[DX-NEWS] ARLP054 Propagation de K7RA

2009-12-31 Thread jjreisert
ARLP054 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 54  ARLP054
From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  December 31, 2009
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP054 Propagation de K7RA

Here we are on the last day of the year, with finally some very
positive indicators for Cycle 24. Except for Christmas day, since
December 9 sunspots have been visible every day. Average daily
sunspot numbers for the week December 24-30 were 12.9, an 18.5 point
drop from the previous week, which was a 10.3 point rise from the
previous week, December 10-16.

Average daily solar flux dropped from 82.8 to 76.2 from the December
17-23 reporting week, but the December 30 forecast from the U.S. Air
Force predicts a solar flux value of 79 from December 31 to January
3, 80 for January 4-9, and 85 for January 10-18.  They also predict
a steady and stable planetary A index of five through February 13.
Geophysical Institute Prague predicts quiet for the first week of
January.  You can get an update on the Air Force/NOAA prediction
after 2100 UTC at,

Since December 26 we've been blessed with new sunspot group 1039,
which is now just past the zero degree meridian, referenced to
Earth.  This is the spot in the center of the solar image.  This is
the sixth new sunspot group to emerge in December.

After today we will know the three-month moving daily sunspot
average centered on November, and it looks close to the average
centered on August, 2007, which was 10.17.  The moving average has
not been above ten since then.  The daily average for the month of
December should be close to 15.7, the highest monthly average since
March, 2008.

A number of sharp-eyed readers caught the major gaffe in the last
bulletin, when I dozed off and with my fingers on autopilot I typed
Spring Equinox when I should have said Summer Solstice.  Needless to
say, Spring is not six months off.  The Vernal (Spring) Equinox is
only 79 days from today. Thanks to (in order of notification) N5UWY,
WE5I, KW6G, KF7FIU, W3DM, N0LNO, and WA3VKG for noticing and not
having too much fun at my expense.

Joe Reisert, W1JR, an exceptional low band DXer sent some comments
about the solar minimum.  I commented that the exceptionally quiet
conditions are remarkable, and may partially make up for a lack of
solar activity.  At least we aren't bothered by large flares.

Joe responded, I really don't think the low bands are that improved
over times when the sunspots were there. Yes, it was nice to work
TX3A and K4M on 160 meters for new ones but I still can't get JT1CO
to hear me! Sometimes JAs spot me on 160 meters but no JAs call me!
Except for early last February when one morning I worked 7 JAs (!)
in a row starting at my sunrise (!), I haven't seen any really great
Asian openings. I guess I just have to hang in there. I did land
VK9XX on 80 near our sunset for number 341 about a month ago. That
was a real thrill as he was only working Europeans and somehow I
broke the pile up.

Rod Vorndam, K9ROD of Rye, Colorado wrote last week: The past
couple of weeks have seen openings to Europe at sunrise on 20
meters. This Gray Line Effect has made for several strong contacts.
I worked I2OHO (Italy), ON5CD (Belgium), HB9RDE (Switzerland), and
received several others including OZ1IKY (Denmark) and S51ZZZ
(Slovenia). These are my first European contacts into the Western
part of the US.

Mark Lunday, WD4ELG of Greensboro, North Carolina has a nice blog
with observations on DX from his new QTH.  Read it at

Mark wrote, on Christmas Day: One thing I have noticed recently
with the slight up tick in solar activity, is that 40 meters now
reminds me of 20 meters during the solar peak. Even during daylight,
there is DX open to somewhere on 40 in winter months. The exception
is high noon. But mornings and late afternoons have LOTS of activity
on 40.

This afternoon, I copied HS0CZY/4 on 40 meters about an hour before
my sunset.  The last time I remember something like this was 1
January 2005 when I worked YB1A on 40 CW late in the afternoon.

On Monday at 0100 local, I heard a fluttery signal RST 529, I copy
JA7DLE, call him twice, he gets my call, BAM he is in the log. I
have ONE JA QSO ALL-TIME on 80, and this is my SECOND EVER on 40.
This is with a single vertical and 100 watts.  What is neat about
this is that it happens at 0100 local while I can hear EU stations
599 AND South Cook Islands DXpedition 559. So I am copying Pacific,
JA, AND Europe at the same time.  When the Sun throws lemons, make
your own DX/lemonade.

I heard 4S7NE on 40 CW at 2030 local, just after his sunrise.  I
have tried to hear Nelson since I worked him on 17 meters back in
2005, but I have never heard him since. Amazing!

Thanks Mark.

Bob Doherty, K1VV of Lakeville, Massachusetts reminds us that
tonight is Straight Key Night!  Take a look at,
http://www.qrz.com/db/K1VV/1262178636 and 

[DX-NEWS] ARLD052 DX news

2009-12-31 Thread jjreisert
ARLD052 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 52  ARLD052
From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  December 31, 2009
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD052 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
HL1IWD, NC1L, PA0MIR, XE1EE, the OPDX Bulletin, DXNL, 425 DX News,
The Daily DX, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar
and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks to all.

CROATIA, 9A.  Tom, 9A2AA is QRV with special event call 9A500AA
until December 31, 2010.  QSL to home call.

CUBA, CO.  Edor, CO7PH plans to be QRV as CO7PH/p from Cayo Anclitas
Island, IOTA NA-201, from January 2 to 5.  QSL direct via W3HNK.

PHILIPPINES, DU.  Lee, HL1IWD is QRV as DU1/homecall from Manila,
IOTA OC-042, until January 3.  QSL to home call.

HAITI, HH.  Pierre, HB9AMO is QRV as HH/HB9AMO for about one month.
Activity is mainly on 30 to 17 meters using CW in his spare time.
QSL via PA7FM.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2.  Peter, VY0PW is QRV as P29CS from Lihir
Island, IOTA OC-069.  QSL via operator's instructions.

NETHERLANDS, PA.  In celebration of 600 years of the city of
Purmerend, special event station PC600P is QRV until January 27.  In
addition, look for stations PA600MIR, PA601FR, PA602SWL, PA603HGP,
PD602YL and PE603HG to be active.  QSL via operators' instructions.
CANADA, VE.  Steve, N6QEK is QRV as VY1/homecall from Whitehorse in
the Yukon Territory until January 4.  This includes a possible entry
in the ARRL RTTY Roundup.  Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using SSB
and PSK31.  QSL to home call.

AUSTRALIA, VK.  Special event station VI2AJ2010 will be QRV from the
Australian Scout Jamboree in Sydney from January 4 to 14.  Activity
is on the H/VHF bands and EchoLink.  QSL via VK2FFG.  In addition,
Wally, VK6YS, Nigel, VK6NI and Bruce, KD6WW are QRV as VK6IOA from
Houtman Abrolhos Island, IOTA OC-211, until January 4.  QSL via

MEXICO, XE.  In celebration of the two hundred years of Mexican
independence and the 100th anniversary of the Mexican revolution,
members of the Radio Club Queretaro are QRV as special event station
4A1B throughout all of 2010.  QSL via LZ3HI.

Christmas Lights QSO Party, AGB New Year Snowball Contest, SARTG New
Year RTTY Contest, AGCW Happy New Year CW Contest, AGCW VHF/UHF
Contest, Original QRP CW Contest, EUCW 160-Meter CW Contest and the
Kid's Day Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this weekend.
The RSGB 80-Meter Club CW Championship is scheduled for January 4.
The ARS Spartan CW Sprint is scheduled for January 5.  Please see
January 2010 QST, page 80, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites
for details.


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