[DX-NEWS] ARLP046 Propagation de K7VVV

2001-11-09 Thread W1AW

ARLP046 Propagation de K7VVV

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 46  ARLP046
>From Tad Cook, K7VVV
Seattle, WA  November 9, 2001
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP046 Propagation de K7VVV

The big news this week is the huge geomagnetic storm that hit on
Tuesday. Conditions were good last weekend for the ARRL CW
Sweepstakes, but at 0150z on November 6 energy from a coronal mass
ejection hit the earth's magnetic field. Planetary A indices rose to
8 and then 7 for several 3-hour reporting periods, and the planetary
A index for Tuesday was a very high 112, indicating a severe
geomagnetic storm.

Results included not only awful HF radio conditions, but dramatic
auroral displays as far away as Southern California and Alabama.
But by late Tuesday the radiation storm had subsided.

The Kansas City Star reported that local residents, unfamiliar with
aurora borealis, kept law enforcement busy quieting their fears of a
chemical spill or a ''nuclear death cloud.'' The same article quoted
Bill Murtagh of the NOAA Space Environment Center, saying that this
event might be the 6th or 7th largest in the last 10 years.

Average daily sunspot numbers fell this week by over 44 points, but
average daily solar flux actually rose three points. On Wednesday
solar flux jumped over 31 points to 268.6, then dropped 21 points on
Thursday. Over the next few days, Friday through Monday, solar flux
is predicted to be 245, 250, 250 and 255, and the planetary A index
is predicted at 10, 15, 15, and 15, indicating unsettled conditions.
Right now there is a growing sunspot moving into view, sunspot 9690,
which is now about 10 earth diameters long.

Check out a fascinating story titled ''What Lies Beneath A
Sunspot,'' which you can find on NASA's Science web site at
http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast07nov_1.htm .

Sunspot numbers for November 1 through 7 were 157, 164, 162, 186,
159, 189 and 230 with a mean of 178.1. 10.7 cm flux was 235.6,
213.5, 216, 227.3, 234.6, 237.4 and 268.8, with a mean of 233.3, and
estimated planetary A indices were 25, 6, 3, 7, 13, 112 and 15 with
a mean of 25.9.

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[DX-NEWS] VK 80 meter DX Window

2001-11-09 Thread David McAulay

WIA papers delivered at the IARU RIII Conference

Report on the Expansion of the Australian 80 metre DX window 

As has been discussed in previous WIA submissions, the Australian 80 metre
DX window allocation is presently  limited to a 4 KHz segment around 3798
KHz. Adjacent commercial allocations effectively limit operation to one
frequency - in Australia, the band 3700 - 3800 KHz is allocated to the
commercial land mobile service.

The WIA approached the Australian Communications Authority (ACA) with a
view to expansion of the window through the creation of a sharing
arrangement with present commercial users.

After considerable dialog between commercial users, the WIA and the ACA,
the ACA has decided to proceed with a change in the allocation of the band
3776-3800 KHz. The ACA's intention is to reallocate this band to the
amateur  service on a primary basis from 1 January 2004.

Commercial incumbents will be moved to existing land mobile spectrum
adjacent to the new amateur band by the  end of December 2003.

The WIA is cooperating closely with commercial users and the ACA with a
view to expediting the clearing of the band. Several WIA members who are
professionals in the HF land mobile industry have offered to assist in the
re-allocation of commercial equipment to adjacent land mobile channels.

>From the WIA VK3 web site


73 David VK3EW

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[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #549

2001-11-09 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   10 November 2001  No 549
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

   >>> DUCIE ISLAND 2001 <<<

Ducie Island (24.40.00S - 124.47.00W, OC-182,  WAZ 32, ITU 63) should be  the
next new Entity to be added to the DXCC  List [425DXN 545]. The main part  of
the team  (JA1BK, JF1IST,  JA1SLS, K9AJ,  K5VT and  FO3BM) expects  to  leave
Mangareva (Gambier Islands,  French Polynesia) on  13 November  in the  local
evening, to stop  at Pitcairn and  pick up other  two operators (team  leader
Tom, VP6TC, and  Dave, VP6DB) and  then to sail  immediately for Ducie.  They
will be active with four stations and a VP6 callsign to be announced when the
operation starts, i.e. at 00.00 UTC on 16 November. The team must be back  on
Mangareva on 28 November.
The two main frequencies - 21020 kHz (CW) and 21295 kHz (SSB) - will be  used
24 hours a day. Other prime frequencies  include 28495 kHz and 14195 kHz  for
SSB and 14020 kHz for CW, but some activity  is planned to take place on  the
other bands (160-6 metres) and on RTTY as well. It is expected that low  band
and WARC operations are more  likely to take  place in the  last days of  the
operation, as the  initial emphasis will  be to  allow as  many operators  as
possible to work this rare IOTA and probable new DXCC Entity.
The team will have 2-element beams  for 10 and 15 metres, a  4 Square for  20
metres and wire and vertical antennas for the other bands. There will be a  6
meter beacon on 50.110 Mhz. 160 metres are not a priority. Nevertheless,  the
team is taking an inverted L 160 antenna and if the weather and other factors
cooperate there may be 160m operation nearer the end.
The pilot  station  is Bill  Avery,  K6GNX. QSL  via  VE3HO (HF  QSOs:  Garth
Hamilton, P.O. Box  1156, Fonthill, Ontario  L0S 1E0, Canada)  and JA1BK  (6m
QSOs: Kan  Mizoguchi, 5-3  Sakuragaoka 4  Chome, Tama-City,  Tokyo  206-0013,
Japan). Logs  will be  available at  http://www.big.or.jp/~ham/dx.html.  [TNX
K6GNX and The Daily DX]

3W - Hans, WA1LWS  plans to  operate (on  10-20  metres) as  3W2LWS  from
  Vietnam for three  weeks starting on  11 November.  QSL via  WA1LWS.
  [TNX The Daily DX]
6Y - The guys of  "Team Vertical" will  be active from  Jamaica on  20-26
  November. They will participate in the  CQ WW CW Contest, going  for
  North American  QRP  single  band records:  look  for  6Y1A  on  10m
  (operated by K2KW), 6Y9A on 15m (KE7X), 6Y2A on 20m (N6XG), 6Y4A  on
  40m (N6BT), 6Y8A on 80m (W0YK) and 6Y0A on 160m (K2KW).  Pre-contest
  QRP activity will be on 10-160 metres and there will be a  dedicated
  6m rig running high power. Outside the contest, operators will  sign
  homecall/6Y5.  QSL  all   callsigns  via   WA4WTG.  For   additional
  information, including how to win 25 bags of Jamaican Blue  Mountain
  Coffee, please visit http://www.k2kw.com [TNX K2KW]
9M8- After  attending  the  SEANET  Convention  in  Kota  Kinabalu  (9-11
  November), JA3AA, JA3UB, JA3AER, JA3ART, JH3GAH, JR3MVF, JA4HCK will
  go to the  Mulu National Park,  East Malaysia and  will operate  (on
  10-160 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31) as 9M8/JA3AA (QSL via JA3AA),
  9M8/JA3UB (QSL via JA3UB), 9M8/JA3AER  (QSL via JA3AER),  9M8/JA3ART
  (QSL via JA3ART), 9M8/JR3MVF (QSL via  JR3MVF), 9M8/JA4HCK (QSL  via
  JA4HCK) and 9M8TG (QSL via JH3GAH) between 11 and 14 November.  [TNX
C6 - Ed, K8EP will be active (SSB  and CW) as C6A/K8EP from Treasure  Cay
  (NA-080), Bahamas on 20-27 November, including an entry in the CQ WW
  DX CW Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX K8EP]
DL - Dina/DJ8OK, Dietmar/DL7OK  and  Bjoern/DJ4OK  will  be  active  from
  EU-042 on 11-23 November. [TNX The Daily DX]
ER - Club station ER3KAZ will use special  call ER373R on 21 November  to
  celebrate the 373rd  anniversary of the  town on  Rybnitsa. QSL  via
  ER3DX either  dirrect  (Anatoly Nimirski,  P.O.  Box  12,  K

[DX-NEWS] T2 will be QRT at 18z

2001-11-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

T2T and T2SIX will sign off tonight(around 18z).
They says "Thank you for your many calls."

  "Tad"  Tadao Yamamoto   JF6OJX / JD1BJT / KH7J

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[DX-NEWS] Still have IRCS 4 sale

2001-11-09 Thread Steven Wheatley KU9C

Yes, believe it or not, I still have a bundle of IRCS for sale.  They are:
-all airmail
-all correctly stamped

They're $1.00 each, and if you need 20 or more, I'll ship them to you.  Less than 
that, the postage is on you!  

As always, the 'extra' does not go into my beer fund, but rather, is used to help with 
the pretty QSL cards, and helps out with the awards and equipment for the folks I 

Steve KU9C

Steve Wheatley KU9C 
PO Box 5953 
Parsippany NJ  07054-6953 


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