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Status:  U
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 19:21:54 -0500
Subject: ip: Bin Laden rigged oil and gold prices


Bin Laden rigged oil and gold prices - bank chief
By Philip Sherwell
(Filed: 23/09/2001)

OSAMA bin LADEN is believed to have made a massive profit from trading in
oil and gold as well as shares on the eve of the suicide attacks blamed on
his followers.

Ernst Welteke, president of the Bundesbank, said financial investigators had
found strong indications of suspicious dealings in gold and oil, as well as
unusual movements in airline and insurance shares, in the days before the
September 11 attacks in the United States.

It appears that terrorist leaders capitalised on their "insider knowledge"
of the planned atrocities to invest in oil and gold, knowing that the prices
would rise after the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon.
Strange stock-market fluctuations have already been identified.

European Union finance ministers, meeting in Liege, Belgium, ordered
national regulators to investigate the alleged market manipulations. Gordon
Brown, the Chancellor, said: "Financial institutions in every part of the
world should be under an obligation to report suspicious transactions where
terrorist money could be in use."

Mr Welteke, speaking during a break in the same meeting yesterday, said:
"There are ever clearer signs that there were activities on international
financial markets that must have been carried out with the necessary expert

He reported an unusual rise in oil prices before the attacks. This could
mean that people had bought oil contracts, and later sold them at a higher
price. Gold-market movements also "needed explaining".

Gold, a traditional refuge for investors in times of crisis, has risen in
price each day since the attack. Oil prices soared 13 per cent within 24
hours of the atrocities.

The money-making operation, thought to have earned millions for terrorist
coffers, follows to the word a 1998 exhortation by one of bin Laden's
Islamist front groups to "kill the Americans and plunder their money".

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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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