Remember that DXpeditioners are the ones taking all the risks.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Alfredo IK7JWX <>
Date: Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 2:19 PM
Subject: [wff44] af068 is annulled for now for a terrible accident


Inform our dear friends, colleagues radio amateurs, sponsors,
supporters, individual contributors that 27 february at 15:30 the team
5C2 was traveling in Morocco to reach Dakhla and Herne is., on the way
broke a wheel of the jeep and were turned upside down, the impact has
been only hurt our good friend Leo I8LWL (5C2L), the rest of the team
is good, the impact Leo suffered a fractured shoulder and a slight
head injury is now recovering in the hospital of Marrakech which has
received the first treatment mediche.Non just improve his condition
will return to Italy.

Congratulations to Leo lends a healing and a return home soon.

The new dxpedition to AF068 will be in september 2011.

73 de 5C2 team

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