Hello Gold Community!

    Please be on the watch for this company and the individuals mentioned in
this mass e-mail they send out from time to time. The company is a scam as
its owner/operator is:

>Mr. Raymond Chambers
> President
> ACH Financing, Inc.
> 1-800--750-1462

    The company is a bogus front for a credit card scam.  To make a long
story short (and spare you from the boring details) they are issuing fake
Merchant Provider contracts to small businesses.

    If anyone wants the long winded, bore you to tears, detailed story,
contact me directly.  Otherwise, my professional recommendation is stay away
from them!

    This is  public service announcement brought to you by the friendly
staff of Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.   Gaithmans:  where Exceptional
Customer Service is the standard!**

Eric Gaither, President
Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.
(317) 788-8580 Voice
(317) 788-8581 Fax

**Taxes, titles, tags not included.  Some assembly required.  Do not take
this product and attempt to operate heavy equipment. Minor side effects
include giggling, smiling, and funny noises erupting from the corners of
your oral cavity!

----- Original Message -----
To: Eric Gaither, E-Gold Exchange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 9:14 AM

> With $10 Billion in e-Commerce sales - Isn't It Time You
>                        Started Making Money On The Internet?
> ACH Financing is a leader in the Internet transaction processing
> industry. For the merchant who wants to get online fast with a limited
> budget, ACH Financing Inc is the best choice.
> - 99% merchant approval rate
> - Virtual Checks
> - Real-time Processing
> - Competitive Rates
> - Unsurpassed Customer Service 24 hours a day
> - All eCommerce Solutions
> How To Accept Credit Cards & Checks On The Internet & Off-line for
> only $29.95 per month flat!!
> 3 Easy Steps To Your Merchant Account

> International Telephone Check Electronic
> Payment Merchant System
> Dear Web Entrepreneur/New Business Owner!
>              Thank you for responding to our advertisement
> "Would You Like to Accept Credit Cards & Check Processing
> For only $29.95 per month flat!" Worldwide Acceptance! 30 Day FREE trial!
> Guaranteed Funds! No Charge Backs! 24 Hour Funds Availabilty!
> (Telephone Check & Credit Card Payment Merchant System)
> The enclosed information will give you the information you
> need about our Telephone Check & Credit Card Payment
> System service. If there are any additional questions you
> need to have answered, please feel free to contact us
> at our main office and some one will be happy to
> assist you. Our office hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm
> Monday through Friday eastern standard time.
> As a special bonus to the readers of this colum.....
> the first 500 merchants that  respond to this offer
> within 10 business days will receive a FREE BONUS GIFT
> CREDIT CARD MERCHANT ACCOUNT just for trying this system.
> "Don't Delay! ACT NOW! Accounts are being filled on a first come
> first serve basis.  If You've ever thought about making EXTRA GUARANTEED
> 20,000- $30,000 per month from accepting credit cards & electronic check
> in your business Here's your chance to do it!"
> 1-800--750-1462
> Mr. Raymond Chambers
> President
> ACH Financing, Inc.
> We are a registered financial institution and MEMBER for the following
> insured banks: First National Bank of Central Florida Longwood Fl;
> Bank, Eureka CA; Redding Bank of Commerce, Redding CA; Tehama Bank. Red
> Bluff,CA: Bank of Oakland, Oakland CA: Debit Network Sponsorship: Florida
> International Bank, Miami, Fl; Hudson United Bank, Union City, NJ; Bank of
> America Westmister CA; Compass Bank, Jacksonville Fl;
> Important Notice: Clients outside USA are required to open a $1,000 USA
> security deposit bank account with ACH Financing Inc to accept electronic
> payments. This requirement has been made a standard practice by the
> USA Federal Reserve Banking System.
> Announcing the Greatest Payment System Since the Credit
> Card!
> Attention Businesses... Accept Personal &
> Business Electronic Payments Over The
> Telephone (or by fax & on-line) for Your
> Orders, Payments, Collections &
> Donations Worldwide!
> Accept e-payment over the phone (or by fax & online)
> just like credit cards but without the charge back
> problems!
> Increase your advertising & sale results by 200 % or more!
> Telephone Check E-Payment System prepares the
> payments for you and can have them deposited,
> electronically into your bank account within 24
> hours...all at a low cost fixed flat rate of $29.95
> per month!
> Don't lose that very important IMPULSE SALE because your customer doesn't
> have a credit card or has no credit available to make a purchase!
> *Eliminate credit card charge backs that can cause you to lose your credit
> merchant status!
> Customer's signature on payment is not necessary.
> Only verbal authorization over the phone is required.
> Telephone Check E-Payment System will ACH the required signatory
> information on each payment.
> You can be accepting e-payments over the phone (or by fax & on-line)
> the next few minutes if you ACT NOW. Telephone Check E-Payment System
> can fax or e-mail forms to you for your immediate use!
> Dear Business Owner,
> If you are now taking orders over the phone (or would like to do so), then
> please immediatley and carefully READ this brochure about the greatest new
> payment system since the credit card. It can dramatically increase your
> as well as payments and collections almost immediately, at a lower cost
> any credit card you are now accepting! All businesses are accepted for
> service, reguardless of their credit history!
> It's Fast & Simple to Accept Electronic Payments Over The Phone!
> Here's How It Works
> Your telephone sales people will get your customer's regular sales and
> shipping information, and in addition, will ask the customer for his/her
> as it appears on the check, the check number that your customer wants to
> the amount of purchase or payment, and all the numbers that appear across
> the bottom of the check. Those numbers contain the bank routing code,
> customer's bank account number and check number. ACH Financing
> Inc. will supply you with a complete start up kit for your staff to
> their new international system for this purpose, which can be faxed or
> to their national headquarter 24 hours per day or which can be phoned in
> between 9am and 4:30pm & Saturday 9am to 1pm eastern standard time
> on any business day.
> As soon as ACH FINANCING Inc. receives your customer information
> via fax, via e-mail, or by phone, they will immediatley electronically
> funds against that customer bank account. They will also GUARANTEE your
> customer's electronic payments before they are deposited, so that you can
> make immediate shipment without fear of loss. Finally 100% of your funds
> directly deposited into you bank account within 24 hours!
> Your Cost ...A low $29.95 Per Month Fixed Flat Rate!
> Now, enjoy increased sales, payments, collections & donations at a very
> economical cost. ACH Financing Inc rates are only $29.95 per month
> fixed flat rate for unlimited usage, reguardless of the payment amount.
> means that if you process as little as $25 a month in sales volume or as
> as $100,000 a year. It will only cost you $29.95 per month Fixed Flat Rate
> unlimited usage of our service and NO PERCENTAGE OF YOUR SALES.
> 100% of your funds are directly deposited into your bank account within
> 24 hours! This is less than a credit card order and less than the charges
> of any of our competitors that we know of. The one time set up fee is only
> and you can use the service as much or as little as you choose without any
> Increase Your Sales, Payments & Collections
> There are over 100 million consumers who have checking accounts but do not
> have credit cards, and millions of credit card holders with little or no
> credit currently available on their cards. You can dramatically increase
> sales by tapping into this huge market with your ability to take
> payments over the telephone, via fax and via on-line. Don't lose that
> IMPULSE SALE!  Your customer is on the phone and the sale is closed...your
> customer wants to order...but if your customer has to start thinking about
> purchase, and any negative aspect that may be associated with it, or gets
> distracted with other daily affairs, your sale may go down the proverbal
> Another senario: your staff is calling for past due payment. No longer
will you
> have to ask when the payment will be mailed. Just ask your customer to
> immediately take out his/her checkbook and get the information right there
> then. You'll save your customer the hassle of getting to a mail box
> in bad wheather), or maybe they have small children to watch, or are out
> stamps, or the million and one excuses that inhibit your cash flow. Say
> bye" to customer excuses and delays. Now you can immediately ascertain
> your customer's sincerity and get the electronic payment right over the
> fax, or on-line, or take collection action without further delays and
> additional collection expenses! ACH Financing Inc can even process a
> series of post dated electronic payments for you to conform with any
> arrangements that you have made with your customers.
> Telephone check electronic payments will be the Greatest Boom to all *Mail
> Order, *Internet & E-commerce Businesses, *Home Base Businesses, *New
> *Small Businesses, *Service Oriented Businesses, *Telecommuncation
> Telemarketing businesses and for all of your Automatic Payment Plans with
> Electronic Payments can automate your receivables, improve your cash flow
> save you time & money.Virtually any business can benefit from electronic
> payments.
> Copyright 2000 Telephone Check Payment System
> Attention - Getting Logos Available For Your Use!
> ACH Financing Inc.will supply you with Telephone Check Electronic
> Payment System Logos in various sizes, plus other sales material so that
> can let your customer know that you can accept their payment over the
> via fax, or by via on-line.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Simply add authorization wording to all your payment contracts to create
> deposit a electronic payment against your customer account and get a void
> check. You'll save the cost of all those reminder letters and calls and
> your cash flow up to where it is supposed to be. Businesses will love the
> ability togive you a electronic payment right over the phone, via fax, or
> via on-line, to place an order as most businesses don't like to order by
> card. Telephone check electronic payments are also great for fund raising.
> Now your telemarketers can collect that pledge immediately over the phone!
> *Protect Your Credit Card Merchant Account Status & Avoid COD Returns
> As you are aware, Visa credit card chargebacks of 1% can put your credit
> merchant account at risk of termination. And if your business is placed on
> "Merchant Terminated" list maintained by Master Card and Visa, you will
> be able to get another Merchant Account anywhere. In addition, if your
> card customer does not pay his/her bill, the bank may send you a photo
> request for confirmation of the credit card sale. If you do not have the
> card imprint, a chargeback may be headed your way even though you acted in
> good faith and delivered the merchandise. Telephone Check Electronic
> Payments Over the phone, via fax, or on-line, eliminates these
> problems.
> Many mail order firms have 50% or more of their COD shipments returned
> unpaid and that's why many of them no longer accept COD orders. Two of the
> main reasons for unpaid COD are that the customer has cooled off and the
> important IMPULSE FACTOR has been lost in transit time, or in today's two
> worker's households, no one is home to accept the shipment. Telephone
> Check Electronic Payment eliminates these problems and will save the
> expense of making nonproductive shipments!
> *Changing Methods Of Consumer Marketing Will Require Telephone
> Check Electronic Payments!
> Even if you feel that you can still prosper without accepting electronic
> payments over the phone, via fax, or  via on-line, you won't be able to in
> near future. Marketing is now under going rapid changes. The telephone
> companies are scrambling to get into cable and TV home shopping. Catalog
> companies are putting their catalogs on CD - Rom disk for home shopping.
> Computer on-line services like Prodigy, America on-line, Compuserve, etc;
> growing by leaps and bounds with on-line shopping. Businesses are racing
> offer their goods and services on the worldwide Internet Telecommunication
> System. And keep in mind that all of the above sales made through the
> by credit card will not have the card holder's imprint and are subject to
> stolen cards and card numbers.. less than sincere card holders and
> by banks for not being paid by their cardholders for lack of the merchant
> obtaining the actual credit card imprint. Telephone Check Electronic
> will be playing a very important role in the new wave of consumer
marketing and
> you will soon be seeing more and more companies offering this method of
> payment.
> Your competitors will be using this service, so why lose your competitive
> Beat them to the punch by accepting Telephone Check Electronic
> Payments  now and stay ahead of the pack! It's important to the prosperity
> your business - especially in today's economy.
> Get "on-line" Immediately
> and start increasing your sales, payment, collections and donations! As
> as you sign up for the service, ACH Financing Inc. will send you a
> Complete Start-Up Kit so you can immediately start using the unique
> International Telephone Check Electronic Payment System. You can sign
> up now by phone, via fax, or via on-line, and ACH Financing Inc. will
> fax/e-mail you a complete start up kit so that you can immediately start
> accepting electronic payments via phone, via fax, or via on-line. Remember
> can also phone electronic payments into them. Payments can be
> transferred into your bank account within 24 hours if called in, faxed in,
> e-mailed to ACH Financing, Inc. before 2pm daily (eastern standard
> time).
> To start service, call us now at the number below (on the order form). We
> also accept your business or personal electronic payment over the phone,
> fax, or via on-line. You may also mail the enrollment form with the
> $69.95 set up fee.
> Any questions?, please feel free to call us now! We will be pleased to
> any and all questions that you may have about our service. We look forward
> serving your business needs and helping you to increase sales and payments
> with our International Telephone Check Electronic Payment System.
> -----Telephone Check Payment System Service Order form---
> ACH Financing, Inc.
> 10381 Shelby Creek Road N.
> Jacksonville, Florida 32221
> Phone: (800) 750-1462 Extension 3
> Fax: (904) 786-2961
> (x) YES! Please sign us up for Telephone Check Electronic Payment
> System service and rush a complete start-up kit so that we can start
> personal and business electronic payments for our goods and services. I
> understand that your service is subject to the terms and conditions on
> service agreement form which will follow.
> Signature_______________________________________________________
> (  ) I have enclosed the one-time sign up fee of $69.95 US funds
> (  ) Check  (  ) Money Order
> (  ) Here's my Visa or Master Card Credit Card
> Type of Credit Card______Visa_____Master Card
> Expiration Date______/_______/_______
> Name_________________________________Title_______________________
> Business
> Name__________________________________________________________
> Address__________________________________________________________
> City__________________________State_______________Zip______________
> Business Phone  (              )_________________________
> Fax (          )____________________________________
> Home Phone     (            )_____________________________
> (  ) Please fax/e-mail some Telephone Check Electronic Payment Fax
> Forms so that I can start using the service immediately ( you may photo
> these forms)  Fax to (           )__________________________
> (  ) Please also fax/e-mail cover sheet to the attention
> of_______________________________
> ****SIGN UP NOW by using the following method: Check-By-Phone
> We will answer any questions you have to help you make a quality decision.
> For immediate service Sign Up NOW using Check-By-Fax: 1-904-786-2961
> and to receive your complete system today.
> Copyright 2000 all rights reserved
> *SPECIAL NOTICE: If You Are Processing More Than $100,000 In Sales A Year
> Contact Us Today For Additional Rates! We Can Also Set Up Credit Card
> Acceptance For a Flat Rate! CALL NOW!
> ***Under Bill S.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th
> U.S. Congress this letter Can Not be Considered Spam
> as long as we include the way to be removed.
> This message is sent in compliance with the new e-mail bill: SECTION
> 301. Sender: ACH Financing, Inc. Phone: 904-786-2961
> Address: 10381 Shelby Creek Road N. Jacksonville, Florida 32221 "Per
> Section 301, Paragraph (a)(2)(C) of S. 1618, further transmissions to
> you by sender of this email may be stopped, at no cost to you, by
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