[e-gold-list] PayPal IPO

2002-02-12 Thread SnowDog

PayPal Inc. warned Monday that its popular online payment service is about
to be shut down in Louisiana by banking regulators, casting another cloud
over the firm's planned initial public stock offering.

The company said regulators in nine other states have indicated it needs a
license to run its online payment service. PayPal said it already has filed,
or plans to file, applications in those states. 



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[e-gold-list] Re: Silver Coin Auction

2002-02-12 Thread Jim Davidson

Dear JP,

 goldbarter.com is a sweet litle system isn't it!

Yes, it is!  And you should meet the developer, Todd Lipcon.
 If the winning budder, 






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[e-gold-list] PayPal woes continue in Louisiana, NY

2002-02-12 Thread Jim Davidson

Dear Friends,

Declan McCullagh, over at Wired, sent through this message
to his Politech list.  Those of you who are not subscribed
to Politech can see at the bottom of this post info on how
to get subscribed.

It seems that dealing in fiat money and doing bank like
things makes PayPal sufficiently bank-like that Louisiana
wants a licensing fee.  So does NY.  Isn't government just
the friendliest thing? grin

And, when these cuddlesome bureau-rats get done with PayPal,
you can imagine that Yahoo PayDirect and MSN c2it are next.
But, they cannot make such claims against e-gold or against
market makers, because state-licensed banks don't handle
gold-backed money. grin

So much for no state shall...make anything but gold or
silver coins a tender in payment of debt.




   By Troy Wolverton 
   Staff Writer, CNET News.com
   February 11, 2002, 5:45 PM PT

   In a letter sent last week, Louisiana asked the online payments
   company to cease offering its service to the state's residents until
   PayPal receives a license from the state, the company said in a
   regulatory document filed Monday. Although Louisiana residents account
   for a small fraction of the money sent through PayPal, the state's
   move could presage other governmental attempts to regulate PayPal's

   But PayPal also faces potential challenges from state banking
   regulators. During the past two years, California and Idaho have
   questioned whether PayPal is operating an unauthorized bank.
   Meanwhile, officials in Louisiana and New York have gone a step
   further and stated their opinion that PayPal is doing just that.


POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.
Declan McCullagh's photographs are at http://www.mccullagh.org/
To subscribe to Politech: http://www.politechbot.com/info/subscribe.html

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[e-gold-list] down and up within moments

2002-02-12 Thread Jim Davidson

Dear Friends,

Our hosting vendor had a problem about 1130 hours
on Tuesday 12 February.  The cable from their switch
to our server slipped out of their switch.  oops!
New cable was installed, and everything was back on
line at 1244 hours, same day.  

Nevertheless, if you were trying to reach Cambist.net,
in the middle of an order there, or using GoldBarter.com
or viewing GoldBarterHoldings.com during this period,
you may have experienced an outage of service.  We regret
the failure.


 http://www.Cambist.net/  http://www.Goldbarter.com/ 

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[e-gold-list] Re: Silver Coin Auction

2002-02-12 Thread khurram

 I bid!
 goldbarter.com is a sweet litle system isn't it!
 Super item, Khurram!
 If the winning budder, I will be destroying FDR, though!
   Maybe I'll throw in an extra FDR in that case..

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[e-gold-list] Attention: All Euro Gold Line Valued Customers.

2002-02-12 Thread Pacific Gold Exchange

Attention: All Euro Gold Line Valued Customers.

Please be aware the cable connection to the Euro Gold Line office in the
Netherlands is not performing at it's usual consistent connection rate. This
has affected different areas of the Euro Gold Line range of services. All
business with Euro Gold Line will return to normal as soon as possible.

Frank and the Euro Gold Line team apologize for this delay in fulfilling
their customers ecurrency needs in their usual timely manner. All payments,
debit card funding and other requests will be completed as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. Once again we sincerely
apologize for this delay.

per Frank (Euro Gold Line)
Pacific Gold Exchange.
Part of the Euro Gold Line Group.

GoldEx provides one of the most comprehensive Ecurrency services available -
including the purchase, selling and exchange of E-Gold, OSGold, E-Bullion
and EvoCash. GoldEx also provides a low cost, low fee anonymous numbered
debit card with easy Ecurrency funding.

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[e-gold-list] Is Gold Too Scarce to be Worldwide Money?

2002-02-12 Thread Patrick Chkoreff

I have some open questions here I hope someone can help me with.

From what I can tell, gold is TOO SCARCE to serve as the only form of money.
There just isn't enough of it.

Am I right?

The following article states that there is less that one troy ounce of gold
per person on earth:


I have seen other estimates that agree with this article.  There are only
about 130,000 metric tonnes of gold above ground right now, which is only
about 4.2 billion troy ounces.  This is considerably less than the 6 billion
people alive right now.

If gold were the sole form of money, it seems that it would be far too
valuable to be practical.  A mere microgram might buy you a week's worth of

Is gold too thin a commodity to serve as the only form of money?

Assume that there were NO fiat currencies.  It seems that we would need
something far more abundant than gold to serve as money.  I guess the most
obvious answer is silver.

In an ideal world of 100% hard money, would we need a bimetallic gold and
silver standard?  Would we need something other than even gold or silver,
and what might THAT be?  Real goods like coffee and pork bellies?

Can anyone enlighten me on the implications of this dramatic shortage of

Thanks in advance,
Patrick Chkoreff

P.S.  I simply DO NOT YET understand Ricardian systems or any kind of
digital token system.  I have not seen a satisfactory explanation of how and
when such money is created.  If I cut the neighbor's lawn, does he issue
me some kind of token that someone ELSE is supposed to honour?

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[e-gold-list] A funny thing happened

2002-02-12 Thread Ken Griffith

Within a week of the Gold Economy publishing an article debunking the Gold
Money patent, SOMEONE hacked into the Gold Economy MySQL server and deleted
everything.  Hmmm...

Fortunately, we made a backup the night before.

Keep trying punks.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Is Gold Too Scarce to be Worldwide Money?

2002-02-12 Thread Patrick Chkoreff

From: Ken Griffith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What is enough?  Digital gold is divisible as fine as you want to take it.
 The more the economy grows, the more the buying power of gold grows.

 Your question is evidence of a failure to understand the relationship of
 supply and demand.

 Gold is scalable - infinitely scalable.

No, I did not fail to understand anything.  I demonstrated my understanding
of this scaling principle quite explicitly.  Allow me to quote myself:

If gold were the sole form of money, it seems that it would be far too
valuable to be practical.  A mere microgram might buy you a week's worth of

All you're saying is YES, a microgram might indeed buy you a week's worth of
groceries.  I did pose that as an alternative, I just thought that might be
impractical.  Yes, if it's all digital, then maybe it IS practical (although
I think current DGCs only go down to the milligram).

If it's NOT all digital, then I suppose there might be paper certificates
for just one microgram of gold, but coins would be out of the question
because they'd be far too valuable.

Now JP's question about how many DOLLARS there are per capita was quite
intriguing, and got me thinking some more.  If there are only 200 DOLLARS
per person, then what's the big problem with 3/4 troy ounce gold per
person?!  It actually sounds fairly commensurate when you look at it that

If a microgram buys a week's worth of groceries, then I say WELCOME to that
kind of price deflation!  These are the kinds of price decreases John was
talking about when he compared it to the computer market.  Bring it on!


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[e-gold-list] Re: Is Gold Too Scarce to be Worldwide Money?

2002-02-12 Thread John

I believe that the amount of gold and silver available depends strictly on
the price. At the moment many gold and silver mines are shut down because of
the low price of these metals. A number of other processes that are able to
recover gold from say seawater are at this time too expensive to bother
with. Given a true free market in gold and other precious metals, Prices
would quickly stabilize at a level that would enable the mine owners a
profit on formerly unprofitable mines. Also with a true bimetal, or even
trimetal standard ,using copper as was used previously, plus the ware house
receipts for large transactions, The world wide economy would soon begin a
rate of growth unseen in the last 100 years. This would be accompanied with
falling prices such as have been seen previously in the computer market.
Even with initial high demand for previously expensive goods, prices should
continue to gradually fall for say a century or two. This would also
ofcourse have to include the collapse of most governments to prevent both
misdirected investments and inflations. If e-gold style commerce were added
to the equation the results would be amazing.

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[e-gold-list] Re: A funny thing happened

2002-02-12 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

On 12 Feb 2002, at 23:35, Ken Griffith wrote:

 Within a week of the Gold Economy publishing an article debunking the
 Gold Money patent, SOMEONE hacked into the Gold Economy MySQL server
 and deleted everything.  Hmmm...

Ken, what you are suggesting... make no sense at all.

Claude Cormier
Ormetal Inc.

Claude Cormier Public Key

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[e-gold-list] Re: Is Gold Too Scarce to be Worldwide Money?

2002-02-12 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.


You should ask the question How many US dollars on earth once 
all national currencies are converted to US dollars.

My guess is between 25-30 trillions or $4000 per individual. There 
are 31,103 mils (milligram per ounce). So each mils will be worth 
near $0.13 cents if all currencies are converted to gold.

Does that make sense?

Claude Cormier
Ormetal Inc.

Claude Cormier Public Key

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[e-gold-list] Re: Is Gold Too Scarce to be Worldwide Money?

2002-02-12 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

 From what I can tell, gold is TOO SCARCE to serve as the only form of
 money There just isn't enough of it.
 Am I right?

I don't think so. Theorically, since gold in the digital economy is 
highly divisable, there are more than enough mils (milligrams) for 
everybody on this planet. Simply said, the mils (milligram) will be 
worth what is needed to reach the equilibrium level.

Claude Cormier
Ormetal Inc.

Claude Cormier Public Key

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[e-gold-list] Re: Is Gold Too Scarce to be Worldwide Money?

2002-02-12 Thread Ken Griffith

 From what I can tell, gold is TOO SCARCE to serve as the only form of
 There just isn't enough of it.

What is enough?  Digital gold is divisible as fine as you want to take it.
The more the economy grows, the more the buying power of gold grows.

Your question is evidence of a failure to understand the relationship of
supply and demand.

Gold is scalable - infinitely scalable.

Kind regards,
Ken Griffith

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