That AP article has a lot of waffling from law enforcement types about
the "potential for money laundering" and statements from e-gold
personnel indicating a willingness to roll over and play dead. Shame on

I've said it before and I'll stand by it: money laundering is a
*fundamental human right*.

The whole fuss is just a BS cover story for the real intent, which is to
have zero financial privacy, meaning zero ability to shelter from
thieving taxes and idiot prohibitionist laws. Zero right to spend your
own money without the politician's permission. The money laundering laws
aren't there to prevent large scale mob laundering, which is what
they're sold as, because the mob can bypass them using thousands of
small transactions. They're there to stop individuals excercising their

E-gold, if you're reading this, please STOP collaborating with this
privacy invasion.

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