[e-gold-list] Re: Gold dropping

2002-07-25 Thread lubo

Insanity prevails !!!
gold is a victim of deception and manipulation!
We have seen the repeated proof in the last days of ( TRADING   ??? )
no Fundamentals or sanity will correct the trend.

- Original Message -
From: Mark S. Ohberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 1:04 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Gold dropping

 Eve wrote:

  So...who/what's driving the price of gold DOWNward

 Hi Eve,

 This is the pause that refreshes.

 The main reason gold went up was a reduction in hedge books by major
producers. The industry is currently short about 97 million ounces of gold
from forward sales and option

 This is resulting in substantial losses for more than one quarter. The
dollar has weakened against the euro and other  major currencies as a
consequence of the dollar being
 overvalued. The US trade deficit is still exerting downward pressure on
the USD. But also because of investor pessimism in the US. But most of all,
the difference this time is the
 USD is no longer a safe haven for foreign investors. Gold is.

 Many with short positions expect gold will lose favor in its rivalry with
the dollar in the safe haven stakes by year-end. The dollar is trying to get
bolstered by the Federal
 Reserve Board

 On My Gold stock pick page.  The few Gold Equity stocks we have always
recommended have performed dramatically and only by mid year.  The Best
performer saw (Ticker: SEABF ) The
 Best performing precious metal Gold Equity Stock, with a half yearly
change that was up over 664%.

 Therefore to purchase a gold stock like this now can be risky.  This drop
in the gold price is the pause that refreshes.  The question is, Time to
Take profits or sit tight in hope
 of further gains?

 Any time gold is trading at a price less than 12-to-1 to the price of oil,
it's a bargain,
  nothing is ever said about this phenomenon. Gold's very identity is
undergoing a seismic shift perhaps not seen since the 1970s when the United
States stopped pegging the dollar to
 gold and began allowing private ownership of it. The metal's value now is
more affected by speculative trading, increasingly complex hedging programs,
and foreign exchange rates in
 the global, electronic economy.

 Stay the course, maintain your heading, start funding you e-gold account
while the tick is paused and lock in those gold bullion prices.

 Kind Regards
 Mark S. Ă–hberg

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold dropping

2002-07-25 Thread Mark S. Ohberg

lubo wrote:

 Insanity prevails !!!

But why, every Five Years there seems to be a new advertising program, a new slogan 
and a new person in charge of the new pgm?
I'd like to know.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Fwd: [fc] Financial Cryptography 2003 CFP

2002-07-25 Thread James M. Ray

Always an interesting event, in part because of the fun,
intelligent attendees -- and in part because it tends to
happen in a very-tropical location in the dead of winter
(by design, since Bob Hettinga lives in Boston). e-gold
has, in the past, sponsored of this event.

Also, coming very soon, the return of the classic e-gold
t-shirt, in natural cotton!

Call for Papers
Financial Cryptography '03

January 27-30, 2003
La Creole Beach Hotel, Gosier, Guadeloupe

Sponsored by the International Financial Cryptography Association

Original papers are solicited on all aspects of financial data
security and digital commerce for submission to the Seventh Annual
Conference on Financial Cryptography (FC '03). FC '03 brings together
researchers in the financial, legal, cryptologic, and data security
fields to foster cooperation and exchange of ideas. Relevant topics

   Anonymity Infrastructure Design 

Legal and Regulatory Issues
   Audit and Auditability   Payments and Micropayments
   Authentication and IdentificationPeer-to-Peer Systems
   Certification and Authorization  Privacy
   Commercial Transactions and ContractsReputation Systems
   Digital Incentive SystemsRisks Management
   Digital Rights ManagementSecure Banking
   Identity Management  Smart Cards
   Implementation IssuesTrust Management
   Information EconomicsWatermarking

We are particularly interested in novel approaches, such as
game-theoretic or economic approaches, to these topics.
Instructions for Authors: Complete papers (or complete extended
abstracts) must be at most fifteen (15) single-spaced standard pages
in length and must be received by 23h59 EST on September 13, 2002. All
papers must be submitted electronically. (In exceptional
circumstances, paper submissions can be accepted, but special
arrangements must be made with the program chairs prior to September
1, 2002.) Papers must be in either standard PostScript or PDF format,
and should be submitted electronically according to the instructions
at http://ifca.ai/fc03/ prior to the deadline. Submissions in formats
other than PostScript or PDF, including word processor source formats
such as MS Word or LaTeX, will be rejected.

Submitted papers should include on the first page the title, all
authors and their affiliations, a brief abstract, and a list of
topical keywords. Papers must describe original work. Submission of
previously published material and simultaneous submission of papers to
other conferences or workshops with proceedings is not
permitted. Authors of papers found to be double submissions risk
having all their submissions withdrawn from consideration, as well as
any other appropriate sanctions.

Proposals for panels are also solicited, and should include a brief
description of the panel as well as prospective participants. Panel
proposals should also be submitted electronically, in plain ASCII

The conference proceedings containing all accepted papers will be
published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) series after the conference. A pre-proceedings containing
preliminary versions of the papers will be distributed at the

Important Dates:

   Conference   January 27 - 30, 2003
   Submission deadline  September 13, 2002, 23h59 EST
   Author notification  November 11, 2002
   Pre-proceedings version due  December 16, 2002
   Proceedings version due  March 31, 2003

General Chair: David Pointcheval (Ecole Normale Superieure)

Program Chairs: Jean Camp (Harvard University) and Rebecca Wright
 (Stevens Institute of Technology)

Program Committee:

Chris Avery (Harvard Universiy) Helger Lipmaa (Helsinki 
University of Technology)
Dan Burk (University of Minnesota)  Dahlia Malkhi (Hebrew University 
of Jerusalem)
Lorrie Cranor (ATT Labs)   Satoshi Obana (NEC)
Carl Ellison (Intel Labs)   Andrew Odlyzko (University of Minnesota)
Ian Goldberg (Zero Knowledge)   Benny Pinkas (DIMACS)
John Ioannides (ATT Labs)  Jacques Stern (Ecole Normale Superieure)
Markus Jakobsson (RSA Laboratories) Gene Tsudik (U. C. Irvine) 

Ari Juels (RSA Laboratories)

fc mailing list

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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] Evolution in action...

2002-07-25 Thread Graham Kelly

E-Myth is an EXCELLENT piece of absolute applied wisdom, IMHO!

I like what Charlie Tremendous Jones says..

... you will be the same in 5 years time, except for the people you
meet, and the books you read!


Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
US FreeFax +1(866)302-5775
US Phone +1(817)238-9955
UK Phone +44(0)7092337612
Direct Dial +371 505-4367 Latvia

Apply for your GoldNow anonymous debit card, now! 

 ps.  The e-Myth by Michael E. Gerber is an excellent bit of insight.
 Anyone else read it?

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Fwd: [fc] Financial Cryptography 2003 CFP

2002-07-25 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 1:19 PM -0400 on 7/25/02, James M. Ray wrote:

 (by design, since Bob Hettinga lives in Boston)

Bob Hettinga is no longer affiliated, though. Looks like I'm going to be
shovelling snow this year.


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] We publicly withdraw our ECTA membership

2002-07-25 Thread shupperd1

We would like to publicly withdraw our membership at www.fastgold.net from
the ECTA.  They have been of no use to us.

James Shupperd

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