[Dx4win] CT contest log

2002-11-20 Thread Steve B
You may wish to consider Writelog as an alternative to CT  (I have both by
the way !!).

It is perfectly stable under Windows XP Pro as it is with all Windows
platforms from Win 95 upwards. I consider myself a "serious" contester and
regularly have 2.5k QSO's upwards.

It has never let me down and offers a lot more different contest support
than CT - very helpful when you are not stateside but the DX side - several
3rd party sites offer additional contest files totally FREE. It also
produces very helpful graphs and exports the contest log in   .adif  format
for easy importing into DX4WIN.

Suffice to say I'm impressed and have not even tried CT since. Worth a visit
to their homepage - oh the technical support is first class also (immediate
return of email by Ron K5DJ).

I have no association to this program but if I am happy with any product I
WILL  let others know about it . same holds true if I buy a Lemon   lol

Good luck,


[Dx4win] what time is it?

2002-10-25 Thread Steve B
An alternate site is this one:


This is one of the funniest clocks I have ever seen in my life !!!

Steve  ZC4BS / G4KIV

Homepage: http://www.stevebb.com


[Dx4win] QRZ V19, DX4W503 and Windows XP

2002-05-21 Thread Steve B
Also running version version 5.03 with Windows XP Professional and have been
doing since the beta version with no problems whatsoever.

PSK31 runs a treat also !!!

If I could only get Writelog to recognise the com ports I would be an
extremely happy man  ;-)

Steve  ZC4BS

Homepage: http://www.stevebb.com


[Dx4win] WAS award.....

2002-04-20 Thread Steve B
Try the Afrikaaner Net on 21.335MHz  1700z onwards  KZ5RO Ron  /  EA8BYR
Terry Two of the net controllers. Open to Europeans as well as DX - but
audience is predominantly stateside. Idaho will be easy !!

Steve  ZC4BS

Homepage: http://www.stevebb.com


[Dx4win] Virus problems from RX3AEX

2002-04-19 Thread Steve B
Please be careful when receiving an email from RX3AEC and other Russian =
stations using this call as an email responder.

I have received 15 viruses so far over the last two days  (all stopped). =
I am sorry for posting this across 3 reflectors but I believe it was =
picked up from one of these and others may be having the same problem.

All attempts to email and remind him have gone unanswered - bad news =
when I am also receiving logs for a recent contest.

I do not wish to flame, accidents can a do happen but please be careful =
and check your system when posting - if anyone knows RX3AEC could they =
please let him know there is a problem on his server.

Sorry to take up bandwidth.

Steve  ZC4BS

Homepage: http://www.stevebb.com


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[Dx4win] not in country worked

2002-04-16 Thread Steve B
Hi John,

Just worked VK9ML here and entered the details and all is fine ?

I'm running version 5.03 if that helps.

Steve ZC4BS

Homepage: http://www.stevebb.com