>On the public balance page there is one account with 

>a balance of negative 7.7 oz of silver.

>I wonder how many other accounts with negative

>balances there are and 

>how that is reflected on the examiner.


  I only explanation I can come up with that would explain a negative balance would be 
the storage fee.  Once a month the e-gold accounts get charged a 1/12% storage fee for 
the average balance they maintained over the past month.  So a person who has a large 
balance of metal in their account can spend from their account to another one of their 
own accounts and bypass the storage fee.  The metal gets sent to a new account and the 
old one gets hit with a storage fee.  Since the old account now has a 0 balance, after 
the storage fee it comes down to negative.

  However, when examiner totals up the amount of metal in circulation, the negative 7 
ounces, for example, get crossed out by 7 positive ounces.  This results in the 
examiner showing 7 ounces less in circulation then there actually is.

  All of a sudden, there can be 7 less ounces of physical metal in reserve then there 
is e-metal in circulation.

  It would be interesting to see how much negative metal in circulation there actually 

    Khurram Khan

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