[DX-NEWS] ARLP024 Propagation de K7RA

2010-06-18 Thread jjreisert
ARLP024 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 24  ARLP024
>From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  June 18, 2010
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP024 Propagation de K7RA

Average daily sunspot numbers were up 2.5 points from last week,
despite the fact that there were no sunspots at all this week on
June 15-16.  A new sunspot group 1082 emerged yesterday, June 17,
and yielded a daily sunspot number of 14.  A nice thing about this
spot is that it is all the way over on the east side of the visible
solar disk, meaning we will probably see its effects as it moves
across the sun.  All other recent sunspots emerged toward the west
side, which meant that they went over the horizon fairly quickly and

Last week there were four sunspot groups visible at different times.
Group 1078 disappeared on June 12, 1079 and 1080 both were gone on
June 14, and on June 15 1081 was gone.  Geomagnetic activity peaked
on June 16 with the planetary A index at 19 and high latitude
college A index at 42.  This should decline over the next couple of

We did not receive a prediction from Geophysical Institute Prague
this week, but NOAA/USAF say that the expected planetary A index for
June 18-28 is 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 8, 12, 15, 15 and 8.  This shows
unsettled to active geomagnetic conditions for Field Day weekend,
June 26-27.  The same prediction shows solar flux at 70 on June
18-24, then 75 for June 25-30.

Glen Stuart, N7NRA of Mesa, Arizona sent this in about recent 10
meter activity.  "N7YU, Dave, in Chandler, AZ, and I had QSOs into
Rarotonga last evening on 28.445 at about 0045Z, 14 June.  The op on
the other end was E51JD, Jim.  There was some QSB, but we were
reporting 57 on both ends.  I don't know how much power Dave was
running.  I was using 100W.  We both use Butternut HF-9Vs.  His is
ground mounted, mine is roof mounted with the base at about 15 feet
above ground.  When I built my shop I had the roofers install a
carpet of chicken wire between the shingles and the tar paper. My
counterpoise is about 16 x 50 feet and works well. Things are
looking up for the higher frequencies".

On that same date, June 14, the K0KP six-meter beacon was copied in
the Netherlands.  Rex Greenwell, K0KP lives in Duluth and operates a
100 watt beacon on 50.073 MHz at the 50 foot level on a commercial
broadcast tower in grid square EN36wt.  Here is the message from

"This is an email I received from PF7M today - Netherlands.  This
was at 01:50 AM Central time.  6M - Europe to Minnesota in the wee
hours of the AM. - Rex K0KP EN36 20 mi. NW of Duluth, MN.

Hello Rex, This morning round 06.50 UTC I have received your K0KP/B
beacon on 50.073MHZ. Just audible at 419 with my 6 element Yagi at
20 meters.  Locator here: JO33BA.  6 meters was open from here to GM
and OY, so think it was some extended Es into EN36.  Not any NA
present on 6M at this time.  73's Johan - PF7M"

Several readers sent in links to articles on our sun's recent
strange behavior, including this one, http://tinyurl.com/27nogws and
this one http://shar.es/myBSb on the NASA Solar Observatory.  In
last week's bulletin we raised the question about adjusted solar
flux values, and why they are adjusted to compensate for the
variation in the distance between earth and sun.  The solar flux
values we present here are the values as measured at the observatory
in Penticton, British Columbia.  You can see them at
http://tinyurl.com/ks8tvn.  They come from the 2000z reading in the
third column from right, with the heading fluxobsflux.  The next
column to the right, fluxadjflux, is the adjusted value.  They are
adjusted up or down to reflect a value based on the average distance
of our planet from our sun.

On 6-17-2010 at 2000z the raw observed value was 70.4, and the
adjusted value was 72.7.  This is because we are now further away
from the sun than other times of the year.  Of course, we are
interested in the observed value, because that is a measure of the
radiation hitting our ionosphere.  But if we wanted to keep track of
adjusted solar flux to gauge solar activity, this would show us more
realistically what the sun is actually doing.  Back on April 5 the
observed and adjusted readings show the same value, but in January,
we were closer to the sun, so the value was adjusted downward.

This weekend is the All Asia CW DX Contest, and HF conditions should
be fair.  There are no predicted geomagnetic disturbances.

The new issue of WorldRadio online should be out this Sunday, June
20, and there is always an informative column on propagation by
K9LA.  Check it on Sunday at http://www.worldradiomagazine.com/.
If you would like to make a comment or have a tip for our readers,
email the author at, k...@arrl.net.

For more information concerning radio propagation, see the ARRL
Technical Information Service at
http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals. For an explanation of the
numbers used in this bulletin,

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #998 [Calendar]

2010-06-18 Thread jjreisert

  > > > 425 DX NEWS < < <


19 June 2010 A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 998
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ***   CALENDAR  ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
 Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW


till  19/06  TM6OVE: special callsign (France)  995
till  19/06  UT/IZ3GWJ: Ukraine 995
till  19/06  VP2MRT: Montserrat (NA-103)996
till  20/06  FJ/DL1DA: Saint Barthelemy (NA-146)996
till  20/06  PI65SRA: special callsign  995
till  20/06  SV5/IZ4JMA: Dodecanese (EU-001)995
till  21/06  5J0BV: San Andres Island (NA-033)  996
till  21/06  MS0INT: Flannan Isles (EU-118) 997
till  21/06  VP2EMR and VP2ECF: Anguilla (NA-022)   996
till  21/06  XU7TAS: Koh Tas (AS-133)   998
till  22/06  7Q7BJ: Malawi  996
till  22/06  RZ1OA/1 and UA1OLM/1: Sosnovets Island (EU-161)997
till  23/06  OZ/G0GRC: Fyn Island (EU-172)  979
till  24/06  ZA/HA5X: Albania   996
till  25/06  8Q7TB: Maldives (AS-013)   995
till  25/06  9H3BS: Malta (EU-023)  996
till  25/06  SD1B/6: Orust Island (EU-043)  996
till  26/06  PC100AR: special callsign  991
till  28/06  9V1/AD6ZJ: Singapore (AS-019)  996
till  30/06  3Z0FCH: special event station (Poland) 975
till  30/06  8J1P, 8J4P, 8J6P: special stations 990
till  30/06  GB50ATG: special event callsign957
till  30/06  IR9ITALY: special station  992
till  30/06  OA#/OE3NHW: Peru   991
till  30/06  R90K: special event station996
till  01/07  EM20UCC: special callsign  985
till  12/07  ZS10WCS: special callsign  956
till  31/07  II2TRE: special callsign   995
till  31/07  SN1410G and SN600G: special callsign   998
till  09/08  VQ9JC and VQ90JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006), Chagos987
till  15/08  FH8ND: Mayotte (AF-027)994
till  15/08  LY1410G and LY600xx: special callsign  998
till  31/10  VK100WIA: special callsign 989
till  30/11  IL3A: Venice Lagoon islands996
till  30/11  UP25F: special callsign991
till  31/12  3Z0RADIO: special event callsign   974
till  31/12  4A1B: special callsign (Mexico)973
till  31/12  4B: special prefix (Mexico)987
till  31/12  4M200AJ, YV200D, YW200A: special callsigns 990
till  31/12  9A500AA: special callsign  973
till  31/12  DR2010L, DR2010O, DR2010N: special callsigns   977
till  31/12  HA2010S: special callsign  976
till  31/12  HG30FHA: special event station 994
till  31/12  IR1C: special callsign 984
till  31/12  LM50NRK: special event station 976
till  31/12  XR200R: special event station  995
till  31/12  YW200ER, YW200L, YW200T: special callsigns 990
till  31/01/11   DT8A: King Sejong Base, South Shetlands (AN-010)   977
till  March 2011 AT10BP: Maitri Base, Antarctica967
till  22/04/11   D2QR: Angola   993
till  May 2011   D2AK: Angola   993
till  May 2011   ZS8M: Marion Island (AF-021)   993
19/06-03/07  9H3MK: Malta (EU-023)  997
19/06-21/06  AC0QG/5: South Padre Island (NA-092)   997
19/06-21/06  IB0CW: Ventotene Island (EU-045)   998
19/06-20/06  IZ1DNJ/p: Gallinara Island (EU-083)997
19/06-26/06  J48S: Skopelos Island (EU-072) 997

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #998

2010-06-18 Thread jjreisert

  > > > 425 DX NEWS < < <


19 June 2010  A.R.I. DX Bulletin
   No 998
 *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW


The mailing list for 425 DX News is in the process of migrating  permanently
to  Google  Groups.  Current  subscribers  to  [425ENG]  will  NOT  be added
automatically to the new mailing list.  You will have to subscribe by  going
Please  note  that  you  can  also  subscribe  by  sending  an   emailto
425eng+subscri...@]googlegroups.com (remove the  square  brackets!) and then
simply reply to the confirmation message you will receive.
During the transition period, 425 DX News will be sent  to  either  the  old
and the new mailing lists, in order  to  give  our  readers  enough time  to
resubscribe.  Effective  1 JULY 2010,  the  old  mailing  list will cease to
exist,  and only  those who  have joined  the group  will continue receiving
425DXN.  Inquiries should be sent to Steve, IK4WMH (steve[at]ik4wmh.net).

EA - EG3FI will be active again from the  Formigues  (Hormigas)  Islands
 (EU-078) on 25-26  June.  The  operators  will  be  EA3AS,  EA3ATM,
 EA3DW, EA3FKX, EA3NT and F4BKV. Last year's activity run for a  few
 hours only owing to rough seas. QSL via EA3NT. [TNX DX World]
F  - A few days after Charles de  Gaulle's  famous  appeal  of  18  June
 1940, which was the origin of the French Resistance to  the  German
 occupation during World  War  II,  the  clandestine  sea  crossings
 between Brittany and England started.  Commemorating  those  events
 of seventy years ago, special callsign  TM70TC  will  be  activated
 from Finistere from 26 June to 10 July. QSL via F6CNM. [TNX F8REF]
HB0- Marc, OZ1MDX, will be active  as  HB0/OU4U  from  Liechtenstein  on
 22-27 June. He will operate CW, SSB, RTTY  and  possibly  PSK31  on
 the HF bands. QSL via M0URX, direct  or  bureau  (on-line  for  for
 bureau requests at www.m0urx.com). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
I  - Bob IK8BIZ, Alfredo IZ8DEP and  Frank  IK8TEO  will  be  active  as
 IB0CW from Ventotene (EU-045, IIA LT-011) on 19-21 June. They  will
 operate SSB, CW and digital modes on the HF bands, 6 and 2  metres,
 including activity during the IARU Region 1  50  MHz  Contest.  QSL
 via IZ8CLM, dircet or bureau. [TNX IK8BIZ]
I  - The Strange Radio Team will be  active  as  IQ8OM/p  from  Camerota
 Island (not IOTA, IIA  SA-002)  on  20  June.  Information  on  the
 Salerno Islands Plaque can be  found  at  www.strangeradioteam.com.
J2 - Vincent, F5MJV will be stationed in Djibouti "at least until  2011,
 and more probably until 2012", F5NQL reports. He will be active  as
 J28JV on the HF bands, mainly CW and digital modes with  some  SSB,
 initially during his weekends (Friday and Saturday), then, once  he
 has  settled  down,  also  during  his  evening   hours.Weekend
 activities from IOTA group AF-053 (Moucha Island) are in  Vincent's
 plans, but unfortunately he will not be able to  operate  from  the
 much rarer AF-059 group. QSL via F5NQL, direct or bureau.
KL - The KL7RRC IOTA activity  from  Chirikof  Island  (NA-235)  [425DXN
 981] is now expected to take place between 22 July  and  2  August.
 The  team  now  includes  Merle/K5MT   (exN6PYN),Yuri/N3QQ,
 Alexander/RW3RN  and  Yuri/UA9OBA.  QSL  via  UA9OBA  (Russia   and
 Europe) and N7RO (rest of the world). The tentative time  table  on
 the expedition's website (www.na-234.com) no  longer  includes  any
 activity from the Seal Islands (NA-239).
LA - Jindra OK1AMM, Franta OK1HH  and  Bob  OK2BOB  will  be  active  as
 LA/homecall from Finnoy (EU-055) from around  10  UTC  on  23  June
 until around 6 UTC on the 30th. They plan to operate CW and SSB  on
 160-6 metres. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX OK2BOB]
LA - Wolf, DM2AUJ will be active again as LA/homecall from  the  Lofoten
 Islands (EU-076) between 24 June and 8 July.  QSL  via  home  call,
 direct or bureau. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
LY, SP - The Battle  of  Grunwald/Zalgiris,  fought  on  15  July  1410,  is