[e-gold-list] Re: Two questions

2001-03-27 Thread jpm

1. Is there any market maker providing a convenient way to convert 
Standard Gold to e-gold?  Standard Reserve conveniently allows e-gold 
spends into SR accounts but not vice versa.  This is really annoying.
2. Does e-gold have any public stats over a longer time than 24 
hours.  How would one find out the monthly gold balances and velocity 
over the past three months?

3. Does Standard Reserve have any public stats?

It's been a great feature for e-gold!


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[e-gold-list] Re: Two questions

2001-03-27 Thread Elwyn Jenkins

 1. Is there any market maker providing a convenient way to convert
 Standard Gold to e-gold?  Standard Reserve conveniently allows e-gold
 spends into SR accounts but not vice versa.  This is really annoying.

Standard Transactions will have an automated interface that exchanges
Standard Gold to E-Gold as it already is doing with E-Gold to Standard Gold.
There will be a minimal fee for this. We are expecting Standard Gold to
E-Gold within the next few days.

 2. Does e-gold have any public stats over a longer time than 24
 hours.  How would one find out the monthly gold balances and velocity
 over the past three months?

While Gold  Silver Reserve and Standard Reserve are related companies, you
need to get that from our counsins!!

 3. Does Standard Reserve have any public stats?
 It's been a great feature for e-gold!

In the early days when we sign on corporate customers, we need to be careful
about revealing information about those corporate customers. It is possible,
as we will do in the next weeks, to triple our Gold Balance. If at the same
time we advertise the signing of a new corporate customer we could be
reveling information that our non-disclosure prevents us from doing. Later
when addition of a corporate customer will not have a similar effect we will
be able to be more public about our Gold Balances and veolcity.

Dr Elwyn Jenkins
Standard Reserve Holding Limited

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[e-gold-list] RE: THE GOLD ECONOMY

2001-03-27 Thread tom tommy

:-) on the page you still have the old email address leading to you... it
remains fact that your are still in a very dire situation, to say at

and most interesting: you say you receive 220 emails/day, but you do
immediately answer if someone attacks you on this list, it shows your
priorities are not set correctly, if you would reply IMMEDIATELY to
inquiries in first place you could avoid to try to catch the bear which
now is on this list

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[e-gold-list] Re: Elwyn Jenkens

2001-03-27 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 05:00 PM 3/27/2001 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 26 Mar 2001, at 21:46, George Matyjewicz wrote:

And having EJ back full time in SR really paid off, as today he
brought in a deal that starts with 10,000 employees being paid
through Instant Anywhere, with the total number of employees to be

Magnificent!  That's 10,000 x average $40,000 per annum = 400 
million per annum, or, hell, call it a half billion.

Rising to 12 billion at 300,000 employees.  General Electric has 
about 300,000 employees so maybe it's GE.

While this is not GE, we are in discussion with one of the 
Fortune 10 right now which we can't discuss yet.

Surprisingly enough there are a lot of companies with large 
numbers of employees who are not reported, i.e., like 
GE.  Strange as it may seem, there is a world outside the US 
;-).  And many of them are conglomerates.  For example, I am 
working on another one right now that should close in 
early  April  which has 160,000 people paid, for an annual 
payroll of $2.5 billion.   We met last night, ironed out the 
details, and now I have to put together a detailed plan 
for  final presentation at HQ.  They have been looking at this 
type of process for over a year, and couldn't find it.

This is great news George. Are they adopting SR-Gold or SR-
Dollars ? In other words, are we gonna see a huge jump in e-gold
reserves in circulation ?

Employees  (from both) will have a choice of  SR USD or SR AUG, 
so there may be an increase in gold in circulation.

This is another product we will be officially introducing soon - 
Corporate Payment Process.  Without advertising, we have folks 
coming out of the woodwork with large numbers of employees who 
want to pay them via this product.  We are working on some big 
ones now (minimum 20,000 employees), and, when we settle down we 
will officially introduce this product.  And that is just one of many.

Add that to our customer  acquisition efforts with Steve Renner 
and Cash Cards International, and we will have one very large 
user base this year.  Now, we have merchants interested and we 
are beefing up our sales team to bring on the 700 merchants who 
have inquired about SR in the past 45 days.

Our move to BVI, while it is slowing us down slightly, will be 
beneficial in the long run.  EJ will be there next week 
overseeing the office setup and doing the preliminary 
interviewing of potential staff.  I will be there the following 
week hiring staff (minimum four) and helping to finalize the 
physical location.

And as EJ said, we will be expanding our infrastructure agents 
throughout the world.  We are in  discussions or contract 
negotiations with six right now as we speak.  Per our board of 
directors,  my charge this year is to traverse the globe bringing 
on infrastructure agents.  Now, before y'all jump on the 
telephones calling me, it will require an investment on your part 
of $50,000 to $500,000, depending on your location and capabilities.

Exciting times.  And as I keep telling folks, I am grabbing on to 
the head of this venture and just hanging on tight.

Of course, it would help if we could extend the day to 40 hours ;-).


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Nigerian Oil Scam variant

2001-03-27 Thread Robert Best

Having just read about the above topic, I would like
to add that I have also been approached by one
Doctor Lucas Seko, currently in S.A.
He has asked me to handle approx $25 million into
an acceptable European account. No demands for
cash in advance yet, but I guess it will come!
He also claims to be a son of the late Kabila.
Has anyone else come across this character.
signed : Intel

tel;cell:+41 79 343 73 29
tel;fax:+41 71 733 35 60
tel;work:+41 71 733 32 59
adr:;;Mittelfeldstrasse 9;Diepoldsau;;CH-9444;Switzerland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[e-gold-list] Cash cards

2001-03-27 Thread Paul Vahur

Hash: SHA1

I'm very surprised how Cash Cards International which re-sells
Standard Reserve debit cards advertises themselves:

- --

The worlds First Real-Time Global eCommerce Transaction
System backed by Gold!

The Cash Card gives you access to your funds instantly at
over 400,000 *ATMs worldwide, and in any currency.

Access funds directly from your E-Gold Account through your
Cash Card at any ATM*. ( E-Gold Transfers are FREE! )

- --

I know that advertising is sending a simple message about complex
products, but this is misleading! Instead of withdrawing money
directly from your e-gold account, you'll have to do three transfers
to get value from e-gold account to your debit card: e-gold to
SR-AUG, SR-AUG to SR-USD, SR-USD to debit card. George, Elwyn correct
me if I'm wrong.

I hope that would be more correct in future.


Paul Vahur
IceGold Ltd.

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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[e-gold-list] New E-gold Exchange Service

2001-03-27 Thread steve


  I want to introduce our new E-gold exchange service, www.gelisnet.com.
We now proudly accept credit and debit cards, PayPal, ProPay, Neteller,
eMoneyMail, Bank Wires and Direct Deposits. New payment methods coming
soon. Stay tuned! www.gelisnet.com

Best regards,
Steve M Garfield,
GelisNet Inc

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[e-gold-list] Stupid people

2001-03-27 Thread Ben Legume

Anyone stupid enough to fall for one of those Nigerian scams doesn't 
deserve to have that money in the first place (IMO).

On the subject of the 'who's regulating these off-shore unlicensed 
casino/MLM schemes?' I can only say that there are a lot of idiots on 
the Internet. There's the numerous people who are experts in subjects 
they know nothing about. There are also the easily-led, gullible 
masses who tend to listen to the aforementioned experts. And finally 
there are the real peaches, the ones who fall for every MLM HYIP 
which is obviously a scam and obviously being run by the same people 
who ripped them off last week yet they get swindled again and again. 
They also seem to be the people who get perturbed at urban legend 
emails and pass them on to every unfortunate who has ever 
corresponded with them. There's lots of good information at the site 

I hope I haven't given my head-cold to anyone else on the list via 
this email, but you all know how these computer viruses get around.

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  --- Send the right message ---

+ Today freemail +   

Get your free, private email address at

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gelisnet.com

2001-03-27 Thread steve


  Yes, we are a new E-gold Exchange Service. We now proudly accept credit
and debit cards, PayPal, ProPay, Neteller, EFT, Bank Wires and Direct
Deposit, eMoneyMail.

Steve M Garfield,
GelisNet Inc, www.gelisnet.com

 Who is Gelisnet.com?
 An new Market Maker?
 Anyone know?
 Kind regards,
 Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
 subscribe to the gold-today discussion group at

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[e-gold-list] To all of you who replied me...

2001-03-27 Thread Mariman Center

Some days ago I asked here for somebody about Perl scripting.

Thanks to all who replied to me, more than 30 !


Mariman Center
WebHosting - WebDesign

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[e-gold-list] Re: New E-gold Exchange Service

2001-03-27 Thread Eric J. Gaither


   I would like to welcome you to becoming a Market Maker exchange service.
I must plead with you to reconsider your payment options.

   Should you choose to accept PayPal, credit cards, and eMoneyMail I will
wager your losses to fraud will top $25 K inside of two months flat!  The
criminals and con-artists have systematically bilked each Market Maker out
there out of several thousands of dollars using these payment systems.
Whith e-gold (GSR/Omnipays) current User Agreement that you HAD to sign to
become a MM, you will have no recourse when you are scammed.

 Should you care for some FREE personal and professional insight, feel
free to call me (Eric Gaither) or anyone of the MM's out there.  We all have
our own horror stories. Our goal is to help the "newbies" learn from our
mistakes and years/months of experience.

Welcome...and watch your backside!  The con artists have probably
already set their sights on you!


Eric Gaither, President
Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.
(317) 788-8580 Voice
(317) 788-8581 Fax

- Original Message -
To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 5:02 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] New E-gold Exchange Service


   I want to introduce our new E-gold exchange service, www.gelisnet.com.
 We now proudly accept credit and debit cards, PayPal, ProPay, Neteller,
 eMoneyMail, Bank Wires and Direct Deposits. New payment methods coming
 soon. Stay tuned! www.gelisnet.com

 Best regards,
 Steve M Garfield,
 GelisNet Inc

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[e-gold-list] GATA

2001-03-27 Thread Sidd

An Unlikely Conspiracy; An Entirely Likely Swindle

I'm sympathetic to the intent behind the Gata lawsuit, but I don't
think it has a snowball's chance. In fact, I expect it will be
dismissed out-of-hand by the court, and I wouldn't be surprised if the
lawyer bringing it gets a reprimand for filing a frivolous suit. I can
hear the judges chuckling up the sleeves of their ample robes


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[e-gold-list] E-gold Stock Brokers?

2001-03-27 Thread lslarry

Does anyone know any stock broker websites, like e-trade, where they
accept e-gold as a payment so that someone can buy stock market shares
with e-gold?

Thanks in advance
Patrick Caron

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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold Stock Brokers?

2001-03-27 Thread jpm

Now THAT would be cool.

Patrick, the closest thing is http://exbet.com (aka http://xodds.com )

Rock on!

Does anyone know any stock broker websites, like e-trade, where they
accept e-gold as a payment so that someone can buy stock market shares
with e-gold?

Thanks in advance
Patrick Caron

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"Intel is a photo printing company. Microsoft makes a text
editor. Amazon or eBay can be programmed in a day with Perl
or Basic and run on a $500 machine. The whole of 'IT'
(banking, finance, markets, etc.) is no more complicated
than a $10 Casio name and address organizer. We are in the
low-tech age."

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[e-gold-list] the winner...

2001-03-27 Thread jpm

 Ladies and Gentlemen, the absolute winner of the recent BANANAGOLD
 stats contest for TWO grams was


Thank you.

 What's your e-gold number, Viking!

e-gold acct# - 42
e-gold passphrase - D(er... never mind)  [I'm not a HYIP!]

Well done!  Here's the two grams!

e-metal payment confirmation: Batch 2350093
 Paid To:
 42 (Viking Coder)
 2 grams of Gold
 "2 gramn" stats contest winner!

 402402 (Banana Gold)

ENJOY http://www.bananagold.com HUNDREDS OF USERS
ENJOY http://www.bananagold.com HUNDREDS OF USERS
ENJOY http://www.bananagold.com HUNDREDS OF USERS
ENJOY http://www.bananagold.com HUNDREDS OF USERS

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[e-gold-list] GSR Lowers OmniPay InExchange Minimums

2001-03-27 Thread Reid Jackson-OP

Effective March 26, 2001, GSR reduced the minimum amount accepted for
OmniPay exchange orders from national currency to e-metal (InExchange) as

USD  1,000 
AUD  2,000 
GBP  1,000 
CAD  2,000 
DEM  2,000 
FFR  7,000 
YEN  123,000 
CHF  2,000 

e-gold Users who wish to exchange amounts less than these minimums are
encouraged to visit the independent market makers listed on the Directory
page at the e-gold website:


No minimum is applicable to OmniPay exchanges from e-metal to national
currency (OutExchange); thus, e-gold users may continue to use OmniPay as a
means to pay entities who do not yet have e-gold accounts (i.e. to pay the
phone bill).


Reid Jackson
Managing Director
Gold  Silver Reserve, Inc.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Two questions

2001-03-27 Thread Graham Kelly

Yes, I'll be happy to do any 3 way spend or purchase into/out of e-gold,


Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
Phone/Fax +44 (0)709-233-7612
USA Phone/Fax +1(312)777-4270

Want a debit card linked to your e-gold account? Apply below!



 1. Is there any market maker providing a convenient way to convert
 Standard Gold to e-gold?  Standard Reserve conveniently allows e-gold
 spends into SR accounts but not vice versa.  This is really annoying.
 2. Does e-gold have any public stats over a longer time than 24 hours.
  How would one find out the monthly gold balances and velocity over
 the past three months?
 Protect your privacy! - Get Freedom 2.0 at http://www.freedom.net

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