[wmartin@dmcom.net: Re: [DXR] Nunavut]

2001-04-01 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

= Begin forwarded message =

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Bill Martin")
Subject: Re: [DXR] Nunavut
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 10:50:52 -0500

I too worked VY0RR on 6 meters in July.  No card yet despite several
attempts with IRC's etc. Would love to get the grid!!

Bill  KA2IYB

- Original Message -
From: "Bud Weisberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: [DXR] Nunavut

> Back in July 2000, I worked VY0RR; Nunavut doesn't count for DXCC but
> it's my last Canadian Prov/Terr worked on 6m and a new grid. Has anyone
> ever gotten a card from VY0RR?
> Tnx & 73, Bud K2YOF
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here is the word from VE QSL Bureau. We forward the following 
VY0 cards to managers:

VY0VDO and VY0O  to   VA3DO

I have seen cards being answered via this bureau from
VY0AA and VY0TA.

Other VY0 stations go via VE8 QSL bureau, or this QSL bureau.

73  Nenad  VE3EXY

The VE QSL Bureau Manager

PO BOX 11156

Station "H"

Nepean, On, K2H 7T8


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[ae5x@qsl.net: [DXR] QSL info for PZ1DV?]

2001-04-01 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

= Begin forwarded message =

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Harper AE5X)
Subject: [DXR] QSL info for PZ1DV?
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 07:20:58 -0500


Every online source of info I can dig up lists W9GW as being the QSL manager
for PZ1DV. Unfortunately, he (W9GW) returned my QSL card yesterday with a
note stating that he has never managed QSLs for this station. Does anyone
have more accurate info on who takes care of cards for PZ1DV? As a last
resort I'll QSL direct but would prefer to go thru a manager, if there is

The QSO in question took place in Oct 2000.

Thanks and 73,

John Harper AE5X
Outdoor QRP & Lowband DXing: http://www.qsl.net/ae5x

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PZ1DV still handles his own QSL cards. Here is the address that
works. I received my cards ages old from the following address:

Ron E.Hoepel
PO BOX 9006
Suriname, SA

73  Nenad   VE3EXY

The RAC QSL Bureau manager

PO BOX 11156
Station "H"
Nepean, ON, K2H 7T9


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[DXR] PZ1DV Cards

2001-04-02 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


I quoted the address that works without any problem. Others that
I tried did not work.

73  Nenad  VE3EXY

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[DXR] AS-089

2001-05-02 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

In a QSO with Nick (RK1PWA), also manager of R1ANF,
I  learned that there will be two weeks operation
from AS089  signing  UA1PBP/9, starting early May.
(May 05). QSL to RK1PWA.

73 Nenad  VE3EXY

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[DXR] North of Fifty (Take 2)

2001-05-15 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Just received confirmation authorizing access to
Indian reserve in ZONE 02.

I'll be active 4 days (and 5 nights) from Wednesday (May 23)
evening to Monday (May 28) morning around CQWW WPX CW weekend.

I will be active on the following modes: CW, RTTY, and
PSK31 possible, but not guaranteed outside contest.
Mostly CW during the contest. Phone not much at all.

Here are details:

WHAT:  4 days operation from ZONE 02 (Loc.FO20).

WHEN: May 23. (abt 23:00Z) - May.28 (13:00Z) 2001


CALLSIGN: VE3EXY/2 (Counts as VE2 in the contest)

QSL INFO: VE3EXY (Home call)

SUNRAISE:  09:12z


FREQUENCES: CW 1827, 3510, 7010, 14025, 18077, 21025, 24897, 28025.
RTTY 14090, 21090. Sorry no 6 mtrs.
I'll always work split (2 kHz CW, 5 kHz RTTY or Phone)

REPORT: Something like 599Z2 will indicate I am there.

QSL Policy: For all my DXpedition I do not do blanket
cover of all QSOs in my log. Instead I answer
QSLs when I receive them. You can send them
direct with SASE (SAE +postage), via the bureau,
or direct without postage. QSLs with sufficient
retrn postage will be answered same day (if in
the log), or via the bureau otherwise. QSL cards
are already printed, and there is no reason to
wait. No special cards waiting for sponsors.

e-mail requests are not accepted.
However, elQSL request will be confirmed
electronically, subject to receiving notification
and electronicQSL server address.

During WPX CW Contest: 80 mtrs, 40 mtrs, 10 mtrs.
Around Greyline times I'll be either on 80 or 160.
There are some chances for EU and JA on those two bands.

REST PERIODS: 05:00z-08:45z and  16:00-18:00 subject to
change if CONDX are good.

Good Luck

Nenad VE3EXY 

P.S.  I'll not have access to cluster. Please post me
  as more as possible.

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[DXR] 3D2CI QSO Statistics

2001-05-20 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


I posted some 3D2CI statisitics on my web page:


it is taken from the original report written by
team members.

At the same web page is the Zone 2 announcement, that
you received couple of days ago.

Good luck.

Nenad  VE3EXY

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[w3bz@bellsouth.net: [DXR] Receipt of Cocos Keeling card]

2001-05-23 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

= Begin forwarded message =

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Zieg)
Subject: [DXR] Receipt of Cocos Keeling card
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 11:52:44 -0400

My card arrived yesterday for my contact on 4-30. This must be some sort
of a record. My thanks and congrats to Nigel and his group.   Ben

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Almost the same. VK9ML arrived today.

73  Nenad   VE3EXY

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[DXR] Zone 2: Posponed for 24 hours

2001-05-23 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Heavy work load prevented me of leaving to Zone 2 today as planned.
However, you will not loose anything, since I'll stay one day longer.

So, everything remains the same, except I'll be operating from

May 24.2001 [23:00]  till Tuesday May 29.2000 [12:00]

See you tomorrow. I wish the optimum CONDX to all of you.

Nenad  VE3EXY

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[K5JB@webtv.net: [DXR] 3D2CI QSL's]

2001-07-30 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

= Begin forwarded message =

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joe A. Butler)
Subject: [DXR] 3D2CI QSL's
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 05:54:18 -0500 (CDT)

Has anyone received QSL cards from 3D2CI-Conway Reef expedition in
February/March of this year?  Tnx es 73, Joe-K5JB

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3D2CI started sending QSL as early as April.26. Many 
people already received theirs.

Nenad   VE3EXY

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[jrymer@ez-net.com: Re: [DXR] 3D2CI QSL's]

2001-07-30 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

= Begin forwarded message =

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Jeffrey Rymer")
Subject: Re: [DXR] 3D2CI QSL's
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 21:46:08 -0500

Received my cards 7-28-01 Nice looking card. Jeff N9PQU

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe A. Butler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2001 5:54 AM
Subject: [DXR] 3D2CI QSL's

> Has anyone received QSL cards from 3D2CI-Conway Reef expedition in
> February/March of this year?  Tnx es 73, Joe-K5JB
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YOU CAN PREVIEW 3D2CI QSL card from my web page
under item 4.

73  Nenad  VE3EXY


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Re: [DXR] 9G1MR,TY68F,Vu2Au qsl and off topic:ic746 question

2001-08-22 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


The problem with 9G1MR is not necessarily on the manager's side,
but on the I QSL bureau side. I have not seen I QSLs via the bureau 
for quite some time.

There is a lot of QSL links from http://www.magma.ca/~ve3exy/qsl_tips.html

You can easily find that TY68F  goes via F5MOO (source OZ7R).

IC746 is nice, compact and in-expensive after ICOM launched
IC756PRO. Some people complain on its selectivity. However, I am
using it in busiest RTTY contests without any problem, using only
one filter.


Nenad   VE3EXY

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[DXR] Conway Reef II

2001-09-25 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Received message from Hrane, the Second Conway Reef DXpedition
team leader. The DXpedition is on track. 

Team members:

1.- YT1AD - Hrane, Team Leader 
2.- YU1AU - Miki, 
3.- YU1DX - Srecko, 
4.- YU7AV - Voja, 
5.- YZ7AA - Steva, 
6.- RZ3AA - Roman, 
7.- Z31FU - Vlado (also:ZS6MG), 
8.- N6TQS - Doug 
9.- Rade Zivkovic, cameraman.
The list is not final, pending plane tickets availability.
May be more or less operators.


Trip starts:  Sep.27.2001
Earliest on-the-air time: Oct.01.2001  @ 07:00z
Closing down (planned):   Oct.10.2001  @ 08:00z
Leaving Fiji: Oct.13.2001
Return to YU: Oct.15.2001

Callsigns and QSL info:

There will be two callsigns (one for SSB, and one
for CW/digital). QSL info will be different for
two callsigns.

Master web site:


News web site:



Beam MA5B, Beam Mosley TW-33xl, RV4C vertical + dipoles
LPA ACOM-1000 2 pcs
2 x TS-570S, FT-100, + 3 PS 
IC-756PRO + RTTY  computer
Power Generator

73  Nenad  ...

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[DXR] Conway Reef II

2001-10-01 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

This message was received on Oct.01.2001 at  00:00.

Conway_2  DXpedition is delayed. Some luggage was lost
on the way to Fiji, and they decided to stay on Fiji
until it arrives.

They are leaving next morining, and plan to be on-the-air
in next 48 hours from Conway Reef.

Callsigns are different for CW, and Phone/digital, and are
NOT the following: 3D2CI, 3D2AD, or 3D2TT. The first one is
for the Feb.2001 operation, the later two are Fiji.

Stay tuned for the actual callsigns in 48 hours.

73  Nenad   VE3EXY


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[DXR] Conway_2 started at 01:00z

2001-10-04 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


3D2CY  (CW)  and 3D2CL (phone/digital) just started
from Conway Reef.

Good luck


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[DXR] Conway Reef Calls

2001-10-05 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


There was a last minute change. They decided to

use 3D2CI on CW, and 3D2CY for other modes.

Please note that Feb.License for 3D2CI is still OK.

Nenad  ...

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[DX-NEWS] 3D2/c logs

2001-10-19 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


If you have not already done so visit Conway Reef logs at:


73  Nenad   
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[DXR] Conway Bulletins

2001-10-07 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


There is no too much info on Conway
Reef expedition. However, I still have some info to publish.

Please visit 


73  nenad ...

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[DXR] Conway Reef team on the way home

2001-10-14 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Just a short notice that 3D2/c team has arrived Fiji and
continued towards other destinations without activating 
from 3D2. More news when they arrive.

73  Nenad   VE3EXY  ...

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[DX-NEWS] 3D2CI and 3D2CY

2001-10-16 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


In short notice Hrane informed us than almost 42000 QSOs
was made from CRIn addition to 4200 3D2AD from Fiji.

Nenad   ...
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[DX-NEWS] P5 News

2001-12-26 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

Happy Holidays,

Hrane (YT1AD), and Voja (YU7AV) just came back from P5 land.

They have the license to operate from P5, together with two other
operators starting March 5. 2002.

In return they will instruct future Korean ham radio operators.
Minimum of 20 novice operators are expected to attend.

Callsigns are known, and will be published when the expedition

73  Nenad  VE3EXY

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[DX-NEWS] EURO Question

2002-01-02 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

After euro become official monetary unit in 10 + 3 counties 
in EU, what is the price of newly sold IRCs in euros? Are they
all the same in all 13 countries?

Happy New Year

73  Nenad   VE3EXY
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2002-01-07 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


According to the postman in my Local Post Office, the old IRCs
wil be exchanged 'forever', or better say until further notice.

Meanwhile the new ones are on sale here in Canada.

There are few observable  differences:

1, It is big (post card size)

2. It has expiry date (December 31,2006)

3. It has barcode (and probably serial number)

4. It has the left stamp box optional

5. It has form number CN 01.

The price is the same as for the Old IRC.

73  Nenad 

Snail Mail  : Nenad Stevanovic ( VE3EXY ) 
  P.O.Box: 65046 
  Nepean, On, K2G 5Y3
  C A N A D A 
PERSONAL URL  : http://www.magma.ca/~ve3exy
VE QSL Bureau  URL: http://www.magma.ca/~ve3exy/bureau.html
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[DX-NEWS] Electronic QSLs

2002-01-21 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


One thing is to make polemics on wheteher the paper cards
are better than electronic and vice versa. Each individual
can have his/hers own oppinion. In any case, QSL cards
were invented in 1920s as QSO confirmation method, not as

While we understand that paper QSL cards are not valid for
DXCC Award program (for now), has anyone tried to use elQSL
(printed or electronic) for other award programs? 
What was the outcome?

Nenad VE3EXY
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[DX-NEWS] Electronic QSLs

2002-01-21 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


One thing is to make polemics on wheteher the paper cards
are better than electronic and vice versa. Each individual
can have his/hers own oppinion. In any case, QSL cards
were invented in 1920s as QSO confirmation method, not as

While we understand that paper QSL cards are not valid for
DXCC Award program (for now), has anyone tried to use elQSL
(printed or electronic) for other award programs? 
What was the outcome?

Nenad VE3EXY
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[DX-NEWS] P5 Info

2002-02-15 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

Here are the latest news on P5 expedition.
received 10 minutes ago from Hrane.

Hrane YT1AD, and Voja YU7AV are ready for departure to Pyongyang
on March.05.2002. They travel the following way:

Beograd-Moscow-Beijing-Pyong Yang

with the following equipment:

TS 850, FT 100, LPA 400 w, dipol dipol 80/40 m
Multiband beam for  14,18,21,24 i 28 s already
in P5.

No problems are expected at this point in time.

QSL info and duration of stay to be announced.

73  Nenad   VE3EXY
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[DX-NEWS] KH1 Info

2002-02-15 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

The crew for KH1 DXpedition to Baker Island
is known. Here is the list of confirmed
known operators:

 1.Hrane, YT1AD
 2.Steva, YZ7AA
 3.Miki, YU1AU
 4.Dragan, Z32AU
 5.Mome, Z32ZM
 6.Vlado, Z31FU(ZS6MG)
 7.Roman, RZ3AA
 8.Igor, RA3AUU
10.Will, K6NDV
12.Dave, KW4DA
13.Eric, K3NA
14.USFW representative.

The trip by "Princess II" will take 6 days via 3D2,
and T2. Arrival to KH1 is expected on 29.April.2002.

1 x 1 Callsign will be announced on   29.04 2002.
6 stations  IC 756 pro II, 5 LPA will operate in 3 tents.
3 x ACOM 1000  i 2 x 400 W solid-statei amplifiers.

There will be 7 beams,3 dipols, 3 verticals, 1 Beverage  for 80/160 m
There will use 3 generators, 2 x 5 kw  i  1 x 3,5 kw
Operation  1,8-30 MHz, 50 MHz, 144 MHz
Mode   CW, SSB, PSK, RTTY,SSTV,FM, satelite 28/144

Pilots: VE3EXY and YU1AA

Web site will be edited by 4N1NM and 4N1FG

73 Hrane,  YT1AD/KH1

via Nenad  VE3EXY

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2002-03-05 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

OM0WR resonds via the bureau. No problem.

73  nenad VE3EXY
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[DX-NEWS] P5 Info

2002-03-05 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

P5/YT1AD would have the same structure of callsign as the current P5/4L
operator which works of verbal agreement. Hrane was talking about the
licensed call.

Just before left, Hrane gave me the callsign which is not P5/YT1AD.
However, the situation there may have changed.

Also, the fact that they worked short on 40 mtrs indicates that
they still did not have their beam set up (it is there since December).

The only thing that fits is timing. It is already March 6-th there.

Have no feedback for now, but will post as soon as I get something.

Nenad VE3EXY   ...
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[DX-NEWS] P5 Update (Monday)

2002-03-11 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

It appears there were some conflicting infos broadcasted by Austrain
ORF. Now they have revoked their own news.

Please visit the:


for the update. Also please take a chance to listen
to Hrane's audio recorded while traveling to P5.

Down side is that P5 team still did not start operation.

They have all 'civilian' documntation. What is missing is the
nod from military authorities.

stay tuned

Nenad  VE3EXY

P.S. Save your money. If authentic, the QSL info will be in Yugoslavia
 and it will not be YT1AD.
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[DX-NEWS] P5 Wrap up

2002-03-13 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

Last night I received the following info from hrane for
release to DX community.

73  Nenad   VE3EXY   ...

P.S. They are now back to Yugoslavia, with NO QSO made.


In one word it was a thrill !!!

We arrived to Pyongyang on March 5-th, where we were welcomed
by representatives of Ministry of Telecommunications and
Foreign Affairs.

We were stationed in YANGAKDO Hotel, on the bank of the river
with the same name. The hotel has 47 floors, and we were on
the 40-th floor, with almost ideal conditions for work. All our
equipment was put together, and we were about to start our
operation with previously assigned callsign P5A.

Unexpectedly the uniformed military official appeared, and
imposed ban on our operation, until the permission of military
authorities is obtained.

It was supposed to be available on March 8-th, but nobody
showed up, possibly because of holiday. We did not want to
risk starting unauthorized operation. Meanwhile we had fun
listening all pirates pretending to be us, when we did not
make a single contact.

Finally, the military official showed up on Sunday and
simply said: "No transmission until further notice."

Than we did not have any choice but to leave. After landing
in Beijing, our only comment was: Never Again !!!

73  Hrane  YT1AD
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[DX-NEWS] PY3ZM etc ...

2002-03-28 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Let us distinguish between two things:

a. There is not explicit requirement that QSL manager
   should be licensed, or in posession of valid license.

b. Completly different thing is is 'pretending' QSL manager
   was doing something wrong at present or in the past.

When I asked HC2DX about QSL he said 'the problem has been
fixed'. Is it? Anyone tried to get the credit?

73  Nenad  VE3EXY

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[jreisert@jlc.net: Re: [DX-NEWS] qsl ink]

2002-03-29 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

= Begin forwarded message =

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joe Reisert)
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] qsl ink
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 09:43:52 -0500


The ink fading problem (as well as labels that eventually fall off the 
QSLs) is why I am very happy the ARRL is finally awarding DXCCs on all 
bands. If they waited much longer, the information on some of my old 
non-replaceable QSLs would be faded beyond recognition. After the 30 meter 
DXCC becomes reality (later this year), all my old cards that matter will 
have been placed in the big DXCC computer memory at ARRL. God help us if it 
ever fails (and isn't backed up!).


Joe, W1JR

At 12:46 AM 3/29/2002 +, Charles Harpole wrote:
>Pse note that most ball point inks will eventually completely disappear, 
>leaving only an indention where the ink used to be.  Decay times vary with 
>brand and storage condx.  Many ink jet computer printer inks have a short 
>lifespan... both applications have the spec of a quick dry... and if it 
>drys quickly it likely will also disappear more quickly due to the 
>chemical composition that creates the fast drying.
>This is why most bankers and lawyers have you sign important documents 
>with THEIR PEN, not yours.  They use permanent, real ink.  The longest 
>lasting ink has some metal in it, but good results can be expected from a 
>Flair or Sharpie permanent ink versions.  Typewriter ribbon inks are also 
>usually very long lasting because they have metal in them to avoid rusting 
>the keys.   But.
>Nothing lasts forever, not even good ole paper and ink QSLs.
>73, Charly
>Charles Harpole
>Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com
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You are right about disappearing ink. I have couple of those, but I was
lucky I submitted them much earlier.

As far as 30 mtrs QSOs are conserned, I wa ssubmitting them all
there years, and now  I have 250+  already sumitted. Waiting for
announcement move the yard stick significantly.

73  Nenad VE3EXY

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[DX-NEWS] KH1 DXpedition Info

2002-04-05 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


KH1 DXpedition is still on track. The KH1 web page is now
available at:


The web page will be updated when news happen.

Some concerns were about Digital modes, and the feedback is
that RTTY mode WILL be used from KH1.

73  Nenad  VE3EXY
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[smlx@earthlink.net: [DX-NEWS] ZS6EZ]

2002-04-08 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

= Begin forwarded message =

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nancy & Steve Lawrence)
Subject: [DX-NEWS] ZS6EZ
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 08:52:38 -0700

Anyone receive cards for ZD9IR via ZS6EZ recently? I've had a request out
for several months now. Please reply directly. 73, Steve WB6RSE

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I received QSL cards last week. Chris responded after about 2 months and carefully 
combined my two requests sent separately. Also added his own cards.

73  Nenad  VE3EXY  

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[DX-NEWS] KH1 DXpedition Update

2002-04-15 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


here is the latest update from Hrane.

73  Nenad   VE3EXY   

dear friends,

Here is final list of  KH1  DXpedition, 2002

working period:20.04-16.05 2002
operating  time: 29.04 (04,00 GMT)-9.05 2002 (02.00 GMT)

TEAM: 1.Hrane  Milosevic, yt1ad
 2.Miki Markovic,yu1au
 3.Sreckoo Moric, "Fex", yu1dx
 4.Dimovski Mome, z32zm
 5.Vlado Karamitrov, zs6mg/z31fu
 6.Dave Anderson, kw4da
 7.Doug  Faunt,  n6tqs
 8.Jordan Naydenov
 9.Roman Thomas, rz3aa
10.Igor Buklan, ra3auu
11.Andrey Feodorov, 9x0a/rw3ah
12.Marjan Miletic, s56a
13.Aleksandar Maksimov, ly3num
14.Doug Forsell, USA,   USFW  officer

Our web:  www.kragujevac.co.yu/kh1

73  Hrane ...
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[DX-NEWS] Zone 2

2002-04-17 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

If you want finite limits - Try WAS or DXCC.
If you want a challenge - Try 5BWAZ.
The wall starts at 197 Zones!
Zone 2 on 80M is a killer from ZL!  <-


let us try to prove the opposite. Advise me on your
propagations conditions in late June (central Quebec).

73  Nenad  VE3EXY
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[DX-NEWS] KH1 Bulletin #1

2002-04-23 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Here is the first update on KH1 DXpedition.

Team members have arrived to Tuvalu (T2) and are
getting ready for their 6 days trip. They came there
in two groups:

First group: YU1AU, YU1DX, Z32ZM, ZS6MG, S56A,
N6TSQ, LY3NUM, and USFW representative Mr Doug Forsell.

Second group: YT1AD, RZ3AA, RA3AUU, RW3AH, KW4DA, and
Mr Jordan Naydenov- photo and multir-media expert.

They were welcomed with +33c tmperature, forcing team to take
advantage of turistic attractions of the island.

April 23. happend to be a holiday in Tuvaly, and it was not
possible to get the license immediately. However in small
community of 8000 or so people, was not difficult to find
the Minister of Telecommunications and T2 licenses were
ready in no time. Technically speaking, over dinner.

There was some damage on one of AS3S elements, but was easily
fixed. One of locals help them to put up the antenna on the palm
tree !!! It appears this is not the first time he is doing the
same thing.

The following calls are active:

T25A  QSL via: YT1AD,
T2X   QSL via: RW3AH,
T23A  QSL via: RZ3AA,
T2DA  QSL via: KW4DA.

In general conditions are poor, as a result of unfavourable
acitivity of the Sun. Even in such conditions they made
2000 QSOs the first night, using IC-756PRO-II + ACOM-1000.

If the wheather conditions do not deteriate significanly, the 
arrival to KH1 is expected on April.28 at 04:00z with first QSO
scheduled for 22:00z on the same day. Callsign is known, and
will be 1x1.

News will be available at web site:




Hope the sea will not be rough, and they will safely arrive,
and come back.

73  Nenad   VE3EXY
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[DX-NEWS] KH1 Update April.25.2002

2002-04-25 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Couple of words from RW3AH received via satellite link from the
/MM location of Princess II on her voyage to KH1. 

Yes, there will be logs updated once a day. First messages 
are already arriving. Log update will be available from
KH1 web page at:


as soon as the first log update is received.

The sea seem to be smooth and the team may arrive earlier 
than planned.

73  Nenad  VE3EXY ...
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2002-04-28 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

"1x1" Call Sign   K1B
 Begin Date   04/29/02
 End Date 05/09/02
 Coordinator  ARRL
 Requestor's Callsign KB9WRP
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[DX-NEWS] K1B: Good news/bad news

2002-04-29 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Here are some news about K1B.

Good news:

There were some concerns about the beginning date of the
DXpedition. Baker Island is close to the Date Line, and is
in GMT+11 zone. All times in the license apply to local time.

Since the team has arrived earlier than planned there was a dilemma 
when to start the operation. Problem was solved in the win-win situation
in that the license was altered to include more days  and cover the
period of early arrival to the island. Thanks in the name of the whole

"1x1" Call Sign   K1B
 Begin Date   04/27/02
 End Date 05/11/02
 Coordinator  ARRL
 Requestor's Callsign KB9WRP

All QSOs athat are in the log are OK now.

Bad news:

We still have not received logs. Will notify the DX community as soon as
we receive the logs. Infrustructure is put in place, and we are waiting
for the logs to arrive.


Not the best possible, but we had nice openning for the East Coast on
Sunday (11-12:00z 14 MHz CW), and on Monday (9-11:00z 7MHz CW, 20-22:00z
28 MHz RTTY, and later on 21 MHz SSB). 

Good DX

Nenad   VE3EXY ...
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[DX-NEWS] K1B: Update May 01.2002

2002-05-01 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


We are constantly sending your comments/requests to the team
on KH1.  We received the feedback that the messages are
arriving to the Island, and they will try to re-adjust their
operation to satidfy your proposals. This morning they hit 
7 MHz window opening for the East Coast at right time, and 
made many East Coasters happy.

There was 25000 QSOs made in the first 72 hours of operation,
in spite of poor propagations, particularly on lower bands.

They are trying to send logs, but are experiencing technical
difficulties. Will keep trying.

Still have no feedback on 6 mtrs operation, as well
as why they do not operate on 30 mtrs. We asked them for
clarification and operation plans relevant to those bands.

73  Nenad VE3EXY ...

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[DX-NEWS] K1B: May 02.2002 Update

2002-05-01 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Here is the message from Hrane, directly from Baker Island.

enjoy reading

Nenad   VE3EXY

Hello everybody,

It is now exactly 72 hours since we disembarked on the

It took seven ship crew members, and 13 + 1 radio fanatics
almost 48 hours to complete three camps. They are now fully

1.USA camp: KW4DA,N6TQS,Z32ZM,S56A
  2 x IC 756 pro II, plus lpa 400 W
  1 generator  4,5 kw,  1 x MA5B, 1 x dipole 40 m,
  1 x Mini 3 el Mosley
  operates cw, ssb i rtty

2.Serbian camp:YT1AD,YU1DX,YU1AU i ZS6MG
  2 x IC 756 pro II, + LPA ACOM 1000 and Al-811,
  AL-811 broke the first day, but was fixed by
  S56A,YU1AU i ZS6MG ...
  1 generator 4,5 kw, 1 x A3S(14,21,28), vertical 40 m,
  vertical 80 m 5 el bim 6 m, (AJ10rf),
  and TW3x2-el(10,18,24 MHz)

3.Russian camp:(operates much in Russian, Hi!)
  generator 5,5 kw, 2 x IC 756 pro II, + ACOM 1000 1000W,
  +  Ameritron AL 811

We are all doing fine, a bit tired, and sun burnt. There are
no bugs or scorpions, but there are crabs and sharks. We
cannot swim further than 3 ft from the shore. Not more than
60 ft from the shore begins the sea abyss 15000 feet deep.

The island is under the protection of biologists from Hawaii,
and I am taking opportunity to extend our gratitude to USWF
for leting us access the island as well as all help they
provided to us.

One interesting detail. During our brief stay in LA
at LAX airport, we took US exams for Extra, General
and technican class to be able to qualify for operation
from US posesions.

More news are coming. Stay tuned

73 Hrane YT1AD (from Baker Island)

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[DX-NEWS] Resend: K1B May 02.2002 Update

2002-05-01 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

Some parts of the may 2 report have not been sent properly. here
is the complete update. Sorry.


Here is the message from Hrane, directly from Baker Island.

enjoy reading

Nenad   VE3EXY

Hello everybody,

It is now exactly 72 hours since we disembarked on the 

It took seven ship crew members, and 13 + 1 radio fanatics 
almost 48 hours to complete three camps. They are now fully 

1.USA camp: KW4DA,N6TQS,Z32ZM,S56A
  2 x IC 756 pro II, plus lpa 400 W
  1 generator  4,5 kw,  1 x MA5B, 1 x dipole 40 m, 
  1 x Mini 3 el Mosley
  operates cw, ssb i rtty

2.Serbian camp:YT1AD,YU1DX,YU1AU i ZS6MG
  2 x IC 756 pro II, + LPA ACOM 1000 and Al-811, 
  AL-811 broke the first day, but was fixed by 
  S56A,YU1AU i ZS6MG ...
  1 generator 4,5 kw, 1 x A3S(14,21,28), vertical 40 m, 
  vertical 80 m 5 el bim 6 m, (AJ10rf), 
  and TW3x2-el(10,18,24 MHz)

3.Russian camp:(operates much in Russian, Hi!)
  generator 5,5 kw, 2 x IC 756 pro II, + ACOM 1000 1000W, 
  +  Ameritron AL 811

We are all doing fine, a bit tired, and sun burnt. There are
no bugs or scorpions, but there are crabs and sharks. We 
cannot swim further than 3 ft from the shore. Not more than
60 ft from the shore begins the sea abyss 15000 feet deep.

The island is under the protection of biologists from Hawaii, 
and I am taking opportunity to extend our gratitude to USWF
for leting us access the island as well as all help they
provided to us. 

As you have heard we made 25000 QSO in the first 72 hours of
operation, with 1600 RTTY QSOs.

We use less power on CW, and save energy for SSB. We will
start SSTV operation on Thursday, May 3-rd. 

We worked a lot of stations on 160 mtrs, but very few stations 
from Europe. Our top class operators team is constantly 
working in pile-up with  5 stations that are active all
the time.

We will try to change frequency on 40 mtrs to 7.025
to make it possible for non-Extra class US amateurs to
work us.

One interesting detail. During our brief stay in LA
at LAX airport, we took US exams for Extra, General
and technican class to be able to qualify for operation
from US posesions.

More news are coming. Stay tuned

73 Hrane YT1AD (from Baker Island)

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[DX-NEWS] 6 mtrs

2002-05-02 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

> Nev Cooper wrote:
> >
> > Hi Nenad, (Pilot for K1B expedition)
> > A few very keen operators including myself have
> > been looking for the K1B on 6 meters. I believe
> > they are mainly calling and listening on the calling
> > channel of 50.110 MHz which is a good idea.
> > We wonder here in Brisbane if they are beaming
> > our way very much? From past experience we
> > found around 2 hrs to 4 hrs UTC was always a
> > good time to work C21, T30 & T31 when they were
> > activated. We have a 100KW Vision TV transmitter
> > not very far away from Brisbane on 46.172 MHz
> > which should serve as a good early warning indicator
> > of the band being open. So if you could please pass
> > that on to the guys on Baker we would sure appreciate
> > it.
> >
> [snip]
> > 73   Nev   VK4CV.
> Nev,
> I am interpreting your e-mail in that they do not have
> 6 mtrs beacon. They OPERATE all the time. Correct?
> Will certainly pass the info.
> Send all donations to YT1AD.
> 73  Nenad ...

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[DX-NEWS] K1B: second edition for May 02

2002-05-02 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

Hi all,

Here are latest news from Hrane.
There was excellent opening for East coast on
80 mtrs (09:00-10:00z) this morning, as well 
as 30 mtrs an hour before. However, the team 
was working mostly JA at that time.

73  Nenad ...


It is Wednesday May.01 at 21:00 local time
(GMT -11). Our QSO-meter is now at 35.000
with 15.500 CW, 17.400 ssb, and 2100 RTTY
QSOs in the log.

We continue to work all bands, all modes,
and are trying to work EU as much as possible.

There was lots of rain last night, but we
did not have any problem at all, except the
number of crabs increasing.

On Thursday we will start working SSTV,
and a day later on satellites.

We still hope to be successful in sending
logs, and we keep trying.

73 Hrane  (from Baker Island)

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[DX-NEWS] K1B: First logs arrived but ...

2002-05-02 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

Hi all,

Logs with first small batch of RTTY QSOs is now available at:



I'll update the link on my site as well after I come back from work.

73  Nenad VE3EXY...

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[DX-NEWS] K1B: Update May 03.2002.

2002-05-03 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Not much to add today, other than that another 'batch' of
10.000 QSOs is in the log (still not on-line). This seems 
to be the daily average.

There was very good opening on 80(CW) this morning, as well
as on 40 (SSB), and 160. Many QSOs are made between 07:00
and gray-line time window. Unfortunately no 30 mtrs today.

I have updated my web site with more-less known links
and the first picture that arrived yesterday.


We may have SSTV QSOs today. Other digital mode QSOs are
already measured by the thousands (RTTY, PSK).

The size of the files appears to be the problem for
shipping the logs. If they chop the logs into pieces,
the phone bill may happen to be everything but symbolic.

All your yesterday's feedback messages have been
passed over to the team.

Stay tuned for the next report from the Island.

73 Nenad .

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[DX-NEWS] K1B: May 04.2002 Update

2002-05-04 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

Hi All,

The 6-th day of operation has passed very smooth.
45.000 QSOs water mark was passed as well.

The pile-ups are getting smaller, primarily on
higher bands. I personally made 5 QSOs last night
on 3 bands and 3 modes within 90 minutes on 21/24/28.
(22:45z-00:20z). This should be good opportunity for
'small pistols'.

Following strong demand they started 10 MHz operation
at 07:30z, with light weight pile-up. Was easy to work
even with 100W and dipole.

They remain active on lower bands at gray-line windows
for EU, and North America. My observation that they
start too late for EU on lower bands. About an hour
earlier should be better.

Specially tonite they were QRV for General class on
7025. This is also in response to your demands.

There was a lot of RTTY/PSK QSOs, but I have not seen
any SSTV spots. Not sure if they worked that mode

I have seen couple of spots on 6 mtrs from VK. This is
probably in response to demands for this band operation
that we passed to the team earlier.

NH7RO 50110.0 K1B wkg ZL4AAA ssb 0727 04 May
NH7RO-@   50110.0 K1B wkg ZL4AAA ssb 0727 04 May
VK2ZXC-@  50110.0 K1B LOOKING NOW QF55km SSB 0712 04 May
VK3PA 50105.0 K1B looking nw cw  0710 04 May
VK3PA-@   50105.0 K1B looking nw cw  0710 04 May

Also just received feedback from Japan that is reporting
amazing 3 hrs opening for JA (22:00-00:00z).

As per schedule satellite operation  should start today,
or tomorrow the latest.

Stay tuned for more news

73  Nenad  VE3EXY  ...
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[DX-NEWS] K1B: May 5. 2002 Update

2002-05-05 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

Hi All,

Another smooth day on Baker island. There was no problem
reported other than 'human material fatigue'. The DXpedition
is already a week in progress with constant pileups.

There were couple of operations conducted in response to
your high demand.

7 MHz SSB was made earlier this morning, as well as 14 MHz
CW early last night (op YU1DX). I still think they are
saving 14 MHz for final days 'crescendo' when they start
packing other stations. Low bands were worked early today
at usual times except 160 mtrs.

I have not seen any spots on satellites, or 6 mtrs yesterday
but there were spots on SSTV operation.

K5CON  21345.0 K1B  sstv now going there  1059 05 May 2002
JH8XTZ 21343.0 K1B  CQ SSTV   2355 04 May 2002
JA0SC  21343.0 K1B  **SSTV*** Sig Good0002 05 May 2002
K5XX   21343.0 K1B  wrkd **SSTV** S1  0122 05 May 2002
JG1OVO 21343.0 K1B  SSTV on fre LIST QSO  0137 05 May 2002
VA7XX  21343.0 K1B  SSTV S2   0154 05 May 2002
YV1DIG 21343.0 K1B  *SSTV*S1* 0223 05 May 2002

I received correction from JA yesterday on my report saying
that the time I gave for 6 mtrs opening was actually 12 hours
earlier (09:00z May 03).

No on-line logs today, and no exact number of QSOs yet. Some
rummors say that they have crossed 60.000 water mark. Still
needs to be confirmed.

If true the team is only 5000 QSOs short of PW0T record. 
Please work them as much as you can, but no dupes please.

Stay tuned for more news

73 Nenad  VE3EXY  

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[jdavid1@mindspring.com: [DX-NEWS] P5/4L4FN]

2002-05-05 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

= Begin forwarded message =

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("David Johnson")
Subject: [DX-NEWS] P5/4L4FN
Date: Sun, 5 May 2002 10:08:38 -0400

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

This may of intrest to some.  I was on 20 meters early this morning =
working JA's when P5/4L4FN called me.  I sure was surprised when Ed said =
he wanted to test his new amplifier.  He was 5-6 without the amp and 5-9 =
with it.  I guess I could have worked a slim but I don't think so.  I =
will know in a week or so when I check the log on line.
You never know how big a fish you may catch when you make that cast 
Dave - K4SSU

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

This may of intrest to some.  I =
was on 20=20
meters early this morning working JA's when P5/4L4FN called me.  I =
sure was=20
surprised when Ed said he wanted to test his new amplifier.  He was =
without the amp and 5-9 with it.  I guess I could have worked a =
slim but I=20
don't think so.  I will know in a week or so when I check the log =
You never know how big a fish you may =
catch when=20
you make that cast 
Dave - K4SSU


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You are the lucky one. Yes, Ed came back from his business trip with 
new 800 W amplifier.

73  Nenad VE3EXY

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[DX-NEWS] K1B: May 06.2002. Update

2002-05-06 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

Hi All,

Was a bit late this morning waiting for on-line logs to be posted.
Aparently they will be there later today, since they have been
received in Canada.

Last confirmed number is well above 67.000 QSos. This already
overshadowed the PW0T record set earlier this year.

Good news for Light Houses hunters. Light house was spotted
in the picture and will be added to the list of Lighthouses.
Here is the quote from Ted W8TTS:
In doing some research I've noted that there was a lighthouse on
Baker Island.  And, as the Lighthouse List Keeper for the Amateur
Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLHS), I was wondering, if the QSL
card haven't been printed yet, if the ARLHS number could be
included.  It is:

ARLHS BAK-001 Baker Island Lighthouse"

More modes were added yesterday. More SSTV, and 10 Mtrs FM
icluded. Some operating schedule changes corrections for EU,
and NA were made to enable more DX QSOs specially on lower
bands. Many people worked them on new band/mode. No reports
on satellites, or 6 m activity.

Now it is time to start packing. Here is the latest news
from Hrane YT1AD.

enjoy reading

73 Nenad ...

There is 35 hours to go !!

The KH1 operations will terminate on 7.May 2002.
at 18.00 GMT !!!

>From here we go back to T2, and the following stations will be
active 11.05-13.05 2002:

T25A - yt1ad
T23A - rz3aa
T2X  - rw3ah
T26U - ra3auu
T2DA - kw4da
T2QS - n6tqs
T27M - zs6mg

will be qrv  cw, ssb, rtty

On our way to Dayton we will also stop-by at Fiji and  be
active 13.05-16.05 2002. All dates are local Fiji (GMT+12).

73 Hrane (from Baker Island)
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[DX-NEWS] K1B: Logs available

2002-05-06 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

Hi All,

33820 QSOs are available in on-line logs as of today.

Please visit any if the three URLs:




73 Nenad 
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[DX-NEWS] K1B: The Announcement

2002-05-21 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Another Hamvention is over, and we are all back home. I
am now ready to make long expected K1B announcement

The Hamvention was the opportunity to meet people,
many of whom I've never met before.  K1B team arrived
directly from Baker Isl. via Chicago and was very tired,
with lots of stories, and even more pictures and

I had the chance to talk to almost all K1B members that
were in Dayton, and present them concerns raised on this
and other reflectors. We tried to address each of those
concerns and turn them into win-win for everyone.


Lots of heavy equipment was left on Fiji for future
operations. When they are going to happen depends on
your generousity relevant to donations (see below).


K1B team memebrs confirmed, the lighthouse on Baker
island is authentic, and may count towards BAK-001
credit if the award managers accept the K1B cards.
Also told to Hrane to include LH reference in the
data printed on the card.


There were some concerns about on-line logs posted
early Thursday last week. Be advised that logs were
sent piece-wise, and some errors may have happened
inadvertantly. Do not panic! Send the cards for your
QSOs, since the original logs are saved, and will be
back home with the team.

K1B QSL-ing:

Talked to Hrane, and Roman about your concernrs relevant
to sending cards to RU, and YU. They said that 2 IRC should
work fine for the letter up to 20 gr. When sending to
Yugoslavia add Serbia & Montenegro to the address. Hrane's
address published on the KH1 web page is authentic, even a
bit short.


Hrane himself is taking over QSL-ing for this operation. Wait
another 2 wks, and if you do not receive the card send it
again to Hrane's address, but in a SEPARATE envelope.


Many of you asked me how to send cash (no cheques please)
donations for the expedition. I talked with Hrane and we
made the following deal:

There will be one month open window to send your cash
donations to ME (VE3EXY). From now till June 20. I'll be
collecting cash donations and hand them over to Hrane
directly. Those who send QSLs with cash donationis, will
have the priviledge to have their cards handed over as well.

Make sure to supply SA(S)E, with sufficient postage in addition
to your donation. You still need two SAEs; one for SSB and one
for all other modes if you send cards with donations.
If you provide e-mail, your donation will be confirmed via
e-mail. Use multi QSO cards as much as you can.

If you still want to contribute after June 20-th please do
so to Bill K6NDV (alias K6ND).

REMEBER, I am NOT the QSL manager for K1B DXpedition. My PO BOX
acts as drop-box for cash donations, and QSLs for donors. Hurry
up, your one month window of opportunity is ticking.

If you send the cards without donation, I'll bulk re-mail them
and it will actually be slower with greater risk, than as if
you sent them directly to relevant managers (YT1AD, and RZ3AA).

Till the next mission

73  Nenad  VE3EXY

Snail Mail  : Nenad Stevanovic ( VE3EXY )
  P.O.Box: 65046
  Nepean, On, K2G 5Y3
  C A N A D A
PERSONAL URL  : http://www.magma.ca/~ve3exy
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[DX-NEWS] K1B: Hrane's DXpedition Wrapup

2002-05-23 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Here is the final K1B report from Hrane.





"Home sweet home", after so much travel, climate changes,
jet lag, and inevitable visit to Dayton Hamvention.

We are still very tired, we still struggle with jet lag,
but all of this disappears after seeing what was written
world wide about the K1B DXpedition, and what we
exerienced at Dayton Hamvention.

Here is the K1B DXpedition recap:

CREW: yt1ad,yu1au,yu1dx, z31fu(zs6mg)z32zm,rz3aa,ra3auu,
rw3ah,ly3um, kw4da, n6tqs, kd7rcd,s56a, mr. Doug Forsell,
US FW  officer.

COSTS: $102.000 US


April.20: Meeting at LAX Airport, and taking exams at the

April 22: Arrival to Fiji with team split into two groups:

  yt1ad, rz3aa,rw3ah,ra3auu,kw4da,kd7rcd went to
  Tuvalu by plane. They made the following score:

  yt1ad-t25a  3600 qso's
  rz3aa-t23a  1400 qso's
  ra3auu-t26u 1500 qso's
  kw4da-t2da  1100 qso's
  T2 total7600  qso's

  All others travelled by ship.

April 25: Departure to Baker Island.

April 27: Arrival to Baker island at 05:00
  USA camp assembled first. First QSO with

  Other two camps assembled in next
  48 hours.


The following was the equipment used:

USA camp; generator 4,5kW, antennae: MA5B (14,18,21,24,28)
  mosley  3 el short LP version  14,21, 28 MHz
  2 el 6 m bim, all @ 6-9 m.,dipole 40/30 m
  rig's: IC 756 pro Ii x 2, IC  706 LPA  400 W

Serbian camp: generator  4,5 kW,antennae  A3S  (14,21  28 MHz)
  vertical  Rv4c  7,14,21 28 MHz, dipole  10 MHz
  vertical  3,5/3,8 MHz,  5 el  50 Mhz, @ 6 m.
  ground mount verticals with radials in the ocean.
  LPA  ACOM 1000, AL 811 with ic 756 pro II, TS 570 s,
  and FT 100 (backup for 50 mhz)

Russian camp: generator 5,5 kW, antennae, MA5B  14,18,21,24,28 MHz,
  A3S  14,21,28 MHz, Battlecreek special (1,8, 3,5, 7)
  beams @ 6 i 9 metara.
  LPA  ACOM 1000, Al 811 rigs: IC 756 pro II  2 x, FT920

IC-756 rigs were constantly turned on and did not experience
any problem even at temperature well above 40c (100F).

ACOM 1000 was fenomenal, easy to tune on all bands (1.8-50 MHz).

Supressors were burnt on one of AL811, but were easily fixed.
Twice the 5.5 kW generator was broken, but fixed on spot.

The only incident we had was when on of 7 mtrs boats capsized
over the huge wave, and injured Miki and Hrane. However
both of us continued our operation, and the equipment carried
by boat was recovered.

Besides this incident, we did not have any problem,
other than unbearable heath, and millions of crabs and birds.
Mr. Forsell's advices in those situations were more than
helpful. He was the USWF representative and without him
we would not be even allowed to reach the island. Once
again thanks to the USFW service in Honolulu, specially Mrs.
Beth Flint!

The Baker Island operation came to an end on May 07-th with
the following QSO breakdown cw/ssb 89898 QSOs, 4708 rtty QSOs,
446 PSK QSOs and 75 sstv QSOs.

On our way back we stopped by on Fiji and made several thousand
QSOs with the following breakdown:

 yt1ad-3d2ad:  640 qso
 kw4da-3d2cw:  720 qso
 rw3ah-3d2af: 1750 qso
 ly3num-3d2um:2230 qso
 n6tqs-3d2qs   150 qso
 zs6mg-3d2mg  1230 qso
 total   6720  qso


T2  7.200

3d2 6.720

K1B+T2+3D2=  109.047

Total number of QSOs in the K1B log is:  95.127 which is the
all times record for operation from uninhabited island with
no facilities, and powered by generators.

QSL cards for SSB operation go to RZ3AA, all others to YT1AD.
There was a special box opened in Moscow for this purpose. YT1AD
address is Dr. Hrane Milosevic,  36206 Vitanovac,

(Added by Nenad: QSL cards with donations go to VE3EXY
between now and June 20., but will be mailed from YU/RU).

QSL cards are expected from print shop mid June, and the
first mailings around the first week of July.

Please do not send too many inquires about QSL. Please visit


for more details including link to on-line logs.

Special thanks to pilot stations YU1AA, and VE3EXY, web
masters 4N1FG@4N1NM, and log master VA3NA.

Great thanks to our biggest donors NCDXF 6000 USD, ARRL 1500
USD,  ACOM  Inc.  America  4500  USD  including logistics
in Bostonu and  LAX relevant to transport of equipment.

Also thanks to  RZ3AA-12,500 USd,  YT1AD-17,500 USD. special
thanks to ICOM  America for borrowing us 6 x IC 756 pro II
and HEIL  sound  for 6 borrowed  head sets.

Thanks to Princess II and its crew for helping us to put up
three camps.

Most impo

[DX-NEWS] 3V8BB in WPX CW 2002

2002-05-23 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

After 5 victories in CQ WPX as single OP, this year 
Hrane will particiapte in the WPX CW contest,
in M/S category.

The following are the team members:

YT1AD, YU1RL,YU7NU,4N1FG and  S56A.

QSL for this operation via YT1AD.

Please help them win.

73  Nenad   VE3EXY 
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[DX-NEWS] WPX CW QSL Info from another list

2002-05-27 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

> To:
> 4N1N via YU1AST
> 4N7N via YU7BPQ
> 6Y2A via WA4WTG
> 8P4A via VA3UZ
> 9H0A via LA2TO
> 9K9O via KU9C
> 9M6A via N2OO
> A61AJ via N4QB
> AL7NJ via DL6RAI
> AN5YU via EA5YU
> AY1ECZ via EA5KB
> BW3/UA3VCS via cba UA3VCS
> CB4A via CE4USW
> CS8W via DJ9MH
> EO1I via UT1IA
> ER6A via ER1LW
> ES9C via ES5RY
> EX2M via W3HNK
> EY7AF via RW6HS
> EY8MM via K1BV
> FM5GU via KU9C
> GX6YB via G3SWH
> HG1S via HA1KSA
> HG6V via HA6KVB
> HR3J via JA1UT
> HT4T via KU9C
> HZ1AB via K8PYD
> HZ1HZ via N7RO
> IQ7H via IK7XLU
> IR2K via I2KYM
> IR2V via I2WIJ
> J41YM via OK1TN
> J48LZ via LZ1QN
> JY9NX via JH7FQK
> L52DX via LW2DX
> L73F via LU5FF
> L75FM via LU4FM
> LO7H via LU7HN
> LY5A via LY2ZZ
> LY6A via LY2BM
> LY7A via LY2ZO
> LY7Z via LY2TA
> LY8X  via LY1BZB
> M7W via G3SCR
> NP4Z via WC4E
> OC4WW via OH0XX
> OH0R via OH2TA
> OL2R via OK2FD
> OL5Y via OK1MG
> OL7R via OK1XUV
> OL8M via OK1DRQ
> OR2T via ON4UN
> OR4JZ via ON4JZ
> OT2U via ON7TK
> P3F via 5B4AGN
> P40Y via N1CWA
> P41P via I2MQP
> PJ2U via K6LA
> PJ4M via K2QM
> PU3A via PY3DX
> PX2W via PY2YU
> RD3R via RK3RWL
> RD4M via UA4LU
> RG9O via RZ9OU
> RM3C via RA3CW
> RO3A via RX3APM
> RT3A vis RU3AA
> S21AR via JA1UT
> SN2B via SP2FAX
> SN3A via SP3GEM
> SN4L via SP4KEV
> SN7N via SP7PS
> SN8V via SP8ARY
> TA0/YU7AV via YU7AV
> TI5N via W3HNK
> TM7XX via F5MUX
> UN4L via UA9AB
> UP6P via UN5PR
> UR6F via UX0FF
> UT7L vis UR4LWC
> UW5U via UY3UA
> UZ7U via UT3UA
> UZ7U via UT3UA
> VC6X via VE6BF
> XL3NA via VA3NA
> XM6LB via VE6LB
> XQ1ZW via CE3WDH
> YI9OM via OM6TX
> YL7C via YL2GQT
> YM3LZ via TA3YJ
> YP3A via YO3KPA
> YP8A via YO8WW
> YR0A via YO3KAA
> YT6A via YU1FW
> YT7A via YU7GMN
> YT9X via YU1AAX
> YW1D via YV1AVO
> YZ1U via YU1ABH
> YZ9A via YU1BFG
> Z37A via Z3-BURO
> Z39Z via Z37FAD
> ZC4DW via G0DEZ
> ZF1A via K9LA
> ZL6QH via ZL2AOH
> ZW2T via PY2TNT
> ZX3S via PY3UEB
> ZX5J via VE3HO

73  Nenad   VE3EXY
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[DX-NEWS] ZONE 02: North of Fifty

2002-05-30 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Just received confirmation that I can operate from CQ ZONE 02.

I'll be active 4 days (and 5 nights) from Friday (June 7)
evening to Tuesday (June 11) morning around ANARTS/Jubilee
RTTY/CW  weekend.

I will be active on the following modes: CW, RTTY, and Phone.
but, mostly RTTY/CW  during the contest.

Here are details:

WHAT:  4 days operation from ZONE 02

WHEN:  June 07 (abt 22:00Z) - June 11 (13:00Z) 2002


CALLSIGN: VE3EXY/2 (Counts as Zone 2 and VE2)

QSL INFO: VE3EXY (Home call)

SUNRAISE:  08:22z


FREQUENCES: CW 3510, 7010, 10107, 14025, 18077, 21025,
24897, 28025.  RTTY 14090, 21090, 28090.
Sorry no 6 mtrs. Outside contest I'll always
work split (2 kHz CW, 5 kHz RTTY)

REPORT: Contest reports in contests.
Something like 599Z2  outside contest.

QSL Policy: For all my DXpedition I do not do blanket
cover of all QSOs in my log. Instead I answer
QSLs when I receive them. You can send them
direct with SASE (SAE +postage), via the bureau,
or direct without postage. QSLs with sufficient
return postage will be answered same day (if in
the log), or via the bureau otherwise. QSL cards
are already printed, and there is no reason to
wait. No special cards are waiting for sponsors'
approval or funding.

e-mail requests are not accepted.
However, elQSL request will be confirmed
electronically, subject to receiving notification
and electronicQSL server address.

Objectives: Outside Contest: WARC, RTTY, LF
During ANARTS Contest: 20,15,10 mtrs
During Jubilee Contest: 80,40,20,15,10 mtrs
Around Greyline times I'll be either on 80 or 40 mtrs.

REST PERIODS: 04:00z-07:45z and  16:00-18:00 subject to
change if CONDX are good.

Good Luck

Nenad VE3EXY 

P.S.  I'll  have no access to the cluster. Please post me
  as more as possible.
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[DX-NEWS] K1B: Donations Status

2002-06-16 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


I was absolutely amazed with the overwhelming support for this activity.
The donations are coming at constant rate, even with very few days left before window 
of opportunity closure. So far I confirmed the receipt of all donations that I could.

I have received about three dozens of letters with considerable donations, that I am 
not able to cinfirm for the following reasons:

1. You did not supply e-mail address,

2. You did but it is hidden (maybe printed on your card)

3. You did but it is uninteligible. Being bounced back.

4. One you provided is not in service.

I'll be more than willing to confirm any outstanding request
for confirmation. Please contact me directly, if you still want
this confirmation.

73 Nenad  VE3EXY ...
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[DX-NEWS] VE3EXY/2 cards in the mail

2002-06-19 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

 Hi all,
> This is to inform yu that all direct QSL cards for VE3EXY/2
> operation from Zone 2 that happened week ago, are in the mail.
> Really did not have the idea that Zone 2 is so needed, not only
> on lower bands. Number of daily mailings is outstanding.
> For those of you who sent VE3EXY/2 cards with K1B cards,  all cards
> are answered and placed in K1B SAE.
> 73  Nenad ...
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[DX-NEWS] K1B: Mission Accomplished

2002-07-12 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Let us start the day with very good news. I just cam back from YU
and have K1B donors' cards with me. They are ready to be mailed 
today from VE.

What Happened?

As promissed I kept the window opened for donations till late June.
I collected all of your donations, cards SAEs, and carried them over
to YU.

What happened was that I arrived on the same day wehn the cards 
came from the print shop (www.QSLL.com), on July 6-th.

We made immediate lan of action to process donor's cards before 
all other 4000+ that were waiting almost a moth for the QSL
cards to be printed.

Said done. It took us two days to carefully check all 200+
donors' requests, including specials like 3D2CY, 3D2CI, T25A
etc. They are all processed immediately as well. With special
consent from Roman, in order to speed up the process, we 
processed SSB cards as well, since hrane has all logs.

The only non-processed cards are T2/3D2 cards that belong to 
those RU operators for which we did not have the log. The cards
will be carried carefully to RU- land on the first opportunity.

In short, there was almost 1000 QSOs processed (average 5 QSOs
per donor for K1B on all modes), plus 100 QSOs for other calls.

We also had time to process donors' cards that arrived directly
to Hrane, and they will be mailed shortly.

All other 4000 requests will be processed in the order they arrived.
Expect simething in your mailboxes from YU, or VE.

Once again thanks for your donations. Total of $1650 US was 
given to Hrane.

last day hrane and I have gon into different destinations:
He is going to OH land (team #53), and I am back to Canada.

Thanks for your cooperation 

73  Nenad  VE3EXY
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2002-07-24 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

I have been pretty busy last two weeks first shiping you the
K1B cards, and than sorting VE QSL bureau backlog made during
my 3 wks vacation.

I have been reading your mail, but did not have chance to respond,
even after  seeing couple of misconcepts in your mail. I would
not consider them intentional, rather the result of inadequate

What was the K1B mission in the first place? After the DXpedition
was over, many people were more than pleased with the great
achivement of the team, and expressed their interest in sending
donations AFTER the DXpedition. The number of those requests
increased after the DXpeditions costs were made public ($100K US).
However, many of you did not have the confidence in postal system
and asked me if I can help.

In this sense, the whole action is initiated by YOU, not by
anybody else. The latest on our mind was to condition cards to
donation, as some of you tried to misinterpert.

I usaually never do anything before I think twice. The
Hamvention in Dayton was the opportunity to make details
of the plan, after discussion with  all parties involved.
The whole plan was made public in an anouncement that
was published right after Dayton on this and other lists.

We did not expect more than 50 such contributions. However,
your response was ovrwhelming. I received almost 250 donations.

Having long term QSL Bureau experience in handling large
number of QSLs, I made my own records of all cards and donations
that were received, opened each and every letter, and responded
to those who asked for confirmation. This had twofold effect:

To reduce the luggage weight, and to send the list of requests
IN ADVANCE to YT1AD. For those of you who never handled large
volume of mail, such a trivial action as opening the envelope, or
placing the stamp, becomes elaborate taks when done in volume
of hundreds or thousands. Let alone the time spent.

When I arrived to YU, the situation was such that QSL cardis have
arrived from the printer just a day before, and almost none
of 4000 K1B requests was processed, or even the letters opened.
When I came with 250 nicely sorted and opened letters, including
the list sent before my arrival, the choice was obvious: Process
them first.  Also the decision was made to process SSB cards to
avoid long time consuming manual transport to Moscow.

In record time all requests have been processed, logs checked,
and to save the tame for Hrane and his team to start processing
another 4000 requests, I took an action to seal the envelopes,
place the stamps, and rubberstamp the return address after my
return to Canada. This action paid off. While I was getting ready
to return in Canada, the team processed another 200 requests
and handed them to me at Belgrade airport, literally minutes
before plane departure. In that sense we can only say 'Hats down'
to such dedication.

Now on this side of the pond the process was pretty streightforward.
Within a day or two all mail was sent, and as per confirmations
seen on this list, many are already received.

The most important of all. In a phone call 20 minutes ago, I have
the latest infrmation on K1B cards progress. 2500 reiquests have been
processed and sent last week (ending July 20), and another 1000
this week. This is in addition of several hundred  3D2CY requests
(received from Z32AU) that are also processed.

I hope this conludes the discussion on this topic on this list.
K1B DXpedition goes into history as one of the gratest DXpeditions
of this kind. Thank you.

73   Nenad  VE3EXY
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[DX-NEWS] News from Russia and YU

2002-08-29 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Here are couple of details relevant to recent postings on this

1. Russian IOTA cards via UA9OBA.  RU0B cards sent direct 
   and via UA3DX QSL bureau. R3CA/0 cards are not yet printed.
   UA9OBA addr: Yuri Zaruba  Box 1, Novosibirsk - 92, 630092,

2. No response from RA1QQ, but you should try [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   to reach him.

3. Still unconfirmed rummors on huge reorganization in Russian
   QSL bureau. No officail statement yet.

4. First 500 responses for direct request from RZ3AA have been sent.
   Feedback received that the first of those has arrived to the
   deserved. Sending rate is 250/week.

5. YT1AD has responded to all outstanding requests rcvd by July 30.
   Requests rcvd in month of August, during Hrane's absence, will be
   responded in early Sept. This applies to 3D2CI, 3D2CY, K1B, and 
   3V8BB. If you do not receive anything by Oct.01 repeat the request to

73  Nenad  VE3EXY
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[DX-NEWS] North of Fifty

2002-09-20 Thread Nenad Stevanovic


Just received confirmation that I can operate from CQ ZONE 02.

I'll be active 5 days from Friday (September 27. 2002)
evening to Wednesday (October 02) morning around CQWW RTTY

I will be active on the following modes: CW, RTTY, and Phone.
but, mostly RTTY  during the contest.

Here are details:

WHAT:  5  days operation from ZONE 02

WHEN:  Sep.27 (abt 22:00Z) - Oct.02 (13:00Z) 2002


CALLSIGN: VE3EXY/2 (Counts as Zone 2 and VE2)

QSL INFO: VE3EXY (Home call)

SUNRAISE:  10:35z


FREQUENCES: CW 3510, 7010, 10107, 14025, 18077, 21025,
24897, 28025.  RTTY 14090, 21090, 28090.
Sorry no 6 mtrs. Outside contest I'll always
work split (2 kHz CW, 5 kHz RTTY)

REPORT: Contest reports in contests.
Something like 599Z2  outside contest.

QSL Policy: For all my DXpedition I do not do blanket
cover of all QSOs in my log. Instead I answer
QSLs when I receive them. You can send them
direct with SASE (SAE + postage), via the bureau,
or direct without postage. QSLs with sufficient
return postage will be answered same day (if in
the log), or via the bureau otherwise. QSL cards
are already printed, and there is no reason to
wait. There are no special cards are waiting for
sponsors' approval or funding.

e-mail requests are not accepted.
However, elQSL request will be confirmed
electronically, subject to receiving notification
and electronicQSL server address.

I'll upload all zone 2 electronic logs into LoTW
as soon as this system becomes available.
Objectives: Outside Contest: RTTY, LF, WARC
During CQWW  Contest: 20,15,10 mtrs
Around Greyline times I'll be either on 80 or 40 mtrs.

REST PERIODS: 04:00z-07:45z and  16:00-18:00 subject to
change if CONDX are good.

Good Luck

Nenad VE3EXY 

P.S.  I'll  have no access to the cluster. Please post me
  as more as possible.
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[DX-NEWS] [POSSIBLE SPAM]:Zone 2 confusion

2002-11-15 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

I have noticed minor confusion relevant to recent WW operations
from Zone 2.  Here is the  breakdown:

VE3EXY/2 End of Sep.2002   QSL via VE3EXY

VE2EY/2  End of Oct.2002   QSL via VE3EY



All up-to-date Canadian  addresses are available at:


Be advised that Nick VE3EY, and Yuri VE3DZ  have recently changed
their call signs, and their old callsigns  may already be re-issued. Use
the current ones only.

VE3EY  formerly VA3NA

VE3DZ  formerly VA3UZ.

If you are still confused, and can wait for bureau cards, send  tham
all to me and I'll forward them to VE3 QSL bureau.

73  NenadVE3EXY   ...
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2003-06-06 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

I am too busy to travel to Zone 2 at this time. So  I decided
to visit one of our easy islands (NA128, Orleans Isl.) for a
weekend operation.

I will be active on the following modes: CW, RTTY, and Phone.
but, mostly RTTY during the ANARTS contest.

Here are details:

WHAT:  Weekend operation from IOTA  NA128

WHEN:  June 13 (Fri. abt 22:00Z) - June 15 (Sun.20:00Z) 2003



QSL INFO: VE3EXY (Home call)

SUNRAISE:  08:54z


FREQUENCES: IOTA or RTTY frequencies. No low bands.

REPORT: Contest reports in the  contest (zone 4).
Something like 599 NA128  outside contest.

Objectives: Outside Contest: DX stations (CONDX permitting)
During ANARTS Contest: 20,15,10 mtrs
Around Greyline times I'll be either on 20 or 30 mtrs.

REST PERIODS: 04:00z-08:30z and  16:00-18:00 subject to
  change if CONDX are good.

Good Luck

Nenad VE3EXY 

P.S.  I'll  have no access to the cluster. Please post me
  as more as possible.
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2003-07-16 Thread Nenad Stevanovic

My recent visit to Orleans Island  NA128 was a kind
of surprise for me. As per your QSL requests, it seems
to me that IOTA program is gaining popularity comparable
to ZOne 02.

I do not have other choice than to go there again for
IOTA contest. This will be your last chance to work
me from this island, because I'll not go there any
time soon.

QSL cards are printed and are ready to be answered
s soon as I receive your requests.

Here are details:

WHAT:  IOTA contest operation  from IOTA  NA128

WHEN:  July 24 (Friday)-July 26 (Sunday 16:00Z) 2003



QSL INFO: VE3EXY (Home call)

SUNRAISE:  09:07z


FREQUENCES: Contest frequencies. No low bands.

REPORT: Contest reports in the  contest (NA128).
Something like 599 NA128  outside contest.

Objectives: Outside Contest: DX stations (CONDX permitting)
During the contest: As more as possible
Around Greyline times I'll be either on 20 or
30 mtrs outside contest.

REST PERIODS: 04:00z-08:30z and  16:00-18:00 subject to
  change if CONDX are good.

Good Luck

Nenad VE3EXY 

P.S.  I'll  have no access to the cluster. Please post me
  as more as possible.
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[DX-NEWS] CK2/VE3EXY/P NA-128 = QC007

2003-07-16 Thread Nenad Stevanovic
For those of you who are interested in CISA program,
the refrence for Orleans island is QC007. It is printed 
on the QSL card.

73  Nenad  VE3EXY
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