RE: [DXR] E-mail Database Search... and EQSLs

2001-04-18 Thread Darryl Wagoner


One of the problems of eqsling is if there is more than
one central logbook server, then how does one find which
logbook a person uses.  

I think the solution to this is a call sign information 
server.  I don't really have the time to do this by myself,
but I could provide DB and web services, plus help out on
the design and coding.  The idea is you send the call 
sign and it will do one of the following:

1.  Return the call sign information (email, elogbook 
server, cert, etc)

2.  Return a redirect to the correct call sign 
information server.  This would provide a way to 
have different servers for different call areas/prefixes.

I think Karl's email database would be a good place to start.  Of
course we would need Karl's permission to us it.   Karl's would
it be ok to use your email database for a lookup server to eqsls?

The problem with this is a spammer could fairly quickly download the
complete database unless countermeasures are taken.  There is some
simple ones that will slow down the spammers such as:

1.  velocity checks.  ie:  You can also get X email addresses 
per min, hour, day, etc.
2.  You have to be in the database to get data out.  This would go
along with 1.

If it a problem that is more complex ways to derail spammers.  Once
digital signatures are used to validate eqsls these servers could just
forward a eqsl to the correct log server.

Anyone interested in working a system like this?

Darryl Wagoner - WA1GON

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 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Boris Knezovic T93Y
 Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 6:00 AM
 Subject: [DXR] E-mail Database Search...
 Hi there !
 OM Karl OE500-674 have collected almost 60,000 E-mail addresses which can 
 be downloaded as text files from his WEB page at
 With Karl's kind permission I converted that data into MS Access database 
 and made available for online search at
 We need your input to keep this database updated. If your E-mail address 
 wrong or not listed please fill the form at and let Karl know.
 Many thanks.
 73's Boris T93Y

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Ref [DXR] E-Mail - KK9H

2001-04-18 Thread Larry Duncan K4WLS

TKS W9VA for E-Mail address. No further replies needed.

TKS [DXR],   Larry K4WLS
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