[e-gold-list] Re: Bin Laden Assassination Politics, pt. 2: (was ip: Bin Laden rigged oil and gold prices)

2001-09-23 Thread Steve Schear

At 12:07 AM 9/24/2001 -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>The money-making operation, thought to have earned millions for terrorist
>coffers, follows to the word a 1998 exhortation by one of bin Laden's
>Islamist front groups to "kill the Americans and plunder their money".

Predictably inscrutable.


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[e-gold-list] Re: NWO

2001-09-23 Thread E. Barnes

At 12:00 AM -0400 9/24/01, e-gold Discussion digest wrote:

>Subject: NWO
>From: markab23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 00:34:01 +1000
>X-Message-Number: 3
>I found this on the http://oneworldorder.org/primedirectives.html  site.
>This is the site for the illuminati and New World Order proponents.

*Yes, I recall hearing almost all of this stuff once before.  Those 
speaking it wore swastikas on their arms and hats, did away with 
Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, Protestants, homosexuals and anyone else 
they didn't feel should continue existence.  They were elitists, too, 
and knew more than anyone else.  Lovely bunch.  Seems they've been 


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[e-gold-list] Bin Laden Assassination Politics, pt. 2: (was ip: Bin Ladenrigged oil and gold prices)

2001-09-23 Thread R. A. Hettinga

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Status:  U
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 19:21:54 -0500
Subject: ip: Bin Laden rigged oil and gold prices


Bin Laden rigged oil and gold prices - bank chief
By Philip Sherwell
(Filed: 23/09/2001)

OSAMA bin LADEN is believed to have made a massive profit from trading in
oil and gold as well as shares on the eve of the suicide attacks blamed on
his followers.

Ernst Welteke, president of the Bundesbank, said financial investigators had
found strong indications of suspicious dealings in gold and oil, as well as
unusual movements in airline and insurance shares, in the days before the
September 11 attacks in the United States.

It appears that terrorist leaders capitalised on their "insider knowledge"
of the planned atrocities to invest in oil and gold, knowing that the prices
would rise after the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon.
Strange stock-market fluctuations have already been identified.

European Union finance ministers, meeting in Liege, Belgium, ordered
national regulators to investigate the alleged market manipulations. Gordon
Brown, the Chancellor, said: "Financial institutions in every part of the
world should be under an obligation to report suspicious transactions where
terrorist money could be in use."

Mr Welteke, speaking during a break in the same meeting yesterday, said:
"There are ever clearer signs that there were activities on international
financial markets that must have been carried out with the necessary expert

He reported an unusual rise in oil prices before the attacks. This could
mean that people had bought oil contracts, and later sold them at a higher
price. Gold-market movements also "needed explaining".

Gold, a traditional refuge for investors in times of crisis, has risen in
price each day since the attack. Oil prices soared 13 per cent within 24
hours of the atrocities.

The money-making operation, thought to have earned millions for terrorist
coffers, follows to the word a 1998 exhortation by one of bin Laden's
Islamist front groups to "kill the Americans and plunder their money".

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R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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[e-gold-list] Re: NWO

2001-09-23 Thread Michael Moore

> >I found this on the http://oneworldorder.org/primedirectives.html  site.
> >This is the site for the illuminati and New World Order proponents.

> All this only demonstrates foolish ignorance generates more foolish 
> ignorance.

Yes,  and how do we know it true anyway?

More interesting is this I thought:


Kind regards,


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[e-gold-list] Re: NWO

2001-09-23 Thread Dale Pond

markab23 wrote:

>I found this on the http://oneworldorder.org/primedirectives.html  site.
>This is the site for the illuminati and New World Order proponents.
>Prime Directives
All this only demonstrates foolish ignorance generates more foolish 

Life, Love and Laughter,
Dale Pond
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
SVP Discussion Forum:

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[e-gold-list] NWO

2001-09-23 Thread markab23

I found this on the http://oneworldorder.org/primedirectives.html  site.
This is the site for the illuminati and New World Order proponents.

Prime Directives
1. All prime directives are of equal importance regardless of how they 
are listed (There are some deep secrets behind the reasoning for these 
directives, only made available to Illuminati Members). 
2. Humanity must survive at all costs

What this means, is that all measures must be taken to ensure this, and 
this is a need which outweighs the rights of the individual/individual 

3. Planet earth must be protected at all costs.

Same as above.

4. The most intelligent and educated humans are superior to all others 
and they must reproduce with others at all costs and must be protected 
at all cost.

Basically, all this means, is that we seek to establish a hybrid human 
race, devoid of nationalism and racism. Studies show that children of 
mixed races are more intelligent and healthier overall.

5. Logic and reason must be the foundation of all speech and teachings 
at all costs.

This means that no fairy tales must be permitted to be taught to 
children or anyone. Opinions must be stated as being such, and the idea 
of ghosts and spirits are concepts based in irrationality and 
stupidity. There must be supportive evidence for everything involving 
education and higher learning.
Society must be cleansed of superstition etc. 

6. No human may hold a superior position unless he or she has obtained 
degrees in physics and biology. 

This is because those whom are educated in these fields, posses a 
higher understanding of reality, and thus posses an advanced/developed 
mind. Education breeds education and enlightenment.

7. The population of planet earth must be reduced to 3 billion and 
maintained at approximately that number(until such time when our 
Enlightened Society is in place and all the family names of our enemies 
are wiped off the planet). 

The basis for this is, prosperity, security and well being of not only 
society, but all life forms on our planet, and our beloved planet 
itself. The reduction in population is to be done through education of 
the need for this. Of course there are other means, and mother nature 
and diseases will help us in this regard.

8. All human females should have their tubes tied as soon as they reach 
puberty, to protect them from premature and unwanted pregnancies.. 

Unlike some uneducated fools think, women can still have babies, even 
with their tubes tied, but not accidentally. Why only women? Because 
semen is good for human consumption, it contains a rare form of 
protein, and matter unlike anything else, which has strong healing 

9. All criminals must be used for productivity science research and 
experiments. Criminals are to be given options to choose if they wish 
to work or which scientific experiments they are willing to be part of. 

This is self explanatory.

10. Science and scientists must be the only governing body of planet 
Earth and humanity.

This is so that intelligent people compose the ruling class, not 
religionists and politicians. What we will achieve with this, is a 
system of law and order, not political and religionist mind games. 

11. Politics and politicians must be eliminated at all costs. 

This is because in a society of Objectivists, there is no room for 
politicians. The society of the future will be ruled by the 
enlightened, together with society, which too will be enlightened and 
highly educated.

12. Farmers may own up to 10,000 acres of land and must never be taxed 
as long as they utilize their farms for farming (until all is set in 

This is because they provide the essentials of survival, and is to be 
considered a sacred matter. Farmers are not to be belittled in any way. 
Not all fields require degrees in physics, and it does not devalue any 
one human being, overall.

13. Genetic engineering must be one of the most supported fields.
If you do not understand this, it is not for you to understand.

14. All governmental bodies must be under the command of persons with 
degrees in physics and biology and chemistry. 
Read above.

15. All lower life forms must be protected at all cost and scientific 
research must take this into consideration.
Self explanatory.

16. Humans must not be permitted to consume any type of flesh.
Killing other life forms, simply because we like the taste, is 
barbaric, and is rooted in savagery. Furthermore, consuming other 
animals introduces all forms of bacteria, diseases and microbes into 
the human body, which can eventually produce a soup of the most deadly 
viruses. There is no need to kill other animals, to eat, or for any 
other reason. The only exception is when one's life is endangered by an 
animal, and even then, alternative measures should be seriously 
considered or to save a human life.(There is a great secret behind this 
directive, only available to Illuminati Members).

17. Should an alie

[e-gold-list] Re: that anti-PayPal site..

2001-09-23 Thread GoldCom Admin.

Look at:


also look at 



P.S.: After recent (late July 2001 & Early August 2001) discussions with
PayPal upper management I decided to give PayPal a third chance for use
on a new site I'm developing (the shopping cart system I'm using already
had a nice interface for PayPal built in). Well, in the mean time, while
I'm working on the site, I used the new PayPal account to pay for some
auction items on ebay. A few days after I paid for these items via
PayPal, I found my PayPal account frozen -- no explanations or anything.

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[e-gold-list] Euro Gold Line extends 2.5% funding through end of week 9/29

2001-09-23 Thread EuroGoldLine

Euro Gold Line has extended the deadline to receive funds until 9/29 to
take advantage of funding at 2.5% on orders received in our Holland
accounts.  Funding received in other countries, through our virtual
accounts (see banking page) funding will be done at 3% as we pay for the

UK and those who want to fund via LATVIA please contact us first at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  We expect to have the UK Sterling account up, in
short order, it has tken nearly 3 months to accomplish this.

We are also doing some funding via ebullion at this time.

Euro Gold Line
ICQ 94782605 or MSN messenger

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