[DX-NEWS] The ARRL DXCC Yearbook 2008

2009-06-12 Thread K2EWB
Watch your Mail Boxes. I received The 2008 DXCC Year Book today, (June 12, 


Leon,   K2EWB 

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[DX-NEWS] ARLP024 Propagation de K7RA

2009-06-12 Thread jjreisert
ARLP024 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 24  ARLP024
>From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  June 12, 2009
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP024 Propagation de K7RA

Sunspot numbers from May 31 through June 5 ranged from 13 to 23,
then the Sun was blank for two days, followed by sunspot numbers of
12 for both June 8 and 9.  This fleeting sunspot was number 1020,
and like last week's spot, 1020 had the magnetic signature of a new
Cycle 24 spot.  Alas, it was another of the frequent sunspots we've
seen lately which appear briefly, then vanish.

The last Cycle 23 spot was number 1016, which appeared April 29-30.

Leonard Halversen, WA2AMW of Princeton, New Jersey asked how Cycle
24 spots are differentiated from Cycle 23 spots, and we last
mentioned this in Propagation Forecast Bulletin ARLP044 from 2008,
so now is a good time to go over it again.

The sunspots have a magnetic signature.  As you watch them move from
left to right, they lead with a dark patch in front and a white tail
in the rear.  That is how Cycle 24 spots appear above the equator,
and it is just the opposite south of the Sun's equator.  Also, new
cycle spots tend to appear at higher northern or southern latitudes
away from the equator, while old cycle spots appear nearer the

Go to http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/ to look for
images.  Click on the "Search and Download Images" link, and select
MDI Magnetogram from the image types.  Try entering start/end dates
of April 28 and April 30 of this year, and click Search.  Select one
of the links from the middle of the list, and note that the sunspot
on the right side is near the equator, indicating a spot from the
old cycle, and that it leads with black on the right.  Because it is
slightly below the equator, this indicates a Cycle 23 spot.  If it
were above the equator, a Cycle 23 spot would lead with white on the
right side.

Now go back and search dates June 1 through June 3.  Note that you
can up the resolution to 1024 from 512.  Select one of these images,
and note the large sunspot above the equator has a Cycle 24

Still more comments arrived this week about how dead bands may be an
illusion.  Guy Cossette, VA2WT of Saint Roch de Mekinac in Quebec
wrote to tell us about his 80 and 40 meter operation.  Using 100
watts CW and a 40 meter dipole, he worked Crete, Cyprus and Tunisia
at 2200z and he also worked Cyprus on 80 meters at 2300z.

Ken Sturgill, WS4V in Marion, Virginia says he likes to use the
intelligent features at http://www.ve7cc.net/.  If you wish, you can
set it for the countries you are looking for, and you can also set
it to only accept spots from tipsters in your country, so you get
the spots you can work.  He recommends hitting the "Tell Cluster"
button often, so the info isn't lost.  He also recommends reading
the manual.

Jim Sullivan, N7TCF of Phoenix, Arizona likes to use "DX Sherlock,"
at http://www.vhfdx.net/spots/map.php.  He uses it to check out band
conditions, mainly on 6 meters.  One feature I like is the Es MUF
tab, where you can see the MUF in various places.  I believe this
data comes from ionospheric sounders (ionosondes), which fire a
sweeped RF signal straight up and then measure the strength and
frequency of the signals bouncing back.

Mark Lunday, WD4ELG of Hillsborough, North Carolina sent a link to a
nice map mash-up of 6 meter beacon stations at,
http://www.k9mu.com/map/.  Mark wrote:

"I have also been experimenting with WSJT weak signal software from
Joe Taylor, K1JT.  It's pretty neat to tinker with meteor scatter on
6 meters, and very challenging with my modest station.  But I have
really gotten addicted to JT65A mode on 20 meters.  There always
seems to be somebody on the air in the vicinity of the calling
frequency of 14076 kHz, and I have worked some terrific DX that I
normally would struggle with from here with 20 watts.  I have also
heard DU on JT65A for the first time ever on any band or mode!  All
of my QSOs have been with 40 watts or less, mostly with 20 watts.
In just two months of part-time operation, I have worked 25
countries on JT65A including VK, JA, CX, lots of Europeans.  Also, I
worked ZS6 on 80 meter WSJT last weekend!  There were horrendous
thunderstorms all up and down the east coast, but the software
decoded just fine.  I could barely see the DX on the WSJT spectrum
waterfall, and decoded his CQ almost by accident while doing
something else in the shack."

For this week, geomagnetic conditions should remain very quiet.
Solar flux is estimated to be about 68, rising above 70 June 24
through July 1.

If you would like to make a comment or have a tip for our readers,
email the author at, k...@arrl.net.

For more information concerning radio propagation, see the ARRL
Technical Information Service web page at,
http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/propagation.html.  For a detailed
explanation of the numbers used in this bulletin, see

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #945 [Calendar]

2009-06-12 Thread jjreisert

  > > > 425 DX NEWS < < <


13 June 2009  A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 945
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ***   CALENDAR  ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
 Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW


till  14/06  3Z8WFF: Polish National Park   944
till  14/06  KL7RRC/p: Ogliuga Island (NA-233)  945
till  14/06  UR4BZB/p: Medobory Nature Reserve  945
till  14/06  C6AMS: Nassau (NA-001), Bahamas943
till  14/06  EM0WFF: Ukrainian Nature Reserve   944
till  14/06  KH2/JH1EMT,KH2/JJ1CDY,KH2/JL1FYW,KH2/JR1QCQ: Guam  945
till  14/06  LA7H: Utsira Island (EU-055)   945
till  14/06  PA6JEROEN: special event station   943
till  14/06  PR2R: Ilha da Moela (SA-071)   944
till  14/06  SX5LA: Levitha Island (EU-001) 944
till  14/06  TM6ACO: special event callsign (France)942
till  14/06  TM6SME: "D-Day" special event (France) 943
till  14/06  KH2/7L4CEC,KH2/JA1BVY,KH2/JA1CJP,KH2/JA1HOD: Guam  945
till  13/06  9A5AN, 9A2AA, 9A3KS, HA3HP: Croatian islands tour  942
till  15/06  8Q7CQ: Maldives (AS-013)   943
till  15/06  H44MY and H44TO: Stirling Island (OC-162)  944
till  15/06  JW/OK1IPS, JW/OK1IEC: Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard  943
till  15/06  JW/OK1JK, JW/OK1JST: Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard   943
till  15/06  N5EYT: Hatteras Island (NA-067)944
till  15/06  ZY0F: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) 929
till  16/06  IM0/I0PNM: San Pietro Island (EU-165)  943
till  16/06  SG3U: Trasko Island (EU-084)   945
till  17/06  DK8NT/p and DL8NBM/p: Helgoland-Duene (EU-127) 944
till  17/06  TA0/WA2KBZ: Buyukada (not IOTA)942
till  17/06  VP9/KF4VTT: Bermuda (NA-005)   944
till  19/06  5H3TSA: Tanzania   945
till  19/06  ZK2V: Niue (OC-040)940
till  20/06  S21XR: Bangladesh  940
till  21/06  VP2MRT: Montserrat (NA-103)944
till  24/06  8Q7TB: Maldives (AS-013)   944
till  24/06  VP9/W5YDX: Bermuda (NA-005)944
till  29/06  JT1NOC: Mongolia   945
till  30/06  SP50DXC: special event station 944
till  30/06  VE7IYOA: special event station 943
till  02/07  TT8CF: Chad930
till  12/07  YU2009,YT2009,YU09,YT09,YT25,YU25: special prefixes945
till  20/07  8J040M-8J940M: special event stations  940
till  20/07  IY0GM: special callsign942
till  20/07  IY0NGM: special callsign   938
till  24/07  5N0OCH and 5N0EME: Nigeria 933
till  31/07  EM15DIG: special callsign (Ukraine)943
till  31/07  HG160FNY and HA160: special event station and prefixes 935
till  31/08  LY1000: special prefix 924
till  31/08  VR2/F4BKV: Hong Kong Island (AS-006)   908
till  September  LZ8WHST and LZ17ARDF: special event stations   924
till  30/11  FT5WO: Crozet Islands (AF-008) 916
till  November   OD5/W5YFN: Lebanon 915
till  31/12  9A09P: special event station   932
till  31/12  9A48IFATCA: special event station  926
till  31/12  9A800VZ: special event callsign933
till  31/12  GB250RB: special event call (Scotland) 925
till  31/12  GB40WAB: special callsign  922
till  31/12  HE8 and HB8: special prefixes (Switzerland)921
till  31/12  IA3GM: special callsign927
till  31/12  II2RAI: special callsign   924
till  31/12  IY7GM: special callsign939
till  31/12  IY7NGM: special callsign   944
till  31/12

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #945

2009-06-12 Thread jjreisert

  > > > 425 DX NEWS < < <


13 June 2009  A.R.I. DX Bulletin
   No 945
 *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5H - 5H3TSA will be active on 20 and 15 metres (+/- 14290 kHz and  21360
 kHz) for Tanzaree 2009, the Tanzania National Scouts jamboree  that
 will be held at Mbeya, southern Tanzania on 12-19 June. QSL  direct
 via 5H3HO (Hidan Ricco, P.O. Box 661945, Dar Es Salaam,  Tanzania).
7X - Bureaucratic hitches have caused Mike, DB1JAW to cancel  his  13-20
 June visit to Algeria [425DXN 944]. He was expected  to  be  active
 as 7X/DB1JAW and to attend the International Sahara  Meeting.  [TNX
8R - Dave/N3DB  &  Chris/W3CMP  as  8R1DB  (from  16  to  26  June)  and
 Terry/K4RX & Ken/AC4TO as 8R1TO (from  27  June  to  6  July)  will
 operate on 6 metres from Guyana. QSL via N3DB,  direct  or  bureau.
 Thewebsitefor theexpeditionisat
9H - Giorgio, IV3EPO will be active holiday style as  9H3EP  from  Malta
 (EU-023) on 23-29 June. He plans to operate almost  exclusively  CW
 on 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 metres.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
 bureau. [TNX IV3EPO]
CE0Y   - VK9LA (Lord Howe island) veterans Stan/SQ8X  and  Vicky/SV2KBS  are
 looking for one or two operators to join  a  DXpedition  to  Easter
 Island (SA-001) from 31 October to 15 November. "It's not top  most
 wanted DXCC", they say, "but there is  still  a  strong  demand  on
 contacts with that entity - especially in  Europe,  which  will  be
 our main target". They plan to have two  stations  up  and  running
 for almost two weeks  and  to  operate  as  CE0Y/homecall.  Further
 details  areexpectedinduecourse.Pleasevisit
 http://dx-hamspirit.com/ for  preliminary  information  and  Stan's
 e-mail address. [TNX MM0NDX]
DU - Gerard, F2JD is back to the Philippines for at least  five  months.
 He hopes to be able to renew his previous licence  (DU1/G0SHN)  and
 to visit a few island groups during his stay. QSL via  F6AJA.  [TNX
 F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
F  - Special event callsign TM6SCH will be  in  use  on  15-28  June  to
 commemorate the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the  city  of
 Cherbourg. Expect activity on 80-10 metres  CW  and  SSB.  QSL  via
 F5LHB, direct or bureau. [TNX F8REF]
F  - Francois, F5JNE will be active from Belle Ile (EU-048, DIFM AT-015)
 on 16-24 June. He plans to operate CW only  on  40  and  20  metres
 during his evening hours. On 20 June he expects to go and  operate,
 along with Max/F5IRH, from nearby Ile  aux  Chevaux  (EU-048,  DIFM
 AT-109). QSL via F5JNE, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
F  - F1UGV, F4BJW, F5DBC, F5NLR and F5SRH will operate  CW  and  SSB  as
 TM5DUM  from  Dumet  Island  (EU-064)  on  20-21  June.  QSLvia
 operator's instructions. [TNX F8REF]
F  - Jean-Pierre,  F6ITD  will  be  active  as  F6ITD/p  from  Belle-Ile
 (EU-048) on 20-28 June. He will operate SSB only on 10, 15, 20,  40
 and 80 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
F  - Commemorating the 150th anniversary of the birth  of  radioactivity
 pioneer and Nobel laureate  Pierre  Curie,  special  event  station
 TM7RPC will be active from 21 June to 5 July. [TNX F1SIU]
FO - Phil, F5PHW will be living and working on Tahiti, French  Polynesia
 for two years (August 2009-July 2011). He plans  to  be  active  as
 FO/F5PHW (but he will also try to get a FO5 callsign upon  arrival)
 and to operate CW, RTTY and some  SSB  on  80-10  metres.  QSL  via
 F8BPN, direct or bureau. Phil's logs  will  be  uploaded  to  LoTW.
 Further information at http://f5phw.chez.com [TNX F5PHW]
FT5G   - The French military amateur radio  operators  who  will  be  active
 from  Ile  de  la  Grande  Glorieuse  (AF-011)  on  9-28  July  are
 Philippe/F4EGS,  Freddy/F5IRO,  Yves-Michel/F5PRU,  Jean-Marc/F5RQQ
 and Sylvain/F5TLN. Their  trip  to  Glorioso  is  first  of  all  a
 military operation, not a DXpedition.  At  all  events,  they  will
 have four complete stations with amplifiers, three Spiderbeams  for
 the higher ban