[DX-NEWS] Start of 60 m ops?

2003-07-03 Thread Charles Harpole
Well, there is some confusion about the actual start time/date of legal USA 
60meter band operations Some, like me, believe that if an airline says 
to depart at midnight July 3, it means that if you arrive at the airport at 
11:30PM on July 3, you have a half hour until your flight this is how 
airlines give you times and dates.  If so, I claim the first transatlantic 
QSO on 5.403.5 with G0HNW, Paul in Leeds, England at 0400Z on July 4.

However, if one thinks that midnight on July 3 is actually one minute before 
12:01 AM on July 3, then my contact above was 24 hours late.

If my first guess is correct, I have used the established practice of 
telling time.  If my second guess above is correct, once again ARRL has 
violated its own advice and used local time instead of UTC.

Either way the better opening time would have been 12:01 Z and all confusion 
would be settled.  Guys on 60m that I asked were mixed in the opinion about 
the opening time... some said one above and some said two above.

Sigh...at least my claim of the first transAtlantic SWL report on my 60m 
signals copied in England still stands, altho neither QST nor CQ took notice 
of it. sigh, again.. 73,

Charles Harpole
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[DX-NEWS] DX Central will not take 60m posts?

2003-07-03 Thread Charles Harpole
I can not get DX Central web site to take 5.403.5 posts. is it just me?

Charles Harpole
Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*  

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[DX-NEWS] Pardon the blank message post

2003-07-03 Thread Tom Anderson
Fellow DXers:

For some unusual reason a little while ago the news release below was
first apparently sent to the list successfully, then three more blank
messages with the same subject line were received by the list, I
received them myself too.

I can assure you I didn't send a blank message three times, nor did I
send the release three additional times either.  Unknown as to what

Thanks to those who sent me e-mails alerting me to the problem.  When I
received the three blank messages I figured the server or something
hiccuped someplace.

Sorry about the weird blank message. Also I do run Norton 2003 AV that
is constantly updated on all incoming and outgoing messages.

Tom, WW5L

Tom Anderson wrote:
> The July 18-25 7P8 DXpedition by the Lone Star DX Association and the
> Texas DX Society has added two additional operators to its team.
> Noted Texas contester Larry Alkoff, N2LA, and his XYL Karen, K2DXV, of
> Austin have joined the U.S.-Canada team that will be on all bands, all
> modes from Mohale's Hoek, Lesotho. Alkoff, who was first licensed in
> 1953 as KN2DXV, and has 317 confirmed DXCC entities, and his wife have
> requested the calls 7P8LA and 7P8KA. The Alkoffs are members of the
> Central Texas DX and Contest Club in Austin.
> Besides the Alkoffs, the team includes: Charles Frost, K5LBU/7P8CF; Igor
> Zdorov of
> Minneapolis MN, W0IZ/7P8IZ; Dave Anderson of Ashville NC K4SV/7P8DA;
> Madison Jones of Houston TX, W5MJ/7P8MJ; Neil King of Port Coquitlam,
> British
> Columbia, Canada VA7DX/7P8NK; and Tom Anderson of Colleyville TX,
> WW5L/7P8TA.
> K4SV and VA7DX will also be operating from 3DA after 7P8.
> Callsigns will be 3DA0SV for Dave Anderson K4SV and 3DA0WC for Neil
> King, VA7DX.
> QSL via home calls.
> The 7P8 operation will be an all mode, all band operation. "We
> hope to have at least one station on the air 24 hours a day," said
> Frost, of Missouri City TX, vice-president of the Texas DX Society
> http://www.tdxs.net/, which is coordinating the DXpedition along with
> the Lone Star DX Association http://www.dxer.org/lsdxa. "Two of our
> operators are excellent SSB operators and the others are specialists in
> CW and the digital modes," he added. Jones is president of the TDXS,
> while Tom Anderson is vice-president and information director of the
> Lone Star DX Association.
> Operations will be will be from the Hotel Mount Maluti
> http://www.seelesotho.com/mountmaluti.htm near Mohale's Hoek (30.16
> S and 27.48 E).  Equipment includes Tribanders for 10-15-20, a 2
> element WARC Band antenna, a log periodic, a 40-80-160 vertical, and
> Alpha
> Delta 40/80/160 dipoles. Kenwood TS850S, ICOM 706MKIIg and 756 PRO, plus
> 600and 1 KW amps. Most of the equipment is already in country.
> Commerical equipment donors include Tennadyne Antennas, Array
> Solutions, AMSAT users group, AY-Technologies, Force 12, Icom and
> numerous generous TDXS and LSDXA members.
> QSLs will be handled by each operator separately via their
> home calls as each will have their own 7P8 call.
> QSL routes are: 7P8CF--K5LBU--Frosty; 7P8TA--WW5L--Tom;
> 7P8MJ--W5MJ--Madison; 7P8NK--VA7DX--Neil; 7P9DA--K4SV--Dave;
> 7P8IZ--W0IZ--Igor; 7P8LA--N2LA--Larry and 7P8KA--K2DXV--Karen.
> Andre van Wyck, ZS6WPX, is the on-scene coordinator of the DXpedition.
> To help pay shipping expenses of donated equipment, the team is selling
> a commemorative t-shirt like the one the team will be wearing on its QSL
> card.  Short sleeve shirts in sizes Medium through X-Large are $20 and a
> limited number of long sleeve shirt in XXL and XL are aviable at $25.
> Stateside and Canadaian postage is included in the cost.   Add $5 for DX
> airmail delivery.  Order through Frost or Tom Anderson via their
> callbook addresses.
> For additional information contact Frost at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Tom
> Anderson at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On line web page and logs will be at http://www.amsatnet.com/7p8.html
> once the DXpedition is underway.
> ---
> Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc
> DX-NEWS  http://njdxa.org/dx-news
> DX-CHAT: http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
> To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Archives http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news%40pro-usa.net
> ---

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[DX-NEWS] ARLP027 Propagation de K7RA

2003-07-03 Thread W1AW
ARLP027 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 27  ARLP027
>From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  July 3, 2003
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP027 Propagation de K7RA

Average daily solar flux and sunspot numbers rose slightly last
week, by 24.6 for sunspots and 11.3 for solar flux.  Geomagnetic
indices were about the same, with average A index for the week just
two points higher.

The second quarter of 2003 ended on Monday, so now let us examine
quarterly averages of daily sunspot and solar flux numbers to try to
confirm a trend.

The average of the daily sunspot numbers during April 1 through June
30, 2003 was 107.3.  The average for the previous eight quarters was
164.8, 170.4, 198.1, 178.3, 165.3, 193.5, 152.7 and 120.3.

The average daily solar flux for the same period was 124.2, and
averages for the previous eight quarters were 166.7, 175.5, 219.1,
203.9, 156.4, 178.1, 164.2 and 134.3

The drop from 193.5 to 152.7, 120.3 and 107.3 for sunspot averages
and 178.1 to 164.2, 134.3 and 124.2 for solar flux shows a definite
and continuing decline of cycle 23.  The monthly sunspot averages
for May through June were 114.3, 89.6 and 118.4, and the solar flux
averages for the same period were 126.8, 116.6 and 129.4, so for the
short term May was down but June activity was back up.

Looking at the daily A index over the past week, Saturday was the
most active day, which was the first day of ARRL Field Day.  I
operated Class C mobile on 20 and 15-meter phone and CW while parked
in a cemetery west of my home in Seattle.  Sunday seemed more
difficult to me, with the only stations worked during the last hour
of Field Day being Class D stations operating from home.  On both
days our earth was awash in a fast solar wind that has continued,
making HF conditions dicey.  Saturday saw the return of a large
sunspot, which is now almost squarely aimed at earth.  This sunspot,
number 375, released several powerful solar flares in early June.

Another solar wind stream is flowing from a coronal hole, and it
should reach earth Thursday or Friday, July 3 or 4.  Predicted
planetary A index for the next few days is 20 to 25.  Solar flux
values are expected to continue to rise, perhaps peaking around 160
to 170 from July 7-9.  A hopeful prediction shows a low planetary A
index of 10-12 around July 9-10.  We were fooled before when a low A
index of 8 was predicted, with the forecast value revised upward due
to changing conditions just prior to the expected date, so don't
count on low A index predictions too much.  I have no idea when the
generally active geomagnetic conditions will cease.

60 meters opened for use today for amateurs in the United States.
I'm eager to hear reports from that band, which you can send to

Some possibly confusing prose in ARLP025 concerning the relationship
between A and K indices and geomagnetic conditions resulted in
further confusion in ARLP026.  Each index relates to a basic measure
of geomagnetic disturbance called nT.  The A index is a linear scale
referenced to nT, and the K index is a semi-logarithmic scale
referenced to nT.  Thanks to N0AX and K9LA for helping to straighten
all this out.

For more information on propagation and an explanation of the
numbers used in this bulletin see the Propagation page on the ARRL
Web site at http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/propagation.html.  You can
write to the author of this bulletin at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sunspot numbers for June 26 through July 2 were 122, 128, 151, 112,
159, 138, and 153, with a mean of 137.6. 10.7 cm flux was 118.9,
123.9, 123.9, 127.3, 128.2, 131.1, and 134.8, with a mean of 126.9.
Estimated planetary A indices were 19, 28, 32, 26, 20, 13, and 15,
with a mean of 21.9.


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[DX-NEWS] 7P8 DXpedition adds additional operators

2003-07-03 Thread Tom Anderson
The July 18-25 7P8 DXpedition by the Lone Star DX Association and the
Texas DX Society has added two additional operators to its team.

Noted Texas contester Larry Alkoff, N2LA, and his XYL Karen, K2DXV, of
Austin have joined the U.S.-Canada team that will be on all bands, all
modes from Mohale's Hoek, Lesotho. Alkoff, who was first licensed in
1953 as KN2DXV, and has 317 confirmed DXCC entities, and his wife have
requested the calls 7P8LA and 7P8KA. The Alkoffs are members of the
Central Texas DX and Contest Club in Austin.

Besides the Alkoffs, the team includes: Charles Frost, K5LBU/7P8CF; Igor
Zdorov of
Minneapolis MN, W0IZ/7P8IZ; Dave Anderson of Ashville NC K4SV/7P8DA;
Madison Jones of Houston TX, W5MJ/7P8MJ; Neil King of Port Coquitlam,
Columbia, Canada VA7DX/7P8NK; and Tom Anderson of Colleyville TX,

K4SV and VA7DX will also be operating from 3DA after 7P8. 
Callsigns will be 3DA0SV for Dave Anderson K4SV and 3DA0WC for Neil
King, VA7DX.
QSL via home calls.
The 7P8 operation will be an all mode, all band operation. "We
hope to have at least one station on the air 24 hours a day," said
Frost, of Missouri City TX, vice-president of the Texas DX Society
http://www.tdxs.net/, which is coordinating the DXpedition along with
the Lone Star DX Association http://www.dxer.org/lsdxa. "Two of our
operators are excellent SSB operators and the others are specialists in
CW and the digital modes," he added. Jones is president of the TDXS,
while Tom Anderson is vice-president and information director of the
Lone Star DX Association.
Operations will be will be from the Hotel Mount Maluti
http://www.seelesotho.com/mountmaluti.htm near Mohale's Hoek (30.16
S and 27.48 E).  Equipment includes Tribanders for 10-15-20, a 2
element WARC Band antenna, a log periodic, a 40-80-160 vertical, and
Delta 40/80/160 dipoles. Kenwood TS850S, ICOM 706MKIIg and 756 PRO, plus
600and 1 KW amps. Most of the equipment is already in country.
Commerical equipment donors include Tennadyne Antennas, Array
Solutions, AMSAT users group, AY-Technologies, Force 12, Icom and
numerous generous TDXS and LSDXA members.

QSLs will be handled by each operator separately via their
home calls as each will have their own 7P8 call.
QSL routes are: 7P8CF--K5LBU--Frosty; 7P8TA--WW5L--Tom;
7P8MJ--W5MJ--Madison; 7P8NK--VA7DX--Neil; 7P9DA--K4SV--Dave;
7P8IZ--W0IZ--Igor; 7P8LA--N2LA--Larry and 7P8KA--K2DXV--Karen.
Andre van Wyck, ZS6WPX, is the on-scene coordinator of the DXpedition.
To help pay shipping expenses of donated equipment, the team is selling
a commemorative t-shirt like the one the team will be wearing on its QSL
card.  Short sleeve shirts in sizes Medium through X-Large are $20 and a
limited number of long sleeve shirt in XXL and XL are aviable at $25.
Stateside and Canadaian postage is included in the cost.   Add $5 for DX
airmail delivery.  Order through Frost or Tom Anderson via their
callbook addresses. 

For additional information contact Frost at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Tom

On line web page and logs will be at http://www.amsatnet.com/7p8.html
once the DXpedition is underway.

Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc 
DX-NEWS  http://njdxa.org/dx-news
DX-CHAT: http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
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[DX-NEWS] I.C.P.O. Bulletin (coverage: July 03 - Aug 02, 2003)

2003-07-03 Thread Dave Raycroft
I.C.P.O. Bulletin (coverage: July 03 - Aug 02, 2003)
Islands, Castles & Portable Operations - "I.C.P.O."
Operations are listed by start date (Day/Month/Year)
03/07/2003:  Look for Ulli, DL2AH, to be active from Western Samoa (OC-097)
between July 3rd to 15th and July 25th to 29th as 5W0AH. Operation will be
on 40 through 10 meters, SSB, PSK and RTTY. QSL via DL2AH. [Tnx OPDX]

03/07/2003:  Operators Takeshi JA3GJE and Hajime JP3TKP will be active as
homecall/6 from Iki Island (AS-036, Iki-jima Gounuura-cho Iki-gun
Nagasaki-ken) from 07:00 UTC, July 3rd to 00:00 UTC, July 7th. Their
activity will be on 40, 17, 12 and 10 meter SSB. QSL to their home calls via
the bureau. [Tnx OPDX]

04/07/2003:  Club members of Pyong-taek DX Club (DS2GOO, 6K2CLF, 6K2CEO and
6K2CEW) will be active from Anmyon Island (AS-080, KDN F26) between July 4th
and 6th as D90HE/3 or with their private homecall/3. QSL via Han, DS2GOO
direct (P.O.Box 39, Pyongtaek, Kyonggi-do, 450-600, South Korea) or via the
bureau. [Tnx OPDX]

04/07/2003:  Some operators from ARI Trapani will be active on all bands as
IF9MI from Marettimo Island (EU-054, IIA TP-010) between July 4th and 6th.
QSL direct only to IT9FXY. [Tnx 425DXN]

04/07/2003:  Look for RV6YZ and UA6YHE to be QRV July 4th to 10th from
several regional districts for the Russian Districts Award. They plan to
activate 11 regions in Kabardino-Balkaria (KB), 3 regions in the Stavropol
area and 1 region in Karachaevo-Cherkessia (KC). Activity will be on 40 and
20 meters, using a FT1000MP and dipole antennas. QSL via operators'
instructions. [Tnx RA6YJ]

05/07/2003:  Look for Jeff, KU8E/m, to be QRV between July 5th and 8th from
St Simons Island (IOTA NA-058, USI GA-003S, Glynn county), Georgia. Activity
will be mostly on 20 meter CW, from his mobile setup. QSL via home call.
[Tnx KU8E]

05/07/2003:  Look for Kent, SM0ELV, to be QRV July 5th and 6th from Balson
Island (EU-176, SM3). Activity will be on the normal IOTA frequencies, CW
and SSB. QSL via home call. [Tnx SM0ELV]

05/07/2003:  Look for Fred, F5OZK, to be active July 5th to 25th as TK/F5OZK
from Corsica Island (EU-014). He will be QRV 40 through 10 meters, WARC
included. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx F5OZK]

06/07/2003:  Look for Gianfranco, I6GFX, to be QRV July 6th to 17th as
9A/I6GFX from Lastovo Island (EU-016, IOCA CI-051). QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. [Tnx 425DXN]

06/07/2003:  Andre, F5KDB/p, plans to be QRV the morning of July 6, 2003,
from the Fort de la Salmagne (DFCF reference 59038, for the French Castles
Award) and the Moulin de la Salmagne "le Vieux Moulin" (DMF reference 59026,
for the French Mills Award). WW grid loc. JO20AH. Activity will be on 40
meters and also VHF. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx F8BMN]

07/07/2003:  Look for Hans, OH6MY/p, to be QRV July 7th to August 3rd from
his summer QTH on Anterskar (Lapporarna) (IOTA EU-101, WW Loc. KP03OI). He
will be using a IC-706 at low power, on a car battery, with a G5RV antenna.
QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx OH6MY]

07/07/2003:  Look for Jeff, WB9CEJ, to be QRV between July 7th and 13th as
VP2V/WB9CEJ from Tortola (NA-023). Activity will be primarily on 20, 17 and
15 meters, using SSB and CW. QSL to home call. [Tnx ARRL DX news]

10/07/2003:  Look for Klaus DF3GL, Gregor DL1BFE and Uwe DL3BJ to activate
the Roter Sand lighthouse (WLHA LH-0396, DLD/GLA 44, FED-019, Loc. JO43au),
between July 10th and 14th, using the call sign DA0LRS. Activity will be on
all HF bands, SSB and CW - as long as they will have power (there is no
power line to the lighthouse). QSL via QRZ.com . [Tnx W9DC]

10/07/2003:  Luigi, IZ5FKK, reports that he will be QRV July 10th to 18th,
as IM0/IZ5FKK, from the Islands of Maddalena (EU-041, IIA SS-001) and
Caprera (EU-041, IIA SS-005). He plans to operate on the HF bands as well as
on 6 and 2 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx 425DXN]

11/07/2003:  Mike K9AJ, Jim K9PPY and maybe Susan K9XYL will be active from
several islands in the Canadian Province of Nunavut. The callsigns will be
K9AJ/VY0 and K9PPY/VY0. K9XYL/VY0 might also be QRV. It is possible that
some activity might occur from Cornwallis Island (NA-009, CIsA NT-004)
and/or Baffin Island (NA-047, CIsA NT-001) during the time period July 11th
through 26th, so pay attention to the QTH info given by the operator. Usual
IOTA frequencies will be used on CW and SSB. QSL to operator's home call.
[Tnx F5NQL]

11/07/2003:  PACIFIC TOUR! The operators will be Barry ZS1FJ (aka G4MFW and
ZL1MFW), Deon ZS1ZL and Phil G3SWH. They will use FO/G4MFW (SSB and RTTY,
QSL via ZS1FJ) and FO/G3SWH (CW, QSL via G3SWH) as follows: July 11th
through 14th from Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Islands; July 15th through 22nd
from Mangareva (OC-063), French Polynesia; and July 23rd through 24th from
Tahiti (OC-046), French Polynesia. A short operation may also take place
from Rurutu (OC-050) in the Austral Islands. A

[DX-NEWS] ARLD027 DX news

2003-07-03 Thread W1AW
ARLD027 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 27  ARLD027
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  July 3, 2003
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD027 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
the OPDX Bulletin, The Daily DX, QRZ DX, 425DXnews, DXNL, WA7BNM,
WB9CEJ and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

MALTA, 9H.  Thomas, DL1ASA, will be active from Gozo Island (EU-023)
from August 1 to 15, as 9H3TM.  His activity will be on all HF bands
on CW, SSB and RTTY.  He will also participate in the WAE-CW

CHINA, B4.  The People's Republic of China Headquarters Station
BY1PK (operated by the JiangSu DX Club) will be active in the IARU
HF World Championship as B4HQ.  QSL via BA4RD, Ken Wang, P.O.BOX
538, Nanjing 210005, P.R. CHINA.

VIRGIN ISLANDS, VP2.  Jeff, WB9CEJ, will be QRV as VP2V/WB9CEJ from
Tortola, IOTA NA-023, from July 7 to 13.  He will also be active as
KP2/WB9CEJ from St. John and St. Thomas, IOTA NA-106, from July 14
to 19.  Activity will be primarily on 20, 17 and 15 meters, using
SSB and CW.  QSL to home call.

BAHAMAS, C6.  Look for Jimmy, W6JKV, to be active as C6/W6JKV until
July 7.  His activity over the past week has been on 6 meters at
various times between 1000 and 1800z, usually looking for Europe,
50110 and 50125 kHz.

CORSICA, TK.  Fred, F5OZK, will be active as TK/F5OZK between July 5
and 25.  Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters, including the newer
bands.  QSL via his home call sign, direct or via the bureau.

AZORES, CU2.  Lars, SM3CVM, plans to sign CU2/SM3CVM/p from Sao
Miguel (EU-003) until July 6.  CW operation is planned on 80 to 10
meters.  QSL via bureau.

BOTSWANA, A2.  Joe, AA4NN, Aldo, IK2ANI, and Fabrizio, IN3ZNR, are
signing A25NN, A25NI and A25FV, respectively, in CW and SSB until
July 13.  QSLs via home calls.

EAST KIRIBATI, T32.  La Marr will be active as T32Z, using SSB, CW,
and digital modes on HF and 6 meters for several weeks.  QSL via

MAURITANIA, 5T.  DL8YHR will be active as 5T6M mostly on 6 meters
until July 7.  QSL via ON4ANT.

MAYOTTE, FH.  Martrial, FH/F5SIE, will be QRV in CW only on 15, 17
and 40 meters until July 15.  QSL via bureau.

Venezuelan Independence Day Contest, DL DX RTTY Contest and the DARC
10 Meter Digital Corona are on tap for this weekend.  Please see
July QST, page 94 for details.


Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc 
DX-NEWS  http://njdxa.org/dx-news
DX-CHAT: http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news%40pro-usa.net

[DX-NEWS] T5X recent operation

2003-07-03 Thread teodosic

I would appreciate very much to receive valid information on 
recent T5X operation by DJ6SI-BALDUR.Is it good for DXCC-it would be mine 327 
(deleted not included).Many thanks in advance for some 
comments-information.YU1NA.My e-mail 

[DX-NEWS] ES5PC/0 qrv in NAC MW

2003-07-03 Thread Viljo Allik

Its time for a small expedition again. If everything goes well we will operate the 
microwave contest from some location of the Saaremaa island. The exact location is not 
decided yet.
No 1296MHz operation this time, only microwaves.


2304/2320MHz  100+W / 1.0dBNf / 90cm offset dish.
5760MHz8W / 1.4dBNF / 60cm dish
10368MHz  6W / 1.2dBNF / 70cm dish 
24192MHz  300mW / 3dBNF / 60cm dish

Phone number for skeds. +46707153721, SMS ok. 


Viljo ES5PC , Andres ES6REH, Lauri ES5TGW

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