Re: [DX-NEWS] need help on possible busted call

2002-07-12 Thread n4kg

It's always better to check one's sources FIRST...

RW1AI / ANT  comes up dozens of times in the
DX Summit Database.

Tom  N4KG  (with egg on my face)

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Isn't R1A the prefix for Russian Antarctic stations?
> Might want to start there when doing a search on
> the DX Summit database.  (Or just R1).
> Tom  N4KG
> On Thu, 11 Jul 2002  Tony Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Bill,
> > On several occasions I have given this tip (which I think
> > is probably one of the most valuable sources for DX info).
> > Check out 
> >
> > 
> > All you have to do is put the callsign in the blank
> > provided.  Try it with RW1AI.
> > 
> > Good luck...pass the info along as this is also a wonderful
> > source for operator's name, qth, iota, qsl route, and you
> > are able to determine the stations operating habits, like
> > bands/times, frequencies and modes.  Hope you find it useful.
> > 
> > Sincere 73
> > Tony, W4FOA
> > 
> > 
> > William Zaner wrote:
> > > 
> > > Worked a Russian at Vostok Base (Antarctica) on 20 CW on June 
> 29, 
> > 2002.  I
> > > recorded the call as RW1IA in my log but I think I may have 
> > transposed the
> > > letters in the suffix.  Anyone know if that was RW1IA or RW1AI?  
> > Thanks in
> > > advance.
> > > 
> > > Bill, W6IYS
> > > 
> > > 
> _
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[DX-NEWS] K1B: Mission Accomplished

2002-07-12 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Let us start the day with very good news. I just cam back from YU
and have K1B donors' cards with me. They are ready to be mailed 
today from VE.

What Happened?

As promissed I kept the window opened for donations till late June.
I collected all of your donations, cards SAEs, and carried them over
to YU.

What happened was that I arrived on the same day wehn the cards 
came from the print shop (, on July 6-th.

We made immediate lan of action to process donor's cards before 
all other 4000+ that were waiting almost a moth for the QSL
cards to be printed.

Said done. It took us two days to carefully check all 200+
donors' requests, including specials like 3D2CY, 3D2CI, T25A
etc. They are all processed immediately as well. With special
consent from Roman, in order to speed up the process, we 
processed SSB cards as well, since hrane has all logs.

The only non-processed cards are T2/3D2 cards that belong to 
those RU operators for which we did not have the log. The cards
will be carried carefully to RU- land on the first opportunity.

In short, there was almost 1000 QSOs processed (average 5 QSOs
per donor for K1B on all modes), plus 100 QSOs for other calls.

We also had time to process donors' cards that arrived directly
to Hrane, and they will be mailed shortly.

All other 4000 requests will be processed in the order they arrived.
Expect simething in your mailboxes from YU, or VE.

Once again thanks for your donations. Total of $1650 US was 
given to Hrane.

last day hrane and I have gon into different destinations:
He is going to OH land (team #53), and I am back to Canada.

Thanks for your cooperation 

73  Nenad  VE3EXY
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2002-07-12 Thread Ron & Sue St.Laurent

Ref:  Power to Work P5 . . .

Remember, up to now, Ed has been working a Butternut Vertical at a max of
500 watts (and less than that if he wants to preserve his amp).  There are
times on RTTY that he is looking for contacts, not working a pile-up.  If
you can hear him reasonably well with his setup then he should hear you as
well.  A simple beam and 100 watt rig (or less) should have no problem when
conditions are right.

Ron ND5S

Visit my WebPage at:

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[DX-NEWS] ARLP029 Propagation de K7VVV

2002-07-12 Thread W1AW

ARLP029 Propagation de K7VVV

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 29  ARLP029
>From Tad Cook, K7VVV
Seattle, WA  July 12, 2002
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP029 Propagation de K7VVV

Conditions are still a bit in the doldrums, with solar flux and
sunspot numbers fairly flat. This week average daily sunspot numbers
were up over 24 points and average daily solar flux was down nearly
12 points, when compared to the previous week. Of course this seems
low compared to the great conditions last fall, but the numbers are
slightly higher than they were for the same week last year.

In the July 13 Propagation Forecast Bulletin last year covering July
5-11, 2001, average sunspot numbers were only 98.1 and average solar
flux was 124.6. One thing that skewed the numbers a bit this time
was on the last day of last week's reporting period the solar flux
jumped unusually high, and the next day, which was the first day of
the current reporting period (July 5), it was now the sunspot number
that was high.

The current outlook is for a slowly rising solar flux of 135 for
July 12-13, 140 for July 14-15, and 145 for July 16-17. There isn't
any forecast for higher numbers above this narrow range for the near
future. The prediction for the planetary A index for Friday through
Monday is 8, 15, 10 and 8. There is a new large sunspot coming
around the sun's northeast limb, and another large spot on the sun's
far side, as detected by helioseismic holography imaging. It has
been a while since this imaging scheme was mentioned in this
bulletin, and you can read more about it at

A good source for an explanation of shortwave propagation and some
of the numbers used in this bulletin (by K9LA) is at This is part of the
ARRL Technical Service propagation page at

This week our earth has reached its aphelion, the farthest distance
from the sun in its annual orbit. Earth's orbit has an eccentricity
of 1.7 percent, and this week we are nearly 95 million miles from
our closest star. When we are at the closest point, or perihelion,
we are almost 92 million miles from the sun. There was an article on saying that the aphelion will be this Saturday,
but according to the U.S. Naval Observatory at it was on July
6. The perihelion for 2002 was January 2, and in 2003 and 2004 it
will be January 4.

In this bulletin we report the observed solar flux from the Dominion
Radio Astrophysical Observatory in Penticton, British Columbia,
about 160 miles east of Vancouver. They have a nice web site at

Energy is measured at 2.8 GHz with a parabolic dish pointed at the
sky. Of course this value would vary somewhat with the distance from
the observation point to the sun. So to account for this difference
and give a measurement that might be more indicative of the level of
energy from the sun at that frequency, there is an adjusted value of
solar flux. On July 6 at the aphelion the observed solar flux at
2000z was 133.5, but the adjusted flux value was 138. At the
perihelion the observed 2000z flux was 231.1, but the adjusted value
was adjusted down to 223.5. April 2 or 3 must be about half way in
between, and the observed and adjusted values on those days are
quite close. You can see a very large table of the solar flux values
measured thrice daily at

Sunspot numbers for July 4 through 10 were 175, 149, 123, 121, 125,
129 and 118, with a mean of 134.3. 10.7 cm flux was 146.3, 138.8,
133.5, 136.9, 130.9, 136.3, and 128.8, with a mean of 135.9.
Estimated planetary A indices were 7, 13, 23, 11, 10, 16, and 11,
with a mean of 13.


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[DX-NEWS] IRCS...still got 'em

2002-07-12 Thread Steven Wheatley KU9C

I've still got a large quantity of IRCs available...comes with 
the territory, I guess...HI

ALL are airmail, all are correctly stamped.
The small (older) ones are $1.00 each
The new (big) ones are $1.10 each
minimum order of 20less than thatplease plan to 
include 60 cents for postage.
Please email me for availability.  ALSO..DO NOT send 
checks to my PO box/Callbook address.  

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #584

2002-07-12 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   13 July 2002   No 584
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

9A - Martin, DL1ZU will be active (on 10-40 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and  PSK
  31) as 9A/DL1ZU from Brac Island (EU-016) on 13-27 July. [TNX DL1ZU]
9A - Zsolt, HA6PS and Laci, HA6NL will operate as 9A/homecall on all  the
  HF bands from  Pasman Island (EU-170,  IOCA CI-085)  on 23-30  July,
  IOTA Contest included. QSL via home  calls either direct or  through
  the bureau. [TNX HA6NL]
9H - Jack, RW3QC and  Igor, RN3OA  will be  active (on  80-10 metres)  as
  9H3QC and 9H3OA respectively from Malta (EU-023) on 18-31 July. Look
  for 9H3QC to participate in  the IOTA Contest.  QSL via home  calls.
9Q - Democratic Republic of  Congo's national society  (ARAC) will  enter
  the IARU HF World  Championship as 9Q0AR  (operator Pat, 9Q1A).  QSL
  via F2YT. Look for activity from Nicole, 9Q1YL and Pat, 9Q1A  before
  and after the contest. Up  to date information  on amateur radio  in
  DRC can  be  found  at  [TNX
BV - Taka, JR7TEQ  plans  to  be active  as  BV9K  from  Kueishan  Island
  (AS-155) on 26-29 July. He will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL
  via JR7TEQ. [TNX JI6KVR]
CE - Southern Cross DX Group members Nick/XQ1IDM, JP/CE4USW and Dan/XQ1ZW
  will be active  as 3G1A from  Santa Maria Island  (SA-069) on  17-19
  July. They plan to operate on all HF bands (including 30 metres, for
  which a special licence has been granted) CW, SSB, RTTY and FM  with
  three stations. Logs  will be  available at
  after the  operation.  QSL via  CE4USW  either  direct  (Juan  Pablo
  Mardones, P.O. Box 128,  Talca, Chile) or  through the bureau.  [TNX
CU - Derek, G3KHZ is joining the Corvo Island (EU-089) group of operators
  [425DXN 579]. Look for CU9/G3KHZ/p to  be active from  16 July to  1
  August. QSL via home call. [TNX CT1END]
CU - GPDX (Portuguese DX Group) members CT1AHU, CT1AVC, CT1EFL and CT1EGW
  will be active with the following callsigns during their 20-30  July
  activity [425DXN 579] from the Azores:
  CT1AHU: CU2H, CU3H, CU7H (QSL via home call)
  CT1EGW: CU2W, CU3W, CU7W (QSL via home call)
  CT1EFL: CU2F, CU3F, CU7F (QSL via home call)
  CT1AVC: CU2V, CU3V, CU7V (QSL via home call)
  They plan  to operate  on all  bands SSB,  CW  and RTTY.  They  will
  participate in the IOTA Contest  as CU3I (QSL  via CS1GDX) from  the
  QTH of CU3AD and CU3EJ on EU-175. [TNX CT1END]
G  - Steve, G0CKP will participate  in the IOTA  Contest from St  Mary's,
  Isles of Scilly (EU-011). He  will be signing  M0C (the Chiltern  DX
  Club's contest callsign) on CW. QSL via G3NUG. [TNX G0CKP]
GM - Guy, F5BLC will be active from the Orkney Islands (EU-009) on  16-28
  July. He will try to be active daily before 9 UTC and around 18  UTC
  and he also hopes to be QRV during the IOTA Contest. [TNX GM3VLB]
HK0_sa - 5K0Z is the special call issued for the 16-29 July expedition to San
  Andres Island (NA-033) [425DXN 575]. QSL via DH7WW.
  operate on SSB and CW as  homecall/3  from   two sites   on   Anmyon
  Island  (AS-080)   on   26-28  July,  including activity during  the
  IOTA Contest. QSL via  HL1OYF (Duk-Nam Kim,  P.O. Box 54,  Dong-Jack
  Seoul 156-600, Korea) or via the bureau. [TNX HL1TXQ]
I  - Franco, IK4PLW plans  to operate (on  40 and 20  metres SSB and  CW)
  from the lighthouse at porto Garibaldi (WAIL ER-005) for a few hours
  on Saturday  (13 July)  morning. QSL  via  IK4PLW either  direct  or
  through the bureau. [TNX IK4PLW]
I  - Look for Walter,  IV3/IN3XUG to be  active from  Grado (EU-


2002-07-12 Thread f8bbl

The week end of August  10 & 11 and August 17 
& 18,  I will be qrv on iota EU-032 in 
QRP/P... on "Madame Isl", "Oléron isl" and "Aix isl" and 
"Ré isl" Bands 40 and 20 m,  CW only, usual qrg QRP (7030 +/- and 14060 
RIG: K1 elecraft, 1or 5w, long wire. 

73 of Laurent F8BBL