[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #877

2008-02-22 Thread jjreisert

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23 February 2008   A.R.I. DX Bulletin
   No 877
 *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3A  - Carlos, EA1DVY will be active as  3A/EA1DVY from Monaco between  23
  February and 3 March. He will  concentrate on 160 metres SSB  (look
  for him around 1843 kHz), and  will participate in  both the CQ  WW
  160M SSB and ARRL DX SSB contests. QSL via home call. [TNX EA1DVY]
5Z  - Sigi, DL7DF will be active as 5Z4HW from Diani Beach, Kenya from 27
  February to 11 March. He plans  to operate "as often as  possibile"
  on all bands and modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Sigi's
  website is at http://www.dl7df.com [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
6W  - Alessandro, IK4ALM  will be  active as  6W/IK4ALM from  Senegal  on
  16-27 March. He plans to operate holiday style on 10-40 metres with
  100 watts to a groundplane.  QSL via home  call, direct or  bureau.
BV  - Expect BU2AI to  operate again as  BU2AI/9 from  the Matsu  Islands
  (AS-113) between 1  and 20 March.  He operates  CW and  SSB in  his
  spare time, and during his first  activity (5-19 February) he  made
  some 1200 QSOs. QSL via home  call, direct or bureau. Please  visit
  Visit http://bu2ai.tripod.com/BU2AI-9-Matsu-2008.htm for updates.
C9  - Frosty/K5LBU (C91CF),  Tom/NQ7R (C91TK),  Jay/W5SL (callsign  TBA),
  Bill/NZ5N (callsign  TBA)  and Hal/ZS6WB  (callsign  TBA)  will  be
  active from Mozambique between 16 and 31 July. They plan to operate
  CW, SSB, PSK and RTTY on  160-6 metres with  two stations. QSL  via
  home call. If interested in joining the expedition, please  contact
  K5LBU ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  for more  details. The  web page  for  the
  operation is at http://www.tdxs.net/C9.html
FS & FJ - Yannick, F6FYD (HH2FYD) will leave Haiti early next month.  Between
  8 and 12 March  he  will be  on St. Martin  (FS) and St.  Bathelemy
  (FJ) before heading back to France. [TNX F6AJA]
GD & GJ - Peter, K8PT and Craig, K3PLV will be active as MD/K8PT and MD/K3PLV
  from the Isle of Man (EU-116)  on 19-21 March,  and as MJ/K8PT  and
  MJ/K3PLV from Jersey (EU-013) on 22-27  March. QSL via home  calls.
  Checkhttp://home.roadrunner.com/~crahill/for additional
  information. "Since this  is our first  time on the  Isle of  Man",
  Peter says, "we would be interested  as to what needs there are  in
  the DX community (bands/modes). Please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]".
HK0 - Six members of the Texas DX  Society (namely Bill/K5WAF,  Jim/N4AL,
  Keith/NM5G, Paul/W5PF, Chuck/W5PR and  Cal/WF5W) will operate  from
  San Andres  Island  (NA-033) on  1-6  March, ARRL  DX  SSB  Contest
  included. They  plan to  use two  separate stations  with beam  and
  vertical antennas.  After the  contest,  they will  use  individual
  callsigns on  SSB, CW  and digital  modes on  the major  HF  bands.
  Callsign assignments are pending. QSL for  all via W5PF. Logs  will
  be uploaded  to  LoTW.  The  web page  for  the  expedition  is  at
J8  - Dave, G3TBK will be active as  J88DR from St. Vincent (NA-109)  for
  the ARRL DX SSB Contest. During the week after the contest he  will
  operate CW, SSB, RTTY and SSTV on all bands. [TNX NG3K]
OH  - Jukka, OH4MFA  will  be active  as  OH4MFA/1  from  Kustavi  Island
  (EU-096) on  23-24  February. He  will  participate in  the  CQ  WW
  160-Meter SSB Contest  and will also  operate CW on  20, 30 and  40
  metres, with 100 watts  and vertical antennas.  QSL via home  call,
  direct or bureau. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
OK  - Back in March  1978 Vladimir Remek  was the  first Czechoslovak  in
  space, as well as the first cosmonaut from a country other than the
  Soviet Union  or  the United  States.  To commemorate  that  event,
  special station OL30SPACE  will be active  on 1-30  March. QSL  via
PJ7 - Look for Bil, PJ7/W8EB (and Dorothy, W8DVC) to be active from  Sint
  Maarten (NA-105) from 24  February through 23  March. Plans are  to

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #877 [Calendar]

2008-02-22 Thread jjreisert

  > > > 425 DX NEWS < < <

425 DX News is available in the following languages:
English * Italian * Japanese * Portuguese * Russian * Spanish

23 February 2008 A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 877
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ***   CALENDAR  ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH 
 Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW


till  23/02  CN2XW: Morocco 869
till  25/02  V31YN/p and V31GW/p: Southwater Caye (NA-180)  874
till  25/02  V63ZM, V63TR, V63OC: Pohnpei Island (OC-010)   876
till  26/02  FJ/SP3IPB and FJ/SQ3WN: St. Barthelemy (NA-146)875
till  26/02  FJ/SP6IXF and FJ/SP7VC: St. Barthelemy (NA-146)875
till  26/02  T32OU and T32YA: Christmas Island (OC-024) 875
till  26/02  V31JZ/p: South Water Caye (NA-180) 875
till  26/02  XU7XRO: Cambodia   875
till  27/02  HC1MD: Ecuador 873
till  27/02  VU2BMS: India  875
till  28/02  JD1BLY, JD1BMO, JD1BMP: Ogasawara (AS-031) 871
till  28/02  VP6DX: Ducie Island (OC-182)   875
till  28/02  VP8DIF: South Georgia (AN-007) 859
till  29/02  8R1PW: Guyana  863
till  29/02  ES90: special callsigns (Estonia)  874
till  29/02  V31YN and V31GW: Belize874
till  February   OJ1ABOA: Aboa Station (Antarctica) 866
till  02/03  TM1R: special event call (France)  869
till  03/03  J79XBI: Dominica (NA-101)  872
till  06/03  C56YK and C56JC: Gambia873
till  10/03  DP0GVN: Neumayer Base (Antarctica) 872
till  11/03  S21YV: Bangladesh  872
till  14/03  3B8/G4FKH: Mauritius   873
till  14/03  II9CAR: special event station  869
till  15/03  TT8PK: Chad873
till  16/03  LY90: special event stations (Lithuania)   876
till  21/03  FR5EZ: Reunion Island (AF-016) 876
till  31/03  J20MB: Djibouti870
till  31/03  LZ130LO: special callsign  867
till  15/04  6W2SC: Senegal 871
till  15/04  J5UAP: Guinea-Bissau   871
till  23/04  UN/4J9M: Kazakhstan876
till  April  VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006)   866
till  April  ZD7X: St. Helena (AF-022)  869
till  07/05  VP5/WA1UKN: Grand Turk (NA-003)874
till  MayV73RY: Kwajalein (OC-028)  869
till  15/05  YI9MI: Iraq863
till  30/06  VR10: special prefix (Hong Kong)   843
till  August C91R: Mozambique   855
till  30/09  9A73AA: special callsign   855
till  November   YE2IPY: special callsign   864
till  31/12  AY0DX: special callsgin (Argentina)874
till  31/12  C4EURO: special callsign (Cyprus)  867
till  31/12  DR8M: special event station870
till  31/12  HG1848I: special call (Hungary)873
till  31/12  HG550REX: special call (Hungary)   873
till  31/12  ON1000NOTGER: special call (Belgium)   873
till  31/12  ON40BAF: special event call869
till  31/12  SB1658OZ and SC1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)  871
till  31/12  SH1658DK and SH1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)  871
till  31/12  SK1658DK and SK1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)  871
till  December   HF0POL: Henryk Arctowski Station (South Shetlands) 868
till  ?? LU1ZA: South Orkneys (AN-008)  867
till  ?? R1ANR: "Blue One Runway" (Antarctica)  863
till  ?? VE2XB/VY0: Southampton Island (NA-007) 872
23/02-22/03  5X1NH: Ugand