[e-gold-list] Same Scam, second verse...

2001-05-14 Thread jammer99


and surrounding messages indicate that someone still needs some long treatises 
on morality, etc. REMEMBER! DO NOT enter correct account info on the e-qold 
(that's a Q) site. The e-gold (with a G) guys are (once again) complaining,
 but other measures -- depending on um...your own creativity are invited.

I'd note that if law enforcement weren't so damned busy with that criminal 
Parker Bradley they might have more resources to devote to this problem,
 but that would be a very-nasty thing for me to say. sigh...

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[e-gold-list] Let's help the e-Qold guy!

2001-04-10 Thread jammer99

Examination of the bogus "e-qold" site reveals that stolen passwords then 

(This is revealed in the www.e-Qold.com html, so I'm ccing the Altavista 
abuse address, along with our new friend's altavista address.)

Perhaps we should all send this entity our thoughts on e-gold passphrase 
theft? Folks might also want to enter their own account numbers and then 
a "creative" non-password, too, right on the scammer's site! These are just 
educational suggestions, meant to assist this person in assessing the morality 
of his/her actions. Some of you might even want to send this person large 
quantities of information about e-gold, your personal ruminations on morality 
and/or theology and/or ethics, and all manner of other useful e-mail things,
 I don't know! Just a thought.

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[e-gold-list] Bigtime Fraud

2001-03-20 Thread jammer99


This guy obviously practiced a Willie Sutton "because that's where the money 
is" philosophy.

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[e-gold-list] Interesting article about money laundering

2001-03-08 Thread jammer99


from the venerable John Young. I've also seen figures saying
that US taxpayers basically see $1 siezed for every $22 spent,
something for them to think about this April 15th, i guess.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Inquiring Minds

2001-02-19 Thread jammer99
which Costa apparently tried to 
circumvent) and their user agreement says nothing about taking the fall 
for scammers. Viking made the best suggestion, forget the gold for ten years 
and then go back and claim the loot when  the law's not sniffing about. 
One thing's for sure -- if the crook(s) had gotten away with that $1.1M 
Outexchange and made off with the loot, you'd be 100% guaranteed shit-outta-
luck. As it is, you should be thanking your lucky stars for both of the 
user agreements that you so dislike reading, since they're all that's giving 
you even a snowflake's chance in hell of getting your gold back.

If the government of the U.S. is involved in e-gold/OmniPay business, in
order to make a statement against "Costa"-types of business on the
internet, then there is NO hope for ANY of this. The TRUTH WILL prevail,

Omnipay says it follows US laws, but I see no evidence (apart from your 
ravings, that is) for them being the feds. That evidence seems weak, but 
the evidence that Costa Gold is made up of (somewhat incompetent) crook(s) 
is pretty powerful. You trusted a crooked scammer, and your money's now 
effectively gone, only instead of being gone the usual way (stolen) it's 
still visible in the publicly-viewable escrow account, and nobody gets to 
use it. That must be frustrating, but you might want to consider this loss 
a "costa" doing 'business' with these types of Ponzi schmes. (I kinda hope 
the Gold Casino or some legitimate game site makes a fun/funny bet out of 
"will the Costagold people ever get their gold back, and if so when?")

The OmniPay folks AND their escrow folks should NOT trample on the rights
to privacy of "foreign individuals" .. this issue impacts the privacy
rights of ALL of us ... you too, "Viking".

If by "privacy rights" you mean "the right to reinterpret the e-gold  OmniPay 
user agreements to include terms they already explicitly EXclude," you're 
going to be griping without success for a while. e-gold gives you OK privacy,
 but not anonymity. OmniPay uses US banks to pay customers, which means 
you must look to those banks for privacy (good luck). 

None of this is/was a big secret when you got an e-gold account. If you 
want to use anonymous cash to pay scammers, find something else like green 
paper or digigold or even physical pieces of gold and have at it! You even 
suggested that internet dollar system, which might be a better choice for 
a typical scammers' marks^H^H^H^H^Hcustomers because it's not grams of metal.

It is odd that you attack the pseudonymity of Viking Coder (easier than 
arguing with him on your facts, so I guess I can't blame you..) yet at the 
same time, you seem to be an absolutist regarding "foreign individuals" 
and privacy of any sort. I detect a bit of a double-standard.


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[e-gold-list] GATA goes to South Africa

2001-02-18 Thread jammer99


There's also a new "RealPlayer" clip of Mr. Murphy on the page, it gets 
a bit much with the music, but it's interesting they're still kicking along. 
D-Day for their lawsuit is March 15th.

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[e-gold-list] Inflation on the horizon?

2001-02-16 Thread jammer99


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[e-gold-list] I wish them luck

2001-01-25 Thread jammer99


The WGC is again thinking about how to market gold, which throughout history 
has been the most wanted substance on the planet, or one of them. They hired 
a big firm (see story).

This certainly sounds like a better strategy than their previous (futile,
 and I told them so at the time, before they had failed) strategy of attempting 
to convince central bankers to do what they obviously DIDN'T want to do,
 and $50 million is a lot of loot. I think that if they put $1 million of 
that into buying a big pile of e-gold, right now, they could do wonders 
for gold miners, e-gold, and the WGC. I wonder if they'll be that smart? 

Here's hoping so.

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[e-gold-list] hacking?? I don't see evidence.

2001-01-17 Thread jammer99

Yes, e-gold is BIG business and as such it is utterly 
INEXCUSABLE that they do not have 24/7 live tech support
and are not working their a**es off making our e-gold
accounts opaque to hackers. I know of one person
who had I5K removed from his account, and just
this week two people I know have had attempts at
hacking their e-gold accounts, in one case
rendering it useless for spends. 

If you click on every untrusted executable sent to you,
there's nothing that e-gold [or anyone else] could do.
It's called evolution in action.

I'm betting that happened here. Why? Well, take a look
at  the message above. "15K" is almost certainly a
reference to dollars, and yet we know e-gold is  grams,
BUT...Scams and/or ponzi schemes tend to describe
their outsized-compared-to-Ponzi's-promises in terms
of dollars, and then expect to use e-gold as a source
of free technical support for their exceptionally dumb
customers. 24-7 tech support can't protect your e-gold
passphrase if you click on every attachment sent to
you, and people who tend to fall for schemes like 'ebiz'
(let's be honest here) aren't exactly the brightest folks 
on the planet when it comes to other aspects of life. 

It doesn't matter what operating system you or e-gold
installs next. I see no evidence that *e-gold* computers
have _ever_ been compromised, but e-gold can't help
the owners of insecure remote computers if they won't
help themselves (and I think they're answering emails
in a timely manner these days).

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[e-gold-list] Those brilliant Brits

2001-01-12 Thread jammer99


Gosh, what a shock that socialists can't get selling gold right for the 
taxpayers. Slowly, the WGC is getting the clue that GATA had a year ago,
 and someday the "mainstream" media may even get that very same clue.

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[e-gold-list] Glencannon's wrong, IMO

2000-12-20 Thread jammer99

Here's why. Substitute "Yen" when he says or means "grams of gold" and you'll 
see that it
does not make sense anymore.

A big multinational won't LIKE having another currency to deal with, but 
they're entirely used
to dealing with a variety of currencies every day, and with computers it's 
no big problem for
even relatively-small businesses to calculate capital gains and losses (I'm 
at a loss as to
how storage or spend fees play into this, especially since one gets calculated 
in weight
and the other in dollars). Clearly not all financial activity in the e-gold 
system is reported to
tax authorities, nor should it be IMO. That makes e-gold no different than 
dollars, and the
federal government will probably figure that out, eventually, after wasting 
lots of time and
money first.

I also think the root of e-gold and OmniPay's customer service problems 
is indeed scams
like "ebiz," which appears to be merely a particularly brazen and well-done 
Ponzi scheme.
If I am wrong about this (I have not signed up for their service, as I don't 
trust them with my
gold!) then could one of their proponents please give a coherent answer 
as to exactly what
business they DO do??? One guy on the free-market.net board suggested they're 
takers, which makes sense, considering they want your tax info while failing 
to identify 
themselves to you in any way. No response to him yet from the scammers...

Anyway, the problem with scams is that it brings a new and much stupider 
crop of folks
in to try and understand e-gold, which has never been that simple even before 
started misrepresenting grams as "dollars," because it makes the scammin' 
than a truthful explanation. BUT, stupid as these newcomers are (and we've 
spent the
last week watching them get skewered here, apparently Delphi's more welcoming 
idiots with more hope than sense!) it's hard to feel sorry for them, because 
even they
know it's a scam, and these fools seem universally to be relying on an even-
set of fools to come along  double/triple their money in X days. The problem 
is that
even dimwits, thank god, have limits on how fast they can breed, and scams 
are so
desperate and running out of morons that they actually refer to the failures 
of previous 
scammers instead of just keeping mum. Stupider people take more customer 
time and money than college-educated, hard money conservative economics 
that used to populate this list in the old days before scams like ebiz came 
along, and
we suffer for it if we need help from OmniPay...

Will scams ever go away entirely? No, not as long as greed accompanies stupidity,
I predict Glencannon is exactly wrong, and that more "mainstream" companies 
pick up e-gold. They're sheep, and they're not especially smart, but all 
it takes is one
and the rest will follow [while saying it was their idea]. I predict even 
the mainstream
media will finally notice e-gold next year, and they will grow like mad 

In fact, I think that Amazon.com is going to have an e-gold account 365 
days from now
or, alternatively, they'll be in bankruptcy. e-gold seems to be about the 
only thing that
can save both them and a lot of other fundamentally-fucked-up dot.com's,
  and that's
going to work to all our benefits (even Glencannon's) in the gold economy 
next year. 

Barbara Feldon rulez

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