[DXR] 3B6RF delayed

2001-05-03 Thread Kz2i

The Agalega team was refused permission to land plane. They will have to take boat, so 
operation is delayed until at least May 6.  See www.agalega2000.ch.

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[DXR] ARLD018 DX news

2001-05-03 Thread W1AW

ARLD018 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 18  ARLD018
From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  May 3, 2001
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD018 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, QRZ DX, 425DXnews, The Daily DX,
W5STI, JT1KAA and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

AGALEGA AND ST. BRANDON, 3B6.  Look for 3B6RF to be QRV from Agalega
beginning about May 6.  Activity will be on all bands and modes.

BAHAMAS, C6.  Bill, W4WX, will be QRV from Treasure Cay from May 7
to 14 as W4WX/C6A.  He will be active using RTTY and some SSB on the
newer bands.  QSL to home call.

ETHIOPIA, ET.  Claudio, ET3VSC, has been QRV of late on 21260 kHz
between 2030 and 2330z.  QSL via K3IRV.
GUINEA-BISSAU, J5.  DJ6SI and others are QRV as J5X.  They will be
QRV until May 11 on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, FSK and
SSTV.  QSL via operator's instructions.

JAPAN, JA.  Special event station 8J3EAG is QRV until May 27 from
the East Asian Games in Osaka.  Activity is on 80 to 10 meters.  QSL
via JA3DBD.

MONGOLIA, JT.  Special event station JU1O will be QRV from May 5 to
13.  QSL via JR0CGJ.

FRANZ JOSEF LAND, R1FJ.  R1FJL has been QRV on 24911 kHz from 0800
to 1230z.  QSL via UA3AGS.

POLAND, SP.  Helmut, DL7VOX, is QRV as SO1VOX from Wolin Island,
IOTA EU-132, until May 15.  Activity is on all HF bands, including
the newer bands, using mostly CW.  QSL to home call.

EGYPT, SU.  Said, SU1SK, has been QRV on 21084 kHz just after 1200z.

CENTRAL AFRICA, TL.  Charles, TL8CK, has been QRV on 17 meters just
prior to 2100z.  QSL via F6EWM.

UKRAINE, UR.  The Ukrainian QRP Club will hold its first QRP
expedition to the mountain Ai-Petri in the Crimea.  They will be QRV
as EM5QRP.  Activity will generally be on the international QRP
frequencies using mostly CW.  Some SSB, RTTY and SSTV activity is
also planned.  QSL via UR7IRL.

MONTSERRAT, VP2M.  Look for VP2MR to be QRV for the first two weeks
in May on all HF bands.  QSL via W5PB.

IRAQ, YI.  Rodger is QRV from YI1BGD.  He has been active on 18150
kHz just prior to 1400z and then on 14184 kHz just before 1600z.

ASCENSION ISLAND, ZD8.  Jim, N6TJ, is expected to be QRV as ZD8Z
from May 7 to 17.  QSL via VE3HO.

CHATHAM ISLANDS, ZL7.  Ed, K8VIR, is here on business during the
next few weeks.  He will be QRV as ZL7IR during his spare time.
Activity will be on 20, 17 and 15 meters.  QSL via W8WC.

International DX Contest, Danish SSTV Contest, Indiana, Connecticut,
and Massachusetts QSO Parties, Ten-Ten International Net Spring CW
QSO Party and the VHF/UHF Spring Sprint will certainly keep
contesters busy this weekend.  Please see May QST, page 106 for


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[DXR] Take it or leave it.

2001-05-03 Thread Jennings

Hi all
With all the recent discussion on logging errors, I discovered this on one
current operation's website.

A number of stations have sent e-mails saying that their call is wrong 'by
one letter' in the log, and could we change it.
The short answer is no.
Getting a good qso is your responsibility at the time you work VP8SDX. If
your call, for whatever reason, does not get logged correctly, then you'll
need to make another qso.
This may sound harsh but it is also fair. Indeed, before DXpeditions were
supported by on-line logs, you never got a second chance to get a good
contact like you're getting now :-) 

That's their rules and if you wish to work them and get a QSL. Different
DXpedtions have different rules and views.

Consider this... If a DXpedtion works 100,000 contacts and there is
a 0.1% logging or transcribing error rate(and I don't think that is
unrealistic given tired operators, lack of sleep, lack of food, and raging
pileups), the result is that around 100 guys in the DX community are not
going to get the contact that they know for sure they made, confirmed.

The point of all this is that  it's not a perfect world. Nothing is going to
change and if you make the perfect QSO for your all time new one, you may
not get your all time new one because of someone else's mistake. And that's

If you wish to flame me please reply to me directly. I simply put this up
for discussion.


If you want finite limits - Try WAS or WAZ.
If you want a challenge - Try DXCC.
The wall starts around 300
P5 is number 334!

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Re: [DXR] Take it or leave it.

2001-05-03 Thread Jim Reisert

The VP8SDX website wrote:
 Consider this... If a DXpedtion works 100,000 contacts and there is
 a 0.1% logging or transcribing error rate(and I don't think that is
 unrealistic given tired operators, lack of sleep, lack of food, and raging
 pileups), the result is that around 100 guys in the DX community are not
 going to get the contact that they know for sure they made, confirmed.

0.1% would be REMARKABLE for this kind of DXpedition, which is really just a
portable multi-multi operation.  Contest multi-multi operations (the good ones)
typically have error rates from 2-5% -- 2% is 200 QSOs out of 10,000.  And the
contest log checkers (humans and/or software) remove QSO credit from BOTH
parties -- the one who logged the call incorrectly gets penalized for the QSO
plus up to three additional contacts, while the other party usually only loses
the QSO in question.

In contest operations, we don't have the benefit of on-line logs to tell us
whether a QSO is good or not, so we can go and try to get another one before
the contest (read: DXpedition) is over.

The DXpedition is under no obligation to QSL a QSO which they did not log
correctly.  I believe it's OH2BH who's taking the other extreme, if there is a
log discrepancy, you must get confirmation from the station whose callsign was
actually logged, that they did not work the DX, before the DX logbook is
changed and you receive your QSL card.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ad1c.com

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[DXR] Take it!

2001-05-03 Thread Jennings

Hi from the top of the world again (depends how you look at things!)

I am been getting some wonderful private arguments and discussions on my
Take it or leave it posting earlier. Sadly... no flames yet!

If no one, including our very tolerant reflector moderator, has any
objections I would like to put up a synopsis (without names) of some of the
discussions on this reflector as they are so interesting. In fact, one
writer has a solution, a bit unweildy, but nevertheless a solution. I will
do it next week if no objections.


If you want finite limits - Try WAS or WAZ.
If you want a challenge - Try DXCC.
The wall starts around 300
P5 is number 334!

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Re: [DXR] Take it or leave it.

2001-05-03 Thread Steve Wheatley KU9C

Martti OH2BH had a great discussion of this item in the annual DXCC listing.a 
worthy read for DXers and DXpeditioners/QSL managers alike!

Not sure if that article is on the ARRL web site, but maybe it should be???


Steve Wheatley KU9C
PO Box 5953
Parsippany NJ  07054-6953  (yes, the -6953 is correct!)

Phone:  973.644.5111


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Re: [DXR] Take it!

2001-05-03 Thread ragnar otterstad

--- Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] skrev:  Hi from
the top of the world again (depends how you
 look at things!)

I think your globe is upside down !  hi

73 from top of the world


 PS Have a look on some photos from Svalbard at :


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