[DX-NEWS] ARLP053 Propagation de K7VVV

2001-12-14 Thread W1AW

ARLP053 Propagation de K7VVV

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 53  ARLP053
From Tad Cook, K7VVV
Seattle, WA  December 14, 2001
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP053 Propagation de K7VVV

This has been another relatively quiet week with little in the way
of geomagnetic upset. Planetary A indices were in the single digits
through Tuesday. On Wednesday the planetary K index went to 5, which
is quite high, but then quieted back down.

A powerful solar flare erupted on Tuesday, but the resulting coronal
mass ejection is not earth-directed. It could cause an upset
starting Friday, and so the predicted planetary A index for Friday
through Monday is 15, 20, 25 and 10.

Average sunspot numbers dropped this week by over 16 points, and
average solar flux was down by almost 3 points. Solar flux is
expected to decline, with Friday through Monday values around 220,
220, 210 and 200, and should reach a short term minimum around
December 22-23.

Geomagnetic disturbances could cause problems for the ARRL 10-Meter
Contest this weekend, but the effect is difficult to gauge at this

Recent 6 Meter excitement prompted Rich Zwirko, K1HTV to send in a
report. We won't attempt to summarize, since Rich communicates such
excitement over his activities on 6 Meters. Rich wrote, ''I just thought
I'd let you know how things are going from the mid-Atlantic area on
50 MHz. Although I've on the air with this K1HTV call since 1958,
I've only operated 6 Meters in the tail end of Cycle 21 in 1981,
Cycle 22 (89-91) and the present Cycle 23. Although the last solar
cycle with its double peak was a great one for 6 Meter DX, this one
(also with a double peak) is even greater. Part of it is because
there are more off-the-shelf rigs with 6 Meters in them, part of it
is because so many countries in Europe have freed 50 MHz from TV

''On 6 Meters I run about 150 Watts output to a 6-element Yagi on the
roof, 30 feet above the ground. The K1HTV QTH in Glenn Dale,
Maryland is about 12 miles northeast of the White House. To give you
an idea of how good the conditions have been here, I've listed below
the 74 countries worked so far this year on 6 Meters, 70 of them
worked since October 21!

''The prefixes of the 70 countries worked, in the order they are
listed are W, VE, VP8 (Falklands), LU, PY, KP4, C6A, GM, PA, G, ON,
GW, DL, OK, GI, GM, CO, EA8, YV, VP5, EA, CT, VP9, GB, YU, CU, E3,
EA9, PY0, EI, I, 9H, OH, HK, 9Y, FR, D4, IS, 9G, LZ, YU, 9A, TI, OA,
FG, SM, OZ, Z2, LA, KL7, GD, GU, OX, TF, OY, ES, OE, LX, C3, V7,
HC8, SV, YO, JY, 4X, XE, TG, 5B, UY, SP, ER, Z3, HB0 and OD5.
Wow...I can't believe it myself, but they are all in the log and the
QSLs are already coming in. 6 Meters...the MAGIC BAND.''

Sunspot numbers for December 6 through 12 were 226, 200, 218, 225,
224, 154 and 183 with a mean of 204.3. 10.7 cm flux was 246.7,
225.9, 220.5, 224.2, 219, 220.6 and 236.7, with a mean of 227.7, and
estimated planetary A indices were 8, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4 and 12 with a
mean of 5.9.


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[DX-NEWS] Query es etc...

2001-12-14 Thread sherman a. harrison

Probably will get flamed fer this

Can't even hear the P5 or YA; so I am adding an element  to my  el Gem Quad 
to make it a 3 el QQ.

Can anyone pse give me a source to order/buy some stainless steel U Bolts 
to use in mounting the Boom to the Mast?  Can't find any locally...
Any such info will be appreciated vri much.

Also, I do hve the new CN8YR QSL's printed  in my possession.
Any one who worked CN8YR  needs a card, I am his manager es will gladly 
help out.
If U need an older QSO confirmed, I am in regular eMail contact with him  
can get the QSO info readily.

Tnx es 73..gd DXing,


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[DX-NEWS] web site DX GARAGE

2001-12-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear DXers

I had updated my web site as  DX GARAGE .
It has a lots of available contents like QSL GALLERY,
DXER'S FACES and so on.
I welcome you to visit my site.
I wish you a merry merry Christmas.
Good DX!


  Tad  Tadao Yamamoto   JF6OJX / JD1BJT / KH7J
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[DX-NEWS] DX News #554

2001-12-14 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   15 December 2001  No 554
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


The 425 DX News DXCC Most Wanted Survey for  the year 2002 is up and  running
on  our   web  site   -  if   you  want   to   participate,  please   go   to

3X - Francois,  VE2XO  provides  more  information  on  his   forthcoming
  operation from Guinea [425DXN 553]. He expects to be active as 3XY6A
  from Conakry on  26-27 December and  3-5 January and  as 3XY8A  from
  Rooma Island (AF-051) between 28 December and 2 January. He plans to
  operate SSB on or around the  following frequencies (split 5-10  kHz
  up): 14.195 (3XY6A)  and 14.260 (3XY8A),  18.145 (3XY6A) and  18.128
  (3XY8A), 21.295  (3XY6A)  and 21.260  (3XY8A),  24.945  (3XY6A)  and
  24.950 (3XY8A),  28.495  (3XY6A)  and  28.460  (3XY8A).  Some  PSK31
  activity (split 1-2 up) is planned on 14.070, 18.100, 21.070, 24.920
  and 28.120 MHz.  This will be  a one man  holiday DXpedition, so  he
  will also spend  some time enjoying  the beach. QSL  direct only  to
  VE2XO (Francois Normant, 3054 avenue Lacombe,  Montreal QC H3T  1L4,
5U - Paolo, I2UIY reports that the DXpedition to Niger [425DXN 542  547]
  will take place on 3-18 February.Seven operators will be active with
  three stations on  160-6 metres  SSB,  CW, RTTY  and PSK31.  Further
  information is available at http://www.qsl.net/niger-2002;.
9Q - The Amateur Radio Society  of the Democratic  Republic of Congo  has
  been granted  permission  to operate  club  station 9Q0AR  until  16
  December. Activity is planned to take place on 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20
  metres SSB, including an entry in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. QSL via
  F2YT either direct or through the REF bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
CE - The Southern  Cross  DX Group  CE9C  operation  from  Hornos  Island
  (SA-031) [425DXN  529] is  still scheduled  to  take place  in  late
  December or  January (actual  dates depend  on weather  conditions).
  Plans are to operate on 160-6metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via
  CE4EBJ either direct (Ivan Bahamonde, P.O. Box 128, Talca, Chile) or
  throughthebureau.Forfurtherinformation check
DL_ant - Dominik, DL5EBE reports  that YL operator  Mechita might  be QRV  as
  DP0GVN from German Antarctic Base Georg von Neumayer (WABA  DL-01)
  for a short time. Amateur radio operator Sepp, who several years ago
  was active as DP0LEX,  is a member  of the team  working at the  new
  Kohnen Station,  located  about 500  km  south of  Neumayer  Base.
  Dominik does not know what kind  of HF equipment they use at  Kohnen
  Station, but he will try to  bring them on  frequency (at 21275  kHz
  each Monday around 17 UTC).
EM - Lviv Branch  of UARL  is using  special event  call EM75W  until  28
  December to celebrate  the 75th  anniversary of  the Lviv  Shortwave
  Club. QSL via  the bureau or  direct to UT1WL  (P.O.Box 5951,  Lviv,
  79054, Ukraine).  For  information on  the  award  issued  for  this
  activity, please visit http://am.ca/lkk [TNX UR5WCW]
FO - Marcel, FO0DEH is due to be back home in Belgium on 21 December  and
  OC-131 is his final semi-rare one for this year's trip. [TNX Islands
  On The Web]
JA - Look for JM6CIP/6 and JN3FPV/6 to be active from the Koshiki Islands
  (AS-037) on 22-23 December. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR]
LU_so  - Operator Caludio is active from club station LU1ZA, South Orkney Is.
  (AN-008). QSL via LU2CN.
P5 - As of 9 December Ed, P5/4L4FN had logged 2248 SSB QSOs (436 on  20m,
  1 on 15m and 1881 on  10m). He has received the Butternut  

[DX-NEWS] P51BH Feedback

2001-12-14 Thread Richard Harris

Several days ago, I asked for info on the 1995 and 1999 operations from
P5. Thank you
for the replys. To recap (and there were some minor differences, but I
think the following is
1995 was P5/OH2AM on May 14 with 20 Q's
1999 was P51BH on April 21 with 263 Q's

FYI. 73, Rick AI5P

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