[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #967 [Calendar]

2009-11-13 Thread jjreisert

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14 November 2009   A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 967
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ***   CALENDAR  ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
 Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW


till  14/11  P29VCX: Normanby Island (OC-116)   967
till  15/11  FP/KV1J and FP/W8TOM: Miquelon Island (NA-032) 964
till  15/11  FT5WO: Crozet Islands (AF-008) 964
till  15/11  VP2MUM, VP2MXO, VP2MNK: Montserrat (NA-103)965
till  15/11  XR0Y: Easter Island (SA-001)   965
till  16/11  6W/EI6DX: Senegal  955
till  16/11  PW6C: Coroa Vermelha (SA-062)  960
till  16/11  T30KI and T30IW: West Kiribati (OC-017)966
till  16/11  XU7KOH: Koh Russei (AS-133)967
till  17/11  VK7ACG: Tasmania (OC-006)  929
till  17/11  XV4D: Phu Quoc (AS-128)965
till  18/11  5W0AP, 5W0CF, 5W0IW, 5W0NM, 5W0WL: Samoa (OC-097)  966
till  18/11  VP9KF: Hmilton Parish, Bermuda (NA-005)965
till  19/11  OX/EA4BT and OX/EA4NA: Greenland (NA-018)  966
till  19/11  OX/EA7AAW and OX/EA7SB: Greenland (NA-018) 966
till  20/11  JU75BSI: special event station (Mongolia)  964
till  20/11  SI#GM: special callsigns (Sweden)  965
till  22/11  PW2SIDC: special callsign  965
till  22/11  T88AA: Palau   967
till  23/11  D68F: Comoro Islands (AF-007)  963
till  23/11  TC1YLH: Yesilkoy Lighthouse966
till  23/11  TZ6JA: Mali964
till  25/11  A43ND: special event station   967
till  25/11  E51TLA: Raratonga (OC-013), South Cooks966
till  27/11  9G5TT: Ghana   951
till  27/11  9G5XX: Abokwa Island (AF-084)  951
till  28/11  GB4RN: England 963
till  29/11  D2CQ: Angola   967
till  30/11  2A, GA, MA: Scotland (special prefix)  954
till  30/11  ER650M and ER650MD: special callsigns  966
till  30/11  SN40DVP: special callsign  959
till  30/11  VG7V: special callsign 963
till  01/12  PJ4/PE1MAE: Bonaire (SA-006)   967
till  03/12  C91LW: Mozambique  967
till  06/12  TT8JT: Chad967
till  06/12  TX3A: Chesterfield Islands (OC-176)966
till  07/12  XV2RZ and XV2JR: Vietnam   967
till  31/12  9A09P: special event station   932
till  31/12  9A48IFATCA: special event station  926
till  31/12  9A800VZ: special event callsign933
till  31/12  GB250RB: special event call (Scotland) 925
till  31/12  GB40WAB: special callsign  922
till  31/12  HE8 and HB8: special prefixes (Switzerland)921
till  31/12  HF35PEA: special event station (Poland)961
till  31/12  IA3GM: special callsign927
till  31/12  II2RAI: special callsign   924
till  31/12  IY7GM: special callsign953
till  31/12  IY7NGM: special callsign   944
till  31/12  LZ50BNT: special event station 940
till  31/12  VR2009EAG: special event callsign  947
till  31/12  YL90AIR: special callsign  948
till  31/12  Z30MCWG: special callsign  928
till  December   P29CW: Papua New Guinea (OC-034)   956
till  December   T6YA: Afghansitan  962
till  31/01/10   IY2M: special event callsign   955
till  March 2010 FG/F6AUS and TO4D: Guadeloupe (NA-102) 967
till  April 2010 T6AG: Afghanistan  964
till  30/0

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #967

2009-11-13 Thread jjreisert

  > > > 425 DX NEWS < < <


14 November 2009  A.R.I. DX Bulletin
   No 967
 *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3W - Retu, OH4MDY and Henry, OH3JR will be active from Vietnam as  XV2RZ
 and XV2JR respectively until 7 December. They operate CW,  SSB  and
 RTTY on the HF bands.   QSL  for  both  calls  via  OH4MDY  (direct
 only). [TNX The Daily DX]
5R - Eric, F6ICX will operate only CW on  80-10  metres  as  5R8IC  from
 Sainte-Marie Island (AF-090), Madagascar from  17  November  to  14
 December. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. [TNX F6GCP]
6W - Tom, GM4FDM and Ronald, PA3EWP will  be  active  as  6W/GM4FDM  and
 6W/PA3EWP from Senegal from 26 January to 9 February. They plan  to
 concentrate on the low bands and RTTY, with an  emphasis  on  North
 America and Japan. QSL 6W/GM4FDM via home call, QSL  6W/PA3EWP  via
 PA7FM. Tom will upload his logs on LoTW, during  the  operation  or
 as soon as he arrives home. [TNX http://dx-hamspirit.com/]
T7 - Aurelio, IZ0EGM will operate SSB and CW as T70A during the ARRL  10
 Meter Contest (12-13 December) from the radio club of San  Marino's
 IARU Society. QSL information on qrz.com [TNX IZ0EGM]
8P - Brian, ND3F will be active as 8P9SS from Barbados (NA-021) from  22
 November to 2 December, including an entry  in  the  CQ  WW  DX  CW
 Contest. QSL via home call and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
A4 - Celebrating Oman's Nationald Day, the  Royal  Omani  Amateur  Radio
 Society will be  running  special  event  station  A43ND  until  25
 November on various bands and modes. QSL via A47RS. [TNX A41MA]
C9 - Igor, UY5LW will be active as C91LW from  Maputo,  Mozambique  from
 13 November to 3 December. He will operate CW with  some  RTTY  and
 PSK on 80-12 metres,  including  an  entry  in  the  CQ  WW  DX  CW
 Contest. Activity on 160 metres will  depend  on  local  situation.
 QSL direct to UY5LW.  Logsearch  and  further  information  can  be
 found at http://www.c91lw.dxer.com.ua [TNX UR4LRQ]
CE - Alain, F6BFH and Marco, CE6TBN [425DXN 966] plan to be active  from
 IOTA group SA-085 on 15 November. Look for activity on 20,  17  and
 15 metres CW and SSB. [TNX F5NQL]
CE0Y   - Roberto, YV5IAL will be active as  CE0/YV5IAL  from  Easter  Island
 (SA-001) on 8-11 January. This will be  a  QRP,  portable,  holiday
 style operation, with PSK31 activity on 14070.15 kHz from 22  to  1
 UTC, and occasionally on 40, 30 and 15 metres. QSL via  home  call.
CT9   -  DJ2YA,  DJ6QT,  DL1CW,  DL5AXX  and  SV1RP  will  be active as CT9/
 homecall  from Madeira  (AF-014) from  24 November  to 3  December,
 including a M/2 entry in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as CR3L  (QSL  via
D2 - D2CQ is the newly issued callsign that  Paulo,  CT1ITZ  (ex  D2PJB)
 [425DXN 966] will be using from Angola until 29 November.  QSL  via
 CT1IUA. [TNX http://dx-hamspirit.com/]
DU - Jouko, DU/OH1RX will  be  active  from  Manila  during  the  LZ  DX
 Contest (http://lzdx.bfra.org/) on 21-22  November.  QSL  via  home
 call, direct or bureau (preferred). [TNX OH1RX]
EA8- The Teide DX Group will be active as EF8BFH from Punta del  Hidalgo
 Lighthouse on Tenerife, Canary  Islands  on  14-15  November.  They
 will be active on the HF bands, 6 and 2 metres and on 70 cm,  using
 SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via  EA8NQ,  direct  o  via  bureau.
F  - Special station TM5TUR will be promoting amateur radio  during  the
 Science Week at the Turgot Secondary School  in  Limoges  on  16-20
 November. QSL via F6KTW. [TNX F8REF]
FG - Serge, F6AUS will be active as FG/F6AUS and TO4D (in contest)  from
 La Desirade, Guadeloupe (NA-102) until March. [TNX F6AUS]
FK - JA1NLX will be active as FK/JA1NLX from Ouvea Island (OC-033),  New
 Caledonia on 19-23 November. He plans to operate  CW  and  RTTY  on
 40-10 metres, and possibily on 80m as well, with 100  watts  and  a
 vertical antenna. QSL via JA1NLX direct, bureau  or  LoTW.  Further
 informationandlog  searchat
 http://www.ne.jp/asahi/ja1nlx/ham/fk_2009.html [TNX NG3K]
HB9- Special event station 4U1AIDS  will  be  active  from