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18 October 2008                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                    No 911
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH 
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  18/10      IF9/I4GAD and IF9/I4AUM: Egadi Islands (EU-054)        910
till  18/10      ZS08YL: special event station                          909
till  19/10      CE0Y/JJ2NYT: Easter Island (SA-001)                    910
till  19/10      FO: Marquesas Islands (OC-027) * by DJ7RJ              908
till  19/10      GB1CODY: special event station                         909
till  19/10      HK1AT: San Bernardo Islands (SA-078)                   904
till  19/10      K5S and K5Z: East Ship Island (NA-082)                 907
till  19/10      K7P: Camano Island (not IOTA)                          910
till  20/10      8Q7IU: Maldives (AS-013)                               909
till  20/10      HF200T: special event station (Poland)                 908
till  20/10      T88RP and T88SB: Palau (OC-00)                         910
till  21/10      KG4WV and KG4KL: Guantanamo Bay (NA-015)               909
till  21/10      T22ZL: Tuvalu * by JA2ZL                               907
till  22/10      AT25MY and AT25RG: special callsigns                   900
till  23/10      9L1X: Sherbro Island (AF-056)                          910
till  23/10      C56EA: The Gambia                                      905
till  23/10      T33ZZ: Banaba Island (OC-018)                          910
till  25/10      8Q7AK: Maldives (AS-013)                               907
till  27/10      3DA0DJ and 3DA0SS: Swaziland                           909
till  27/10      AH8/DL2AH: Manua Islands (OC-077)                      904
till  27/10      VK9DWX: Willis Island (OC-007)                         897
till  28/10      TO5DX: St. Barthelemy (NA-146)                         910
till  29/10      EA6/AA5UK: Balearic Islands (EU-004)                   909
till  29/10      PJ2/PA0VDV: Curacao (SA-006)                           901
till  30/10      J68WI: St. Lucia (NA-108)                              910
till  31/10      HF30JP: special station (Poland)                       911
till  31/10      II8MU: special callsign                                905
till  31/10      IL3T: Torcello Island (EU-131)                         908
till  31/10      N3A: special event station                             909
till  31/10      VE islands (NA-038, NA-068, NA-010 * by VE7IG          906
till  02/11      T6/PA2MRX: Afghanistan                                 911
till  03/11      VC2ARAM: special event station                         908
till  06/11      JD1BMM: Minami-Torishima (OC-073)                      910
till  09/11      5U5U: Niger                                            910
till  09/11      C56YK: The Gambia                                      909
till  15/11      Caribbean cruise by SP7VC, SP3IPB and SQ3WN            911
till  18/11      TT8JT: Chad                                            910
till  26/11      EY8/F4EGS: Tajikistan                                  908
till  30/11      CK, CJ, CY, CZ: psecial prefixes (Canada)              907
till  30/11      LY70: special prefix                                   909
till  November   CE9/CE3VPM: South Shetlands (Frei Montalva Base)       910
till  November   YE2IPY: special callsign                               864
till  31/12      9A08P: special event station                           886
till  31/12      9A60A: special callsign                                881
till  31/12      9M1Cxx: special callsigns                              890
till  31/12      AY0DX: special callsgin (Argentina)                    874
till  31/12      C4EURO: special callsign (Cyprus)                      867
till  31/12      DR8M: special event station                            870
till  31/12      HG1848I: special call (Hungary)                        873
till  31/12      HG550REX: special call (Hungary)                       873
till  31/12      IN3IPY: special callsign                               904
till  31/12      ON1000NOTGER: special call                             873
till  31/12      ON50WAASLAND: special call                             910
till  31/12      ON1708M: special event station                         897
till  31/12      ON40BAF: special event call                            869
till  31/12      ON70REDSTAR: special event station                     879
till  31/12      PY100JA: special call                                  886
till  31/12      SB1658OZ and SC1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)      871
till  31/12      SH1658DK and SH1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)      871
till  31/12      SK1658DK and SK1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)      871
till  31/12      VE2XB/VY0: Southampton Island (NA-007)                 905
till  December   HF0POL: Henryk Arctowski Station (South Shetlands)     868
till  28/02/09   FM/F5IRO: Martinique (NA-107)                          906
till  31/08/09   VR2/F4BKV: Hong Kong Island (AS-006)                   908
18/10-27/10      6W/DL4JS and 6V7M: Senegal                             909
18/10-19/10      A43ICEM: JOTA station (Oman)                           911
18/10-26/10      EM65QM: special event call                             910
18/10-31/10      HB0/HB9AON: Liechtenstein                              909
18/10-19/10      IK3IUL/p: Pellestrina Island (EU-131)                  911
18/10-21/10      PJ2/K0RAY and PJ2/K4EJ: Curacao (SA-006)               910
18/10-21/10      PJ2/WA4PGM and PJ2/WK4Y:Curacao (SA-006)               910
18/10-29/10      PJ4/K5GS, PJ4/K6AM, PJ4/N0VD: Bonaire (SA-006)         910
18/10-19/10      SU8JOTA: scout station                                 910
19/10-23/10      FM/F6ARC: Martinique (NA-107)                          911
20/10-28/10      6Y7K: Jamaica (NA-097)                                 911
20/10-27/10      9A/DL3VTA and 9A/DL1DVP: Pag Island (EU-170)           911
20/10-01/11      EA8/DK3TNA: Canary Islands (AF-004)                    911
20/10-26/10      P29VLR: Garove Island (OC-181)                         909
21/10-11/11      9L0W: Sierra Leone                                     911
21/10-31/10      HF200C: special event station (Poland)                 908
21/10-28/10      PJ4/K0RAY and PJ4/K4EJ: Bonaire (SA-006)               910
21/10-28/10      PJ4/WA4PGM and PJ4/WK4Y: Bonaire (SA-006)              910
21/10-30/10      PZ5Z: Suriname                                         903
21/10-28/10      T32CXX and T32DAS: Christmas Island (OC-024)           911
21/10-28/10      VP5/K2WB, VP5/N2VW: Providenciales (NA-002)            911
21/10-28/10      VP5/W2WAS, VP5/WA2VYA: Providenciales (NA-002)         911
22/10-26/10      9M8Z: Sarawak, East Malaysia                           911
22/10-28/10      MC0SHL and MW9W: Wales                                 911
22/10-29/10      V31MX: Cay Caulker (NA-073)                            911
22/10-31/10      V4/W5JON: St. Kitts (NA-104)                           911
22/10-28/10      VP9/K3IRV: Bermuda (NA-005)                            911
23/10-27/10      C6AXD and C6APR: Crooked Island (NA-113)               907
23/10-27/10      SI9AM: Sweden                                          911
23/10-28/10      T88FY and T88AC: Palau (OC-009)                        911
23/10-02/12      TC85TC: special station                                911
23/10-08/11      XU7MDY: Cambodia                                       911
23/10-29/10      ZA0/I8LWL and ZA0/IK2AQZ: Sazan Island (EU-169)        911
23/10-29/10      ZA0/IK7JWX, ZA0/I0SNY, ZA0/I8YGZ: Sazan Island (EU-169)911
24/10-31/10      GB4HI: Holy Island (EU-124) and Anglesey (EU-005)      911
24/10-02/11      JA6GCE/HC5, JA6SOV/HC5, JM6EBU/HC5: Ecuador            911
24/10-26/10      IF9A: Favignana Island (EU-054)                        911
24/10-27/10      T88YB and T88OO: Palau (OC-009)                        911
24/10-03/11      VU4MY and VU4RG: Andaman Islands (AS-001)              910
24/10-03/11      VU7SJ and VU7NRO: Lakshadweep Islands (AS-011)         910
24/10-31/10      ZK2DF: Alofi, Niue (OC-040)                            907
25/10            3A/I1UWF: Monaco                                       911
25/10-30/11      II20CJ: special event station                          911
26/10-01/11      8Q7SO: Maldives (AS-013)                               911
26/10-01/11      V6B: Pohnpei (OC-010)                                  911
27/10-01/11      JA6GCE/HC8 and JA6SOV/HC8: Galapagos (SA-004)          911
27/10-01/11      JM6EBU/HC8 and HC5WW/HC8: Galapagos (SA-004)           911
28/10-03/11      P29NI: Hermit Islands (OC-041)                         909
28/10-06/11      P40ZB: Aruba (SA-036)                                  909
29/10-09/11      A35: Tonga * by DL2AH                                  904
31/10-02/11      GU3ZAY and GU7VJR: Guernsey (EU-114)                   905
31/10-06/11      YJ: Vanuatu * by JA1JQY and JA8VE                      911
October          3B7FQ: St. Brandon (AF-015)                            907
October-February OD5/F5TLN: Lebanon                                     908
October-April    VK2LNX and VK2FSNJ: Maatsuyker Island (OC-233)         909
October          VP8DIF: South Georgia (AN-007)                         908
01/11-07/11      CQ4IPY: special callsign (Portugal)                    885
01/11-08/11      9H3YL: Malta (EU-023)                                  911
01/11-09/11      IY1EY: special event station                           911
01/11-30/11      YL90: special event prefix (Latvia)                    911
05/11-13/11      XV4BM and XV4CC: Phu Quoc Island (AS-128)              911
07/11-25/11      A5100A: Bhutan                                         909
17/11-06/02/09   9M2MRS: Penang Island (AS-015)                         891
20/11-30/11      T31DX: Central Kiribati (OC-043)                       910
21/11-27/11      3D2YA: Mana Island (OC-121)                            911
22/11-03/02/09   EA8/ON5JV and EA8/ON6AK: Canary Islands (AF-004)       911
25/11-10/12      8Q7SC: Maldives (AS-013)                               911
25/11-30/11      HC2/SM6FKF and HC2/SM6LJU: Ecuador                     911
25/11-30/11      HC2/SM7BUA and HC2/SM7NDX: Ecuador                     911
26/11-01/12      J49I: Crete (EU-015)                                   911
26/11-01/12      V26K: Antigua (NA-100)                                 907
29/11-30/11      3X5A: Guinea                                           909
29/11-04/12      St. Martin's Isl. (AS-127) * by S21RC,S21AM,S21DM,S21S 911
November         YW1TI: Toas Island (SA-066)                            907
04/12-07/12      YB3MM/9: Timor Island (OC-148)                         909
15/12-31/12      TR50R: Gabon                                           907
28/12-02/01/09   JD1BMH and JD1BLY: Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara      905
01/01-26/01/09   TR8CR: Gabon                                           907
12/01-27/01/09   ZD8N: Ascension Island (AF-003)                        911
17/01-31/01/09   VP8YLx: Falkland Islands (SA-002)                      899
01/03-14/03/09   9M6: Spratly Islands (AS-051)                          895
19/06-05/07/09   5J0M: San Andres (NA-033)                              911


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                                Direttore Responsabile
                                Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                    Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                           Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                     Roma, Italia



        *** The PacketCluster network 425 DX News search tool commands ***

SH/425 CAL          shows the 425DXN Calendar "current" activities;
SH/425 BULL [num]   where [num] is the bulletin issue number;
SH/425 [text]       where [text] should be replaced with  a callsign, an  IOTA
                    reference number,  an island  name, an  Antarctic base,  a
                    lighthouse, etc. 

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