[Dx4win] New User Query

2003-02-07 Thread Jennings
Put it in "Notes for this QSO" and then sort on that with F8


When you rearrange the letters it spells: HERE COME THE DOTS

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 7:26 AM
Subject: [Dx4win] New User Query

> I have some questions.
> 1. I am a new user of DX4WIN and would like to be able to find a simple
> slot to id where I got the contact.  i.e. a DX net,  etc
> 2. I want to sort my log by Call, or Country, but can not seem to get it
> easily.  I would like to print out a list of all of my contacts by country
> or call
> That's it for now
> Thanks
> ___
> Dx4win mailing list
> Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win

[Dx4win] Lost all countries!

2003-02-07 Thread Tony Lord
Hi all, can any one help. I have just installed V6.02 and migrated log,
.ini etc files from my old version 5.03. Now 5.03 does not work, but I
am not worried about that at all, just mention it out of interest. V6.02
works fine, controls 2 rigs (great feature), however I have one problem.
When I open world map up all I have is sea and no countries!! Where have
the countries gone, how do I get them?? If any one can help please let
me know. I guess I made a mistake in the set up, because before I
installed V6.02 on the shacks computer, I installed it on another
computer to "check it out", and I had all the countries there. Would
appreciate any advice.
73's de Tony M0DQZ

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[Dx4win] Green on... + items for 6.03!

2003-02-07 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tonno Vahk)
It really seems to be no problem - the spot colors are definitely a lot more
infomative than in previous versions. I like the green stuff and you can
always turn it off although I see no reason...

As to SELECTING THINGS IN PREFERENCES to my opinion there are tens of other
small but more important things that might be adjustable/customizeable by
user. It is obvious that the variety and the amount of the users' wishes are
growing at faster pace than the program can develope at this stage so I hope
that the next updates will gradually take my wishes into account as well.

Just to name few I would really like to have (listed by priority):

1. Want to customize Same Call Fields! Please let me add other fields (RSTs,
QSO Notes...)!!

2. Want to customize all the field lengths in Logbook and please repair
Notes bug (described in previous e-mail).

3. Want to select multiple QSOs from Logbook window and/or

4. Want to search by exact time to time or by QSO number to number. If there
are 600 QSOs in a day and I want to perform a Multiple QSOs Operation on the
ones (say 244 of them) I worked before noon the only way to do it ONE BY

5. In 6.01 the SSB reports changed to 3 digits - I am not happy about it. I
have never used 3 and I wish there was a small radio button in preferences
that allowed me to pick either 2 or 3 digits. Better yet the 3rd digit of
the report could be listed under DISABLED FIELDS!! I am in the process of
entering some old logs and now have to push 2 times more Enter for each QSO
I enter.

6. When Changing QSL Routing (e.g. Remove Duplicate QSLs) would like to see
which QSOs were changed!!

7. When importing QSL Managers or Managers' Addresses would like to see
which entries were changed!! Not just Replaced 55 and Added 32. There could
be messages the same way as when merging CTY files!

8.  Please add Multiple QSOs operations: Change Date, Set IOTA (as Set USA
States). I know you can change Date by the number of days but if you're 10
years off it takes quite some calculation:)

9. NEW COUNTRY spots could also be Yellow/Light Yellow - not worked/not
confirmed instead of just one Yellow. Why not green/light green by the same
logic. Who considers it too colorful can always turn it off.

If at least half of those things were inlcuded in the upgrade I would really
feel like having a new version already. Out of the present new things in
6.01/6.02 I only found a few small things that were useful for me personally
(spot colors, IOTA inserted, KG4) and at least one minus - SSB reports.

I hope it is of help!


- Original Message -
From: "W0YG Charlie Summers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"'Wendell Wyly W5FL'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] Green on white spots

> But then why aren't we allowed to select which way we want it in the
> preferences?  That would make it quite easy for us to eliminate those
> worrisome spots that we must learn to ignore.  I don't know how tough it
> would be to eliminate them in software but with all the options Paul's
> allows us, it seems that this should also be an option.
> Another option I would like to see is to eliminate or be able to eliminate
> the "Priority" column in the spotting window.  That is meaningless to me.
> 73,
> Charlie, W0YG..>>
> ___
> Dx4win mailing list
> Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win

[Dx4win] PK 232 Configuration

2003-02-07 Thread Braga, Anibal Queiroz - Coelce
Dear Friends:

Does anyone knows how to configure PK 232 to work with the old version 1.12?


Anibal - PT7DX

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[Dx4win] Lost all countries!

2003-02-07 Thread Rick Murphy
At 09:03 AM 2/7/2003 +, Tony Lord wrote:
>When I open world map up all I have is sea and no countries!! Where have
>the countries gone, how do I get them?? If any one can help please let
>me know.

In the "World Map" window, pull down the "Draw" menu. You can select 
things to draw there - for example, I have "World" and "Islands" 
checked, which causes those to be drawn.

[Dx4win] report coloum on SSB

2003-02-07 Thread Dave Cossar
Just noticed when on SSB  I now have a choice of 3 numbers for the =
I don't expect to give 599 on ssb .the only way round this to TAB  to =
the next field.
Before in ver5 when 2 charactars where pressed  whilst on SSB the cursur =
moved it's self.
Why is this ? will there be a fix ?

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The reason this message is shown is because the post was in HTML
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to post in Plain-Text go to: http://www.expita.com/nomime.html  ---

[Dx4win] Registration still not received:

2003-02-07 Thread Bruce Osterberg
I still see spots where people have received their email registration with 
24 hours.  Mine has not shown up after 10 days.  What is going on???  My 
bank cleared the VISA transaction over 8 days ago!!

Bruce N9BX

>From: Paul van der Eijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: dx4win@mailman.qth.net
>Subject: [Dx4win] Green spots; Gordian knot
>Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 22:58:32 -0500
>I cut he knot.
>Version 6.03 (isn) has an additional priority level to distinguish between 
>worked or never worked band / mode combinations.
>I also inserted this level in the DX alerts, so you have a choice what you 
>want to hear or not.
>Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)
>Dx4win mailing list

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.  

[Dx4win] Registration still not received:

2003-02-07 Thread Pete Smith
At 07:18 AM 2/7/03 -0600, Bruce wrote:

>I still see spots where people have received their email registration with 
>24 hours.  Mine has not shown up after 10 days.  What is going on???  My 
>bank cleared the VISA transaction over 8 days ago!!

Bruce, I presume your message will get the desired response from Steve.  It 
sure sounds like a clerical error.  Keep in mind he's only one guy, has a 
real job too, and has probably been swamped since the new release went out.

Another ominous possibility -- my ISP recently proudly announced that it is 
"helping" me handle SPAM by filtering based on sites of origin.  No info on 
how they choose those sites, but they said they stopped 43 percent of all 
e-mail during a recent test.  43 percent!  I get a lot of SPAM, but not 
that much.  It seemed likely to me that they are stopping some stuff I 
want, so I opted out of the filtering.

73, Pete N4ZR
The World HF Contest Station Database was updated 1 Feb 03.
Are you current? www.pvrc.org/wcsd/wcsdsearch.htm

ISP Spam filtering (Re: [Dx4win] Registration still not received:)

2003-02-07 Thread NR1DX
At 08:35 AM 2/7/03 -0500, Pete Smith wrote:
>At 07:18 AM 2/7/03 -0600, Bruce wrote:
>>I still see spots where people have received their email registration 
>>with 24 hours.  Mine has not shown up after 10 days.  What is going 
>>on???  My bank cleared the VISA transaction over 8 days ago!!
>Bruce, I presume your message will get the desired response from 
>Steve.  It sure sounds like a clerical error.  Keep in mind he's only one 
>guy, has a real job too, and has probably been swamped since the new 
>release went out.
>Another ominous possibility -- my ISP recently proudly announced that it 
>is "helping" me handle SPAM by filtering based on sites of origin.  No 
>info on how they choose those sites, but they said they stopped 43 percent 
>of all e-mail during a recent test.  43 percent!  I get a lot of SPAM, but 
>not that much.  It seemed likely to me that they are stopping some stuff I 
>want, so I opted out of the filtering.


My (former) ISP did the same thing, except they never bothered to tell me 
they were doing it, I lost two consulting contracts and as a result I 
changed ISP's and am suing the former one. This is a growing trend among 
ISP's because the Spam clogs up their server capacity (not because they 
"care" about you). While I think Spam and Phone solicitation should be 
outlawed it is not the place of the service providers to decide who you get 
email from. It amounts to the same thing as the phone company screening 
your calls

Dave H

>73, Pete N4ZR
>The World HF Contest Station Database was updated 1 Feb 03.
>Are you current? www.pvrc.org/wcsd/wcsdsearch.htm
>Dx4win mailing list


"A man who picks a cat up by the tail learns a lesson he can learn no other 
way"  Mark Twain

[Dx4win] QSL manager database problem

2003-02-07 Thread ON4CAS / N1TOI
Hi !

Over the years, I collected quite some QSL manager information. My QSL
manager database which I used in version 5.03 lists over 24,000 managers and
every week I imported some new managers which were listed in the Daily DX,
425DX News, etc. To keep my database up to date, I used the "File/import QSL
manager data" in the QSL Manager database menu. I keep my data in the
European date format (dd/mm/) as set in my preferences.
After upgrading to version 6.02, I exported my 5.03 QSL manager database in
a .TXT file and decided to import these data in 6.02
To my astonishment, most dates are set incorrectly. My date format in
version 6.02 is also set to the European standard (just as it was in 5.03).
I also tried to import a small .TXT file containing the following:
which resulted in the following entry in ine 6.02 QSL manager database:
ZS03CWC 04/12/1702 ZS1AU
Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, if anything at all?

73 de Egbert
UBA Award Manager

[Dx4win] report coloum on SSB

2003-02-07 Thread ON4AOI
This is not a BUG
It's because reports are now possible for AURORA, Meteor Scatter, EME, Rain
Scatter etc
the RST field can be 59A - R27 etc, for more details read the manual its
explained there

- Original Message -
From: "Dave Cossar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 12:52 PM
Subject: [Dx4win] report coloum on SSB

> Just noticed when on SSB  I now have a choice of 3 numbers for the report
> I don't expect to give 599 on ssb .the only way round this to TAB  to the
next field.
> Before in ver5 when 2 charactars where pressed  whilst on SSB the cursur
moved it's self.
> Why is this ? will there be a fix ?
> Dave GM3WIL
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> The reason this message is shown is because the post was in HTML
> or had an attachment.  Attachments are not allowed.  To learn how
> to post in Plain-Text go to: http://www.expita.com/nomime.html  ---
> ___
> Dx4win mailing list
> Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win

[Dx4win] importing NA Contest files

2003-02-07 Thread Richard L. King
Hi everyone.

I am having a little trouble importing NA Contest log files into DX4WIN and 
I may be doing something wrong.

The log file for NA Contest is a .QDF file. But DX4WIN seems to want a .NA 
file. I can't get the .QDF file to import and I don't seem to have a .NA file.

Has anyone else been successful importing NA contest files into DX4WIN? Thanks.

73, Richard


[Dx4win] importing NA Contest files

2003-02-07 Thread Juha Rantanen

> I am having a little trouble importing NA Contest log files into DX4WIN
> I may be doing something wrong.
> The log file for NA Contest is a .QDF file. But DX4WIN seems to want a .NA
> file. I can't get the .QDF file to import and I don't seem to have a .NA

The Dx4win wants *.sdf file. Create that file with NAU.exe Utility program.
Then import the created *.sdf file into dx4win. I did the same thing few
days ago and everything went without a glitch.

Juha OH6XX

ISP Spam filtering (Re: [Dx4win] Registration still not received:)

2003-02-07 Thread on4kj
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 1:55 PM
Subject: ISP Spam filtering (Re: [Dx4win] Registration still not received:)

> At 08:35 AM 2/7/03 -0500, Pete Smith wrote:
> >At 07:18 AM 2/7/03 -0600, Bruce wrote:
> >
> >>I still see spots where people have received their email registration
> >>with 24 hours.  Mine has not shown up after 10 days.  What is going
> >>on???  My bank cleared the VISA transaction over 8 days ago!!
> >
> >Bruce, I presume your message will get the desired response from
> >Steve.  It sure sounds like a clerical error.  Keep in mind he's only one
> >guy, has a real job too, and has probably been swamped since the new
> >release went out.
> >
> >Another ominous possibility -- my ISP recently proudly announced that it
> >is "helping" me handle SPAM by filtering based on sites of origin.  No
> >info on how they choose those sites, but they said they stopped 43
> >of all e-mail during a recent test.  43 percent!  I get a lot of SPAM,
> >not that much.  It seemed likely to me that they are stopping some stuff
> >want, so I opted out of the filtering.


Have a look at your own protection to secure.
Just experienced it, Guy ON4AOI sended me a msg annexed the the KEY, but it
took me half an hour before I realized what was going on.
Hope this can help some one.

Jos on4kj

> Pete
> My (former) ISP did the same thing, except they never bothered to tell me
> they were doing it, I lost two consulting contracts and as a result I
> changed ISP's and am suing the former one. This is a growing trend among
> ISP's because the Spam clogs up their server capacity (not because they
> "care" about you). While I think Spam and Phone solicitation should be
> outlawed it is not the place of the service providers to decide who you
> email from. It amounts to the same thing as the phone company screening
> your calls
> Dave H
> >73, Pete N4ZR
> >The World HF Contest Station Database was updated 1 Feb 03.
> >Are you current? www.pvrc.org/wcsd/wcsdsearch.htm
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >Dx4win mailing list
> >Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> >http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win
> Dave
> "A man who picks a cat up by the tail learns a lesson he can learn no
> way"  Mark Twain
> ___
> Dx4win mailing list
> Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win

ISP Spam filtering (Re: [Dx4win] Registration still not received:)

2003-02-07 Thread on4kj
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 1:55 PM
Subject: ISP Spam filtering (Re: [Dx4win] Registration still not received:)

> At 08:35 AM 2/7/03 -0500, Pete Smith wrote:
> >At 07:18 AM 2/7/03 -0600, Bruce wrote:
> >
> >>I still see spots where people have received their email registration
> >>with 24 hours.  Mine has not shown up after 10 days.  What is going
> >>on???  My bank cleared the VISA transaction over 8 days ago!!
> >
> >Bruce, I presume your message will get the desired response from
> >Steve.  It sure sounds like a clerical error.  Keep in mind he's only one
> >guy, has a real job too, and has probably been swamped since the new
> >release went out.
> >
> >Another ominous possibility -- my ISP recently proudly announced that it
> >is "helping" me handle SPAM by filtering based on sites of origin.  No
> >info on how they choose those sites, but they said they stopped 43
> >of all e-mail during a recent test.  43 percent!  I get a lot of SPAM,
> >not that much.  It seemed likely to me that they are stopping some stuff
> >want, so I opted out of the filtering.
> Pete
> My (former) ISP did the same thing, except they never bothered to tell me
> they were doing it, I lost two consulting contracts and as a result I
> changed ISP's and am suing the former one. This is a growing trend among
> ISP's because the Spam clogs up their server capacity (not because they
> "care" about you). While I think Spam and Phone solicitation should be
> outlawed it is not the place of the service providers to decide who you
> email from. It amounts to the same thing as the phone company screening
> your calls
> Dave H
> >73, Pete N4ZR
> >The World HF Contest Station Database was updated 1 Feb 03.
> >Are you current? www.pvrc.org/wcsd/wcsdsearch.htm
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >Dx4win mailing list
> >Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> >http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win
> Dave
> "A man who picks a cat up by the tail learns a lesson he can learn no
> way"  Mark Twain
How many did you catch Mark ?Ha Ha !..( this one goes right into my
notes )


> ___
> Dx4win mailing list
> Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win

[Dx4win] importing NA Contest files

2003-02-07 Thread Greg Clark
Use the ADIF or ADF files as they are named in NA.  Thats the method I use, no
problems with the import.


"Richard L. King" wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I am having a little trouble importing NA Contest log files into DX4WIN and
> I may be doing something wrong.
> The log file for NA Contest is a .QDF file. But DX4WIN seems to want a .NA
> file. I can't get the .QDF file to import and I don't seem to have a .NA file.
> Has anyone else been successful importing NA contest files into DX4WIN? 
> Thanks.
> 73, Richard
> ___
> Dx4win mailing list
> Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win

ISP Spam filtering (Re: [Dx4win] Registration still not received:)

2003-02-07 Thread Jeff Maass
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of NR1DX
> Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 08:55
> To: dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: ISP Spam filtering (Re: [Dx4win] Registration still not
> received:)
> At 08:35 AM 2/7/03 -0500, Pete Smith wrote:
> >At 07:18 AM 2/7/03 -0600, Bruce wrote:
> >
> >>I still see spots where people have received their email registration
> >>with 24 hours.  Mine has not shown up after 10 days.  What is going
> >>on???  My bank cleared the VISA transaction over 8 days ago!!
> >
> >Bruce, I presume your message will get the desired response from
> >Steve.  It sure sounds like a clerical error.  Keep in mind he's
> only one
> >guy, has a real job too, and has probably been swamped since the new
> >release went out.
> >
> >Another ominous possibility -- my ISP recently proudly announced that it
> >is "helping" me handle SPAM by filtering based on sites of origin.  No
> >info on how they choose those sites, but they said they stopped
> 43 percent
> >of all e-mail during a recent test.  43 percent!  I get a lot of
> SPAM, but
> >not that much.  It seemed likely to me that they are stopping
> some stuff I
> >want, so I opted out of the filtering.
> Pete
> My (former) ISP did the same thing, except they never bothered to tell me
> they were doing it, I lost two consulting contracts and as a result I
> changed ISP's and am suing the former one. This is a growing trend among
> ISP's because the Spam clogs up their server capacity (not because they
> "care" about you). While I think Spam and Phone solicitation should be
> outlawed it is not the place of the service providers to decide
> who you get
> email from. It amounts to the same thing as the phone company screening
> your calls

My Company recently fell victim to this as well.

An increasing number of ISPs are using sites like this one:

These sites take reports from anyone about any ISP relaying
spam (not necessarily the originating ISP),and blacklist the
IP address block of the relayer . Companys and ISPs who
have chosen to rely on this data then block **ALL** email
coming from the  blacklisted ISP.

You can check whether any IP address block has been
reported for blacklisting at:

It will show the results from each of the 40+ sites that accumulate
such blacklists for the specified IP address. As an example,
one of these 40+ sites lists my ISP, which is Roadrunner! If
your ISP relies on that particular spam filter site for it's spam
filter, you will not be able to get email from me (or any Roadrunner

They argue that any server that is so insecure that it would relay
spam should be blocked. The ISP with the blocked server then
must submit itself for "security testing" to be removed from the
blacklist. They have automated tests to determine that security
measures have been put into place and to remove the IP address
from the blacklist  perhaps as much as seven days later!

A company with which mine has a working agreement recently
started using some of this spam filter software, and we were
unable to email our contacts there. Seems the ISP that hosted
our email service (note: not our company, or the specific block
of IP addresses we lease) had been reported by two people as
being "insecure".

 Jeff Maass   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Located near Columbus Ohio
 USPSA # L-1192   NROI/CROAmateur Radio K8ND
Maass' IPSC Resources:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/index.html
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

[Dx4win] report coloum on SSB

2003-02-07 Thread Mel Martin
But I also think "extended" signal reports should be optional...  for most
59 & 599 is adequate and preferable...

- Original Message -
To: "Dave Cossar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 11:07
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] report coloum on SSB

> Dave,
> This is not a BUG
> It's because reports are now possible for AURORA, Meteor Scatter, EME,
> Scatter etc
> the RST field can be 59A - R27 etc, for more details read the manual its
> explained there
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dave Cossar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 12:52 PM
> Subject: [Dx4win] report coloum on SSB
> > Just noticed when on SSB  I now have a choice of 3 numbers for the
> > I don't expect to give 599 on ssb .the only way round this to TAB  to
> next field.
> > Before in ver5 when 2 charactars where pressed  whilst on SSB the cursur
> moved it's self.
> > Why is this ? will there be a fix ?
> > Dave GM3WIL
> >
> >
> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> > multipart/alternative
> >   text/plain (text body -- kept)
> >   text/html
> > The reason this message is shown is because the post was in HTML
> > or had an attachment.  Attachments are not allowed.  To learn how
> > to post in Plain-Text go to: http://www.expita.com/nomime.html  ---
> > ___
> > Dx4win mailing list
> > Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> > http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Dx4win mailing list
> Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win

[Dx4win] QSL manager database problem

2003-02-07 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
I already made Paul aware of this problem, it will be fixed in the next version

73 - Jim AD1C

> After upgrading to version 6.02, I exported my 5.03 QSL manager database in
> a .TXT file and decided to import these data in 6.02
> To my astonishment, most dates are set incorrectly. My date format in
> version 6.02 is also set to the European standard (just as it was in 5.03).
> I also tried to import a small .TXT file containing the following:
> ZS03CWC,02/01/2003,ZS1AU
> which resulted in the following entry in ine 6.02 QSL manager database:
> ZS03CWC 04/12/1702 ZS1AU
> Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, if anything at all?

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.com
PGP Fingerprint: D8E2 3D78 339F A7F1 8C13  1193 B5D1 4FB6 79D1 70DC

[Dx4win] dxclauste via telnet

2003-02-07 Thread Bill Henderson
I had just about made up my mind to stick with dx4win when it rejected =
me! After downloading and installing the new version (6.2) I couldn't =
get connected to my dxcluster using ver 5.03. I have now removed 6.02 =
but still no go.

I can connect with Logger but not with Dxlab. Mind you dxlab is so =
complicated I'm never quite sure what's happening with it (hi). I had =
been looking at these two programs as a possible alternative but am now =
nearly certain to stick with Dx4win.

Please help.


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  text/plain (text body -- kept)
The reason this message is shown is because the post was in HTML
or had an attachment.  Attachments are not allowed.  To learn how
to post in Plain-Text go to: http://www.expita.com/nomime.html  ---

[Dx4win] Registration still not received:

2003-02-07 Thread Bill Jackson
Did you try asking Steve first before asking here?  His e-mail address 
Both Paul and Steve have said many times before they try to watch the 
reflector but many times don't have the time and you should contact them 
directly if you have a problem with your order.  Steve is handling the 
upgrade orders, he can probably best answer your question.

de Bill

Bruce Osterberg wrote:

> I still see spots where people have received their email registration 
> with 24 hours.  Mine has not shown up after 10 days.  What is going 
> on???  My bank cleared the VISA transaction over 8 days ago!!
> Bruce N9BX

[Dx4win] Registration still not received:

2003-02-07 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello All,

This should be taken care of by now.

There was either a problem with Bruce's Email or he didn't notice the order 
when it arrived.  It was sent out electronically on the 30th and never 
bounced back to me.

73 de Steve, NR4M

At 07:14 PM 2/7/03 -0600, Bill Jackson wrote:
>Did you try asking Steve first before asking here?  His e-mail address is 
>Both Paul and Steve have said many times before they try to watch the 
>reflector but many times don't have the time and you should contact them 
>directly if you have a problem with your order.  Steve is handling the 
>upgrade orders, he can probably best answer your question.
>de Bill
>Bruce Osterberg wrote:
>>I still see spots where people have received their email registration 
>>with 24 hours.  Mine has not shown up after 10 days.  What is going 
>>on???  My bank cleared the VISA transaction over 8 days ago!!
>>Bruce N9BX
>Dx4win mailing list

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] importing NA Contest files

2003-02-07 Thread Greg Clark
Use the ADIF or ADF files as they are named in NA.  Thats the method I use.


"Richard L. King" wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I am having a little trouble importing NA Contest log files into DX4WIN and
> I may be doing something wrong.
> The log file for NA Contest is a .QDF file. But DX4WIN seems to want a .NA
> file. I can't get the .QDF file to import and I don't seem to have a .NA file.
> Has anyone else been successful importing NA contest files into DX4WIN? 
> Thanks.
> 73, Richard
> ___
> Dx4win mailing list
> Dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/dx4win