Good Afternoon!
      I have some bits of information that may be of great interest to all of you gold buffs out there!  We are conducting a test of some new software for our exchange service and thought we would try it out with a small gift to the e-gold community.
    Today, Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc. is having our first ever "gold sale" and minor price reduction.  This is a one day only market/software test, so it may not be repeated.
    E-gold and SR-AUG- 4.5% for payment by bank wire and cash deposit.  Funding will be SAME DAY. (Meaning: you will have the gold in your e-gold or SR account TODAY)  This is a 3% reduction in our standard "Priority Service"  fee.
    IF you are interested, please notify me as soon as possible as supplies are limited and I expect to complete this by end of today's business.  Again, SAME DAY funding at 4.5% (save 3%) for bank wire and cash deposit and receive the gold TODAY.
     To all of you chess players out there, this might be a great time to pick up some e-gold to prepare yourselves for the new chess game that is being developed that accepts e-gold! OR, buy some Capuline coffee, pick up some goods from via (try anyone one of the "commerce by proxy" sites),  get a new website from, pick up something warm and fuzzy from , a new plant from ,  the  possibilities are endless! 
Take a look at the e-gold directory page yourself and see what you can do with your new e-gold supply:
Remember: E-gold and SR-AUG  at 4.5% funded TODAY...going...going....
Gaithmans...Get There!
    Warmest Regards,
Eric Gaither, President
Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.
(317) 788-8580 Voice
*To qualify for the SAME DAY funding at 4.5%, payment must be made by bank wire or cash deposit to a Gaithmans approved affiliate.  Please review our website for a complete listing of payment options, instructions, and locations!
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