[DX-NEWS] Technical glitch

2003-03-08 Thread Steve-KF2TI
There seems to be a problem in both subscribing and unsubscribing.  
If you have tried to unsubscribe and can't, it is known and being 
looked at.

Thank you

Steven - KF2TI
Systems Administrator
NJDXA DXR Reflector

outgoing mail scanned with Norton's NAV2003

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2003-03-08 Thread Fco Gil, EA5OL

Somebody know a page with the list of the Russian 
Districts Award. I try http://rdaward.org/ but not answer from this 
page 6 hours ago.
Thanks in advance.
Paco. EA5OL

[DX-NEWS] Glitch and other stuff

2003-03-08 Thread Steve-KF2TI
The glitch is fixed..yeah Urb!!!

And now for something completely different...

the DXR is now available in a DIGEST version.  For those who are not 
familiar with thisthe DIGEST version is a once a day download of 
the previous 24 hours DXR postings.  You get everything in one 
package as opposed to numerous messages.  The one 
downside...you can not, nor should not reply as you'll send the 
entire digest to the list.

Anyway..let me know if you are interested and I will subscribe you 
to the digest.  Let me know if want to unsubscribe from the main 
DXR list at that time as well.  If so, I'll take of that as well.

For those of you mssing posts, see the bottom of this message for the 
address of our very own archives 

and lastly...please remember, if you are going to go away (vacation, 
etc) to unsubscribe.  I get literally 10 bounced addresses a week due 
to filled mailboxes, each bouncing all the DXR posts.  Beacuse of 
this, I automatically delete any address that gets bounced due to a 
full mailbox

Just for informational sake

And now a skit about Vikings...cue the spam song

Steven - KF2TI
Systems Administrator
NJDXA DXR Reflector

outgoing mail scanned with Norton's NAV2003

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2003-03-08 Thread Fco Gil, EA5OL

Thanks everybody for the help.
Paco. EA5OL

  - Original Message - 
  John H 
  To: Fco Gil, EA5OL 
  Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 5:28 
  Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] RDA LIST
  Paco, I hope this attachment is 
  73,  John WG7A
- Original Message - 
Fco Gil, EA5OL 

Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 8:00 

Somebody know a page with the list of the 
Russian Districts Award. I try http://rdaward.org/ but not answer from 
this page 6 hours ago.
Thanks in advance.


2003-03-08 Thread Art RX9TX
 Hi folks,

 Saturday, March 8, 2003 Fco Gil, EA5OL wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

FGE> Somebody  know  a  page  with  the  list of the Russian Districts
FGE> Award.  I try http://rdaward.org/ but not answer from this page 6
FGE> hours ago.

Paco,  just  to  inform  you  and others, that you can fulfill Russian
Districts  Award  (which  became  VERY  popular  in Russia last year),
participating  in  Russian  DX  contest,  which  is to be held on next
weekend,  1200 UTC 15 March - 1200 UTC 16 March 2003. We would like to
invite  all  of you to join the contest. Gentlemen, please spread this
out in your national Reflectors.

RDXC  rules  www.rdxc.ru,  we  have rules in Russian, English, German,
Finnish,  Spanish,  Hungarian,  Italian,  Polish. RDXC is supported by
N1MM,  WriteLog,  or  you  can  download  neat  RDXC contest software,
written by UA1AAF, http://www.rdxc.org/software.asp

This is about RDA Award:

FGE>  14. Russian Districts Award (RDA)

FGE> The  Russian  Districts Award (RDA) http://rdaward.org, sponsored
FGE> by  Tambov  Award  Group  (TAG),  is  issued  for  contacts  with
FGE> specified   numbers   of  districts  of  the  Russian  Federation
FGE> according to the RDA list of districts. The basic RDA certificate
FGE> can  be  obtained  for working at least 100 districts. Generally,
FGE> award application is based on the QSL cards received.

FGE> But:
FGE> Starting  in  2003,  the participants of RDXC are able to fulfill
FGE> RDA  award  in  24  hours. No QSL cards needed, every participant
FGE> will be sent a list of confirmed Districts for RDA award together
FGE> with   so-called   UBN-file   (errors  list),  generated  by  QSO
FGE> crosschecking  program.  One  can  send an RDA award application,
FGE> based  on the confirmed Districts list. All crosschecked logs and
FGE> confirmed  Districts  list  will  be  forwarded  to the RDA Award
FGE> Committee,  so  if  a participant is interested in the RDA award,
FGE> only  an  application  and  payment  should  be sent to the award
FGE> committee.  Of  course, this confirmed Districts list can also be
FGE> used  as  an  addition  to application, based on the received QSL
FGE> cards.  All  RDA  award  related qustions should be sent to Roman

 73...Art RX9TX08.03.2003 17:28 UTC

 "Too much of a good thing is WONDERFUL." [Mae West]

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[DX-NEWS] - Ducie Pilot Bulletin 6

2003-03-08 Thread Stu Greene
Ducie Island VP6DIA is QRV 

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[DX-NEWS] HH4 Team Haiti Update

2003-03-08 Thread Jan Heise K4QD
HH4 Team Haiti 2003 plans to be QRV from the Northwest Haiti Christian
Mission about 2300 UTC on 10 March.  K3VN had to drop from the team due to
work commitments, but has been replaced by another Florida DXPedition Group
(FDXPG) member, Bob HH4/K9MDO. The rest of the team is the same: Jan
HH4/K4QD, Bill W4WX, and William N2WB.  The team plans to try to upload the
logs once or twice over the next two weeks.  Look for the team as a
multi-single entry in the BARTG next weekend using HH4/K4QD.  Check the Team
Haiti website at:  http://www.geocities.com/n2wb2003/

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2003-03-08 Thread Vladimir Volosozhar
Dear Paco (EA5OL)!
Eugene RZ3EC searches your e-mail. You recently asked about RDA LIST.
Paco, please, give the information to RZ3EC [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Thank you!


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[DX-NEWS] - Ducie Low Bands #8

2003-03-08 Thread Stu Greene
 VP6DIA on low bands:

JA1BK announces following frequencies:

3507 3793
7007 7070
To remind you, QSL to JR2KDN



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