[DX-NEWS] ARLP006 Propagation de K7RA

2010-02-12 Thread jjreisert
ARLP006 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 6  ARLP006
From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  February 12, 2010
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP006 Propagation de K7RA

Increasing sunspot activity continues. A glance at the image from
the STEREO mission (http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/) shows a string of
active regions in the Sun's northern hemisphere, both visible and
over the horizon on the far side.

The high sunspot number for the week was 71 on February 8, and the
average for the week was 43.3.  We haven't reported a weekly average
that high since the week of March 27 through April 4 in 2008, when
it was 43.6.  The daily sunspot number hasn't been as high as 71
since May 28, 2006 when it was 78.  The earlier reading that reached
that level or more was 105 on April 6, 2006.

On February 8 when the daily sunspot number was 71, the total area
covered by sunspot activity was 460 millionths of a solar
hemisphere.  That measure hasn't been that high since the same
earlier week in 2008 that had a high sunspot number average.  The
dates were March 26-27, 2008 when the area of sunspots was 520 and

You can find continuous records of these old indices going back
through 1994 at,

The latest forecast has the solar flux index for today, February 12
at 90, followed by 92 on February 13, 94 on February 14-16, 93 on
February 17-18.  Predicted planetary A index for February 12-18 is
10, 8, 8, 7, 8, 8 and 5.

Geophysical Institute Prague sees unsettled conditions February
12-13, unsettled to active February 14, unsettled February 15, quiet
to unsettled February 16, and quiet February 17-18.

A number of people have inquired about short versus long skip on
75-80 meters, and why short skip is often non-existent but long skip
is enhanced.  Dennis Carlson, K9ZMI of Arlington Heights, Illinois
provides an explanation:

As I understand it, the effect we are seeing is that the F-layer
ionization is weak because of low sunspot activity. A weakly ionized
layer has a low index of refraction (a term used in optics) which
impacts the amount of bending of the HF radio wave impinging on it.
Low index of refraction equals not much bending.

So an HF radio wave leaving an antenna is typically headed toward
outer space but is bent back (refracted) towards Earth when it
reaches the ionized layers above Earth. The amount of bending
depends on the index of refraction and, for a given index of
refraction, the angle of impingement determines if the radio wave
will return to Earth or not.

HF radio signals impinging on the weakly ionized layer at a high
angle (necessary for short skip communications between stations
close to each other) are not refracted enough to be turned back to
Earth and they simply radiate into space.

Signals impinging on the weakly ionized layer at a low angle are
refracted enough to be turned back to Earth and they appear at a
large distance from the signal's origin, which is long skip.

Thank you, Dennis.  Look at ionosonde data for Boulder, Colorado on
the web at
http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/lists/iono_day/Boulder_iono.txt.  A
glance at the foF2 column is instructive.  This is the highest
frequency that bounces back a signal from the ionosphere directly
above, with a signal beaming straight up.  For reliable short-skip
communications on 75 meters, we need the foF2 to be at least 4 MHz.

It may be different by the time you see it, but starting at z on
February 11, I see the foF2 dipping below 4 MHz from 0115-1115z,
1145-1330z, and on February 12 0115-0515z, 0600-0615z, 0700-0715z,
and so on.  On February 12 the approximate sunrise at the ionosonde
is at 1402z and sunset at 0028z. It appears that roughly after
sunset until sunrise, possibly there isn't enough sunlight to
support short skip on 75 meters.

On Thursday, Bob Marston, K6TR sent this:

Today, Feb 11th, NASA successfully launched the Solar Dynamics
Observatory at 10:23 AM EST from Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral
Air Force Station in Florida. After completing its second burn 90
minutes after liftoff, the Atlas Centaur booster released SDO in a
1900 by 21,000 mile elliptical Geostationary Transfer Orbit. Through
a series of burns over the next three weeks SDO's propulsion system
will circularize the orbit. First light from the observatory can be
expected in 60 Days. Full calibration of the satellite will be
completed in early July. Carried on board SDO is the Extreme
Ultraviolet Variability Experiment which will render data of
importance to ham radio operators interested in HF Propagation. EVE
will sample Solar Radiation in the 304 Angstrom Range which composes
half of all radiation that goes into ionizing the F Layer of the
Ionosphere. The 304A number represents a tighter real-time
correlation to F Layer Ionization that the Smooth Sunspot Number
(SSN) or the 2800 MHz Solar Flux Number.

According to news reports, the 

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #980

2010-02-12 Thread jjreisert

 425 DX NEWS   


13 February 2010  A.R.I. DX Bulletin
   No 980
 *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5Z - Cato, LA9PF will be  active  as  5Z4/LA9PF  from  Kenya  for  three
 months starting on 11 February. He plans to operate  on  all  bands
 and modes running 100 watts into a 3-element beam  or  a  loop.  He
 also expects to operate as  7Q7PF  from  Malawi  during  that  time
 frame. QSLling information at qrz.com under LA9PF. [TNX QRZ DX]
6W - Giovanni, I5JHW is active holiday style as  6V7V  from  La  Somone,
 Senegal until 23 February. He plans to take  part  in  the  CQ  WPX
 RTTY Contest. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX I5JHW]
6W - Luc, F5RAV will be active as 6V7T from Senegal from 18 February  to
 1 March. He will operate from 6W7RV's rental shack in  Somone.  QSL
 via home call, direct only.
9H - DL4HG and DL5XAT will be active as 9H3TX from Gozo, Malta  (EU-023)
 on 17-24 February, including an entry in the ARRL  DX  CW  Contest.
 They will run 100 watts into vertical  antennas.  QSL  via  DL5XAT,
 direct or bureau and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
A9 - Dave, EI3IO is now active as  A92IO  from  Sar,  Bahrain  until  at
 least August 2011. Operations will initially focus  on  the  bands
 3.5 MHz to 30 MHz, he says. He also intends to be QRV on 1.8  MHz
 for the 2010/2011 winter season. QSL direct to A92IO (Dave  Court,
 P.O. Box 31183, Budaiya, Bahrain)  or  via  the  bureau  to  EI3IO.
 Direct cards may also to be sent  to  EI3IO,  however  these  will
 only be actioned once or twice per year. Further  information  can
 be found at a92.ath.cx
C6 - Look for C6AKQ (QSL via N4BP), C6APG (QSL  via  K4PG),  C6ARU  (QSL
 via N4UM)  and  K4RUM  (C6AUM)  to  be  active  from  Grand  Bahama
 (NA-080), Bahamas on 15-22 February. C6AKQ, C6APG  and  C6AUM  will
 participate in the ARRL DX CW  Contest  as  single  band  entrants,
 while C6ARU is likely to  concentrate  on  60  metres  and  digital
 modes QRP. [TNX The Daily DX]
E4 - Antonio, EA5RM and the Tifariti Gang (EA2RY, EA5FX, EA7AJR,  EA7KW,
 F5CWU, F6ENO, F9IE, IN3ZNR and UT7CR) will be active  as  E4X  from
 Palestine from 28 May to 6 June. They plan to operate CW,  SSB  and
 RTTY on 160-6 metres, with at least three stations  active  at  the
 same time on different bands and modes. QSL via EA5RM. The  website
 for the expedition is at www.dxfriends.com/e4x/
F  - Frank, F4AJQ and a large group of operators from France, Italy  and
 the US (namely F1AFW, F1HRE,  F2VX,  F4DLM,  F4EAT,  F4FLF,  F4UKP,
 F5EOT, F5HTR, F6CEL, F6ENO, F8BJI, F9IE, I2VGW and  N6OX)  will  be
 active as TM7CC from Ouessant Island (EU-065) on 12-20 March.  They
 will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10  metres.  QSL  via
 F9IE, direct  or  bureau.  Further  information  can  be  found  at
 www.tm7cc.com [TNX F5NQL]
J8 - Once again Dave, G3TBK will be active as  J88DR  from  St.  Vincent
 from 18 February to 15 March. He will operate CW, SSB and  RTTY  on
 160-10 metres, and will participate in both the  ARRL  DX  Contests
 as well as the RSGB Commonwealth Contest. QSL via G3TBK. [TNX NG3K]
KP2- Look for KP2/K3CT and KP2/K3TEJ to operate CW, RTTY  and  PSK31  on
 all bands from the US Virgin islands on  17-24  February.  QSL  via
 home calls. They will participate in the  ARRL  DX  CW  Contest  as
 KP2M (QSL via AI4U). [TNX NG3K]
T32- Nils (SM6CAS), Derek (G3KHZ), Steve (G4EDG) and Mike  (K9AJ),  plus
 five Kiribati  Government  officials,  will  be  leaving  Christmas
 Island on 17 March on a long voyage to the Southern  Line  Islands.
 They plan to stop and operate  from  four  IOTA  new  ones,  namely
 Malden Island (OC-279), Starbuck Island (OC-280),  Caroline  Island
 (OC-281) and Vostok Island (OC-282). They  plan  to  be  active  on
 each island for four days. QSL direct via SM6CAS. The  voyage  will
 be almost 1,800 nautical miles and they will  return  to  Christmas
 on 20  April.  Further  information  is  expected  in  due  course,
 bookmark t32line.webnode.com  (currently  under  construction)  for
 updates. [TNX G3KHZ]
V3 - Ben, DL6RAI will be active as  V31RI  

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #980 [Calendar]

2010-02-12 Thread jjreisert

 425 DX NEWS   


13 February 2010   A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 980
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ***   CALENDAR  ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH
 Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW


till  13/02  J5NAR: Guinea-Bissau (incl. AF-093)975
till  13/02  Z21DXI: Zimbabwe   978
till  14/02  C21DL and C21YL: Nauru (OC-031)979
till  14/02  JD1BMV and JD1BNB: Ogasawara (AS-031)  975
till  14/02  JM1YGG/JD1 and JA2ZL/JD1: Ogasawara (AS-031)   975
till  14/02  KP2/VA3QSL: US Virgin Islands (NA-106) 978
till  14/02  XK1RST: Yukon  979
till  15/02  E51WWB: Manihiki (OC-014), North Cooks 976
till  15/02  JD1BMM: Minami Torishima (OC-073)  971
till  15/02  PJ4/N4RR and PJ4R: Bonaire (SA-006)979
till  15/02  XU7AFU: Cambodia   975
till  16/02  5W0OU and 5W0YA:  Samoa (OC-097)   979
till  16/02  T88SM and T88HS: Koror Island (OC-009), Palau  977
till  16/02  XU7KOH: Koh Russei (AS-133)979
till  18/02  C6ABB: Bahamas (NA-001)979
till  19/02  BA4DW/4: Changxing Island (AS-136) 979
till  19/02  H40FK: Reef Islands (OC-065), Temotu   969
till  19/02  H40FN: Reef Islands (OC-065), Temotu   969
till  19/02  H40MS: Reef Islands (OC-065), Temotu   974
till  20/02  KC4USV: McMurdo Station, Ross Island (AN-011)  966
till  22/02  9Y4/DF8AN: Tobago (SA-009) 979
till  23/02  6V7V: Senegal  980
till  23/02  J38XX: Grenada 977
till  23/02  V31SU: Belize  978
till  24/02  HC1MD: Ecuador 979
till  24/02  TX4T: Tahiti (OC-046), French Polynesia975
till  25/02  5Z0H: Kenya975
till  25/02  OR4TN: Antarctic base Princess Elisabeth 977
till  28/02  V31YN and V31GW: Belize976
till  01/03  PH50YA: special callsign   976
till  02/03  V31RI: Belize  980
till  03/03  J37BO and J38A: Grenada979
till  20/03  5X1NH: Uganda  975
till  26/03  XR9JA: South Shetlands (AN-010)979
till  27/03  PJ5NA: St. Eustatius (NA-145)  974
till  31/03  6W2SC (Senegal) and J5UAP (Guinea-Bissau)  975
till  31/03  J79XBI: Dominica (NA-101)  975
till  31/03  VG, VX, XJ, XK: special prefixes (Canada)  978
till  31/03  VG7G: special callsign 963
till  March  FG/F6AUS and TO4D: Guadeloupe (NA-102) 967
till  March  PJ4/PE1MAE: Bonaire (SA-006)   973
till  March  VP6AL: Pitcairn Island (OC-044)968
till  30/04  C6ANM: Bahamas (NA-001)974
till  30/04  PI65RTD, PA65xx, PD65xx, PH65xx: special callsigns 977
till  April  T6AG: Afghanistan  964
till  11/05  5Z4/LA9PF (Kenya) and 7Q7PF (Malawi)   980
till  MayVK9WBM: Willis Island (OC-007) 970
till  30/06  3Z0FCH: special event station (Poland) 975
till  30/06  GB50ATG: special event callsign957
till  12/07  ZS10WCS: special callsign  956
till  31/12  3Z0RADIO: special event callsign   974
till  31/12  DR2010L, DR2010O, DR2010N: special callsigns   977
till  31/12  HA2010S: special callsign  976
till  31/12  LM50NRK: special event station 976
till  31/01/11   DT8A: King Sejong Base, South Shetlands (AN-010)   977
till  March 2011 AT10BP: Maitri Base, Antarctica967
13/02-28/02  TM7AAW: special callsign (France)  977