A while back was some rumors about the gold situation in China.

here is a link (registration required, but joecypher and a password of
cypherpunk, works ;)

quick bit of interest"Just over a week ago, as part of its ongoing
deregulation drive, the government began setting gold prices on a weekly

This replaced the previous policy of resetting prices every six months, a
system that had allowed large gaps between international and domestic
prices to develop and encouraged exports.

For the past 50 years, gold trading has been controlled strictly by the
central People's Bank of China, which requires gold producers to sell
their output to the PBOC at fixed prices.

Analysts estimate that with deregulation, annual demand in China could
triple to as much as 600 tonnes within the next few years, a volume that
could pressure producers, judging by the planned output of 175 tonnes for
this year.

Growing affluence in the richer coastal cities, which has driven up sales
of gold jewellery, has also squeezed demand for the metal.


PS:Thanks to all who offered to help out with the MS-gold the winning bid
was 4.015g for 4.015g

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