[Dx4win] LOTW Test

2003-05-17 Thread Joe - WL7M
I just submitted my log to the ARRL LOTW, and ended up with these 
errors.  About half of my log went through OK before hitting the maximum 
number of allowed errors.  Looks like there needs to be a few automatic 
corrections in DX4WIN which happen should you elect to submit your log to 
the LOTW.  I'm sure there will be an option forthcoming - perhaps after the 
beta testing is over - that will make that happen.   73, Joe WL7M

2003-05-16 23:42:59 LOTW_QSO:  Processing file: wl7m-ADIF.tq8
2003-05-16 23:42:59 LOTW_QSO:  Certificate found for WL7M - ALASKA (6)
2003-05-16 23:43:32 LOTW_QSO:  Error in record 306: Invalid Call Sign in 
tCONTACT record
2003-05-16 23:43:32 LOTW_QSO: QSO: WL7M RSOF 1999-12-12 01:15:00Z 10m SSB
2003-05-16 23:43:32 LOTW_QSO:  Record 306 ignored due to errors
2003-05-16 23:45:26 LOTW_QSO:  Error in record 1818: MODE: Invalid value in 
field (PSK)
2003-05-16 23:45:26 LOTW_QSO:  Record 1818 ignored due to errors
2003-05-16 23:45:26 LOTW_QSO:  Error in record 1819: MODE: Invalid value in 
field (PSK)
2003-05-16 23:45:26 LOTW_QSO:  Record 1819 ignored due to errors
2003-05-16 23:47:09 LOTW_QSO:  Error in record 2783: MODE: Invalid value in 
field (PSK)
2003-05-16 23:47:09 LOTW_QSO:  Record 2783 ignored due to errors
2003-05-16 23:47:39 LOTW_QSO:  Error in record 3060: Invalid Call Sign in 
tCONTACT record
2003-05-16 23:47:39 LOTW_QSO: QSO: WL7M WOETC 2001-09-30 21:31:00Z 15m RTTY
2003-05-16 23:47:39 LOTW_QSO:  Record 3060 ignored due to errors
2003-05-16 23:49:02 LOTW_QSO:  Error in record 3835: MODE: Invalid value in 
field (PSK)
2003-05-16 23:49:02 LOTW_QSO:  Record 3835 ignored due to errors
2003-05-16 23:49:53 LOTW_QSO:  Error in record 4307: MODE: Invalid value in 
field (PSK)
2003-05-16 23:49:53 LOTW_QSO:  Record 4307 ignored due to errors
2003-05-16 23:49:56 LOTW_QSO:  Error in record 4335: Invalid Call Sign in 
tCONTACT record
2003-05-16 23:49:56 LOTW_QSO: QSO: WL7M WOFY 2001-12-01 18:48:00Z 6m SSB
2003-05-16 23:49:56 LOTW_QSO:  Record 4335 ignored due to errors
2003-05-16 23:50:06 LOTW_QSO:  Error in record 4429: Invalid Call Sign in 
tCONTACT record
2003-05-16 23:50:06 LOTW_QSO: QSO: WL7M KMOT 2001-12-02 21:55:00Z 6m SSB
2003-05-16 23:50:06 LOTW_QSO:  Record 4429 ignored due to errors
2003-05-16 23:50:07 LOTW_QSO:  Error in record 4436: Invalid Call Sign in 
tCONTACT record
2003-05-16 23:50:07 LOTW_QSO: QSO: WL7M NOEXX 2001-12-02 22:00:00Z 6m SSB
2003-05-16 23:50:07 LOTW_QSO:  Record 4436 ignored due to errors
2003-05-16 23:50:07 LOTW_QSO:  Processing aborted: Maximum error count reached 

[Dx4win] LOTW Test

2003-05-17 Thread Joe - WL7M
Was going to say something silly like DX4WIN (or any other logging 
program) wouldn't allow a callsign with out a numeric elementthen I 
found out it will. I never checked to find out. There, I believe, is where 
I went wrong - Ted - you're undoubtedly right.


At 10:25 AM 5/17/2003, you wrote:
One thing that I noted with some of Joe's errors, is that the call 
contained the letter O instead of the number 0.  That's why IMO they 
ere kicked out.  They are close to each other on the keyboard and look 
alike in some fonts, so it's an easy mistake.


[Dx4win] Additional Search Features

2003-01-25 Thread Joe - WL7M
I'm with you Gary - wish it had a cabrillo save feature - since DX4WIN is 
also intended for the casual contester, its unfortunate that this option 
is not available.


At 01:26 PM 1/25/2003, Gary McConville wrote:

I'm setting myself for a few shots but I'm still
waiting for a cabrillo format on report saves...

Gary - WB4SQ

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[Dx4win] Additional Search Features

2003-01-25 Thread Joe - WL7M
Thanks for your clarification, Steve.  Seems that what should be understood 
is that when I, as a DXer, participate in a contest, I'd just like to send 
in my log with as minimal fuss as possible.  I've won contests for my 
section/state with as few as 5 QSOs.  That's pretty casual.  Yup - they are 
contest specific.  Sure would be nice if there was the option to have at 
least a few major contests supported.  My 2 centsYMMV.

Hello all,

You fellows need to understand that 'casual contesting' is geared toward 
the DX'er who is in a contest for new band and mode countries, with the 
focus on DX'ing, not contesting.  It has nothing to do with contesting 
for the intent of contesting, at what ever level, but solely in support 
of the DX'er.

Also, Cabrillo is not a 'one size fits all' thing.  It is a contest 
specific format.  Go to 
http://www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/qso-template.html and you will see what 
I am saying.  At a minimum, there are 8 different formats.  Although the 
date, time, mode, band info is stable, the rest of it is all over the 
place, depending upon the contest.  It may be a different story if it was 
one specific file format, such as ADIF.  But, even then, time permitting.

If you need contest support from the contest perspective, get a program 
that's main purpose is contesting.  I understand there are even one or 
two good ones which are freeware, which may be worth looking into.

When I'm contesting, I use Writelog.

73 de Steve, NR4M

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