Re: [Dx4win] Create VUCC Map from DX4WIN Award Listing

2010-06-19 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
Hi Folks,

After playing with Excel for a couple hours this morning, I could not
get exactly what I wanted.

I'm going to keep the program the same as before (HTML output), but
I've made two changes:

1.  The program will print the 2-letter field abbreviation in the
background of each 10x10 grid.

2.  Three formats of output: Portrait 4R/3C (default), Landscape
3R/4C, 11x17 4R/8C

I could really use some help.  I wonder if someone can help me make
GIF files for the 2-letter field abbreviations (images) using
Microsoft Paint?  There are 324 images total (AA through RR).  I've
made about a dozen covering most of the USA.  I could continue to do
it, but it would probably be on an as-need basis.  Let me know if
you're willing to help, and I can tell you exactly what I want, as
well as sending sample files.

I'll release the updated program on Sunday, no matter how many field
images I have.

73 - Jim AD1C

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Jim Reisert AD1C

> I am going to try to do one relatively easy thing in the upcoming
> (non-Windows) release.
> I will add an option to generate a .CSV file instead of a .HTML file.
> The spreadsheet will have placeholders for all grids, starting at AR09
> (upper-left) and ending at RA90 (lower-right).
> If you have confirmed a grid, it will show up in the spreadsheet like
> "FN42" (UPPER case).  If you have only worked it, it will show up like
> "dn79" (lower case).  I don't know what do about non-worked grids yet.
>  If I leave the cells empty, the spreadsheet will be filled with
> blanks, and you don't have any idea what they are.
> At least this way, you can open the file in Excel and print any part
> of it you want.  Don't forget to turn on grid lines!
> I'm thinking about another approach, but it's very different from this
> utility.  Stay tuned!
> - Jim
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C
>  wrote:
>> I started to work on this utility again (as I've been fairly active on
>> 6 meters lately, picking up new grids since moving to CO):
>>  Create VUCC Map from DX4WIN Award Listing
>> I believe John W9RPM may have asked about this in the not-too-distant
>> past.  John has worked all 488 continental US grid squares and I think
>> is one QSL away from completing the Fred Fish Memorial Award
>> (
>> I made some changes today so the utility works with DX4WIN8 (DX4WIN7
>> still works).  The utility also now treats submitted/approved credits
>> as confirmed.  I'm also going to improve the title bar so you know
>> what fields are being displayed.  Including the full name in each grid
>> square of the output prevents it from fitting on a single page.
>> Unfortunately, it's still a command-line program, that I'll release
>> sometime this weekend.
>> I'll create a Windows interface in the next release (after this one,
>> no timetable).  With the Windows interface, there will be a button so
>> you can see the output immediately in your web browser of choice (then
>> print it).
>> Here are some ideas I've come up with, though I don't know how to
>> implement some of them:
>> 1.  Overlay the grid data on top of a real map (don't know how to do this)
>> 2.  Print the field names in the background of each field (don't know how 
>> yet)
>> 3.  Rotate the page as landscape, so instead of 3x4 it's 4x3 (this
>> means text has to rotate also, which may not be supported in HTML)
>> 4.  Color-code the field backgrounds (maybe add a legend).  Is there
>> any value in this?
>> 5.  Larger output, i.e. print more fields on a 11x17 printer (everyone
>> has one of these, right)?
>> Does anyone else have other ideas that I don't have time to work on?  :-)
>> 73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, ,
Dx4win mailing list

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Re: [Dx4win] Create VUCC Map from DX4WIN Award Listing

2010-06-19 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
I am going to try to do one relatively easy thing in the upcoming
(non-Windows) release.

I will add an option to generate a .CSV file instead of a .HTML file.
The spreadsheet will have placeholders for all grids, starting at AR09
(upper-left) and ending at RA90 (lower-right).

If you have confirmed a grid, it will show up in the spreadsheet like
"FN42" (UPPER case).  If you have only worked it, it will show up like
"dn79" (lower case).  I don't know what do about non-worked grids yet.
 If I leave the cells empty, the spreadsheet will be filled with
blanks, and you don't have any idea what they are.

At least this way, you can open the file in Excel and print any part
of it you want.  Don't forget to turn on grid lines!

I'm thinking about another approach, but it's very different from this
utility.  Stay tuned!

- Jim

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C

> I started to work on this utility again (as I've been fairly active on
> 6 meters lately, picking up new grids since moving to CO):
>  Create VUCC Map from DX4WIN Award Listing
> I believe John W9RPM may have asked about this in the not-too-distant
> past.  John has worked all 488 continental US grid squares and I think
> is one QSL away from completing the Fred Fish Memorial Award
> (
> I made some changes today so the utility works with DX4WIN8 (DX4WIN7
> still works).  The utility also now treats submitted/approved credits
> as confirmed.  I'm also going to improve the title bar so you know
> what fields are being displayed.  Including the full name in each grid
> square of the output prevents it from fitting on a single page.
> Unfortunately, it's still a command-line program, that I'll release
> sometime this weekend.
> I'll create a Windows interface in the next release (after this one,
> no timetable).  With the Windows interface, there will be a button so
> you can see the output immediately in your web browser of choice (then
> print it).
> Here are some ideas I've come up with, though I don't know how to
> implement some of them:
> 1.  Overlay the grid data on top of a real map (don't know how to do this)
> 2.  Print the field names in the background of each field (don't know how yet)
> 3.  Rotate the page as landscape, so instead of 3x4 it's 4x3 (this
> means text has to rotate also, which may not be supported in HTML)
> 4.  Color-code the field backgrounds (maybe add a legend).  Is there
> any value in this?
> 5.  Larger output, i.e. print more fields on a 11x17 printer (everyone
> has one of these, right)?
> Does anyone else have other ideas that I don't have time to work on?  :-)
> 73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, ,
Dx4win mailing list

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Re: [Dx4win] Keying MMTTY

2010-06-19 Thread Bud Governale, W3LL
Hi Jim,

I forgot to look at your outstanding Application Notes.

I spent hours trying to get this to work and in two minutes after reading your 
Application Note it was working.
I didn't know about Alt S to set up the PTT Key Line.

Thanks for all your contributions!


Bud W3LL

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Reisert AD1C" 
To: "Bud Governale, W3LL" 
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] Keying MMTTY

Bud, have you read the MMTTY application note:

If you have MMTTY working stand-alone, you're half-way there.  Make
sure the COM port you are using for PTT/FSK isn't being used by
anything else (check your preferences).

73 - Jim AD1C

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 10:50 PM, Bud Governale, W3LL  wrote:
> I'm trying to get DX4WIN to key MMTTY on my IC-7000.
> When clicking on a DX4WIN macro RTTY button, I can hear the tones playing but 
> the Icom IC-7000 is not being keyed.
> I have the path to the MMTTY executable set in the DX4WIN RTTY preference 
> window.
> I can open the MMTTY program and send RTTY FSK directly from MMTTY. This 
> indicates that the two transistor FSK keying
> cable (PTT and FSK) is functioning properly thru its com port.
> If DX4WIN is open at the same time then the MMTTY program cannot open its com 
> port. I have to close DX4WIN to use 
> as a stand alone program.
> I can send CW properly in DX4WIN thru the FSK keying cable com port.
> I don't understand why DX4WIN cannot key MMTTY.
> What am I doing wrong?
> 73,
> Bud W3LL

Jim Reisert AD1C, ,

Dx4win mailing list

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