
Entering a county that is not spelled correctly should bring up the
list of valid counties in the state. Version 5.03 does not do that, and I 
will fix that for the next release. When you tab through the field that window
appears, but not when you press Enter to finish the entry.


At 09:09 PM 1/9/03 -0700, Ken Kopp, K0PP wrote:
>Hello All,
>The error that caused "Dubuque" County (IA) not
>to appear in the list of counties worked was mine.
>Paul responded very quickly and asked a key 
>question that led me directly to the solution, AND
>to 100+ similar errors. (;-)
>I've been entering my paper log data EXACTLY as
>it appears in the logs and therein was the cause
>of the "Dubuque" problem.  If I'd not received a report
>during the QSO the field was left blank (empty) and
>the software automatically inserts a "0" in that field.  
>If the field has a zero the QSO does not appear in the 
>counties worked report.  I've now searched for "0"'s in 
>the RST received and sent fields and found 100+ such 
>entries.  (;-)
>My solution has been to enter "111" in the fields that
>have no "value" in the paper log.  Some of these will
>no doubt be "fixed" when I go back through the log with
>the actual QSL's in hand and cross-check the info.  
>What!  You don't have every QSL you've received over 
>your entire amateur radio career? Filed alphabetically
>in cabinets, no less. (:-))
>Several have asked why the manual entry?  Yes,
>it -IS- a -LOT- of work and will take many weeks to
>accomplish.  I've been licensed 51 years and have 
>kept very careful logs over that time.  I estimate
>that there are about 12K QSO's involved ... maybe
>more.  I've recently retired and have the time to
>indulge in such compulsive behavior.  (:-))
>I already have DXCC (309/CW), several flavors of
>WAS and many other awards, have been "rare" DX
>and done very well in contests, but I've never had
>the opportunity to get all the information into one
>database.  I -AM- interested in the County Award 
>program and this is one of the goals of this effort.
>73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)

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