[Dx4win] DX Cluster Drop

2005-01-17 Thread Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV
Tony... The VE7CC-1 cluster is very new and not included in the existing
cluster list. In the ve7cc program folder, open the cluster.dat file and add
this line:  ve7cc-1,dxc.ve7cc.net,7373 . Be sure you follow the syntax or
format of the lines in order to ensure the entry is readable. My suggestion
is just copy the existing line for ve7cc and paste into below making changes
for the ve7cc-1 entry. 

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus" 

[Dx4win] Mode change problem in v6.03

2004-09-21 Thread Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV
I did the upgrade from v6.02 to v6.03 today. Everything works as it
should, but I notice one oddity with v6.03 that I can't reproduce and
don't see in v6.02. 

Here is what I see in v6.03:
If I enter a callsign in the log entry window (for an SSB contact) and
then press F12 to delete the call, I see the mode switch from SSB (59)
to CW (599) and then back to SSB again. Even on my fast GHz+ computer
with loads of RAM, this process takes a second or two in v6.03. Does
anyone know why this is happening or how to eliminate the monetary mode

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2003"

[Dx4win] PCI-type LPT ports for CW keying?

2004-02-21 Thread Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV
My thanks to Larry and Mel for responding to my query. I neglected to
mention that I was using Win'98 (SE). The new Lava PCI parallel port
card is the SPP or standard parallel port version and not the EPP or
enhanced parallel port version. That having been said, I found the card
addressing is non-standard (as seen in Device Manager) when compared to
other PCI or LPT ports. When I used the PCI addressing fix from the
www.LavaLink.com website, I was not able to correct the problem. 

What I'm trying to accomplish is getting the additional port to either
host my keyer interface or my Zip Drive for backing up my log. Neither
will operate properly when attached to the new Lava PCI card. When
attached to the other two LPT ports, both work just fine. After spending
more time on the problem today, I've determined the issue my very well
be the version of BIOS on this old clunker of a computer; it's a P233Mhz
machine. Technology has a way of catching up with you when the machine
is a real time piece when compared to the robust GHz + boxes of today.
For the time being, I'll continue to fool with the problem and post an
update if I make it work. I may very well opt to replace the machine.

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2003"

[Dx4win] PCI-type LPT ports for CW keying?

2004-02-20 Thread Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV
I just added a Lava PCI-based LPT port for CW keying. After selecting
the correct LPT port and saving my Preferences I find the PCI port will
not key the radio. If I switch the keyer port over to an ISA slot LPT
port, the keyer works as it should. Has anyone run into this and did you
solve the mystery? 

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2003"

[Dx4win] YAESU FT-857 radio interface?

2004-01-12 Thread Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV
Is anyone using a YAESU FT-857 with DX4WIN? If so, what settings have
you used in order to communicate between the radio and DX4WIN. There is
no reference to the 857 in version 6.02 of the program.

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2003"

[Dx4win] RE: A cautionary tale aka backup or else

2004-01-10 Thread Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV
Jim and others What great advice!!! 

Even though I have a copy and half-heartedly maintain a data backup of
my log files, your suggestion to use the Iomega Automatic Backup program
is excellent. Within minutes of reading your semi-annual plug message, I
was downloading the program from Iomega and now have all files secure
and set to do a daily update. Thanks for the push to get real about data
backup.  For those of you who may have missed this, Jim, AD1C wrote:

Time for my semi-annual plug.  I have used Iomega Automatic Backup for
several years with great success:

It backs up any file that changes in your selected directories,
automatically. So your backup is ALWAYS fresh.

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2003"

[Dx4win] Telnet issues

2003-09-17 Thread Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV
Being disconnected from a given cluster (regardless of connection type)
is a common-place occurrence with DX4WIN. The reason is, it has no built
in auto-reconnect routine. Plain and simple. I have asked the authors
for this feature in a series of emails  and the last answer suggested
they would look at what was required to implement the feature. End of

On certain clusters where the traffic loads are high, you will be
dropped during periods of inactivity. This is especially true if the
cluster servers a large number of rf connections in addition to
telnet-based connections. The polling process rate to deliver spots
under an rf connection is such that under normal conditions -- not to
mention during a contest weekend, you can have a huge backlog of spots
waiting to be delivered -- sometimes the cluster simply times out on
certain connections. That having been said, the incidence of higher
bandwidth (i.e. cable modem or ADSL) telnet-based connections assures
the user they will never miss a spot -- even on a contest weekend where
the spot rate per hour on many clusters can reach over 1000 spots per
hour. But even with higher bandwidth, certain clusters will still drop
your connection during periods of inactivity. Given our current band
conditions, I observe a much slower rate of spots today than say one
year ago when for instance 10m was wide open. So being dropped by a
cluster when the spot rate slows is a fact of life. It's the cluster'
way of managing its data flow to ensure it can serve all users equally.
As cluster hosting software improves (witness the latest incarnation of
AR Cluster for instance) the spot delivery process and clusters ability
to serve all users more efficiently also improves.

So what's the answer to the disconnect question? As registered users of
the program you could voice your desire for an auto-reconnect routine
with the program authors. You could -- as one person has suggested, look
at the VE7CC program which is fabulous in terms of how it manages and
dissects spot data to keep your connection alive and port data from it
to DX4WIN. If you're a registered DXTelnet user, you can also use a
similar porting routine to send spots from it to DX4WIN. There is great
documentation available for setting up the program. No matter how you
look at the challenge, we do have some options in terms of staying

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2003"

[Dx4win] LOTW test -- works great!

2003-05-17 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV)
Like many others I was delighted to see the arrival of LOTW -- even if it's
only a beta trial.

I read the online material, followed the instructions to the letter and
uploaded my logbook (containing 7300 entries) in a near flawless exercise.
It couldn't have been easier! That having been said, the secret was in
reading the "Getting Started" material and then following the
instructions -- no exceptions allowed. Now barely 24 hours later, I have 20
cross-referenced hits to my log. Yes the log checking process does show us
we must keep good records -- understandably, it doesn't like O instead of 0
in a call-sign.

To the gentleman who said he wouldn't upgrade to the newest release of
DX4WIN because of the horror stories associated with upgrading I
respectfully offer the following comment. If you follow the upgrade
instructions 'without exception' and do the steps in an orderly fashion, the
upgrade goes very smoothly. It is as you've asked it to be -- very user
friendly and I might add -- painless!

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2003"

Are you registered for DX2003 - Pacific Northwest DX Convention?
Visit http://www.bcdxc.org for complete details and registration form.

[Dx4win] Radio timeouts?

2002-12-03 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV)
I use a pair of Kenwood TS-850's. The interface to my computer is the
N6TR -- ultra-simplistic design. It works great, but DX4WIN does from
time-to-time generate a radio timeout message. If I spin the dial hard or
I'm just cruising up and down the band, I can without difficulty timeout the
radio. I have experimented with the poll rate and found 1000ms seems to
works better than the default of 5000ms -- but the timeouts still occur. The
interface works very well with other programs -- so I have eliminated this
from the equation.

I would be interested in knowing from this community and especially from
other Kenwood 850 owners (who might have seen similar radio timeouts), if
you have experimented and changed the baud rate for the com port that hosts
the radio interface. In looking at my settings the com port (in the Windows
Control Panel System settings) is set to 9600 yet the radio operates at the
Kenwood default of 4800. Is this a problem?
Further if you have experienced radio timeouts (specifically with a Kenwood
radio), what if anything have you tried and did it work?

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2002"

[Dx4win] Label layout?

2002-12-01 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV)
I'd like to use Avery 5261 or 5159 labels for those occasions when I confirm
numerous bands / modes for a DX callsign. When I enter the Avery number in
the label manager, the preview shows the correct label number in terms of
dimensions, but the layout is not altered and there is lots of wasted white
space to the right of the standard (small) label layout. How do I alter the
layout? I don't see anything in the manual about the ability to actually
rearrange the entire label layout process, i.e. a label layout or
configuration tool.

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2002"

[Dx4win] Importing TR Log files?

2002-11-18 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV)
After the recent JIDX contest I used LogConv (v1.73b) to convert my TR Log
to ADIF format in preparation for import to DX4WIN. I like to have all my
log data together in one place.

I set up a new log in DX4WIN to test the import rather than bringing the
contest data directly into my everyday log. While the data imported
flawlessly, I am wondering if anyone knows of a way to apply a standard
comment to the  window?  I'd like to have that line read
<2002 JIDX Contest>.

If you have another log conversion utility that you use -- please advise.

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2002"

[Dx4win] Re: DX Telnet and DX4WIN

2002-11-17 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV)
Thanks to all the suggestions sent both direct and via the reflector I now
have spots flowing from DX Telnet to DX4WIN. I think the major problem at
this end was the fact that I had DX Telnet installed in the non-default
directory. Once I copied all the files over to c:\DXTelnet and set up
everything as per http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/dxtelnet.htm it all worked.

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2002"

[Dx4win] DX Telnet and DX4WIN

2002-11-14 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV)
My thanks to everyone that responded (directly) to my post regarding the
interlinking of DX Telnet and DX4WIN. Given the replies came directly to me
and not via the reflector, others wouldn't have the benefit of your wisdom
and suggestions.

In a nutshell the problem is: I'd like to run DX TELNET and link it to
DX4WIN for dx spots? By this I mean using the DX4WIN utility within DX
TELNET for porting spots to DX4WIN.

While all your response eluded to how well the process works (and I believe
you) the one element none of you mentioned was the fact that DX Telnet
apparently does not support long file names and I have DX Telnet nested
under the  folder in its own sub-directory. So I have
correctly the path description in  and set up
everything exactly like the wonderful description shown on
http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/dxtelnet.htm. Unfortunately the process still does
not work.

Once I set up everything and have the 3 utility programs launched I get the
following error message from DX Telnet:
The error message box is titled DX-Telnet (dxc.ve7cc.net... my node name)
Path not found
Check that DXHunter link parameters are correct
The link to DXHunter is now disabled

I have not done any configuration within DX Hunter -- in fact I've never run
the program. It doesn't even appear to be part of the current v5.1 download
of DX Telnet. But I have it installed in the c:\dxhunter directory. I'm on a
cable modem and can't see the tie in with the DX Hunter program. If someone
out can explain --- please do so.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2002"

[Dx4win] DX Telnet and DX4WIN

2002-11-11 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV)
Is anyone running DX TELNET and linking it to DX4WIN for dx spots? By this I
mean using the DX4WIN utility within DX TELNET for porting spots to DX4WIN.

I followed the simple instructions to the letter but saw no spots over in
DX4WIN. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2002"

[Dx4win] Country window to previous QSO?

2002-10-12 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV)
I can't seem to find a simple answer to this question in the manual. Here's
the scenario...

I'm connected and receiving inbound spots from my local DX cluster. I'm
working in Real Time and I have a Country window open -- each new spot is
checked against my log and the worked (or not worked) data appears with
respect to band and mode for that country in the open Country window.

Here is the question -- using a spot for S07L as the example -- while I
might not have worked the particular station, my log shows I have worked
other S07 stations on other bands and modes -- how can I very quickly check
my log to see what specific other S07 stations I've worked (for both band
and mode)?  I can't seem to find any method other than a filter search by
call. Do I have the process correct?

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2002"

[Dx4win] Printing Log pages?

2002-10-03 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV)
I'm just new to the program, but feel I have developed a fairly good grasp
of its functionality over the past week. Importing my log from the previous
logging program worked flawlessly.

In attempting to print a few pages from my new DX4WIN logbook I notice there
doesn't appear to be any control over page setup for printing -- it this
correct? The left margin is about 0.75" but the right margin seems to be
non-existent. The logbook layout that I've created extends off the printed
page -- how do you force the page to either recognize a right margin or size
your logbook to fit nicely on a page? There appears to be no controls for
this setup. The printer is an HP 4 and I'm setup for landscape printing.

Any and all help would be appreciated.

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
"All email from this address is checked by Norton AntiVirus 2002"