[Dx4win] Internet Spot not listed as needed.

2002-07-09 Thread Dave

It indeed is  parcing the FM as the mode !

When I click on the spot it QSY's my radio to the correct frequency and 
changed the mode to FM (no CW!), interesting little bug

In the mean time get crackin for that Extra ticket 8^)


At 10:01 PM 7/8/02 -0400, Brian Boerner wrote:
Hi Everyone. This is my first real week of using dx4win after converting
from dxbase. Life has become instantly easier.

However, I have noticed a problem with internet spots. I'm a CW only op and
have my prefs setup to reflect that under all categories. A spot came in
this evening:

DX de N4ZH:   7002.9  FM5GUDennis, Qsl via KU9CFM 0040Z

It was listed as gray, i.e. not needed. However, a quick check of the memory
banks and the logbook shows that I do in fact need this country on 40m. (not
that I can work him.. at least until I get my extra)

Clicking on the spot and then typing CTRL-L to listen, set the radio to
7.002.9 FM, not CW. I'm guessing the spots are being parsed for information
in the notes field, but perhaps it's parsed as a whole. In which case, the
FM prefix was used as the mode.

Has anyone else seen this behavior?

73 de W2SUQ

Dx4win mailing list


A man who picks a cat up by the tail learns a lesson he can learn no other 
way  Mark Twain

[Dx4win] Internet Spot not listed as needed.

2002-07-09 Thread Brian Boerner
It doesn't look like it's in the comments field to me. Looks like the prefix
field, unless prefix is right justified in the comments field.


 -Original Message-
 From: WL7M [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 11:13 PM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; dx4win@mailman.qth.net
 Subject: Re: [Dx4win] Internet Spot not listed as needed.

 That happens. The FM from the prefix breaks down to: set the
 mode to FM if
 it appears in the first letters of the comments section on a DX spot. Same
 thing happens if CW, RTTY or other mode appears in the beginning of the
 comments field.  Something to be aware of.  Not sure how Paul can
 change the
 impact that has on setting the mode when an unintended comment makes that


 ---Original Message---

 Date: Monday, July 08, 2002 18:04:11
 To: dx4win@mailman.qth.net
 Subject: [Dx4win] Internet Spot not listed as needed.

 Hi Everyone. This is my first real week of using dx4win after converting
 from dxbase. Life has become instantly easier.

 However, I have noticed a problem with internet spots. I'm a CW
 only op and
 have my prefs setup to reflect that under all categories. A spot came in
 this evening:

 DX de N4ZH: 7002.9 FM5GU Dennis, Qsl via KU9C FM 0040Z

 It was listed as gray, i.e. not needed. However, a quick check of
 the memory
 banks and the logbook shows that I do in fact need this country
 on 40m. (not
 that I can work him.. at least until I get my extra)

 Clicking on the spot and then typing CTRL-L to listen, set the radio to
 7.002.9 FM, not CW. I'm guessing the spots are being parsed for
 in the notes field, but perhaps it's parsed as a whole. In which case, the
 FM prefix was used as the mode.

 Has anyone else seen this behavior?

 73 de W2SUQ

 Dx4win mailing list

[Dx4win] Internet Spot not listed as needed.

2002-07-09 Thread Pete Smith
At 09:18 PM 7/8/02 -0500, Wendell Wyly W5FL wrote:
Odd thing, but some of the cluster software insists on putting the country
code in the remarks column.  DX4WIN looks for several key words in the
remarks column to set the mode.  Some of these are PSK, RTTY, and FM.  You
were just bitten by software incompatabilities between the cluster software
and DX4WIN software.

I had an exchange of e-mails with Paul about this aspect of ARCluster 
several months ago, so I'd guess it'll be addressed in the next 
release.  Since the prefix info is always in the last 2-3 places in the 
line, it should be easy for him to tell DX4WIN to ignore it when setting 
the mode.

As for the spot being greyed out when it shouldn't be, this is presumably 
caused by FM not being set as a valid mode on the DXCC tab in preferences.

73, Pete N4ZR

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[Dx4win] 5 Band DCXX Submission Question

2002-07-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John F. Samuels)
When I click on the 5BDXCC report, the list appears OK.  When I check =
the QSOs, none of them have been changed to submitted, as they do with =
single band submissions.  Is this right?  Will I have to mark each QSO =
band as submitted manually, or is this a bug?  Using 5.03.

John, K2CIB=20

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