[e-gold-list] You dirty rat - James Cagney

2001-07-22 Thread Bob

All right. Who knocked me out of the game? Come on. Spill it. :)

If this wasn't a margin call, and you don't want to be short
anymore, I'll go short if you want to go long.

historic? Ya can bet ya butt it is! Show me another round the
clock world wide gold market. Even after we have to start paying
the vig, it'll still be a mind blower. It's almost certain that
you know what price your order will be filled at. Try and find
that today anywhere in the world. This is a gold mind, and not
just for Bamdex.

What's needed here is *liquidity*. One of the reasons Bamdex 
doesn't have liquidity is that there is no way to *communicate*
efficiently that it exists, to those in a position to play.
Still, not even a peep out of the indecisive Melbourne office,
one way or the other, about spend confirmation page ads.

Go head Melbourne. Keep it up. Pretty soon you'll be known
as The Gang (GBC) that couldn't shoot straight. The McHales Navy 
of the GBC industry. The F Troop of the GBC industry. The Stupid
Pet Tricks (thank you David Letterman) specialists of the GBC 

Traders *will* go where the most liquidity is. That's a promise.
Bamdex should go with the GBC that can provide the means to 
develope the most liquidity. And once that's established with
a GBC, I can't see a reason for Bamdex to try another GBC. Not
with easy switching between GBCs already here. There's Cambist.net,
and some others. Who are you others? Claude? Eric?

Bamdex should turn into something really really *big*. Ya hear
that Melbourne? Hello ... hello ...

.. well, there were a few signs of life from Jim and Jay recently.
But signs of life in the long run don't cut it. If ya have the
auto pilot on, I hope you guys at least have a look out on deck.


The matchbot has spoken:

 Your contract has been closed
 Sun, 22 Jul 2001 06:44:30 -0500
 Bamdex member number:
 # 9900111
 contract: IFGETD USD against e-gold
 up or down: 'ups'
 Has now been closed out.
 (Either you closed it, or, the matching side closed it,
 or it was automatically closed because either your side
 or the other side exhausted margin.)
 Was created at:
 2001-07-09 20:41:47
 at $ 266.70 USD per ounce
 (116.62 grams per thousand dollars)
 And is now out at:
 at $ 269.20 USD per ounce
 (115.54 grams per thousand dollars)
 1.08 grams has been added to your account
 (Profit/loss is calculated by difference in g.p.t. values.)
 Your account details will now include one new historic
 contract entry and one new journal entry. The margin
 required for this contract is released.
 Review your account details at
 Bamdex site: http://www.bamdex.com

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[e-gold-list] Re: Oh, NO! It's happened again! Grrrr

2001-07-22 Thread Ian Green

www.aeabank.com is not even an active website! Search on
Asia-Europe-Americas Bank of Seattle and you'll get virtually nothing! So
who has ever really seen this bank? What about real Mexican or Canadian
banks in the ACH? Any suggestions? (Last time I checked you had to have a
Mexican address to open a Mexican bank account, but this should be cheaper
than a maildrop in the United States (of America).)

Ian Green

 -Original Message-
 I would recommend Asia-Europe-Americas Bank of Seattle, WA
to any non-residents of USA who are seeking to open an account there. I
believe AEA maintain a correspondent account with Bank of America. Whether
this allows direct cash deposits I don't know, as I'm not familiar with the
domestic US credit transfer system. I believe it's possible through ACH??? I
find it's generally better to deal with small banks like this where you can
develop personal relationships with people who actually make an effort to
understand your business, rather than faceless big banks.



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[e-gold-list] Re: Oh, NO! It's happened again! Grrrr

2001-07-22 Thread offshoresurfer

 www.aeabank.com is not even an active website! Search on
 Asia-Europe-Americas Bank of Seattle and you'll get virtually nothing!
 who has ever really seen this bank? What about real Mexican or Canadian
 banks in the ACH? Any suggestions? (Last time I checked you had to have a
 Mexican address to open a Mexican bank account, but this should be cheaper
 than a maildrop in the United States (of America).)

My apologies, I got the URL slightly wrong as I was going from memory. It
should have been http://www.aea-bank.com You can also find their secured
credit card for non-US residents at http://www.creditnet.com

I'm not aware of Mexican banks participating in ACH but you probably know
more than I do. I can open an account for you at Banamex, now part of
Citibank, if you wish, no Mexican address required since we provide one and
send everything to you by courier. You get a Gold Mastercard and internet
banking too. But there is a fee involved and it's more than a US maildrop.

As I recall, the Dutch post also handles clearing through ACH ... try


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[e-gold-list] Re: AEA Bank

2001-07-22 Thread offshoresurfer

 'aeabank.com'. I see again (like other US Banks) they require USD$10,000
 open a bank account for a business! (USD$5,000 for an individual.) ...

Yes, that is new. A few months ago it was $100 but I guess they got too many
timewasters. Let's face it a bank can't service HYIP enthusiasts with $100
in their accounts and make money.

 Likewise, the monthly fees on US bank accounts dwarf the average
 bank account keeping fees and shows how reasonable the e-gold agio fee
 really is! I have emailed them for any special rates they might have.

Agreed about e-gold. You will really freak if you look at the fees for their
credit card on the site I just posted! But people are prepared to pay this
so who am I to complain :) They are the only US bank I know of which
actively targets Russians... you can even get their account opening forms in


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[e-gold-list] e-bullion

2001-07-22 Thread jpm

Do these guys have a Merchant Interface yet?  Where's the doco?


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[e-gold-list] the feds

2001-07-22 Thread Ken Griffith

I can attest to the accuracy of Craig's complaints and predictions about the
US government.  The man who wrote the article E-Money: Paradise or Prison
(http://www.goldbankone.com/article.php?sid=77) is a friend of mine,
Franklin Sanders.   Mr. Sanders has been a gold bullion dealer since the mid
seventies.  Back in the early eighties he innocently started a gold bank
in which people could open accounts denominated in grams of gold.  It was
basically a paper and ink version of e-gold, 100% backed, with a 1% agio

Little did Mr. Sanders know, this was a big no-no.  Even though there were
no US Laws prohibiting this kind of business (since Nixon relegalized
private ownership of gold in 73), within six months he was subjected to
investigation and attack by the Tennessee Department of Revenue, the
Internal Revenue Service, and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms

The BATF raided his family farm in the wee hours of the morning in full SWAT
gear, a technique that has become a hallmark of federal agencies in the past
decade.  Mr. Sanders is convinced that they did so in the hopes that he
would, not realizing it was a police raid, attempt to defend his family from
the masked invaders in the night, resulting in his death.  Thankfully, he
did not resist, and he and his family escaped with their lives, if not their
dignity.  (His ten year old daughter was subjected to a strip search at
gunpoint - another signature move by perverted BATF agents.)

Not content to have destroyed his business, the IRS publically named Mr.
Sanders as, the most dangerous man in the mid-South.

The IRS persecuted him with a federal jury trial, which he amazingly won.
Not willing to lose so easily, the IRS then transferred several personnel to
the Tennessee Department of Revenue which prosecuted him for failing to pay
state sales tax on the sale of gold bullion.  Mr. Sanders argued that the
gold bullion he was selling was US Gold Eagle coinage from the US Mint which
was official legal tender, and therefore not subject to sales tax. (Money
changers are not required to pay sales tax in any state of the US.) The
court convicted him anyway and sentenced him to a year in jail, reduced to
sixty days, which he served in 1999.

When I discussed with Mr. Sanders the idea of starting an electronic gold
digital currency back in 1997, his response to me was, Ken, if you do that,
the US government will stop you at any cost.  They will try to kill you.
This man speaks from personal experience.  He isn't a conspiracy theorist.
Just an honest country-boy who thought the law giving US citizens the right
to own gold meant what it said.  Did he ever get an education.

I know other honest people who have had similar experiences with federal
agencies.  In the name of an investigation they will lie to potential
witnesses in order instill fear in them and smear the reputation of the
person they are after.  They will plant evidence, make up evidence, and
destroy evidence in order to get the conviction they want.  With few
exceptions, they have no qualms about lying on the witness stand and taking
advantage of the jury's trust in government officials.  The IRS has become
an agency that plunders its victims, with the actual agents often pocketing
personal items such as jewelry, never to be seen again, as they
accidentally don't record it on the list of items removed in the raid.
IRS agents are as corrupt as third-world bureaucrats.

The point of this is that rule-of-law no longer exists in the United States.
If it did, then the IRS would have to list the law in the federal register
requiring US citizens to file tax returns.  It operates without the basis of
law just fine, because the courts will demonize and destroy any fool who
attempts to defend himself by pointing out that there is no such law.  If
you cross the path of the feds in this country, it is truly a crapshoot as
to whether you will get a fair trial or not.   At least, it is still
possible to win sometimes, but the fact is that the cops and the courts are
increasingly corrupt.

The simple solution to the US control problem is for the personnel of the
affected companies simply to move out of the US themselves.  I am sure they
will do this when it becomes an issue in the future.

Ken Griffith

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[e-gold-list] why all GBC's will attract MLMs

2001-07-22 Thread Ken Griffith

Not all MLM's are ponzi schemes. Most are cheesy because they try to get you
to sell your friendships for money and tell you that their product/marketing
system will solve all the problems in your life.  (Making MLM almost a
religion of sorts..)  But the majority of them sell real products.

The reason these companies are attracted to e-gold and soon other GBC's is
that they allow automated distribution systems.  It is the beginning of the

fulfillment of micro-payment prophesies.

Traditionally, MLM's have had to mail out checks on a monthly basis.  Most
of the checks are for small amounts of money, which means that the company
has a very high cost of printing, processing, and mailing compared to the
actual amount of money being processed.  MLM's will gravitate toward cheap
automated systems using e-gold because it saves them tons of money and
allows them to credit their people instantly for sales.  It is to e-gold's
credit that this phenomenon is taking place.  It shows that e-gold offers a
true savings in transaction costs.

Don't be surprised to see more and more businesses moving toward automated
systems using GBC's.  Cheesy or not, MLM's tend to build momentum
exponentially.  They will expose a lot of people to GBC's and as long as the
company is not a scam, it will probably give them a reasonably good
impression of GBC's.  In the long run MLM's will do a significant part to
push GBC's into mainstream acceptance.

HYIP's on the other hand, tend to be pure Ponzi schemes, and seem likely to
hurt the reputation of GBC's in the long run because their inflated promises
can only last for a short time before the system implodes.  Unfortunately,
there isn't really any way to prevent them from using GBC's, without
destroying the usefulness of them, so we just have to accept the good with
the bad.  It's fairly safe to say that HYIP's attract the foolish of the
world and make them a little wiser.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Funbonds soar.

2001-07-22 Thread Michael Moore

What has this got to do with e-gold,  or any gold ?  or any thing 
relating to financial matters for that matter?

Kind regards,

Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here. 
Sign up with osgold and get an osgold account today
subscribe to the gold-today discussion group at
two cents worth??

- Original Message -
From: Ben Legume [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, July 22, 2001 2:42 pm
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Funbonds soar.

 And check my weblog daily!
 Oops, this isn't my page, honest. I have a real girlfriend. Over 
 internet. Well, at least I don't have a mannequin for a GF like 
 sad, sad individual.
 Check my actual weblog daily
 And buy those funbonds! I must have played around 500 hands over 
 last 12 hours, so watch the next payout, it's sure to be a biggy! 
 tehy're still only 3.7 (at time of writing)! Jump aboard now 
 the train leaves the station!
 New Books at Discount Prices 
  --- Send the right message ---
+ Today freemail +   
 Get your free, private email address at
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Are you sick of logging into your mBox account to check for mail?
The mBeeper is here, free to all mBox Basic  Premium users.

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[e-gold-list] the full story

2001-07-22 Thread Ken Griffith

Anyone interested in reading the full story on how the government attacked
Franklin Sanders' gold bank can do so at the following URL:

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[e-gold-list] Re: the full story

2001-07-22 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

On 22 Jul 2001, at 20:36, Ken Griffith wrote:

Thanks Ken for this testimony from Franklin Sanders. I now better 
understand the issues of operating in the USA.

GoldMoney is definitiveley the best issuer right now to face such 
situation. I can only hope that GSR and e-gold will eventually do 


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[e-gold-list] Re: the full story

2001-07-22 Thread jpm

On 22 Jul 2001, at 20:36, Ken Griffith wrote:

Thanks Ken for this testimony from Franklin Sanders. I now better
understand the issues of operating in the USA.

GoldMoney is definitiveley the best issuer right now to face such

Claude, can you explain why that is?  Thanks!

 I can only hope that GSR and e-gold will eventually do

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[e-gold-list] Re: Funbonds soar.

2001-07-22 Thread jpm

What has this got to do with e-gold,  or any gold ?  or any thing
relating to financial matters for that matter?

Michael!  FunBonds are transacted in e-gold.

Putting aside HYIPs, TheGoldCasino is (by far, I don't even know 
what's second) the biggest e-gold related enterprise.

(Again, this is strictly *putting aside* HYIPs.  It would appear that 
HYIPs dwarf everything else in ERE activity.)

In the 'regular' internet, porno is by far the biggest transaction, 
and online gaming is easily the second biggest.  (Sportsbook vs. 
casino games are about evenly balanced, IMHO.)

(All the other commerce on the internet, eg trivia like Amazon etc, 
is completely dwarfed by online casinos.)

Until tarasvirtualstudio.com takes over (which it surely will!), TGC 
is #1 user of e-gold in the non-HYIP universe.

I think the FunBonds 
(http://www.thegoldcasino.com/cgi-bin/funbonds.cgi) are a fascinating 
thing, they are a totally novel type of thing, i can't think of any 
analogy to them --- and they are only possible because of the wonders 
of e-gold (instant, non-revocable transactions of any size, computer 

(I did not invent the concept, I am sorry to say...we just programmed 
'em for the client.)

They are utterly honest and straight (there is not the slightest 
MLM or HYIP factor involved .. you can't refer someone to buy a 
FunBond or anything) yet they have the brutal excitement of playing 
the stock market; they are like an investment (a stock or bond) but 
they are connected directly, instantaneously, to the financial 
performance of the underlying entity

Since TGC is the primary (again, obviously putting aside HYIPs) 
aspect of the e-gold economy, the performance of TGC is like a proxy 
for the performance of e-gold.  If I'm not mistaken 'booms' in e-gold 
correspond with 'booms' in TGC playership.

If TGC FunBonds (I don't really know why they're called Fun bonds, 
they're more real than any Bonds I know of in the commercial market 
;) ) had a longer time horizon they would be a wild way to invest 
as a proxy to the performance of e-gold itself (which can surely only 
be upwards) --- much as you might say invest in a mining company as a 
proxy for the gold price or you might invest in Halliburton as a 
proxy for the oil industry, etc.

I can see the other poster was touting TGC a bit to get people to 
play (you can't blame him, he's making a small fortune on the Bonds) 
but, IMHO anyway, the FunBonds are

(*) an absolutely fascinating financial instrument (or 'bet' - 
whatever you wish to term it), really the first 'real' bonds (again, 
or whatever you wish to term it) that are directly, purely connected 
to the underlying performance of an entity, with no intermediation of 
analysts, market pressures etc ('Funbonds are to bonds what e-gold is 
to fiat money'), that,

(*) simply could not exists without the true wonders of e-gold (would 
be impossible to implement with conventional currencies) and indeed,

(*) is tied to thegoldcasino, which is the primary [obviously 
non-HYIP .. HYIPs dwarf everything else] bit of e-gold commerce [just 
as conventional online casinos are the internet economy]

intriguing stuff!

only in the e-gold universe...

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[e-gold-list] Re: the full story

2001-07-22 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

On 23 Jul 2001, at 11:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 GoldMoney is definitiveley the best issuer right now to face such
 Claude, can you explain why that is?  Thanks!

They are 100% non-US, have a great product, great corporate 
governance and corporate structure and excellent international 
partners. The only thing they are missing is the market which is 
now owned by e-gold -:)  Maybe this will change, maybe not. time 
will tell.


Claude Cormier Public Key

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[e-gold-list] Re: the full story

2001-07-22 Thread Ken Griffith

 [GoldMoney] are 100% non-US, have a great product, great corporate
 governance and corporate structure and excellent international
 partners. The only thing they are missing is the market which is
 now owned by e-gold -:)  Maybe this will change, maybe not. time
 will tell.

I agree with you, Claude, that they have the best governance.  But since
both James Turk, and Geoff Turk are living in the US, the very heart and
soul of the company is at risk from the US.  If Geoff and James were to be
arrested on bogus charges similar to the ones used against Parker Bradley,
the company would be effectively frozen, even if the assetts were safe.
Frankly, I believe that James would die for the company as it was put by
someone.  We can only suppose that he knows about these risks and has the
hopes that he would be able to see trouble coming and leave the US before a
warrant was issued.  But Parker was apparently completely taken by surprise.

The US residency of Geoff and James is definitely a risk to GoldMoney, if
not to the assets of the company, definitely to the leadership of the
company.  It would be better for the leadership of any of the GBC's to be
physically located outside the US.


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[e-gold-list] Re: the full story

2001-07-22 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

On 22 Jul 2001, at 22:06, Ken Griffith wrote:

 I agree with you, Claude, that they have the best governance.  But
 since both James Turk, and Geoff Turk are living in the US, the very
 heart and soul of the company is at risk from the US.  

James Turk lives in London. I am told. 

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[e-gold-list] Re: You dirty rat - James Cagney

2001-07-22 Thread Viking Coder

 Still, not even a peep out of the indecisive Melbourne office,
 one way or the other, about spend confirmation page ads.

Check out

Please, I beg of you, let's not rehash (again, and again) the spend page
ads issue.

Before anybody tries to call me a censorship baby again, *think*. This
isn't censorship. This is trying to cull the
endless/repetitive/unproductive discussions for  against spend page ads
from a list that already has ~35 messages/day on it.

e-gold ltd. will do what e-gold ltd. wants to do. No rehashed, for the
thousandth time, argument will change their minds if it didn't work the
first 999 times.

And as the site above demostrates, I am not the only e-gold user that is
vehemently against spend page ads.

Viking Coder

Advertising is to commerce as pimping, whoring and brothels are to making
sweet love. -Zach Smith

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[e-gold-list] Pecunix News

2001-07-22 Thread The Snipper

Some interesting reading on Pecunix



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[e-gold-list] GoldNow Gold Storage Facility

2001-07-22 Thread Graham Kelly


OK, we have now opened our GoldNow Gold Storage Facility. The e-gold
account number is #344885. I pay 5% per annum, based on a daily rate
of 0.0136986 per day, non-compounding, capital guaranteed. I will use
this gold specifically for weekend shortfalls of needed gold, for customers
orders. (I HATE running out of gold on the weekends! Dang banks are not
open then!) I will also accept OSGold, Standard Reserve, and e-Bullion
gold. I will do redemptions, cash or gold, upon emailed request, within
48 hours. Email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], check out my FAQ, or call
me to ask questions.  

Hey, can y'all vote? Go into my site, and click on the voting thingy!


Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
Fax +1(312)777-4270 or +1(509)278-2268
UK Phone/Fax +44 (0)709-233-7612
USA Phone +1(817)238-9955 or cellphone +1(817)266-1678

Had a good experience with us? Tell the world! Please vote at my site!
If you would like a free e-gold, Standard Reserve, or OSGOLD account,
please apply at my site! 

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