16 March 2002                                                     No 567
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] - BBS [EMAIL PROTECTED])            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED])                                         !

                             >>> DUCIE ISLAND <<<

Mike/K9AJ, Vince/K5VT, Jim/N9TK, Kan/JA1BK and Jin/JF1IST were able to  leave
Mangareva, Gambier Islands around 4 UTC on 13 March. They arrived at Pitcairn
at 15 UTC on the 14th,  picked up the local team members  and left for  Ducie
around 1 UTC on the 15th. The voyage  should take some 30 hours, which  means
they should reach at Ducie around 7 UTC on 16 March (11 p.m. Ducie time). The
callsign for the DXpedition will be released on 16 March at about 15 UTC  and
operations will continue at least until next weekend (23-24 March).
The following  set-up plans  for the  Ducie Island  operation (there  may  be
changes depending on  the local situation)  have been provided  by the  pilot
Station A:  6m             KW           4-el Yagi
             20m            500W or 1KW  Four Square
             40 and/or 80m  500W or 1KW  Inverted V
Station B:  15m SSB        KW           2-el phased array beam
Station C:  15m CW         KW           2-el phased array beam
Station D:  10m CW         (100W)       2-el phased array beam
Station E:  17/12m         (100W)       Vertical
Stations A and B will share  one tent, while  stations C, D  and E will  have
their own tents.
Another   web   site   for   the   operation   has   been   established    at

3A      - Gino, IZ1EEX/F5VHM reports he plans to operate as 3A/IZ1EEX/m  from
           Monaco on 40 and 20 metres (+/- 14250 kHz) on Saturdays and Sundays
           during the  local  afternoon. QSL  via  F5VHM either  direct  (Gino
           Farina, "La Plage du Cap" Bat.  A3, 231 avenue  de la Plage,  06190
           Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France) or through the REF bureau.
3V      - DL1BDF, DL1BDI and  JH4RHF will visit  five Tunisian amateur  radio
           clubs to give technical support. They plan to be active from 3V8CB,
           3V8SJ, 3V8SQ,  3V8SF  and 3V8SM  between  27 March  and  13  April,
           including an  entry  in  the  CQ WW  WPX  SSB  Contest  from  3V8CB
           (operated by Jun, JH4RHF). QSLs for  all via DL1BDF (direct).  [TNX
5W      - Tommy, VK2IR and Bruce, VK2KLM of the International Radio DX  Group
           confirm they  will be  active as  5W0IR from  Upolu, Samoa  Islands
           (OC-097) between  28 March  and 3  April  [425DXN 563].  They  will
           operate on all bands 80 through 6  metres, SSB only.  The web  site
           for    the    operation,     with    on-line     logs,    is     at
           http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/5w0ir.html QSL direct only to VK2IR (Tommy
           Horozakis, P.O. Box 1, South Bexley, Sydney, NSW 2207,  Australia).
           [TNX VK2IR
7X      - Mirek, SP5IXI/9V1XE [425DXN 455] has finally received his permanent
           7X0DX. He will  be leaving his  present QTH  on 18  March and  will
           operate (on 10-40 metres) until the  late hours of the 17th or  the
           early morning of the 18th. "There is possibility that I will return
           here again    in the  future",  he says,  "as  the project  is  not
           completed as yet".  QSL via  DL4DBR either  direct (Teddy  Barczyk,
           Pappelstrasse 34,  58099   Hagen,  Germany)  or  through  the  DARC
           bureau. Updates  will  be posted  at  http://www.7x0.sp5zcc.waw.pl/
           [TNX 7X0DX]
9A      - Emir, 9A6AA will be active on 10-80 metres from  Kanula  Lighthouse
           (CRO-064, LH-1430,  CLH-047, WWL  JN82GS) on  the island  of  Susac
           (EU-016, IOCA  CI-109) on  23-30 March.  QSL  via home  call  (Emir
           Mahmutovic,  Slovenska  15,  HR-10000  Zagreb,  Croatia).  Log  and
           pictures will be available at http://www.qsl.net/9a6aa [TNX 9A6AA]
9M2     - Rich, G4ZFE will operate (CW only) as 9M2/G4ZFE/p from Ketam Island
           (AS-074) on 15-17  March. Look for  him on  10, 15,  20 metres  and
           possibly on  the WARC  bands as  well. QSL  via G4ZFE  through  the
           bureau or direct (until 1 June 2002) to Richard Everitt, #1208  PNB
           Darby Park,  Jalan  Binjai,  Kuala  Lumpur  50450,  Malaysia.  [TNX
BV      - Look for BV9G to be active from the Gong-Guan Elementary School  on
           Green Island/Lu Tao (AS-155)  on 21-25 March.  QSL direct to  BV8BC
           (Bill Chen, P.O. Box 222, Taitung 950, Taiwan). [TNX BV8BC]
C6      - Bill, AA7X  will be  active as  C6AKK from  Exuma Island  (NA-001),
           Bahamas on 23-31 March, CQ WPX SSB Contest included. QSL via  AA7X.
           [TNX QRZ-DX]
CE0_sf  - The San Felix XR0X DXpedition  [425DXN 555] is  on schedule to  hit
           the airwaves late  Friday evening or  early Saturday morning  local
           time, with  radio operations  continuing for  approximately 12-  14
           days.     Please     visit     the     expedition     web      site
           (http://www.cordell.org/SFX) for  more information  on  frequencies
           and operating  plans. Radio  operations manager  Mike, N6MZ  worked
           closely  with  the  Ducie  Island  expedition  team  to  coordinate
           frequencies and splits, given that both expeditions will be on  the
           air simultaneously. The web site will contain a log search facility
           and frequent news  updates. QSL via  N7CQQ (John  Kennon, P.O.  Box
           31553, Laughlin, Nevada 89028, USA). [TNX K6GNX]
EM      - EM0U is the callsign issued  to the club  station at the  Ukrainian
           State   Center   of   Radio   Frequencies   and   Supervision   for
           Telecommunications. Look for for this station to participate in the
           CQ WW SSB Contest on 30-31 March. QSL via UT3UZ either direct (Alex
           I . Arbuzov, P.O. Box 240, Kiev-232, 02232, Ukraine) or through the
           UARL bureau. [TNX UT3UZ]
F       - Look for Francis, F6HKS/p (CW) and Jean-Claude, F6HDH/p (SSB) to be
           active from L'Espiguette  Lighthouse (ARLHS FRA-276)  on 17  March.
           QSL via home calls. [TNX F5NQL]
FG      - Pierre, F6FXS will be active (only CW with 30-40 watts into a  long
           wire) as FG/F6FXS from Guadeloupe (NA-102) between 17 April and  16
           May. Look for him at 14-16  UTC and again around  21-22 UTC on  +/-
           28030, 21030,  14030 and  7023  kHz. QSl  via  home call.  [TNX  La
           Gazette du DX]
FO_aus  - Tony, 3D2AG  (aka  FO0DER  and ZK1AGG)  will  be  working  on  Rapa
           (OC-051), Austral Islands in  late October for  one month. He  only
           has a  dipole  and  would  be interested  to  hear  from  any  IOTA
           enthusiasts  willing  to  loan  or  donate  a  compact  directional
           antenna. According to the IOTA Most Wanted List for 2001 OC-051  is
           needed by the 99,30% of participants  in the Programme. If you  can
           help, please contact Tony at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [TNX 3D2AG and  Islands
           On The Web]
G       - The Titanic Wireless Commemorative Group will operate special event
           station GB90MGY from Godalming, Surrey from  09.30 UTC on 13  April
           through 06.47 UTC on the 15th.  The operation will commemorate  the
           90th anniversary  of the  Titanic   disaster  and heroism  of  Jack
           Phillips,  the liner's Chief Wireless  Telegraphist, born and  bred
           in Godalming. Operations will take place on 10-80 metres, CW  only.
           QSL cards for  every contact will  be sent automatically  via  the
           bureau.     For     further      information,     please      visit
           http://www.gdrs.net/titanic [TNX G0EFO]
HI      - Danny, T93M  will be  active as  T93M/HI9 from  Dominican  Republic
           between 26 March and 1 April.  he will operate on  all HF bands  CW
           and SSB (including a SOAB entry in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest),  and
           will pay special attention to 6 metres. QSL via DJ2MX either direct
           or through the bureau (http://www.dj2mx.com). [TNX DJ2MX]
HK0_sa  - Gerd, DL7VOG/HK0GU, who is currently active from San Andres  Island
           (NA-033) [425DXN  566],  is  expected to  take  the  side  trip  to
           Providencia Island (NA-049) between 28 March  and 1 April. He  will
           be back to Germany on 6 April. QSL via home call (bureau cards  can
           be requested at [EMAIL PROTECTED]). [TNX The Daily DX]
HL      - A group  of  operators from  Korea  plan to  be  active  (with  two
           stations on  10-40  metres CW  and  SSB) from  the  Huksan  Islands
           (AS-093) on 4-7 April. Further details are expected in due  course.
           [TNX HL1VAU]
J6      - Jack, K9JE will  be active (on  10-80 metres SSB  and CW) as  J68AR
           from St.  Lucia (NA-108)  between 21  March and  2 April.  He  will
           participate in the  CQ WW  WPX SSB  Contest with  the J6DX  contest
           group. QSL J68AR via K9JE. [TNX The Daily DX]
JA      - Takeshi, JI3DST reports he will be  active (on 40,  17, 15, 12,  10
           and 6 metres SSB) as JI3DST/6 from Miyako Island (AS-079) between 7
           UTC on 29 March and 00.00 UTC on 2 April. QSL via JI3DST preferably
           through the JARL bureau.
JW      - Look   for   Torfinn/LA4OFA,   Magnus/LA4PHA,   Morten/LA9GY    and
           Bjoern/LA9IY   to be  active  from Longyerbyen  (EU-026),  Svalbard
           between 28 March and 1 April. They will participate in the CQWW WPX
           SSB Contest (30-31 March) as JW8G (http://www.qsl.net/la8g),  while
           outside the contest they will operate as  JW4OFA, JW4PHA, JW9GY and
           JW9IY respectively. QSL  JW8G via LA9GY, others via home calls.  If
           you QSL  direct,  please  note that  one  US$  does  cover  neither
           Priority nor Air Mail postages from Norway. [TNX LA9GY]
KG4     - Pick, WA5PAE and Jay, K4ZLE will operate (mainly on the WARC  bands
           CW, with an emphasis on the  low bands at their sunrise/sunset)  as
           KG4IZ and KG4MO from Guantanamo  Bay on 21-30  March. QSL via  home
           calls. [TNX WA5PAE]
OX      - Look for Per,  OZ1EQC to  operate (on  10, 15,  20, 30,  40 and  80
           metres CW,  RTTY,  PSK31 and  SSTV)  as  OX/OZ1EQC  from  Greenland
           (NA-018) between 23  April and 8  May. He plans  to be active  from
           IOTA NA-134  and  NA-220  as well.  QSL  via  OZ5KU  (Kurt  Jensen,
           Thuroevej 27 Starup, Haderslev, Denmark). [TNX IZ8BRI]
P2      - Bernard, DL2GAC/P29VMS is now back in Kavieng, New Ireland (OC-008)
           and, if he can arrange the transport, plans to operate from Simberi
           Island (OC-099) starting this weekend. QSL via home call. [TNX  The
           Daily DX]
PJ2     - Steve/N8BJQ and Geoff/W0CG are active as PJ2/homecall from  Curacao
           (SA-006)  until  2  April.  QSL  via  home  calls.  They  plan   to
           participate in the CQ WW WPX  SSB Contest as  PJ2T (QSL via  N9AG).
           [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
TN      - Josep Gibert, EA3BT and his wife  Nuria Font, EA3WL will be  active
           from Congo possibly as TN3B and TN3W on 17-27 May. They plan to  be
           active with two  stations, beams and  dipoles on  80-6 metres  SSB,
           RTTY and  some  CW. QSL  via  EA3BT. Further  information  will  be
           available at http://www.qsl.net/ea3bt [TNX EA3BT]
VP6     - The Ducie team will stop at Henderson Island (OC-056) for a one day
           operation on their way back to Pitcairn.
XW      - Fabrizio, IN3ZNR will  be active  again as  XW3ZNR from  Vientiane,
           Laos from 24 April through 4 May. He plans to operate on +/- 28475,
           21375, 14275,  7075  and  3775 (listening  5-10  kHz  up)  with  an
           amplifier, a tribander yagi, a dipole and a delta loop for the  low
           bands. QSL via  IN3ZNR (Fabrizio Vedovelli,  Via Gramsci 27,  38100
           Trento - TN, Italy). [TNX IN3ZNR]
XZ      - Dan Brown, NA7DB and two YL  operators from the Central Arizona  DX
           Association (CADXA) will  be active from  Myanmar between 29  March
           and 4 April.  They will  operate as  XZ1SB, XZ1JB,  and XZ1DB  from
           Yangon and then as XZ5SB, XZ5JB,  and XZ5DB from Mandalay,  however
           their main purpose is to make preparations for future  DXpeditions.
           [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
YA      - Chris, G0TQJ  reports he  will be  going to  Afghanistan around  15
           April for two or three months.  If he gets an operating permit,  he
           will be active on SSB and RTTY during his spare time. QSL via  home

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CHATHAM APPEAL  ---> The  Kermadec DX  Association is  going to  undertake  a
DXpedition to  Chatham  Island (ZL7)  later  this year  and  is  looking  for
experienced SSB  and  CW  operators.  "As  this  will  be  24  hour  per  day
operation", Ken  Holdom, ZL4HU  (team  leader) says,  "we  are looking    for
operators who feel they have  the willingness and  ability to operate  during
both day time  and night time."  For further information  please contact  the
Kermadec DX Association,  P.O. Box 7,  Clyde, Central Otago,  New Zealand  or

DXCC NEWS ---> The recent VP8THU (South Sandwich Islands, 18-22 January)  and
VP8GEO (South  Georgia,  26 January-6  February)  operations  are  now  being
accepted for DXCC credit. [TNX Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager]

JD1BLL  --->  Mack,  JJ2QXI  reports  that  the  station  signing  JD1BLL  or
JD1BLL/JD1 is  most likely  to be  a pirate.  "According to  the  information
available at  http://www.k-denkan.go.jp/faq/atfaq/atfuyo.html  this  callsign
has not been assigned yet",  he says. "Japanese  callsign is by  alphabetical
order, and the last one is JD1BKZ as of February 21, 2002."

NORTH KOREA  WRAP-UP  ---> The  following  release comes  from  Hrane,  YT1AD
through Nenad, VE3EXY: "We arrived to  Pyongyang on March 5th, where we  were
welcomed by  representatives of  Ministry of  Telecommunications and  Foreign
We were stationed in Yangakdo Hotel, on the  bank of the river with the  same
name. The hotel has 47 floors,  and we were on the  40-th floor, with  almost
ideal conditions for work. All our  equipment was put  together, and we  were
about to start our operation with previously assigned callsign P5A.
Unexpectedly the uniformed military official appeared, and imposed ban on our
operation, until the permission of military authorities is obtained.
It was supposed to be available on March 8th, but nobody showed up,  possibly
because of holiday. We did not want to risk starting unauthorized  operation.
Meanwhile we had fun listening all pirates  pretending to be us, when we  did
not make a single contact.
Finally, the  military official  showed up  on Sunday  and simply  said:  'No
transmission until further notice.' Than we  did not have  any choice but  to
leave. After landing in Beijing, our only comment was: Never Again !!!"

QSL GB0SGI ---> Anyone who is  still awaiting a QSL  card for the  Warrington
Amateur Radio Club's (http://www.warc.org.uk)  GB0SGI operations from  EU-120
(3 &  5  August  1999  and  3-6 July  2000)  can  e-mail  Ron  Davies,  G0WJX
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and he will check the log and send a duplicate.  [TNX

QSL IU3A ---> Please note that  Mauro, IV3HAX cannot  confirm QSOs made  with
IU3A before 2001.

QSL OH2BV/BY1DX ---> Tor Nylund,  OH2BV is receiving  dozens of bureau  cards
for OH2BV/BY1DX (2000-2001), but he has nothing to share with this  activity.
More than likely those QSOs were made with Jari, OH2BVE [425DXN 465], who had
announced he  would confirm  all the  QSOs automatically  through the  bureau
(direct cards had to be sent to OH6LI, who would act as a maildrop).

QSL UA0IA ---> Serge,  UA0IA was active  as UA0IA/0 from  AS-018 in 1999  and
from AS-025 in 2000-2001. His former QSL manager (US7IIA) is currently living
in Germany, Serge is  not in contact  with him any  longer and, according  to
Alex, UY9IF, " all the QSLs left unanswered are lost completely". The new QSL
manager is UT7IY (cards have bee already printed).

QSL MANAGER OFFERED  ---> Agostino Palumbo,  I2FIQ has  recently retired  and
offers his services as QSL manager  for a DX station.  Please contact him  at

"THE LOST ISLANDS" DXPEDITION ---> Serg,  UA1OMS reports that on 11 March  he
has accepted the order for printing the QSL cards for the 16 April-2 May 2001
"Lost Islands" DXpedition  [425DXN 520].  The operations  concerned are  RI0B
(AS-156), RU0B (AS-057), RS0B (AS-042), RU0B/p (AS -050), RS0B/p (AS-068) and
R3CA/p (AS-005). Cards should be ready  within a couple of weeks (the  status
of the order can checked at http://www.quadrat.ru/qsl/english/rightnow.htm).

WORLD ROBINSON CUP 2002 --->  The Russian Robinson  Club sponsors the  "World
Robinson  Cup"  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  for  contacting  stations  operating  from
islands between 1 April and 30 September 2002. The national island programmes
considered by  WRC  are CIsA  (Canada),  DIA (Denmark),  DIB  (Brazil),  DICE
(Chile), DIE and DIEI (Spain),  DIFM and DIFO  (France), DIP (Portugal),  GIA
(Germany), IIA  and  ILIA  (Italy),  IOCA  (Croatia),  IOSA  (Scotland),  RRA
(Russia), SPIA  (Poland),  UIA (Ukraine),  USIA  (United  States)  plus  IWDR
(Islands of West Dvina River). Full  information is available on the  Russian
Robinson Club's web site, whose new URL is http://www.hamradio.ru/rrc

XW1HS ---> The advance team of the RAST/HSDXA Thai/Laos Friendship DXpedition
was active  as  XW1HS  during  the past  weekend.  The  main  operators  were
Champ/E21EIC,  Choon/E20HHK,   Cy/HS0GBI  and   Winit/HS1CKC.  This   was   a
preliminary trip to make arrangements  for a main  joint operation in  April,
whose details will be announced later. QSL via E21EIC. [TNX HS0/G3NOM]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:   The logs for V31YN are now available at http://www.qsl.net/dj4kw [TNX

QSLs received direct: 3D2CI, 3D2CY, 3D2SC (OC-095), 3V8SM, 4J3M, 4J4K, 4L1UN,
4W/CU3FT, 5A1A,  5R8HD, 7Q7LA,  9G5KW, 9G5XA,  9L1BTB, 9M2AX,  9M8YY,  9N7MH,
9N7RB, 9U5D,  A35OY  (OC-049),  A45XR,  A52UL,  A61AU,  AA4NC/CY0,  AH4/AH7G,
BA4DW/2 (AS-158),  BA4DW/4 (AS-150),  C21XU, C6A/K7RE,  C6AGS, C6AIE,  CN2JS,
CQ9K, CT3BX, CU2/SM0JHF,  CX3AL, CY0XX,  D2BB, D68C,  E29AL (AS-126),  E30NA,
EZ8CQ, FG/G3TXF  (NA-114), FG/T93M,  FG5FR,  FH/G3TXF, FH5CY,  FK8GM,  FM5GU,
FW/G3TXF (OC-054), FY5GS, FY5KE/P (SA-020), H44MA, HB9ATA, HC1MD,  HC4/HC1MD,
HF0POL, HL4SF (AS-026),  J28NH, J37ZA,  J3G (NA-024),  J75WX, J79UGF,  J79WB,
OH0PM, OM7M, OX3FV, OY2H, P29CJ, P43JB,  P43P, PA0IJM, PJ2T, PJ4A,  PJ5/K1NA,
PJ5/K7NAA, RK1A/p (EU-133), S21BR, S50A, S79AN, T2T (OC-015), T30XU (OC-017),
T48K, T94YT, TG0R, UA0FAI,  V31AH, V31YN, V47KP,  V63TN (OC-011 and  OC-010),
VB2V, VK2BEX/CY0, VK3DK/p (OC-196), VK9CXF (OC-003), VP2MDY (NA-103), VP8DEL,
(OC-038), ZM8CW, ZP6CW, ZV0SW (SA-014).

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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                           *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           *******   CALENDAR  *******
                                 Edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  09/04      3W2XK: Vietnam * by W9XK                               553
till  16/03      3W3M: Tam Island (AS-157) * by F6BUM                   557
till  28/04      7Q7HB: Malawi * by G0JMU                               566
till  18/03      7X0DX: Algeria * by 9V1XE                              567
till  ??         9L1BTB: Sierra Leone * by SP7BTB                       553
till  17/03      9M2/G4ZFE/p: Ketam Island (AS-074)                     567
till  18/03      9M6/JA1OEM: East Malaysia                              565
till  21/03      CT3/DL3KWF and CT3/DL3KWR: Madeira Islands             565
till  24/03      EA6/DL6KAC: Mallorca (EU-004)                          563
till  10/04      EA8/I5WEA: Canary Islands (AF-004)                     562
till  August     ET3PMW: Ethiopia * by W4PFM                            564
till  21/03      PA3GIO/HI9: Dominican Republic (NA-096)                563
till  05/04      HK0GU: San Andres Island (NA-033) * by DL7VOG          567
till  30/05      HL17FWC: special event station (Korea)                 556
till  31/03      J37LR: Grenada (NA-024) * by VE3EBN                    560
till  18/03      JI3ACL/4 and JI3CEY/4: Oki Islands (AS-041)            566
till  19/03      MJ/K8PT and MJ/K3PLV: Jersey (EU-013)                  565
till  31/12      OP1A: special event station                            559
till  June       P5/4L4FN: North Korea                                  562
till  02/04      PJ2/N8BJQ, PJ2/W0CG, PJ2T: Curacao (SA-006)            567
till  17/03      PJ7/W8EB, PJ7/W8DVC, PJ7B: St. Maarten                 561
till  2003       RW1AI/ANT & R1ANC: Vostok Base                         564
till  2003       T30ES: Butaritari (OC-017), W. Kiribati * by N1JSY     543
till  December   TT8DX: Chad                                            564
till  15/05      VQ9GB: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by K7GB                 563
till  18/03      XV3C, 3W3C, 3W2LI/3, 3W2KA/3: Cham Island (AS-162)     566
till  October    ZD9IR: Gough Island (IOTA AF-030) * by ZS6RI           544
15/03-30/03      PJ2/: Curacao (SA-006) * by DL7DF,DL7UFR,DL7UFN,DL4WK  565
from  16/03      VP6: Ducie Island                                      567
from  16/03      XR0X: San Felix Island (SA-013)                        567
16/03-26/03      ZD8CSA: Ascension Island (AF-003) * by DL1SDN          564
17/03            F6HKS/p & F6HDH/p: L'Espiguette Lighthouse             567
from  17/03      P29VMS: Simberi Island (OC-099) * by DL2GAC            567
21/03-23/03      3W3M: Cham Island (AS-???) * by F6BUM                  557
21/03-25/03      BV9G: Green Island/Lu Tao (AS-155)                     567
21/03-02/04      J68AR: St. Lucia (NA-108) * by K9JE                    567
21/03-02/04      J68GS: St. Lucia (NA-108) * by KI6T                    559
21/03-30/03      KG4IZ & KG4MO: Guantanamo Bay * by WA5PAE & K4ZLE      567
22/03-28/03      FJ/PA3GIO/m or /p: St Barthelemy (NA-146)              563
23/03-30/03      9A6AA: Kanula Lighthouse, Susac Island                 567
23/03-30/03      9A: Susac Island (EU-016) * by DE0MST, DF9MV, DL9CHR   565
23/03-31/03      C6AKK: Exuma Island (NA-001) * by AA7X                 567
24/03-29/03      FM/IV3JVJ, IV3FHH, IV3BTY, IV3OWC: Martinique (NA-107) 565
26/03-01/04      T93M/HI9: Dominican Republic                           567
26/03-31/03      XF4IH: Cacaluta Island (NA-188) * by XEs               561
27/03-13/04      3V8CB,SJ,SQ,SF,SM: Tunisia * by DL1BDF,DL1BDI,JH4RHF   567
28/03-03/04      5W0IR: Samoa (OC-097) * by VK2IR and VK2KLM            567
28/03-01/04      DH3ZK, DL0FDX, DL3QR and DL6QT: Lighthouse             559
28/03-12/04      H40: Temotu Province * by VK1AAA and YT6A              559
28/03-01/04      HK0GU: Providencia Island (NA-049)* by DL7VOG          567
28/03-01/04      JW4OFA, JW4PHA, JW9GY, JW9IY, JW8G: Svalbard (EU-026)  567
29/03-02/04      JI3DST/6: Miyako Island (AS-079)                       567
29/03-04/04      XZxSB, XZxJB, XZxDB: Myanmar * by Ws                   567
30/03-31/03      CQ WPX SSB Contest                                     ***
March            UT2VU/DU7: Cebu Island (OC-129)                        564
March            VP6: Henderson Island (OC-056)                         567
March            YB8HZ: Laut Kecil Islands (OC-???)                     559
01/04-30/04      IR0MA: special station                                 563
03/04-05/04      3W3M: Cat Ba Island (AS-132) * by F6BUM                557
03/04-19/04      IB0/IK8VRH: Ponza (EU-045)                             565
04/04-07/04      HL: Huksan Islands (AS-093)                            567
10/04-19/04      VP5/GM3JOB and VP5/GM4ZNC: North Caicos (NA-002)       565
11/04-22/04      VK9LT: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) * by VK6CTL           565
12/04-20/04      DL: Usedom Island (EU-129) * by DLs                    565
12/04-22/04      VK9ML: Mellish Reef (OC-072)                           563
13/04-15/04      GB90MGY: special event station                         567
13/04            Spring European Sprint Contest (SSB)                   556
14/04            DL: Grosse Wotig (GIA O-35) * by DLs                   565
14/04            DL: Wolgaster Schlossinsel (GIA O-031) * by DLs        565
15/04-29/04      C56JJ: The Gambia * by PA9JJ                           559
17/04-16/05      FG/F6FXS: Guadeloupe (NA-102)                          567
20/04            Spring European Sprint Contest (CW)                    556
22/04-25/04      T2: Tuvalu                                             565
23/04-08/05      OX/OZ1EQC: Greenland (NA-018, NA-134, NA-220)          567
24/04-04/04      XW3ZNR: Laos * by IN3ZNR                               567
26/04-28/04      International DX Convention (Visalia)                  558
29/04-08/05      KH1: Baker Island (OC-089) * by YT1AD and others       565
April            XV9TH: Spratly Islands (AS-051)                        557
April            YC9BU: Aru Islands (OC-???)                            559
04/05-05/05      A.R.I. International DX Contest                        ***

Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor

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