On 11/28/2009 4:16 PM, Zack Widup wrote:

On further investigation, the T8 prefix for Palau became official on
January 1, 1994.  However, it was also being used by the Principality of
Seborga in May of 1995. Talk about confusing! I don't know who had it in

T8 may have been one of the many prefixes used by South African homelands, i.e.:

S4 (Ciskei) = ZS
S8 (Transkei) = ZS
T4 (Venda) = ZS
H5 (Bophutatswana) = ZS
V9 (Venda) = ZS

(ref: http://www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc/prefix_refs.html)

But that's just speculation.

T8 was used from Seborga starting May 1995

(ref: http://freenet-homepage.de/dl8aam/Seborga.html)

T8 was allocated by the ITU to Palau in 1996 (see above reference).

I think that T8UZA is a busted call. I found a 1994 QSO with I8UZA in my log, and I could be mistaken for T if hand-written.

73 - Jim AD1C

p.s. I have an extensive list of KC6 calls that were used from W. Caroline/Palau, send me yours and I'll cross-check.

Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreis...@alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us

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