home call.

ANGOLA, D2.  Vasil is QRV as D2QMN and has been active using RTTY on
20 meters between 1800 and 1900z.  QSL via RZ3EC.

ANTARCTICA.  Felix, DL5XL is a member of German team over-wintering
from Neumayer III and is active as DP1POL until early 2010.  He is
active mostly on 40 and 20 meters using CW.  QSL via DL1ZBO.

IRAN, EP.  Sadegh, EP3HF has been QRV on 17 meters SSB around 0930Z.
QSL direct.
ST. BARTHELEMY, FJ.  Operators Oscar, EB1HF and Pablo, EC1DPM plan
to be QRV as FJ/EB1HF or FJ/EC1DPM from April 7 to 12.  Activity
will be on 20, 15 and 10 meters using RTTY.  QSL direct via EC1AE.

HUNGARY, HA.  In commemoration of the 1848 attack on Hungary that
prompted their independence, special event station HG160FNY is
active until July 31.  QSL via HA0DX.

NORWAY, LA.  Fred, ON6QR will be QRV as LA/home call from Moskenesoy
Island, IOTA EU-076, from April 8 to 12.  Activity will be on 40 to
20 meters using CW and QRP power.  QSL to home call.

BONAIRE, CURACAO, PJ2.  Jan, PA4JJ is QRV as PJ2/home call from
Curacao, IOTA SA-006, until April 11.  Activity is on all HF bands
using RTTY and possibly PSK31.  QSL direct to home call.

SEYCHELLES, S7.  Bernd, DL7UCX will be QRV as S79UCX from April 6 to
16.  Activity is on the HF bands using mostly CW.  QSL to home call.

GREECE, SV.  Members of the Aegean DX Group are QRV as SX8P from
Samos Island until April 12 in celebration of the 2500th anniversary
and in honor of the memory of mathematician Pythagoras.  Activity is
on 80 to 6 meters using mainly SSB with various digital modes.  They
may also be active on Satellite AO-51.  QSL via SV8CYV.

PALAU, T8.  Operators JH0IXE and JA0FOX will be QRV as T88CW and
T88NF, respectively, from April 4 to 12.  Activity will be on 80 to
6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK31.  QSL to home calls.

TURKEY, TA.  Members of the Special Wireless Activity Team will be
QRV as TC2FLH from the Fenerbahce Lighthouse, ARLHS TUR-021, on
April 4 and 5.  QSL via operators' instructions.

CANADA, VE.  In celebration of the 50 years since the opening of the
St. Lawrence Seaway, Canadian amateurs can use special callsign
prefixes XL, XM, XN, and XO until May 31.

MELLISH REEF, VK9M.  Operators George, AA7JV and Tomi, HA7RY are QRV
as VK9GMW until April 6.  Activity is on all HF bands.  QSL via

until April 11.  Activity is on all HF bands using CW and digital
modes.  QSL to home call.

INDIA, VU.  Frank, DL4KQ, Sarath, VU3RSB and Jose, VU2JOS will be
QRV as AT9RS from Grandi Island, IOTA AS-177, from April 5 to 7.
North and South American stations QSL via W3HNK and all others QSL
via DL4KQ.

CAMBODIA, XU.  Nob, JA1FMZ will be QRV as XU7FMZ beginning April 6
for about six weeks.  QSL to home call.

SYRIA, YK.  Saad, N5FF is QRV as YK1BA until April 10.  Activity is
mainly on 80, 40 and 30 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY, from around
2000 to 2300z, and the 0200 to 0500z.  QSL to home call.

40-Meter Sprint CW Contest, Montana QSO Party, ARCI Spring CW QSO
Party, Poland DX Contest, Spain RTTY Contest, Missouri QSO Party,
QCWA Spring QSO Party, RSGB RoPoCo 1 CW Contest, RSGB 80-Meter Club
CW Championship, 144 MHz Spring Sprint will certainly keep
contesters busy this upcoming weekend.  The ARS Spartan CW Sprint is
scheduled for April 7.  Please see April QST, page 84 and the ARRL
and WA7BNM contest web sites for details.


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[DX-NEWS] Sun has fewest sunspots since 1913

2009-04-02 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
Who cares about GPS accuracy?  :-)

By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein, Ap Science
Writer   – Thu Apr 2, 5:20 pm ET

WASHINGTON – The sun has been unusually quiet lately, with fewer
sunspots and weaker magnetic fields than in nearly a century. A quiet
sun is good for Earth: GPS systems are more accurate, satellites stay
in orbit longer; even the effects of manmade global warming are
marginally reduced, though just by three-tenths of a degree at most.


Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, jjreis...@alum.mit.edu, http://www.ad1c.us

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