I.C.P.O. Bulletin (April 02 - 10, 2009)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
02/04/2009:  Richard, G3RWL will be active as 8P6DR from Barbados (NA-021, 
WLOTA 0999) from April 2-24th. He will operate holiday style on 160-10 meters 
using CW and digital modes. Better not to expect him on the bands on 8 April, 
as it will be his wedding day! QSL via home call, direct or Bureau (e-mail 
requests for bureau cards can be sent to (g3rwl at amsat.org). [425 DX News]

02/04/2009:  John/VE8EV, Wally/VE8DW and Gerry/VE8GER will be active from 
Ellice Island (NA-192), April 2-5th, using the callsign VX8X. QRV 40, 20, and 
15 meter SSB/CW; 24 hours per day non-stop operation. Expect to see them on CW, 
but most of the focus will be on 20 meter SSB on 14.260 MHz. QSL via the 
information at QRZ.com under VX8X. [rsgbiota.org]

03/04/2009:  Toshiyuki, JP1PZE will be active April 3-7th as K7XF/KH0 from 
Saipan (OC-086). He plans to be QRV on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL 
via JP1PZE, direct or Bureau. [425 DX News]

03/04/2009:  Members of the Aegean DX Group will be operate from Samos Island 
(EU-049, GIOTA SAS-006, MIA MG-099, WLOTA 4163), as SX8P (Pythagoras) between 
April 3-12th. Activity is to celebrate the 2500th anniversary and honor the 
memory of Great Ancient Samian Philosopher and Mathematician "Pythagoras". For 
more information, see QRZ.com. Operations will mainly be on SSB and the Digital 
modes. On SSB, 14260, 18124, 7090, 3780 kHz (+/- 5 kHz), and if bands are open, 
check 21260, 24950, 28460, 50150 kHz (+/- 5 kHz). Look for them on BPSK31 and 
RTTY on 20/40/80 meters, and if the bands are open 15/10m. There will also be 
activity on the AO-51 Satellite. Operators mentioned are: Vassilis/SV8CYV, 
Alexandros/SV8CYR, Kostandinos/SV8IIR, Ilias/SV8FMY and George/SV8IJZ. QSL via 
SV8CYV, direct by the Bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

03/04/2009:  Wim, XU7TZG (ex-ON6TZ) will activate Koh Russei [aka Bamboo] 
(AS-133), Kingdom of Cambodia, from April 3-6th. Koh in Cambodian means island. 
QRV all HF bands using on CW, SSB and PSK31. QSL direct only via ON7PP (SAE+2 
US $). [UBA HF News]

04/04/2009:  Gianni, I1UWF will be active as 3A/I1UWF from Monaco on April 4th, 
starting around 1300 UTC. He plans to be QRV on 17 and 12 meters running 100 
watts into a vertical antenna. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau.. [425 DX 

04/04/2009:  François/F5JNE along with Claude/F5MCC will be active April 4th as 
F5JNE/p from the castle of La Tasse (DFCF 77-174), located in the city of Diant 
(CP 77940), in the canton [county] of Lorrez le Bocage (DDCF 77-16), Department 
Deux-Sèvres/79, Province Poitou-Charentes (DPF 19). As usual starting around 
0600 UTC, 80/40m, CW/SSB. QSL via Bureau and SWL cards welcome. [F5NQL]

04/04/2009:  Wade, KU4OJ will activate Savage Island (Not IOTA, USi GA-038, 
Bryan county) inside Fort McAllister State Park, near Savannah, Georgia. QRV 
mornings and evenings (or whenever he can get the best propagation!) on or near 
14.260 and 7.225 MHz. QSL direct to home call w/SASE. DX can QSL via home call 
either direct or by the Bureau. [USi]

04/04/2009:  There will be a series of Lighthouse activations by TCSWAT from 
the historical lighthouses around Istanbul / Republic of Turkiye. The dates, 
locations and callsigns are as follows: April 4-5th Fenerbahçe Lighthouse TUR 
021 / TC2FLH. Stations contacting four or more of the lighthouses will recieve 
"Istanbul Lighthouses On The Air Award". Details will be later announced on the 
website: ta0u.com/  and nbsp;tcswat.tripod.com/ The lighthouse TCSWAT team will 
be: Urcun/TA0U, Leonardo/TA1FR, Mert/TA1ST, evfik/TA1HZ, Erhan/TA2DJ, 
Bekir/TA2RX, Mehmet/TB1J and Onur/TB2MYE. QSL direct to TA1HZ (QRZ.com). 

04/04/2009:  Haru, JA1XGI (W8XGI) will be active April 4-11th from Christmas 
Island (OC-002) as JA1XGI/VK9. QRV all bands, focus on low bands, using CW and 
digital modes. QSL to JA1XGI, Bureau or direct. [NG3K]

05/04/2009:  Tor/DJ4MG (5P4MG) and Ela/DL1TM (OZ7TM) will be active April 
5-16th from Vendsyssel-Thy / Nordjylland (EU-171, DIA NJ-001). QRV 160, 80, 40, 
20, 17 and 15 meter SSB; also PSK31 on 20/40m. QSL 5P4MG via DJ4MG, direct or 
bureau. QSL OZ7TM via DL1TM, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

05/04/2009:  Grandi Island, Goa, India (AS-177) is one of the new IOTA yet to 
activate and is going to be activated from April 5th-7th. The team consists 
with Sara/VU3RSB, Frank/DL4KQ, Jose/VU2JOS, Yamini/VU2YAM and Manju/VU2SMS.The 
setup would be one CW and one SSB Station with Vertical and Dipoles. QSL Via 
W3HNK for South and North America and DL4KQ for Rest of the world. Further info 
at: www.mdxc.org/at9rs [PlanetHam.org]

05/04/2009:  The Amateur Radio Club UBA-LGE Liege (ON5VL) will activate the 
Castle of Wegimont (LG-075) as ON5VL/p on April 5th (0700-1200 UTC), 40 meters 
only. QSL via the Bureau to ON5VL, or direct to ON5PO. [ON5VL]

05/04/2009:  Ben, DL7UCX will be operating holiday-style from the Seychelle 
Islands (AF-024) as S79UCX from April 5-17th. QRV 80-10m with 100W, vertical + 
dipoles, mainly CW. QSL via DL7UCX, direct or by the Bureau. [NG3K]

07/04/2009:  Oscar/EB1HF and Pablo/EC1DPM have plans for a DXpedition to the 
island of Saint Barthelemy (NA-146, WLOTA 377) from April 7-12th. QRV asss 
FJ/EB1HF and/or FJ/EC1DPM on 20, 15 and 10 meters using digital modes only 
(mainly RTTY). Their equipment will consist of two Icom 706, Dipoles and a 2 
element yagi. QSL both calls via EC1AE, direct only (Oscar Gancedo, P.O. Box 
921, E-33080 Oviedo, SPAIN). [EC1AE]

07/04/2009:  Daniel/DL5YWM and René/DL2JRM will stay in Lima, Peru, from April 
7th until the beginning of May. In their spare time they will operated as 
OA4/homecall mainly in CW with focus on the lowband. During this stay they will 
made a small detour to Costa Rica to participate in the German DXpedition to 
IOTA NA-191 (www.ti7.info/) which takes place April 17-20th. Any acitivity from 
peruvian IOTA's will be decided at the last minute. [DL5YWM]

08/04/2009:  Dan, W0CN will be active as KG4CN from Guantanamo Bay (NA-015, 
WLOTA 0358, WW Loc. FK29kw) from approximately April 8-21st. Expect activity on 
all HF bands/modes. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. Logs will be uploaded 
to LoTW. [rsgbiota.org]

08/04/2009:  Fred, ON6QR will be active as LA/ON6QR from Moskenesoy Islnd 
(EU-076), Norway, between April 8th and 12th. QRV only CW-QRP mainly 40-20m 
during evenings. QSL to home call, direct or Bureau. [F5NQL]

08/04/2009:  Between April 8 to 15th, look for Joachim, F6BUL to be active as 
TK/HC/qrp, from Querciolo, about 25 km south from Bastia, island of Corsica 
(EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001, WLOTA 1390). Holiday style operation using 
QRP, CW/SSB, with ICOM IC-703, 10W into walkabout or HF-5S Diamond antenna. 
Frequencies: 7011, 7048, 10109, 14011, 14111, 18078, 18131 and if open 21011, 
21211, 24898, 24928, 28011, and 28411 kHz. QSL via F6BUL when back home, direct 
or via the French REF-Bureau. [F5NQL]

09/04/2009:  Augusto HB9TZA/I2JJR obtained his visitor callsign 9H3JR for his 
next stay in Malta (EU-023, WLOTA 1113) from April 9-14th. It will only be a 
short stay there, and he will operate holday style having his XYL with him. 
Augusto will look for some more detail about lighthouses or what else may be 
able to activate from there. He will use IC7k, AH4, and FT817, with some wire, 
hardware, and a fishing rod; so he will be able to put up a long wire or dipole 
or vertical and operate HF to 6m. QSL via home call. [I2JJR]

09/04/2009:  Operators ON4AEO, ON7BK, ON4CJK, ZS6GC, ZS5AYC, ZR6APT, ZS6IMO, 
VK4AHT, VK4EMH and others will be active from Mozambique using the callsign 
C91FC from April 9-13th. QSL via ON4CJK. Further information can be found at: 
www.filipstattooshop.be/Mozambique/index.html [NG3K]

09/04/2009:  Anne, OH2YL will be active as OH0/OH2YL from the Aland Islands 
(EU-002) from April 9-14th. QRV all HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via home 
call, direct (Anne Lähdes, Ullantorppa 11 A 15, Espoo, 02750, Finland) or 
Bureau. [NG3K]

09/04/2009:  Ben, DO1BEN will be active from Lolland Island (EU-029, DIA 
SJ-015) as OZ/homecall from April 9-17th. QRV on all HF bands, using SSB and 
somtimes digital modes. Location is 5 meters from the Baltic Sea. QSL via home 
call, Bureau or direct. [rsgbiota.org]

09/04/2009:  Retu, XU7MDY will be active from Shinanoukville, Cambodia, between 
April 9th and 21st. QRV 80-10m using CW, SSB and Digital modes. QSL via the 
information at QRZ.com. [NG3K]

10/04/2009:  Operators Jorge/OA4BHY, Marco/CE6TBN, Zoli/HA1AG, Daniel/DL5YWM 
and Rene/DL2JRM will be active from La Leona Island, Peru, as OA4BHY/6 from 
April 10-13th. QRV all HF bands SSB/CW with 2 stations. Special callsign is 
possible. QSL via DL2JRM, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

12/04/2009:  Once again Zik, VE3ZIK will be active from Bilice (Croatian coast) 
as 9A/VE3ZIK from April 12-21st. Also one day activity to IOTA: Ugljan Island 
(ACIA 339, CIA-53, IOCA CI-134, MIA MC-441) as well as Pasman Island (EU-170, 
ACIA 348, CIA-34, IOCA CI-085, MIA MC-291), only 20 and 40m band, CW and SSB. 
QSL via DO7ZZ, Bureau 100%. LoTW and eQSL is also ok. He really prefers paper 
QSL cards :) [NG3K]

12/04/2009:  Tony/E21IZC and Kamroon/HS7UCQ will activate Lipe Island (AS-126) 
as E21IZC/p from April 12-13th. QRV on all HF bands, around the usual island 
and IOTA frequencies. QSL via E21IZC (QRZ.com). [rsgbiota.org]

18/04/2009:  The Algarve STAR DX Team will activate Doca Olhao (Parsena Olhao) 
West Lighthouse (ARLHS POR-129, DFFA Fa-32 for the Algarve Lighthouse Award) on 
Amateur Radio Day, April 18th, between 0700 and 1300 UTC. Callsign will be 
announced later. All information will be online at: algarvedx.com/ [Algarve 
S.T.A.R. DX Team]

29/04/2009:  The Teresina DX Group is preparing a DXpedition to the Canarias 
Islands (IOTA 072, DIB MA-05, DFB MA-11, WW Loc. GI97BF), on the coast of 
Piaui, Brazil, from 1600 UTC April 29th to May 3rd. QRV 160 to 10 meters (SSB, 
CW, PSK31 and RTTY), including 6 meters, 144 MHz (SSB and FM). They also plan 
the following satellite activity (SSB/FM): AO-7 (A and B), FO-29, AO-51, VO-52, 
SO-50 and the ISS in repeater mode if active. Team members include PS8BBC, 
PS8DX (QRZ.com). [PS7AB]

30/04/2009:  A Belgian group of die-hard amateur radio operators along with 
ON4BR took up the challenge to land and to be active from Rockall island as 
MM0RAI/p (EU-189), in order to make thousands of radio contacts from the "most 
wanted" spot for ten thousands of hams. They are planning to start their 
activities on April 30th to May 3rd. Operations will be lead from 80 to 10m on 
CW and SSB only. QSL via the bureau or direct through ON4BR. Further info at: 
www.rockall.be/ [UBA HF News]

07/05/2009:  Special Event Station celebrates 100 years of the Fleet Air Arm. 
On 7th May 1909 the Admiralty began a process that was to lead to the formation 
of the Fleet Air Arm. As 2009 is the Centenary Year of Naval Aviation, there 
are a number of events and publications throughout the year to celebrate and 
commemorate this event.
RNARS will be operational with the SES GB100FAA from the 7 May to the 15 May 09 
from HMS Collingwood and from 19 May to 21 May 09 from RNAS Yeovilton.
The RNARS Chairman Mick Puttick says: "This is a chance for us to assist in 
publicising this historic occasion. Contacts with the special event stations 
and with RNARS members will also count towards the awards issued by the 
Operation will be on SSB and CW on the usual RNARS frequencies, band conditions 
permitting, and, +/- QRM: SSB - 3740, 7055, 14294/14335, 18150, 21360, 28940 
kHz; CW - 3520, 7020, 10118, 14052, 18087, 21052, 24897, 28052 kHz. It is 
expected that a 2 metre FM station will also be operational. More information 
about the Society and the awards can be found at: www.rnars.org.uk. [Southgate 

23/05/2009:  Fellow club members of CRD (Club Radio Durnal) of the UBA will be 
aired as OT65ALG from May 23rd to 24th in order to be active from Airfield of 
Temploux (Namur). They will be active from 80 to 15m on SSB and digimodes only. 
Airfield of Temploux was considered as an Advanced Landing Ground by USAAF 
during WWII. Her callsign was ALG Y47 air strip and nicknamed as "gangway 
advanced". QSL cards are welcomed via the bureau or direct with sufficient 
postage (USD 2,-) or equivalent in Euro. Insufficient request will be answered 
via the bureau. Each QSO will be confirmed by a special QSL card. [UBA HF News]

30/05/2009:  Ulf/DL5AXX and Frank/DL8WAA will be active as CS9L from Santana, 
Madeira Island (AF-014, DIP MA-001, LH-0053), during the CQWW WPX CW Contest 
(May 30-31st) as a Multi-Single entry. They are looking for 1 more operater. 
Pse email to dl5...@darc.de . QSL via DJ6QT, direct or Bureau. [NG3K]

25/06/2009:  Alan/G0RCI, Pete/M0USY, Harry/G7DEH and Alan/G4VUA will be active 
from Holy Island, Wales, as GW0GRC from 1100 UTC June 25th to 1200 UTC June 
29th. QRV all HF bands, around the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via 
G0RCI, direct or Bureau. [rsgbiota.org]

The ISWL Club Callsigns in use during April 2009 will be:

GX4BJC /A - Operated from Great Sutton, in Cheshire, by Geof - M0BAU.
(WAB Square = SJ37-CHS  &  IOTA = EU-005).

MN1SWL /A - Operated from Belfast, Northern Ireland, by Frank - GI4NKB.
(WAB Square = J36-BEL  &  IOTA = EU-115).

The ISWL's WAB Book numbers are: 16316  and  16724.

All QSL Info is on www.iswl.org.uk  or  www.qrz.com  or via www.eQSL.cc

ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see www.iswl.org.uk 
for full details.  eQSL.cc cards ARE accepted for our awards.
Here are some Special event news With Thanks to
Terry G4PSH - at the RAFARS NEWS DESK. 
RNARS will be Operational with the SES GB100FAA from the 
7 May to the 15 May 09 from HMS Collingwood.
19 May to 21 May 09 from RNAS Yeovilton.
This is to celebrate 100 years of the Fleet Air Arm.
Primary Freq. will be SSB 3.740 7.055 14.294/335 CW 3.520 7.020 14.052
Yeovilton will be one day CW another day SSB and the third mixed mode.
It is also hoped that 2m will be operational from both stations.

1-7 Jun  GB60BTF Bridge Too Far  Contact Dennis GW4XKE
1-7 Jun  GB2ADU Air Supply Units  Contact Dennis GW4XKE
1 Jul    GB0RAF HMYOI Deerbolt, RAF Memorial Day.  Contact Mike G0NRK
GB2RAF should be QRV every 2nd Saturday of the Month 
1000-1500hrs local = UTC +1 Hour Air Defense Radar Museum QSL QRZ.com

2/3 May GB0AOA RAF Jurby  Contact Mike GD0HYM
Aug/Sept GB0AOA RAF Andreas (Authorisation and Dates pending)
If Members put an Airfield on the air please advise Vince G4DQP and
News Desk, so that all will be aware of the AOTA date time and location. 
The special event station ON65CLM stands for the "Canadian Liberation March" 
and will be aired by UBA club station ONZ from March 1st until December 31st. 
This march is to remember the liberation of the Town Knokke by the Canadian 
armed forces in November 1944. The original march of the liberators started in 
Hoofdplaat in the Netherlands, 33 km away from Knokke. Nowadays thousands of 
grateful marchers participate every year at this 33 km long walk in remembrance 
of those brave men. QSL to the bureau. [UBA HF News]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at: 

02/04-24/04  8P6DR: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL G3RWL (d/b)
03/04-12/04  SX8P: Nisos Samos WLOTA:4163 QSL SV8CYV (d/b)
04/04-05/04  TC2FLH: Fenerbahce WLOL:TUR-021 QSL TA1HZ (d)
07/04-12/04  FJ/EB1HF: Saint Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL EC1AE (d)
07/04-12/04  FJ/EC1DPM: Saint Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL EC1AE (d)
08/04-21/04  KG4CN: Guantanamo Bay WLOTA:0358  QSL W0CN (d/b)
08/04-15/04  TK/F6BUL/qrp: Corsica Island WLOTA:1390 QSL HC (d/b)
09/04-17/04  3B8/SP2JMB: Mauritius Island WLOTA:0595 QSL HC (d/b)
09/04-17/04  3B8/SP2JMR: Mauritius Island WLOTA:0595 QSL HC (d/b)
09/04-14/04  9H3JR: Malta Island WLOTA:1113 QSL I2JJR (d/b)

N4AAT - Scottie - 6* - April 2nd to April 8th - SSB and CW
I will be running some counties in VA, WV, MD, PA, NY, and all of NJ. Then back 
through some in PA, MD, VA, and NC. I will start early Thursday morning and try 
to run counties on 80 and 40 meters, untill someone hears me. Then I will run 
40 and 20 SSB. I will run 80 SSB and 40 CW on request only, time permitting. I 
will have with me 20, 40, 80 SSB and 17, 20, 30, 40 CW resonators with me. If 
I'm next to a last county that you need, let me know so I can take a little 
side trip and get it for you. I must be in NY by Sat. Time premitting I will 
try to run Bronx, New York, Queens, Nassau, Suffolk, Kings, Richmond, but maybe 
not in that order. I will run all the counties that my truck takes me to, LOL. 
MY route looks like Northwest VA, Northeast WV, Western PA, Western NY, 
southeast NY, all of Jersey and the middle of VA south. Send me an E-Mail if 
you need something special within my route. Good luck, and hope I can fill some 
needs. Good for all your stars, N prefix, Bingo, Master Gold, Master Platium, 
and good for nothing, LOL. Scottie. Send email requests to sco...@pbtcomm.net 
[County Hunter Web]

01/04-12/04 5Z4EME: Kenya 2m & 70cm EME Grid:KI79MO QSL PA3CEE (d/b)
01/04-11/04 PJ2/PA4JJ: Curacao SA-006 6M Grid:FK52 100W QSL HC (d)
04/04-05/04 QCWA April QSO Party 6m-70cm bands included USB+FM

GOT6??? - Six Meter Information by Andy 'NEON' Sargent N8OFS at:
http://noars.net/got6/GOT6.txt  (Updated March 31, 2009)

FF7AG - goes via Lionel, F9UF (Lionel de Faultrier, 61 Rue de la Concorde, 
F-92600 Asnieres, FRANCE)

QSLs received Bureau - 1A4A, 3A/DL3OCH, 3XD2Z, 4L1FP, 4L1MA, 6V7E, 9K2CQ, 
A25SL, A61TX, E51PDX, ET3JA, FY/F5IRO, J3/DL5AXX, PA3GIO/6W, T77NM, V51LK and 

QSLs received Direct - 4O/K1ZZ (via K1ZZ), 4U1UN (via HB9BOU), 5H3RK (via 
QRZ.com), 5W0KI (via JF3MYU), 6Y1LZ (via K1LZ), 9L0W (via DK2WV), 9X0W (via 
DK2WV), C4N (via W3HNK), C91LW (via UY5LW), CE0Y/N6NO (via N6NO), CM6RCR (via 
W3HNK), EA9PY (via Direct), HI3K (via KB2MS), J7N (via K3TEJ), P40ZB (via 
K9WZB), S21DX (via EB7DX), SV9/DJ7RJ (via DJ7RJ), TO4X (via KQ1F), V26G (via 
N2ED), VU7SJ (via DL7GFB) and ZK2DF (via N1EMC).

QSLs received LoTW - 4M9YY, 4U1UN, 5K0CW, 6Y8XF, 8P9IR, 9A2009OS, AB7RW, C6ANM, 

To those who remember Bill Hamer ZL2CD this a sad message to say that Bill 
passed away on Sunday 29 March 2009 at Wellington Hospital.
Bill received a QSM for services to radio but will be remembered by untold 
thousands of amateur radio ops all over the world for his QSOs.
He was mostly active on CW but his voice was heard on SSB. His great times were 
on 6m until NZ television on channel 1 finished that for him.
As QSL Manager for the Wellington Amateur Radio Club I can say that from the 
huge number of cards received for him he was a constant operator. Not many 
could match his activity.
I will miss Bill and there will be many, many hams all over the world who will 
wonder why they do not hear from him any more. [ZL2MM]

Bart Cleo Anderson, K7EDU of St. George, Utah, passed away on Monday, March 23, 
2009 at the age of 66.

Station fully functional (01-04-2009 from AA7JV) 
  Apr 1 0000 UTC, Mellish Reef. The station is fully functional now, except for 
RTTY, which we will get to in a couple of day's time.
  We had an interesting opening on 15 m yesterday evening towards Europe: 
stations were coming in at S9+ three hours past our sunset. The 20 m opening to 
NA this morning was short but intense with a pile-up that sounded like a 
waterfall. Could it be that the unusually good conditions on the higher bands 
correspond to the poorer conditions on the low bands?
  Low Bands: 160 m: Unfortunately, the pennant did not work due to a broken 
transformer wire that I only found this morning (thin wire, needed the light). 
Noise, however, was lower than the night before and NA was workable, albeit at 
a low QSO rate. JA traffic seems to be thinning out; perhaps a result of us 
moving the TX FRQ down to 1825.5 to allow for a wider split, or perhaps with 
over 500 JA TB QSO-s, we have satisfied some of the demand. Will be on TB again 
tonight, hopefully with a (well) working pennant. An interesting aside on the 
faulty pennant. The primary of the transformer was only connected to the lower 
wire. This has resulted in extremely weak signals, except for signals from UA9 
and UA6, at 90 degrees to the intended RX direction. Totally unexpectedly, I 
was able to work stations from that direction that were totally inaudible on 
the TX antenna through the S4-5 noise. After the West-Coast traffic faded out 
(sometimes around 1200 UTC, quite early!), QSY-ed to 80 m for a second dip at 
the West-Coast and some very good pile-ups from Asia and Eastern Russia. Went 
back to 160 for EU but stations were weak and the QSO rate low. Many stations 
were being helpful by sending actual reports. This is appreciated because our 
antenna has several configurations and we are trying to find out which are the 
best for particular directions, especially on 80. [K1XN]
Midway Island 2009
Press Release Number 2         March 31, 2009

We are pleased to announce the anticipated dates for the DXpedition are now set 
for 9 through 19 October. These dates have been selected to allow maximum 
operation for the eleven days we will on the island and most importantly 
provide Midway Island over two weekends. Logistical planning is under way and 
equipment is being arranged. Plans for six stations to be located in two 
separate locations are proceeding with two antenna fields feeding these two 
operating sites. Modes will be CW, SSB and RTTY with at least one station on 20 
meters 24 hours a day to provide that new entity to those who need it. A link 
is now provided showing the radio site at the X on the beach area on the north 
side of the island where the operating positions will be located.

The DXpedition web site www.midway2009.com is fully functional. New additions 
are a poll to find out what bands and modes are most needed and a Midway 2009 
memorabilia store. Follow the links to tell us your Midway DX needs and to add 
to your DX memorabilia collection.

The team is highly experienced and anxious. We invite you to become familiar 
with some of the team by visiting http://www.midway2009.com/meettheops.html.

Tom N4XP & Dave WB4JTT

Co Leaders for Midway Island 2009 [K1XN]
Urcun, TA0U points out that he has uploaded photos of lighthouses activated by 
him lately to: www.ta0u.com/galeri2.asp?id=7
He also writes that his next activity will take place on Apr 4/5 using the 
special call TC2FLH from Fenerbahce Lighthouse (TUR 021). This activity counts 
for the Istanbul Lighthouses On The Air Award. The rules and more details about 
the award can be found online at: www.ta0u.com/detay.asp?id=4296 [DX Newsletter]
DXCC Rule Change: At the request of the Program and Services Committee (PSC) 
the DX Awards Committee (DXAC) investigated the impact of an amendment to the 
DXCC rules. The DXAC and the PSC have unanimously decided to bring into force 
the following rule from April 1, 2009, 0000Z: To meet the growing outrages of 
direct-QSLs to put to an end only bureau mediated QSL-cards will be credited 
for DXCC. Intended side effect is a higher degree of organization of radio 
amateurs in the respective national associations combined with a strengthening 
of the IARU and the total of Amateur Radio. [DX Newsletter]
ANARTS and BARTG contests .. the future

From: "John Barber GW4SKA" <s...@bartg.org.uk>

Pat Leeper recently informed me that she would be unable to continue managing 
the ANARTS RTTY contest due to failing health. She has made every effort to 
find someone else in VK to take over the contest but with no success.

BARTG have had close links with ANARTS over the years and we felt that we 
should help in some way. After discussions between Pat and the BARTG committee 
we have decided on a course of action which I hope will meet with the approval 
of the RTTY contesting community.

For this year only the contest will be managed by John GW4SKA, the BARTG 
contest manager, with help towards expenses from ANARTS. The rules are much the 
same as in previous years but logs must come direct to ana...@bartg.org.uk. You 
can find the rules at www.anarts.com.au/rules2009.htm and they will also be 
available on the BARTG website shortly. This will save any disappointment for 
those of us who have made plans to enter the contest this year.

2009 will be the last running of the ANARTS RTTY contest. From 2010 we will be 
moving the BARTG HF RTTY Contest from March to the 2nd weekend in June. This 
will give us a bit more time between our Sprint and HF contests and also avoid 
the March clash of dates with the very popular Russian DX contest.

My thanks go to Pat for her cooperation and hard work in running the previous 
contests. The ANARTS test has always been one of my favourites and I know that 
Pat did not want to let anyone down at short notice.

73 and see you all in June,
BARTG Contest Manager
Hi friends
I have put on the web page of the GACW all useful information ( route, 
suggested hôtels and so on ...)  about our next meeting which will happen in 
the coity of Santo Tome, Santa Fe.
We are also organizing with LU3DAT, LW2DX and LU7DSU, another meeting with the 
LU ESCUELAS group, one day before.
We have booked double bedrooms in the Hotel Carlitos; the cost is $ 120 without 
Thank to send us your intend quickly.
Cordiales saludos
Alberto LU1DZ
>From 29 March 2009, broadcasting stations will be moving away from the 
>7100-7200 kHz band as per WRC 2003 decisions to pave the way for extension of 
>the 40-metre Amateur Radio band. The frequencies between 7100 to 7120 kHz were 
>used by broadcast stations for decades.
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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