[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #874 [Calendar]

2008-02-01 Thread jjreisert

 425 DX NEWS   

425 DX News is available in the following languages:
English * Italian * Japanese * Portuguese * Russian * Spanish

2 February 2008  A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 874
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ***   CALENDAR  ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH 
 Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW


till  02/02  8Q7AK: Maldives (AS-013)   871
till  02/02  J79SJ: Dominica (NA-101)   872
till  02/02  VP8CLE and VP8DKW: Falkland Islands (SA-002)   871
till  03/02  JW/IN3TCH and JW/IN3SAU: Longyearbyen (EU-026) 871
till  03/02  UN/4J9M: Kazakhstan868
till  03/02  T88SM, T88HK, T88HS: Koror (OC-009), Palau 871
till  05/02  CU7T: Faial Island (EU-175)872
till  05/02  FJ/G3TXF: St. Barthelemy (NA-146)  874
till  08/02  PJ4/K8GG, PJ4/KD9SV, PJ4/W8UVZ: Bonaire (SA-006)   873
till  08/02  VP6PR: Pitcairn (OC-044)   873
till  09/02  TM4A: special event call (France)  869
till  10/02  E51WWA: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks873
till  12/02  3Y0E: Bouvet Island (AN-002)   874
till  12/02  KG4AS, KG4WV, KG4SS, KG4OS: Guantanamo Bay (NA-015)873
till  15/02  TC800NH: special call (Turkey) 873
till  17/02  S21ZDT: Bangladesh 874
till  19/02  JD1BMM: Minami-Torishima (OC-073)  873
till  28/02  VP8DIF: South Georgia (AN-007) 859
till  29/02  ES90: special callsigns (Estonia)  874
till  29/02  V31YN and V31GW: Belize874
till  February   OJ1ABOA: Aboa Station (Antarctica) 866
till  03/03  J79XBI: Dominica (NA-101)  872
till  10/03  DP0GVN: Neumayer Base (Antarctica) 872
till  11/03  S21YV: Bangladesh  872
till  14/03  II9CAR: special event station  869
till  15/03  TT8PK: Chad873
till  31/03  J20MB: Djibouti870
till  31/03  LZ130LO: special callsign  867
till  15/04  6W2SC: Senegal 871
till  15/04  J5UAP: Guinea-Bissau   871
till  April  VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006)   866
till  April  ZD7X: St. Helena (AF-022)  869
till  07/05  VP5/WA1UKN: Grand Turk (NA-003)874
till  MayV73RY: Kwajalein (OC-028)  869
till  15/05  YI9MI: Iraq863
till  30/06  VR10: special prefix (Hong Kong)   843
till  August C91R: Mozambique   855
till  30/09  9A73AA: special callsign   855
till  November   YE2IPY: special callsign   864
till  31/12  AY0DX: special callsgin (Argentina)874
till  31/12  C4EURO: special callsign (Cyprus)  867
till  31/12  DR8M: special event station870
till  31/12  HG1848I: special call (Hungary)873
till  31/12  HG550REX: special call (Hungary)   873
till  31/12  ON1000NOTGER: special call (Belgium)   873
till  31/12  ON40BAF: special event call869
till  31/12  SB1658OZ and SC1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)  871
till  31/12  SH1658DK and SH1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)  871
till  31/12  SK1658DK and SK1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)  871
till  December   HF0POL: Henryk Arctowski Station (South Shetlands) 868
till  ?? LU1ZA: South Orkneys (AN-008)  867
till  ?? R1ANR: Blue One Runway (Antarctica)  863
till  ?? VE2XB/VY0: Southampton Island (NA-007) 872
02/02-06/02  XR7A: Ascension Island (SA-043)874
02/02-05/02  HH2FYD/6: Ile a Vache (NA-149) 874
02/02-05/02  PW2M: Moela Island 

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #874

2008-02-01 Thread jjreisert

 425 DX NEWS   

425 DX News is available in the following languages:
English * Italian * Japanese * Portuguese * Russian * Spanish

2 February 2008A.R.I. DX Bulletin
   No 874
 *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3Y0 - The team  on Bouvet  Island is  scheduled to  be  picked up  on  12
  February (the date  may change  due to  local conditions).  Petrus,
  3Y0E is active on 20 metres  SSB (14260 kHz with a  split of 5  kHz
  up) and operates barefoot with a  vertical antenna. QSL via  LZ3HI.
  Updates, log  search and  additional  information are  availabe  at
CE  - CE6TBN, HA1AG,  RA0FU  and  RV1CC  will  be  active  as  XR7A  from
  Ascension Island (SA-043) on  2-6 February and  as XR7W from  Wager
  Island (SA-053) on  9-12 February (weather  permitting). They  will
  focus on 30, 40 and 20 metres. Depending on Internet  availability,
  (ha1ag.wordpress.com) during the trip. QSLs via HA1AG. [TNX HA1AG]
EA  - Adolfo, EA7TV reports he will  operate as EA7TV/P  from the two  El
  Rompido  lighthouses  (ARLHS  SPA-271  and  and  SPA-337)  on  8-10
  February. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
EA8 - Slavo,  SP2JMB  reports  he  will  be  active  as  EA8/SP2JMB  from
  Tenerife, Canary  Islands  (AF-004)  on  12-19  February.  He  will
  operate CW and SSB on 80-10  metres. QSl via  home call, direct  or
ES  - Twenty-six ES90  callsigns  (from ES90A  to  ES90Z) will  be  aired
  during February (but some stations will be active also later,  e.g.
  in  the  major  international  contests)  to  celebrate  the   90th
  anniversary of  the proclamation  of the  Republic of  Estonia  (24
  February 1918). [TNX ES2MC]
ES  - Vello, ES1QD  will be  active as  ES90M from  Muhu Island  (EU-034)
  sometime in February. QSL via home call. [TNX K1XN]
FJ  - Nigel, G3TXF is  currently active as  FJ/G3TXF from St.  Barthelemy
  (NA-146). He operates CW on  40-10 metres and  will be leaving  the
  island on on 5 February in his early morning. QSL via home call.
HH  - Yannick, HH2FYD will operate as HH2FYD/6 from Ile a Vache  (NA-149)
  from about 16  UTC on 2  February until about  23 UTC  on the  5th.
  Expect activity on 20 metres SSB (+/- 14260 kHz). On-line logs will
  be avialable at http://www.cdxc.org/dxp/2007-HH2FYD/hh2fyd-fr.htm .
  QSL via F6FYD. [TNX F5NQL]
LU  - Dario, LU3DR  is active  as AY0DX  until 31  December. The  special
  callsign celebrates the 100th anniversary of the San Jose School in
  the city of Tandil, Argentina. QSL via LU3DR. [TNX LU3DR]
PY  - The PW2M team [425DXN 869] originally had planned to be active from
  Moela  Island  (SA-071)  until  8  February,  but  they  have  been
  authorized through the 5th only. Access is granted, permissions are
  given and transportation is supplied by the Brazilian Navy.  Expect
  PW2M to be aired on 160-6 metres  SSB, CW, RTTY and BPSK (plus  60m
  on an experimental basis for  the first time  in Brazil) with  four
  stations operating simultaneously depending on propagation. QSL via
  AI4U or (for Brazilian stations) PY2AA. [TNX PY2WAS]
PZ  - PZ5WW (AC8W), PZ5DD (K8DD), PZ5TX (KB8TXZ)  and PZ5AY (W5JAY)  will
  be operating from  the QTH of  PZ5RA, Suriname  on 13-18  February.
  Look for activity on 160-10 metres,  with a particular emphasis  on
  the low bands. They will participate  in the ARRL DX CW Contest  as
  PZ5WW (Multi-Single). QSL PZ5DD and PZ5WW  via K8DD; QSL PZ5TX  via
S2  - S21ZDT is the new callsign issued to Toby, SM4XDJ for his  activity
  from Bangladesh  [425DXN 871].  He will  be active  from  different
  locations between  1 and  17 February,  and  will operate  SSB  and
  digital modes during his  evening hours and  the weekends. QSL  via
  SM4XIH. On-line logs will be available at  http://s21zdt.fittest.nu
TI9 - The TI9K licence, previously issued to TI2KAC, has been reissued to
  TI7WGI when Carlos decided to drop out of the expedition. The  TI9K
  final  team   of   operators