
Yes it is in addition. 

I must admit that I am not a great fan of digi modes. 
RTTY can be fun when in the mood but psk is a big 
yawn. As a result I don't use them very often and so I 
am in danger of not knowing what I'm talking about (no 
change there then).

There are 2 banks of macros giving 16 in total. I've left 
them populated more or less as they arrived when I 
downloaded the update to 7.01. I just edited the 

I have 3 modes of operating - normal qso, dipping into 
contests for dx and rubber stamp dx. The normal qso 
is well catered for by the 2 banks of macros. However I 
could do with another bank of 8 to take care of 
contests and dx.

Has anyone else asked for this?


On 4 Oct 2005 at 0:02, Paul van der Eijk wrote:

> Bill,
> Is this in addition to the macros you get with the Ctrl+ key?
> --Paul
> At 05:00 PM 10/2/2005, Bill wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> >Any chance of adding another row of macros? It would 
> >be really useful.
> >
> >73
> >
> >Bill
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